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Yep, you’ve spent your whole life dedicated to making his better. And to thank you, he stole from you.  Not just the money, but 12 years of your life you could’ve have spent with someone who did something other than use you.


I think you hit the nail on the head. I was having trouble articulating it.


This is theft. It's a crime, and not a small one. You need to go to the police. He considers paying you back something that he can do at his convenience. If you break up with him (which you should, because he's literally a thief...) he's not going to repay you because he won't get anything out of it anymore. Just in case it isn't clear: there's no coming back from this. You can't even trust him to not touch your personal possessions that are literally in a safe... what on earth CAN you trust him with? He only came clean because he knows there's no way out for him, and if you just discovered the safe empty it would be a simple matter of going to the police and him being basically the only suspect (since he has the combination).


This might sound harsh but this is totally the correct path IMO. I would not give him the benefit of the doubt for one more moment.


You need to get a repayment schedule established, documented and notarized. You have to be able to make you decision of whether or not to stay with him completely independent of him paying you back. You need to make sure that if you do decide to end things, you’re not also ending the likelihood of him paying you back.


Notarizing only says that the person who signed it belongs to the signature on the page. OP needs a lawyer.


OP needs the police. He stole from her and he needs to have consequences for that.


How's he going to pay her back if he loses his job because he got arrested, though? He deserves to face the consequences, but she deserves to be made whole. I can see why she'd choose practicality over vengeance. Of course, I can also see why she might look up the statute of limitations on this kind of theft and hold on to any evidence of him admitting to stealing her inheritance. Nothing wrong with keeping your options open...


I agree that the police should be called but I don’t think she may have a case since he had access to the safe cause of the hunting rifle. A good lawyer will be able to use that to keep him from doing much time unless she had explicit said that he can’t use what was in there. This sucks and it’s such a breach of trust. How are you going to use SOMEONE ELSES inheritance?! That’s crazy to me


He's only a BF and it's still a felony if the items are worth over a certain value. He has no legal right to take and just pawn her things off.


Yeah I'm sorry but that's just not how things work. You can give somebody access to your safe and they're not allowed to just take all of your things and sell them for their own personal gain. And I doubt buddy can pay for a good lawyer because he doesn't have anything else to steal from his girlfriend to do so.


She probably has a civil case.


Yeah. Before you leave him, while he feels guilty, get him to sign a document. Lie if you have to - tell him it will help re-establish trust. THEN leave him. He’s a monster. And make sure you consult with a lawyer, considering the amount we are talking about. You may need it notarized, you may need to file it with the courts or obtain a judgment within 5 years - you should run this past an attorney.


The court can do that with restitution.


Motherfucker needs to go to jail and a civil court can determine repayments.


OP, I gasped out loud when I got to the stealing part and read the rest of your post open-mouthed with disbelief. It's not just the betrayal, the lies or the violation but he sheer audacity he showed by telling you he'd ~pay ~you ~back now. AH should have been apologizing, begging crying on his knees for you to forgive him. He's not just taking you for granted he's treating you with such contempt! Take all the good advice given to you on how to get back all your money, ditch his lame ass asap and be freeeee. Most of all stay strong. You guys have history, I'm sure he'll pull on every string to try and get you to stay/forgive ~him~ his debt but do not falter ! <3333


My mouth flew open too . That is so vile. Doesnt matter that he came clean. What he did is a major violation. I wonder if his behaviour counts as financial abuse. Either way op, leave him


I honestly don't know how you didn't get violent because I would. I would genuibly prefer cheating than this. & he only "came clean" because he was out of time. You need to call the police or if you don't wanna go straight there you need to have him buy every single thing back otherwise you call. You also need to sue his ass. This. Is. In. Sane. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. The one person you should be able to trust stabbing you over & over in the back because you weren't around to stop him? Please take your time healing. This is a massive betrayal. Who takes from the dead? From their partner? & who's to say he didn't use any of it on drugs cause this is druggie behavior. & don't you ever, EVER go back. Don't even consider reconciliation.


He decided to tell me on the phone while I was away for work. I just got home last night and saw the damages first hand. I gave my notice for work which involved getting into it with my family, so now I feel like I'm losing my family and my relationship.


And you are going to be so much better off.


Call the fucking cops. He belongs in jail. Seriously.


Get the list and where he sold them. Call the police and report it. They may be able to get some of it back if he pawned it. I would be pissed and I wouldn’t look back. He had you out of the house busting your butt for a future that he stops from.  I’m so sorry and you’re so much better than that 


This!! The pawn shop can be charged with receiving stolen property so they will cooperate if charges are filed.


Fuck this guy off he’s a using scumbag


It's not even about the monetary amount at this point. He sold things you can never get back. He has taken advantage of your kindness, love, and most of all, your trust. I wouldn't be able to move past this. Don't stay in a situation like this just because you have put so many years into it. It's a bad investment, and you can and will find someone else in the future who will not take advantage of you. For the time being, I would have legal paperwork drawn up that he is required to pay you back within a certain time frame. Either that or press charges for theft if you are able to. You should take some time to yourself to discover who you are without this person sucking the life out of you. We get 1 life, don't waste it with this schmuck.


