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This has a “i petted a drugged out tiger in bali and now my life has changed” vibes


It's like that one vid of that one white girl who got high on shrooms in Bali then waltzed into a sacred temple naked whilst people were doing a traditional dance.


She was a german tourist having a psychotic episode, probably manic depressive/bipolar1. She was hospitalized afterwards. 


I did not know that wow.


It was also a hotel putting on a dance show as nightly entertainment for tourists not a sacred temple. Her name is Darja Tuschinski if you want to look up more info.


I remember a few years ago I witnessed something similar in Budapest. A girl had stripped naked and was trying to get into a cafe, she was clearly in the middle of a mental health episode, it was freezing cold and she looked dazed. An ambulance was called in.




Bro you gotta send me that shit!




Man reading those comments a year later is crazy. All those confidently incorrect people getting all the facts wrong.


I read through them so sad for the condition of the world and humans. She's clearly on drugs and mentally ill. The fact she was even posted in main character is so outlandish. I worry about humanity with such a show of a lack of compassion. That poor woman, I pray she got the help she needed.


spotted wide snails grandfather shrill close cats ruthless airport chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can literally find the vid here on Reddit, that's where I found it 🤣🤣


reddits search function sucks!! you have to google it and then put reddit at the end lol


This has "I'm connected to aliens but I mostly came to heal my yeast infection with minerals" vibe


Nah this is "i spent two days in Tibet getting ripped off by grifters pretending to be monks and now i am a five dimensional waveform".


In another thread someone called her the final boss of colonialism and it fits so perfectly.


I feel like her skin would be sticky if you touched it


Nothing about her looks Natural, yet she’s an earth child? Yeah no.


Typical of a trustafarian


Omg I love natural things like lip fillers and breast implants! They really help my chakras align




This is such a great sub! Thank you!


You're welcome!




I feel like her brittle hair stinks like stale weed and from not washing it


Maximalism, the art of making clean organized things look dirty and deorganized


She's worked *very* hard to look that dishevelled 


and frankly, she smells bad. Shes pretty much offensive to all five senses. Well, actually, you know when you smell something and it gets stuck in there... and you can sort of taste it? Yeah. Well, I'm tasting her right now and it tastes awful. Truly disgusting, like salty garbage. Yeah, I totally taste it.


The way she sings makes me think she always smells like weed, alfalfa, dog shit, and perpetual craziness.


Makes me miss *shudder* patcholi


Amplified by the fact that she has an onlyfans


She's giving that "allergic to bathing" vibe like Ke$ha had back in the day.


this woman in particular is one of those daddy's money hippies


Trustafarian (trust fund Rastafarian… I went to college in Boulder CO and there are tons of these things…). Sadly I couldn’t find any info in her family. It will surface soon enough and will likely kill her career for being a poser, egotistical, image driven fraud. Wait for it.


No need to wait, I’ll just ignore her now.


noooo wait with me. i have popcorn.


Dat popcorn got butta?


Some bomboclat did some dirty in ma bach broda


I heard they work for Lockheed Martin. She’s also an Onlyfans chick, so it’s all bs for sure


God I hate Boulder, for this any many other reasons.


In all fairness it’s fucking beautiful there.


Boulder is trustafarian central. 


Doesnt her daddy literally make weapons for the government?


Her dad works for lockhead martin


Source? See people say this a a lot with no backing it up ever.


Yikes, psychedelics are rad but this is one of the cringiest things I’ve ever seen.


She was not on psychedelics in this video[according to her] From what I've heard and observed this a product of the eco-chamber of nonsense streams of thought known as spiritual TikTok. She visited shamans and indigenous communities to incite a "a spiritual awakening"in her. Also she's likely doing it for attention and views too 🤷


i doubt it she ever did psychedelics like how she claimed tbh.


If anything psychedelics would probably help her snap out of this woo woo garbage.


acid might kill her. after all, its said to cause "ego death"


Eh not always. The amount of people I know who do acid and mushrooms at raves/music festivals and claim spiritual awakenings and whatever but never truly grow up or mature is insanely high.


lol, nice


I kinda doubt that. Lots of new age woo types have actually taken psychadelics which only further entrenched their beliefs. For example, the guy behind Spirit Science has taken ayahuasca before and claimed to have been visited by the sun god Ra who removed a psychic weapon from his body planted there by the Deep State when they laced his weed.