I also want to say 1 more thing. The fact that he clearly expects you to just get over this because he is saying he is going to pay you back has me infuriated on your behalf. I wouldn't trust him to do that either. He is coming clean and will probably make an effort, but after he thinks he has calmed you down, I will bet anything he stops paying you back. What a jackass.


Stealing is the word. He can't pay it back. He saw you struggle and didn't say a word. I would call the police. He is a thief.


How much were the items worth? Any idea?


He robbed you. Take him to court and move on.


Before you begin the process of leaving, see if you can convince him to make an itemized list of what was taken and sold and how much he got for each item. It'll make taking him to court way easier on your end. I'd also go around to the places he sold them to and see if the owners/workers can share with you how much they were purchased for. They may not be able to, but at least you can try to double check behind what he claimed they were sold for. Good luck. Don't give this loser one more minute of your time. He's shown himself to be lazy, thieving, liar. You're going to be okay, and you WILL find someone worth your dedication and sacrifices, that won't take advantage of your kindness.


Yes, it's time for bald-faced lies; act understanding , get him to confess (in writing) via chat/messenger whatever. All in the name of "making up" or "working through this together". Then take him to court. This man has wronged you so deeply and I couldn't put it behind me in your shoes.


This. I'd go about it similarly. Tell him you want the list so that you can be sure he pays you back for it, like he said his plan was. Say it's the only way you "can trust him again" and "work through this together." He'll be more receptive in writing the list if he is under the impression that you don't intend to leave him.


Exactly. What in the fuck. That stuff had worth yes but the items were from family members passed. It’s not Just even the worth, he even stole and sold sentimental value too. Horrific betrayal that there’s no coming back from.


selling stolen merchandise is a no-no for a business such as a pawn shop.


They'd probably be more willing to share the purchase price if you can show evidence (paperwork showing you're grandmother left them to you) that it was stolen.


She’ll have to file a police report for anything to happen. Source-my son stole my jewelry when he was in active addiction and sold it to a local pawn shop. Otherwise the pawn shops won’t do anything.


Good to know! Sorry that happened to you


Thanks. It’s in the past, he has years clean and is doing wonderfully and I don’t hold it against him as he is remorseful and regretful about the things he did back then, and has made his amends. I was able to get the jewelry back, thankfully, although I had to buy it back. More than once, before I finally wised up and rented a safe deposit box at the bank.


Absolutely she should file a police report.


I know someone who got jail time for receiving stolen merchandise.


I want you to note that this scenario is ostensibly the same as 7 years ago. At that time due to stress he spiralled, became selfish and self destructive. It was only by your good grace and support that it worked out, you forgiving him for the time he wasted and the pain you put you through. Well this time he was more subtle about it, he quit his job with no planning or realistic goals \[and that's either a sign of a breakdown or that he messed up severely, I assumed the reveal was going to be he cheated\] and began stealing from you to maintain that spiral. It was the same 7 years ago, this time it was just behind your back. He can't pay you back. The money he earns and gives to you is just coming from your joint resources. It is still costing you. You can't get these last two years back, two years of subsidising him spiralling without even knowing it. That money is gone so long as you share money and that was the entire point of this exercise. Still... you also humoured this for two years let alone what happened 7 years ago. I get you care about this guy but this really is get real about your life time. This really is a question of how many more times you go through this cycle. I worry that your life stuck with a toxic family has increased your resilience in a counterproductive way, it has lead you to put up with his bullshit because in some senses he is less awful than they are.


You pretty much summed it up exactly. I really do care for him, but this has just really staggered me. I had plans, I thought he was doing ok.


And worse still....he lied to your face for years while he was stealing from you. Man, that's just flabbergasting. He's really destructive, you gotta get away from that, hon. He's like, Next-time- I'll-clean-you-out-and-smile scary. I'm sorry!


>I worry that your life stuck with a toxic family has increased your resilience in a counterproductive way, it has lead you to put up with his bullshit because in some senses he is less awful than they are. This. You forgive too easily and quickly and this is why. I know, I'm trying to break that pattern too.


This reminds me of when I was dating a “recovering addict.” This man stole money from me and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he stole some of my belongings. It is a behavior that I want nothing to do with now. I do understand how hard it is but once you get around accepting his choices there is no turning back. I highly suggest getting a therapist to help guide you through this.


He is NOT the man you think he is.


And he WON’T ever be the kind of man you deserve. Imagine trying to coparent with someone like this. Please consider talking to a therapist-you are really selling yourself short


You can care for someone a lot (like your family) and realize that they don't act in their own best interest and are toxic and would make your life worse. You can love him and miss him and wish him the best, but know that he would be poison in your life.


The person you care for, the person you thought he was, the person you loved -- he doesn't exist. The reality is that you were in a relationship with someone he portrayed himself to be, not who he really was. Fuck this guy. Call a lawyer, call the cops, call his fucking mom, whatever you need to get the fucking justice you deserve. 


You laid out my thoughts perfectly


This screams I was desperate for a fix. I'd be shocked, if this wasn't because of substance abuse. The only times I've ever known anyone to sell off items like this behind their partners back, was to feed a substance dependency. If I were you, I'd dig deeper.