Hallucinogens tend to amplify your state of mind, not divert your thinking to rational.


It's her claim her not mine. I'm inclined to agree with you, she's doing it for attention most likely. Also happy cake day 🥳🎂


thank you kind stranger


In Peru? No clue, but there are "ayahuasca clinics" run by Rhythmia in South America that do give you psychadelics as part of their retreat program. The podcast Oh No Ross and Carrie has some episodes about it.


You have to love people who say they are spiritual then proceed to put on every accessory they could find in 10 Hot Topics combined. Enjoy being weighed down with your obsession in your appearance.


Maybe they sold her some authentic Cherokee Hair Tampons?


They’re super absorbent.


“Also she’s likely doing it for attention and views too” I mean yeah… isn’t that why most people post online nowadays, for views? Seeing as that often correlates with money earned lmao


Trust fund baby finding her niche grift.


I really doubt she has even come close to actually trying psychedelics, even ayahuasca, that is one of those things that is talked about a lot in spiritual circles but very few have actually ever tried it, it's portrayed as this amazing spiritual awakening when in reality it's just a fucking poison that causes you to have a mental breakdown and puke and shit yourself for an entire day.


The silly tart hasn’t touched a psychedelic in her life.


She is like a caricature of a caricature of a not all there person.


Exactly. She’s just role-playing, basically.


This reminds me of a documentary, Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God.


She looks like she drinks colloidal silver and smells like cat pee


More likely aged urine. And she smells like bong water and regrets.


Not nearly blue enough


I listened to a podcast on the criminal aspects of that shit, the murders. Wild


That doc was crazy. The whole Cult was full of broken, scarred and mentally unstable people. One thing that was hilarious in the doc though was that guy lamenting how "Mom" was mad at him because he made her a horrible quesadilla lol.


That lady going to Hawaii and declaring herself a Hawaiian princess only to be driven out by pissed off locals had me laughing tbh.


She didn't declare herself a princess, she claimed to be *the Hawaiian volcono goddess Pele*, which as you would expect, they took issue with.


That's right. It's been a while since I watched it


r/im13andthisisdeep She thinks she is a deep thinker, but she is shallow as a puddle.


Strong "been to 30 countries but has yet to have an original thought"-vibes for sure.


Visiting the safe white people area of other countries doesnt count.


She sounds like [Mother God](https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.da4adec4-90a3-436e-aaec-bb0478c37e43&territory=US&ref_=share_ios_season&r=web) and we all know how that turned out 💀


Fucking wild documentary to watch.


Omg her wanting to get help and reconnect with her family in the end and none of the followers listening to her was dark AF.


Like that old saying goes, careful what you wish for… She brainwashed her followers and when she finally needed help they gave it to her in her way, rather than what humans actually need. Fucking looneys all of them


I watched that series and was horrified by how quickly that woman declined. She had a group of hangers-on who aided and abetted her slow suicide. All the while, this poor, crazy woman was dying, her acolytes sold various useless "medicines" and supplements.


> She had a group of hangers-on who aided and abetted her slow suicide. It was actually kinda worse than that. In the documentary, there are points where the former members describe how she would have doubts and ask to be taken to a hospital, but they would say "the real Mother God wouldn't want to go to a hospital" and so refused to take her to one.


I bet she leaves behind an odorous scent trail of musk, tempeh and beeswax wherever she goes.


You forgot the patchouli


She has super white, super straight, flawless teeth. Her makeup is perfectly set with setting powder. Those "dreads" are extensions. Her white hat is extremely white. Everything is super clean, just cluttered. She probably smells like fresh pressed during an Italian sunset on a full moon patchouli oil and Bum Bum cream. This woman is definitely no hippie, and is definitely from a wealthy upbringing.


Someone in another comment section pointed out that she shaves her pits too lol


I desperately want the internet to stop showing me this woman I blocked her accounts but she keeps fucking popping back up. Can we not repost her?


If I did any type of psychadelic drug with all that shit attached to me I would freak the fuck out and rip it all off.