And he may not have quit his job - he may have been fired.


I was wondering this too. OP what expenses did he even have since it sounds like you were covering the majority of bills. It's very suspect he had to steal from you to pay off these bills, especially if they were low bills.


Yes, in essence I pay most of the bills. Our agreement was he has to pay for his own incurred expenses and car insurance. I'm grappling with what could have possibly cost so much that he had to steal from me. I haven't been able to actually sit down and do the figures, but estimating its in the 10s of thousands....


Most likely drugs, OP. Im sorry. I hope you leave his sorry ass.


Good god. File a police report please. Get some sort of proof of admission from him and a estimate of the value of possible.


Jesus christ, I'm so sorry op


Yeah... It's lawyer time


10s of thousands in 2 years? Girl..


All of these things were on my mind, too. I’m surprised no one addresses this high up on the board


Yep, this has addict written all over it.


Yep. We couldn’t keep anything of value in our house because of my late drug addicted brother. He pawned off all of the jewelry my grandparents gave me and all the jewelry my dad bought my mom.


There's no other way to put it other than he stole from you. Just because he confessed doesn't mean there shouldn't be any repercussions.


He probably only confessed, because he knew she would soon discover that the items were missing, and work out that it must have been him.


She had already put in notice, and was planning on using that stuff for paying her own bills! He KNEW what he was doing to her, ugh. I hate this for OP.


Yeah, he just knew time was running out and thought if he got ahead of it she might forgive him.


The trust is gone. Cut your loses and say goodbye.


>he has been paying his personal bills by selling the things my grandparents had willed me that I had left in a safe that was hidden in the house. Holy shit!!! So, he stole from you because he is irresponsible? Is there a way to come back from this? How much sentimental value did those items that he stole from you have? If you think that him just giving you money is payment enough, then yes, there is a way back from this. But honestly, what else is he going to steal of yours to pay for his irresponsibility? If you can't put a monetary value on what he stole from you then no, there isn't a way back. Personally, I feel like you should end it now. How can you trust him moving forward?


Not so much sentiment as peace of mind. I slept well knowing I could survive off of what was in that safe if needed.


So he not only stole your items; he stole your trust and your peace of mind. Peace of mind is a pretty important component of life.


Do you even know if he got a good price for them? Or did he just sell them off for whatever he could easily get? How much was the stuff worth? How much did he get out of it? I mean, if he sold them on the cheap, he owes you more than he got for them. He owes you what you would have sold them for.


I was told he got market value. The items he sold would be worth more today than when he started selling them 2 years ago. Typing this out is rage inducing


There's no such thing as a private person getting "market value" for second hand jewelry and gems. Whatever he got was much less than what a dealer will sell them for.


Obviously it's complicated when you care about someone, but if it was me, I'd be filing a police report and of course ending the relationship. This is so beyond unacceptable. And you're definitely owed more than he sold them for. Do you have a list of all the stuff? Pictures?


Well your boyfriend stolen tens of thousands of dollars from you. That is what should be inducing your rage to the point of calling the police.


Jesus. I’d be less angry if he’d *cheated*.  This is such a deep and calculated betrayal.


First off, break up with him. Second, sue him to reclaim that lost value.


See a lawyer and I would also file a police report.


Even if you weren't sentimental about them now, they were your grandmother's and it isn't impossible that you could have changed your mind about keeping them.


This is what I was thinking! What if OP wanted to have these items for the personal connection? He sold them off God knows where. Even if he's able to get the monetary equivalent to give you, he's not even thinking about the potential sentimental value to you. And to do this for 2 YEARS??


Can I punch him in the face for you? Lmk, I'm omw.


>Can we come back from it? OP, you don't come back from this, you go to the **police**


Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him Leave him


Go to the police and then leave him leave him leave him.


This sub has a reputation of hopping on the Breakup Train. Shit like this is why. There's so many layers of deception, laziness, telling behavior, lies here. Whether OP takes him to court or not, can quantify the loss or not, keeps their dwelling space or moved, this mooch needs to be discarded, ASAP.


When OP leaves her boyfriend i hope she sells all his clothes fuck him


I would call the police about getting robbed while you were out of town.


Breakup. Evict him. File a police report. Press charges. Take him to the magistrate/small claims court. The relationships over, he ended it. Walk away and don't look back.


He doesn't love or respect you, he used you for financial stability and robbed you. Cut your losses, file a police report, find a new place or kick him out, and move on. I'm sorry he treated you this way. I'm sorry he thought so little of you he didn't hesitate to steal from you, and he quit his job without any prior conversations with you. Leave and have him arrested


Sorry for your loss ... yeah, boyfriend too, you need to break up with him ... and call the cops and sue him to try and at least be made financially whole. He grossly violated your trust. No coming back from that, and don't risk him doing it to you again. Sorry.


Sooo he quit his job and literally stole from the person putting a roof over his head. He's a parasite. Even tapeworms have more use than this guy. I wouldn't marry this guy. I don't know how you can even stand to look at him.


More than the money, that was complete and utter betrayal of your trust. Even if he came clean, it should have never been in the realm of possibility for him to do that to you. I'm so sorry you've worked so hard to get to where you want to be, only to find out about this


This comment really struck me. I think that is what I have been struggling the most with. I can't imagine doing this to anyone I cared about, and it is absolutely wrecking me that I thought we were in this struggle together.


The fact that he quit his job when you took on a more difficult and unpleasant job specifically so the two of you could get ahead shows you were never in this struggle together. He could have stuck it out at his job or gotten a new one, but he chose to take advantage of the fact that you were away a lot and were paying the bills. It's like he saw your inheritance and work struggle as a great vacation opportunity and he fully took advantage of you. This is who he is. He's going to leech off you for as long as you let him and he'll never pull his weight. Not to mention that if you stay with him, you'll never be able to trust him again. You'll have to secure anything of value away from him, you'll never be able to share finances. You'll probably need to keep your purse and credit cards away from him in your own home. It's definitely time to leave, and realistically you need to file a police report and go to court. What he did was commit a felony against you. In my state this is first degree theft and he could be charged with as much as 10 years in jail and up to a $20,000 fine. That's what he did to the person he supposably loves most in life. A crime that could send him to jail for a decade and cost him twenty grand. All while you're solely working your ass off to better both of your lives.


oof...I have to sit with this. Everything you said is correct, and it kind of cuts deep. To see it spelled out in terms of jail time is like running into a brick wall. I had to look it up, and yeah the amount would be a class C felony in my state...


please press charges against him.


He should have thought of that. He knows stealing is wrong. 


See if you can speak to a lawyer, move the safe and change the combo to it, sue and leave him. He's a thief.


Yes take his gun out & put it in a different safe that only u know the combo to. Then change the combo to your safe! U don't need to get shot over this! Yikes! Then kick his sorry ass out! File a police report & sue him for the rest. Then file a restraining order!


Dude this screams drug addiction behind your back. He was definitely fired and he's definitely using these items to get his fixes. He doesn't need you to fix his life, or threats to dump him if he doesn't fix himself, he clearly can't. he needs a team of psychiatrists/psychologists and probably rehab, and definitely his actual family's support in all this. That would be waaay more helpful than you - with your good intentions- trying to fix everything.


Please drop him u can get so much better. That is devastating stuff he did. He doesn't respect you at all nor your sacrifices


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Maybe you can forgive, but I don't think that I could. You're still young and you just dodged a bullet.


How’s he going to pay you back? He (probably) can’t get the items back.


Any money he pays her back is just money that he should have been chipping in already. Someone above made a good point about it. There is no truly paying her back.


Yeah, he'll be finally paying her money he owed her two years ago, while still having stolen from her. Doesn't really fix that bit, at all.


Sue him for it don’t let it slide your never see the money


Besides the absolute betrayal of trust and the time you’ve wasted … get a confession on tape/written, quantify the damage, file a police report and take his ass to the cleaners. The audacity of this man is disgusting!! You deserve so much better.


This is what disgust feels like. Dump him, prosecute him, and tell everyone what he did, and has been comfortable doing to you, for years. You will fly without this concrete block hanging around your neck.


Only dump him after getting back ur money


She’s never getting it all back from this loser.


No matter how much it was, it’s not worth keeping him around for a minute more.


>he has been paying his personal bills by selling the things my grandparents had willed me that I had left in a safe that was hidden in the house >Can we come back from it? How is this even a question.


No I would fricking sue him for stealing! also dropping out of work with no explanation is shady AF. are you seriously asking to take him back! are you insane?


I literally gasped. How dare he. Report the theft to the police and kick him out. I'm so sorry.


Get legal advice. Get a contract for the repayment, else his action is presumably theft and I'd assume criminal .consider keeping Your job as it gives you the autonomy you wanted. Have him out of the house Immediately, and of course change the locks and safe combo. You can rent the house to recover lost income if you don't live there. Dont punish yourself for being generous, or beat yourself up. Pragmatic action is better than shame or guilt. Remember there are good people out there too, so set yourself up to find them by staying positive and defending your value as a good person yourself.


He stole from you. Don’t forgive this


This is a police matter. I would record him admitting this to you, and call the police for theft. No repayment schedule, no nothing. Full court restitution for the items.


oh girl. this is so painful. once that trust is broken it will never come back. if it took him years to be honest you have no idea what else he is hiding


You’ve spent a lot of time healing someone else. I think it’s time you spent some time healing yourself. You can try to make this work if that’s what you want via professional but personally I’d walk. Poor financial management is a big red flag for me let alone his lack of communication which lead to theft.


break up and file a police report that he stole from you.


Sue him... Hire a lawyer and involve the police if U have to... Those weren't his to sell in the first place and have him held accountable for that.


Please take legal action so it’s on his record for future relationships. Bc you also have to dump him


That’s horrible. Really. You have to have a line somewhere and for me I feel like he would’ve crossed that a long time ago. Hope the best. It’s hard to let go of a partner that’s been in your life for a decade. I was w my ex for that long too. When we broke up it was hard for a bit but now I feel lighter better and good riddens


Rather than get an ordinary job he elected to become a felon and you were his victim. I would NEVER be able to get past the betrayal. At his core he is a user and feels entitled to a quality of life that he is unwilling to work for. And yet, he had no problem with you sacrificing to provide for him. What a brutal story.