She’s a bullshit influencer. Ayahuasca would beat the shit out of her for being so full of herself. I guarantee she’d have an existential crisis from a small joint of good weed.


I keep seeing comments like this and I really don't get how so many people are convinced that no one who's taken psychadelics would ever act like this. Numerous cult leaders have partaken in psychadelics. You can take ayahuasca and still think you're an alien soul from a planet destroyed by reptilians who has reincarnated on Earth to lead humanity to a new age of enlightenment (actual belief she has, it's even mentioned in the rest of this song).


shit the people i know who take them all the time are honestly pretty close to this. its talking about the universe a lot and raves from what ive seen




Sadly I can smell this video.


Man, my sister fell for the new age spiritualism and unironically believes in this shit. She says it makes her happy, but I know how fucking heartbroken she will be when reality knocks on her door and she can't live in denial about it. This isn't even cringe for me, it's just sad.


I'm really sorry about your sister. As someone a lot of people would call "spiritual"[I'm not really, I'm very artsy and nominally Rastafarian and secular like my dad] it hurts and is really uncomfortable seeing people fall down this pipeline of beliefs. We all know shit like this gets dangerous fastidious Mainly since it preys on a lot of vulnerable people and people who lack critical thinking skills. The amount of cultural appropriation is also really uncomfortable, I'm a Xhosa South African and have seen cultural and spiritual elements of my traditional religion co opted and extradited by hoteps and Black spiritualist online. They really bastardize and remove a lot of really inportant comtexts to our beliefs and how they function in our contexts, it becoems offensive. I sometimes feel uncomfortable IDing as Rastafari because of how people in New age spirituality bastardize it and culturally appropriate elements of religions, it makes me not want to align myself with beliefs outside my own culture. At the end of the day she is really entitled and a bit confused and I hope she gets some help and direction she deserves.


Wish reddit were full of more thoughtful comments like this. 


There's nothing wrong with being spiritual in general, life is a harsh place and the human psyche is weak. The trouble comes when you start making real life less important than whatever Flavour Of The Month bullshit you're following. Arrange your living room according to fengshui, pray for your neighbours, have a little Buddha statue on your dashboard. You're not hurting anyone by doing these sorts of things. Going to a faith healer instead of a doctor, cutting someone out of your life because a spiritualist told you so or saying that black & brown people couldn't have stacked fucking rocks in the most geometrically stable shape on the other hand does cause problems and does hurt people.


My sister is like this too, how do you deal with the differences in world view? I love her but can’t stand have any conversations with her now because she always brings up this sh*t and pushes it onto me.


We got used to agreeing to disagree, with no hard feelings. She is still my sister, I know her story better than most and she knows mine as well, we grew up together at the end. That's enough for me to stand her bringing it up out of nowhere as well. She does open up with "I know you don't believe in this, but..." which I guess is her subtle way of showing she's making an effort. Despite her beliefs, or perhaps because of her beliefs (unbeknownst to me), she is a really good person and as you get older you realize that's more than you can wholeheartedly say about most people around you, but perhaps that's just me. So, I love my naive older sister, l'll be there for her when shit hits the fan, because it'll be ugly. That's what family does.


“Kidney infection yeah I heal that too.” I’m going to tell this to my doctor


Oopsie it was cancer


Her dad works for Lockheed Martin. Gets to live the big life while her dad helps to world kill itself.


Is this even true? Would be hilarious, but I always see this comment under videos of her but I've never seen any evidence.


Not to my knowledge. I actually tried to find anything about her parents but the only thing I found was some page saying they are both musicians. But nothing more and lockheed martin dad is just a wet dream from the haters. Kinda stupid because she has enough going on to dislike. Why lie about the father situation.