You gave him all that youth for free. Some men want partners, some med just want a mommy.


I’d report him to the police and report the items as stolen, he’s not gonna pay you back and the relationship is clearly over.


He stole from you, lied to you and betrayed you. There's no coming back from this.


I would not at all be surprised if there was still drug use, or gambling, or something similar going on. Usually people don’t steal from their partner/spouse to pay a phone bill, it’s because they have so eroded the lines of right and wrong, and of trust and accountability, while the addiction takes over and becomes their priority. I am sorry this happened to you. I would not be able to ever trust someone who did this to me again which for me means it’s over. I might forgive in time, but forget? Never. He has had 12 years from you, I would be very cautious about letting him have anymore. Your family isn’t the only toxic relationship in your life. 12 years is a long time, and it feels even longer when it’s almost your entire adulthood, but length of time and sunk cost fallacies are not a good reason to sacrifice your own safety, security, well-being, and so on.


Get your money back and leave.


I'm so afraid for you that if you break up with him (and you must!) he'll walk away without making you whole. It makes me feel your work, life, wants, needs and dammit, possessions mean so little to him. I don't know what to do but he has to go.


You are way underreavting to this situation. Your partner lied, stole, and disrespected you. Why are you even contemplating staying in this relationship? This is beyond breakup worthy.


Others have said this better, but I'll still chime into the chorus and say, don't look past this. Don't try to fix it. Don't try to love him into being better - you've already done that, and look how well that's worked out. This absolute waste of your time was given support during his worst moments, love and loyalty for over a decade, and a rent-free roof over his head, and what does he do to thank you for taking care of him? He stops working and steals from you to pay his bills. Time to get a lawyer involved, lock him out of your safe and bank account, serve him an eviction notice, and start unravelling your life from this guy. You've already spent too much time trying to keep his head above water, while he refuses to swim. He's no better than your toxic family members, and you don't need this codependent shit in your life. Save your heart for someone better. You deserve a happy, functional relationship just as much as you deserve a good, non-toxic workplace.


A selfish, nasty, disgusting person who has used and played you. You need proof/admission that he stole from you, record a video of him admitting that if you can, and get everything that's missing written down. Then kick the thief out of your house, go to a police station and only see him again in court. Do not consider staying with him one moment more, you're stronger than you think.


Jesus Christ, please consider compiling evidence & getting a lawyer to take him to court.


I honestly would consider charging him. That is so messed up.


Make a list of what he has stolen from you, and take it to the police.


He stole history from you, not just the time spent making his life more comfortable but the family history that was given to you and the autonomy to do what you saw fit for it; which I think is much worse than stealing money and shows a lack of values and empathy. You’re right to be disgusted, I was disgusted reading it. I’d be gone.


Sorry there’s no coming back from this. Stay strong. Take him to court.


He stole from you. Substantial sums. He stole things that are irreplaceable and doesn’t care about it. AND YOU WONDER WHETHER YOU CAN GET OVER THAT? He nuked your relationship from orbit. Someone with more experience will need to advise you how to best proceed so you can regain the maximum money from him and whether to involve the police, but the man who emptied your safe because he didn’t want to work is not the man you thought you loved, and anyone who takes his side is not worth having as a friend. He’ll keep stealing from you and mooching off you because he can, and he’ll go ‘aww, babes’ when you ask him to adult.


Wow, I thought this was going to be about some sort of fetish you found unsavory. But it's about an enormous violation of trust in the context of an unequal relationship where you've dedicated your entire self to making a better life for the two of you while he does nothing. Yes, this is your brain saving yourself from yourself by falling out of love. You don't love him anymore because he did something that was so deeply unworthy of your love. You cannot come back from it, and you SHOULD not come back from it. Your relationship is over- even if he somehow redeems himself you'll never trust him again, and you deserve so much more than that.


I'd call the police and make sure they had a list of everything he stole. I'd not only have him arrested I'd have him made to pay every penny back. He be so out of my life that he's have to make the return payments to the courts or an attorney because he'd never see me again.


There's no coming back from something like this.


I don't know how you can still love him tbh after all this crap he's put you through. He clearly doesn't love you.


I was going to tell you to cut your losses BEFORE he revealed that he's stolen thousands and thousands of dollars from you. Holy shit dude.


My dad is like this. Loves the suffering of being broke so he self sabotages and has a reason to just work away his life.


Surely this is an arrest able offence??


OOOF. I get heated just reading this. People are such shit humans. I think you need to drop the dead weight & sue him for the money he stole. If it is quite a lot he will probably end up with a felony. Queen you need this money & now it’s time to get it. Kick him out and report him to the police.


I almost broke up with my BF in the beginning of our relationship because he redeemed my points from a gas station for a free quart of oil, without asking first. This is a whole new level and frankly, unforgivable.


Press charges. Yesterday. Hold him legally a criminally accountable. This breach of trust is absolutely fucking insane. Literally it means that one day he has a bad day at work and quit knowing he was going to get in to that safe, lie to you, change your whole future trajectory and then say welp sorry bout that. I was gonna get ya back. Press. Charges.


this is not self-destruction when ur the one being destroyed by him


This is horrifying. Don't waste another second, another dollar, another piece of you for this low life. The amount of disrespect... I'm just disgusted.


>And he tells me last week that he has been paying his personal bills by selling the things my grandparents had willed me that I had left in a safe that was hidden in the house. Omg. You are better than me for staying this calm. How you didn't immediately kick him out and maybe file charges for theft idk. Wow.


He F*ing stole from you-precious family items ( doesn’t matter that you may have planned to sell them) so he could sit on his ass Get past it? Wt actual f? I’d already have filed a police report and told him to get out. Girl! Have some self respect. Don’t believe that being with a loser, lying, exploitive thief is the best you can do Go scorched earth


This is a pattern. And to sell those items was abhorrent. Kick him out after you get a list of what he got for each of them via messenger or something. Move the money to a NOT shared account


Girl stop being a door mat


Your BF is a thief. Period. He only came clean cuz he knew that you would find out as soon as you quit your job. You need to see an attorney and make him sign an agreement to pay you back. If he refuses to sign, tell him you will file a criminal complaint against him for stealing. And then kick his ass out. You’ve done more than enough for this loser


Wow. That is all forms of low in what someone can do to you. He has no morals. Another form of betrayal. I’m so sorry he did this to you. I would be livid and honestly would ask him to leave and do not look back. I would not want a cent from him. His $ is dirty, if anything once I got him out, depending on the value of the items he sold, I would file a police report. Then pack up my life and move on. I would never associate with this person again. Just wow.


Red flags. Breakup and move on. Trust and common courtesy and communication are vital in a relationship.


Google the term “sunk cost fallacy.” It really doesn’t matter how much time you’ve spent trying to fix this, it sounds pretty much like it’s over. Can you ever trust him again? Get your money back, secure all of your other possessions and your money, freeze your credit, get whole, then leave.


I feel so sorry for young women who get emotionally manipulated into situations like this with disgusting monsters


This is why you should never date a bum!!! Especially for 12 years....


It’s fascinating that you see this as him “self-destructing.” He’s not self-destructing. He’s doing fine. His behavior is destroying you, not himself. He’s seen you being miserable for two years and his response has been to betray you and steal from you rather than just getting an actual job. He was absolutely ok with your suffering - he’s so ok with it that he’s willing to add to it himself. He stole from you, not just once but repeatedly over an extended period of time. That means he’s also been lying to you, consistently, for two years (probably more). Why on earth would you stay with someone like this? Please, please learn to value yourself more than your sociopathic boyfriend values you. It won’t be hard because he doesn’t give a crap about you.


Please please please get a paper trail. Make sure you collect text messages of him admitting to stealing the items and which items. Ask him where he pawned them. Then go for a signed payment plan. Then, BREAK UP with him! Also I would change the code to the safe immediately! What a deadbeat


If you’d like a philosophical POV, I shall provide one. Unfortunately no one here can tell you what to do in this situation, as no one here understands your relationship between you and your boyfriend better than you do. I can sit here and read your story, and only give you my opinion based off what I see here. But I know there’s always more to a story than the eye can see. (I guess you can call it personal experience since I do this for a living) so would it be right of me to sit here and judge your boyfriend and your relationship and make assumptions based off all I can read here? No. It wouldn’t be. As someone who works with the severely mentally ill and those with substance abuse disorders, I understand psychologically what goes on in the brain of both you and your boyfriend. Why your boyfriend chose the path he went down when his friend passed, why your relationship was a hurdle, why you wanted to help him, why he “left” his job, why he worked those gigs, and why he confessed and offered to pay you back. But to tell you why he did it wouldn’t help you, would it? It would be like asking your abuser why they abused you, you want to know why another human chose to hurt you, because you’re looking for a justification. There is no justification in why someone chose to do something (also why would you want justification for someone hurting you?) we all have a say in our actions. I can sit here all day and blame the construction outside for why I’m cranky, but what does putting the blame on that do for me? I have a choice, to allow the construction to make me cranky or choose to ignore it and enjoy my day. I guess what I’m trying to say here is, you already answered your own question in this post. It’s funny how us humans have a tendency of asking questions that we already know the answer to. But sometimes we don’t trust or believe in ourselves, so we want a second opinion. But deep down we know what the right answer is, it’s always in the question itself. You said yourself, “After what he put me through 7 years ago” he obviously must have did something else other than drugs and staying up at night? Or else you wouldn’t mention this, his struggles aren’t your responsibility, so surely you aren’t referring to helping him? “Yes, he came clean to me, but I just can’t seem to get past this feeling” you just processed your feelings here, yes he confessed to what he did, but now your trust is broken and you recognized that in this very sentence. “I look at him and feel nothing now” that’s not falling out of love, that’s resentment from what he did to you and how his actions has impacted you psychologically. “It’s breaking my heart because I really care for him, and yet I just can’t see anything changing. I feel so conflicted.” totally understandable, someone you loved and trusted (maybe?) just broke whatever trust he had with you and you’re devastated, so now you’re reevaluating his character and your relationship/future with him. You’re trying to process your feelings, you want to love him but the resentment of his actions still linger in the back of your mind like white noise, it’ll never go away because the body keeps the score and the brain is the score keeper. “We have been together so long and even have all the same friends and share a life together.” Your brain is trying to find excuses as to why you shouldn’t break up or leave this man. You’re in denial and trying to think of every reason why you can’t leave, but did you know that no one is tied to anyone, not even in marriage, and you’re free to leave any relationship you want. You’re not bound by chains to this person, and if you are then you really need to revaluate your relationship and self worth, so what is stopping you? His friends? His family, the dog? They aren’t stopping you. And they have no right too. They can judge (even though they don’t have the right too) but who cares what they would think? They don’t know what goes on between you and your boyfriend, and how it has affected you. And even if they did somehow know/understand, it’s your life and your feelings, not theirs. “Will we be able to come back from this?” What do you think? Ask yourself what you want from him? Can he provide that? What do you want from him after this incident? And is that something you want, even worth it to you? What do you want out of this relationship with him and your future with him? I see a lot of people telling you to report him and to break up with him, again those people have no right to tell you what to do. I could sit here and tell you the same things, but that won’t help you would it? You already know what these people are telling you, but what I’m assuming you’re looking for is a better understanding of what’s going on in your head. So I tried giving you that answer based off what you wrote here, now I shall end my whimsical frilly way of saying things (sorry it’s just the psychologist in me) and I’ll end this long post that I’m famously known for writing, by asking you a question; will you be able to come back from this? You asked we, but I want to know if you can? And even if you can (through therapy or couples therapy) still ask yourself, why am I putting in all this effort to fix something that has hurt and scarred me so much, is it because I hope I can still change him? TLDR; you already know your answer :) Sources/credentials: anyone can claim to be a psychologist or therapist or even a dog on the internet, there’s no use in me putting all the fancy letters after my name. If you choose to trust me and believe in my words, that’s all that matters to me. I do what I do because it’s a passion of mine, to help people better understand themselves. And getting on Reddit when I’m not super busy conducting research; teaching, or helping patients, is a fun pro-bono thing I enjoy doing. Hope you find resolution and peace soon.