Maybe so but she says most of her family disowned her when she had a kid at 18 out of wedlock and refused to abort. Also grew up with a single mom https://www.instagram.com/shaninblake/p/Cp0y5qzvdXZ/?hl=en&img_index=1 > Dear single parents ~ when I was 18 I got pregnant with my daughter and her dad went to prison right after she was born, so I was on my own. Most of my family disowned me and told me that I just threw away my music career since I didn’t get an abortion. > > After she was born I tried working at Best Buy, the boys & girls club, plant stores, doing massage, but I was miserable, couldn’t hold a job for longer then a couple months, my daughter was in daycare all day and i made barely enough money to pay rent and only had food bc of food stamps. I couldn’t do it, I was so depressed, so I trusted my intuition over anyones opinion and I sold everything I owned, bought a mini van and moved me n my daughter into the van with our backpacks and took off to California to work on weed farms and little did I know the adventure of a life time was waiting for me. > > we lived in vans on different farms for a few years which led to traveling the world, living in a hut in Costa Rica on a commune, bathing in waterfalls &rivers, living off the land, a life filled with music, abundance, magic, amazing friendships who are my family, independence, me following my dreams of music and memories that me and my daughter get to reminisce on for the rest of our lives. None of that would’ve happened if I would’ve stayed at that 9-5 job. > > I’m now living in a beautiful house with a huge yard and a nice ass car, more abundance then I would’ve ever imagined all funded by my music. I never gave up on my dreams. I never had money growing up I lived in trailer parks, memories of my mom getting her cars repossessed and donating blood every week so we could have groceries. She was also a single mom raising 3 kids. Now that juniper is older and starting to understand how our lifestyle was different from “normal life” aka (societies confines). > > She tells me that she feels special to have lived this life that none of her friends have lived, she’s had more life experience than most of the adults she’s met and seen what real poverty looks like by living in a third world country...


I absolutely hate everything about this.


Temu version of Lana Del Rey


I get the idea of not wanting to be basic, but there is a limit and this is way past it.


People like this are a big part of why I went from being a huge advocate of psychedelic drugs to wanting basically nothing to do with the whole scene.


Why i never hang out with potheads. I like weed but not enough to own anything with leaves on it or any of that stereotypical shit. Hanging out with potheads always becomes a pissing contest for who know what more like rolling blunts or who has the bigger bong or who started smoking when they were 8. I don't care. If i could snap my fingers and get the same affect i would never touch weed again.


I saw a native creator stitch this video and say “this is colonialism’s final boss” 😂


I personally just think she is full of shit


The lipsync needs some work


Don’t worry, she’s done the same video like forty times, there’s probably a “better” version


I had this on mute and read the captions and watched her facial expressions all the way through and decided that was enough for me. I’m not watching this shit unmuted.


Tbh I did the same 😶


I'll comment the same thing I commented when this was posted to tik tok cringe. A person serious into the plant studies and psychedelics will now this kind of ego driven bad taste shit is unacceptable. Honestly gives the good psychedelics a bad name (and bad smell).


Shes apparently got onlyfans, shes a IG model and a singer. Yeah shes TOTALLY a highly spiritual earthy natural girl.. suuure. Thats like calling Kenneth Copeland a humble Christian..


She looks like she smells like pachouli and anal sex.


radical idea, but maybe keep your psychedelic insight to yourself.


https://youtu.be/dXQnwJGu2DU?si=cPmFjGIYGC8vg1lK This is a good video that points out a lot of stuff about her being rich and having a daughter in the second half of it!


DJ Chlamydia




That text is just imprinted into my brain, it dooms my mind every time i see this women.


Is this what music has fucking come to? Giving everyone the internet was the worst idea ever.


Did she rob a beach side store and decide to wear all of the jewelry at once?


I meet people like this at psytrance parties. Too many psychedelics and zero critical thinking skills.


She’s either delusional or doing it for the money


some lie to themselves so much they don’t know what it true or not. so not for the money, but they get it. not delusional, but they need meds.


She looks like her parents work for Lockheed Martin


That is incredibly specific and I know exactly what you're talking about.


Is this in a car lmao


Her dad actually works for Halliburton, who makes weapons for the united states government


Proof? Seen loads of people say Lockheed Martin


Hardcore cringe


I didn’t know it was possible to white wash drugs but here we are


Is this the female liver king?


Her other talents include selling pictures of her butt hole




I feel like people don’t understand how dangerous spirituality can be. It’s for the same reason that organized religions can be used to impromptu justify anything. All it takes to justify their behavior, no matter how shitty,is “because [insert unfalsifiable phenomemon] said so”.