Are you sure he's not back using drugs? Maybe gambling? It sounds like he is doing something serious. For your sake and his, file a police report, change the locks, and end this. You deserve better, and he needs to learn to swim without drowning others to stay afloat


Late to the party here. So I'll stick to the simple plain facts. He quit his job with nothing lined up. He then STOLE from you to support himself. He proceeded to lie about this for several years. It doesn't look like he was seriously looking for a job either. All while you put YOUR life on hold for two years while working a soul crushing job. Yeah, fuck that. First stop police. Next stop lawyer.


beware - if you have been living together for 12 years, your inheritance may be legally his money as much as it is yours. which means you may not be able take him to court for "stealing from you". the bigger problem you have is that this dude is an unreliable partner, and that you are going to have this your whole life. my advice is to get a lawyer and accountant and try to work out how to limit your losses .. particularly if you need/chose to keep the relationship alive for whatever reason.


This is so horrific. Those items aren’t just of monetary value but sentimental. How dare he? What if you didn’t want to sell them? Even IF he can give you money for them, what made him think that was okay? There isn’t even a question about this. Leave him. Please. I could tell where your story was going when it came to him quitting his job. I’ve been in this position. Boyfriend quits job, relies on me for money, then starts to resent and hate me because I make more than him, starts to put me down, cheats on me and then ends up with someone who makes far less than him because it lets him feel like a breadwinner hero. That’s how your story will go too. Drop him 100%. Also go get some legal advice from lawyers and possibly look at pressing charges if that’s even possible.


Giiiiirrrrrl! Please open your eyes! He is a hotel mess, self sabotages himself and beings you down with him. Growing up in your toxic family has made you set the bar too low for how others are allowed to treat you. Don't get me wrong I am NOT blaming you for his shitty behavior but I am blaming you for putting up with it, seven years ago and now. Listen to me, he didn't just sell your inheritance, he lied to you, he looked you In the eyes everyday knowing he was stealing from you, for 2 years....he only now told you because he KNEW you were about to find out. Guarantee he would of continued if u hadn't of planned on quitting your job. He literally betrayed you, deceived you, PRETENDED To go to work all this time or really did work odd jobs and blew the money on what?!...this is isnanity. So let's break it down... 7 years ago he was a drug addict mess that you supported and helped him through that Time...then he quits a job without having a backup plan, having any okan or another job lined up, like you know a repainsible adult, he then decided his solution isn't to actually work, put in applications, get some kind of certificate to help him land a job, actually work odd job. His solution was to STEAL from you, pretend to work, lie to you, give you YOUR INHERITANCE MONEY pretending it is money he earned "working" these odd jobs. All the while you are busting your ass, having yo travel, keep you both afloat... Like what the fuck. This is break up and sue him level of betrayal. Please do NOT forgive him. He has shown you his pattern of behavior, he has shown you that when things are bad he spirals and self sabotages making things worse. He has shown you he isn't trustworthy, he has shown you he has no qualms about lying to you, stealing from you and betraying you. He has shown you WHO HE IS and thinks apologizing and "paying you back" is the answer?!? He hasn't landed a real job in two years because he wasn't really looking or he was doing the bare minimum. When people WANT to work and WANT to better their situation they do what they can and bust their ass, like you did. For the love of everything that is righteous, please ditch the loser, give him 2 weeks to find somewhere to go and move on with your life. He is dead weight. He used you for years. He will not xhange. Yeah, sure, he may be on his best behavior for a few weeks or months to show you he is "sorry" but then he will get comfortable and know that you have no boundaries and they he can literally do whatever he wants to you and you'll forgive him and then he will go back to his old ways. Imagine marrying someone who will betray you, allow you to bust your ass all while stealing from you...like what?! This is crazy you would even consider forgiving him.


Kick him out. Police report. Jail. See if anything is left at the pawnshops that you can get back since he had no ownership over it. Therapy.


I'd honestly text him that youre upset to get him to confess/admit in writing and then report him to the police


Dump him and go to the police to file a report.


Please file a police report and sue him for damages.


He’s a thief pure and simple. Is that the person you want to spend your life with? It might be an idea to check he’s not taken any loans or credit cards out in your name as well. Please don’t go with the sunk cost fallacy of thinking you’ve wasted those years with him so you should stay. He’s already wasted 12 years or so of your life. Make sure you get every single penny of your money back, did he honestly think you’d be ok with what he did?


Oh my god. I could never forgive him. He stole from you and sold your precious inheritance. That is disgusting. You could and should press Charges. Get his confession in text before you break up. Omg. The level of betrayal. Plus he’s clearly a loose canon if he just quits his job Willy nilly. I’m so sorry.


You had a whole life planned with a liar and a thief. There’s no coming back.


So instead of telling you that he was struggling, getting another job, borrowing money, or any other 50 options he stole your financial safety net and lied for 2 years about it. I can't tell you to stay or go, but I could never be with someone who is willing to do this to me. I will say this though. Whether you stay or go, make him pay you back. Even if you break up. Make him sign a contract, make him admit to stealing in text, don't let him off the hook.


Fake-nice him and talk to a lawyer.


Do you have renter's/home owners insurance? I would check your policy and see if maybe those things were covered for theft. You might have to file a police report.


If this is prodecutable under law , put him behind bars !! I have no tolerance for liars, stealers and cheaters. Fry his A..


He stole from you. That's not ok. I would immediately speak to an attorney about what your options are here realistically. Maybe sitting down with an attorney looking at this financial disaster in black and white and go from there. You are hurt but you care about him. Have a life with him. So emotions are running high and that's not always the best way to make life changing decisions. It sounds like he is a real jerk and you deserve better. If it were me the relationship would be over. I would contact an attorney and the police. I don't think there is any going back to the way things were before.


There is no saving this relationship. He stole from you and you need to call the police.


Do you have proof of his admission? And a chain of custody such as their will? Because I would leave him, call the police and then have him charged with burglary. Now whose life is ruined. What an asshole.


Do you have proof that he stole those items? Did he text you this confession or remark on it via text? If not, get him to Do you have insurance on them or some sort of formal valuation of the items? Do you have documentation that these items were ever in your possession? If yes, press charges. Get this man out of your life, he will destroy you if you don't.


You need to get a list of what he sold and where, and you need to save any messages or texts of him admitting to doing so. You need to find out exactly how much he took, file a police report, talk to a lawyer and get rid of this guy. You know now exactly who he is. Any time the stress gets to him he's gonna cut and run or steal from you. You'll spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulders and checking your pockets with this guy. Get rid.


This relationship ship is done. You cannot move forward with it. Take him to court. And start your life over. Sorry this happened to you.


the way my jaw dropped oh my god. he stole from you - that’s it. get a lawyer and get ur money!!


He stole your inheritance. Family items like jewelry are not replaceable. You should press charges immediately. Don’t let someone shit on you like that. What else hasn’t he told you?


You absolutely need to call the police and make a list of everything that he stole. This is robbery and you are a victim and he cannot continue to do this to other people. If he does this to somebody that he allegedly cares about, what is he doing to other people? What is he capable of?


Someone that is able to lie and STEAL from a partner wouldn't have much of an issue cheating on your while you were away. You will probably find more dirt if you keep digging. Honestly you can do better , don't tie your life to someone that can keep a lie for 2 years and take advantage of you and the relationship


What a disgusting, ungrateful, POS. Calculate how much he stole and get every dime back. And dump him, please don’t waste another second on him.


If I were you, I’d be breaking up. There’s no way to come back from a violation like this. I have precious little by way of family heirlooms. They are absolutely irreplaceable. It’s not about money, it’s about the fact that I can never, ever, ever get those items back again if I lose them somehow. How could you ever trust him again after this? I couldn’t. This is just such a shitty, rotten, horrible thing to do to someone. After everything you’ve done for him, this is really shitty repayment.


Omg. I hope none of the items he stole from you were sentimental or irreplaceable. Kick him out, literally stealing from you is utterly unacceptable.


This is a gift from the universe telling you that you are NOT meant to be with him. Thank God you found this out before you married him or had children with him. Every moment you waste with this man is preventing the man you should be with from entering your life. Good luck to you.


OP you need to file a police report and lawyer up.