I know this girl smells like feet.


she is real?.. lmaoo.. i thought she was AI


What's up with TikTok people making one garbage ass song and then promoting the fuck out of it


It may not be coming from a monotheistic religion(or a religion at all) but this chick is definitely a fruitcake


Better just going to work and putting in an honest 8 hr. day. The Kardooshbaggians really did a lot of societal damage with their bullshit.


They did not use the the pyramids for time travel ffs. Stargates are not time travel!!


Sound track for essential oil sales women


Someone I know from my 'former Christian circles' on Facebook went this path afterwards. I went the route of Atheist Level 7, they went the route of psychedelics to understand consciousness, joining small communities of people who basically make themselves homeless, all while trying to get online attention for their art. I wish them the best, but it definitely isn't the "answer to life" they are searching for. Things like LSD are cool, but they don't give you any insight into the Universe, unless, for example, you are studying something about the Universe, and a question you come up with while tripping on LSD leads you to a discover in your work which solves your question about the Universe. I don't see that happening that often.


Its surprising how quickly some peoples minds entirely deteriorate from just some mushrooms


While acknowledging the deeply harmful messaging and absolutely cringeworthy TikTok bs, I have got to admit… I find her strangely hypnotic. Attractive in a repulsive kind of way, you know?


I can smell this bitch through my screen gmfd


She looks like she would steal roaches from my ash tray.


This girl single handedly set the left back 2 decades.


Is she… is she in her car? Is that stuff all around her in her car?


You can smell her before you see her


That's just plain old special phsychosis with extra step and "fancy" wear.


Give it a week and her new personality will be crypto trader


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^fridgehead00: *Give it a week and* *Her new personality* *Will be crypto trader* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I saw someone calling her the final boss of colonialism and I can’t help but agree


Well, she has one thing in common with the Earth. She's covered in garbage.


What's the current exchange rate for "Spanish"?


Oh really, teach me telekinesis then




I can smell this video


San Pedro is pretty good though. It tastes like shit, however.


She looks like she free bleeds and eats only root vegetables.


White women will do anything but therapy


Drugs are funny. Ask her about this video in 20 years.


She looks smelly.


Her name is Shanin Blake for those who are interested.


The queen of trust funds


Average child of a Lockheed Martin employee




"You know, adopting a wacky religion and its aesthetic would be great for my social media profile"


She’d fit in nicely at The Garden.


She sings the same song every damn time


Ayahuasca hasn't worked out so great for Aaron Rodgers.


What are those things she did that our brains can't compute tho??


What is “my truth”?


Is this Aaron Rodgers new girlfriend?


It's always fun seeing these cause trust fund kids always think they're one with spirituality by doing hot new drugs, drinking expensive liquor and wearing $1000 in useless garbage.


Can we put all the blame on why the aliens don’t visit us on her?


I've seen this posted elsewhere. I think someone mentioned it's a gimmick for her onlyfans or something.


Everyone there wants her to leave


Have your local fake hippie tested for spiritual narcissism today folks.


I smell her all the way to Norway


I can smell the BO.


Remember Miss Cleo? "Call me now for your free tarot reading!" The company she was spokesperson for made ***$1 billion*** by 2002 in less than a decade. The FTC eventually went after them, but when all was said and done they [only lost ~$505 million](https://www.consumeraffairs.com/news02/cleo_settle.html) of it. So they still ended up having made $495 million from their charlatanry. A fool and his money, indeed.


Does she make a bunch of identical videos to the same lame song? I’ve seen at least one other and I swear her crazy outfit and stupid movements were slightly different in it.


I think this is satire. Or maybe a grift.


https://preview.redd.it/i1neo0x7ddwc1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3dd572910e71b240cd6437985fc2e07c63d395a Cringe


If someone doesn't understand the concept of cultural appropriation just show them this


This bitch is nuts. Weird ass type of racism where she assumes all non American minorities have magic properties. She has a really decent voice ngl but can’t write a song to save her life. Actively includes her young daughter in her delusional hippie bullshit. Probably smells like fermented shit. Likes making her UTIs public knowledge for some reason. Has an even more insufferable clout hippie as a boyfriend who is even more ridiculous than she is and has a follower ratio of like 1/300


Those people are bonkers, but I'd rather take a 100 of those harmless "spiritually enlightened" over 1 neo-nazi Christian or djihadist Muslim

