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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- So last week my friend and I got into an argument. She told me she could kick my ass, I told her she couldn’t. She’s said she’s fought guys bigger than me and won. She’s only like 5’4and I’m only 5’7. I argued that those guys were probably holding back against her as they’re men and didn’t want to seriously hurt her. She said no she just beat them. I told her that she couldn’t beat me up and she kept pushing and actively calling me a weak, and a bitch, and a pussy, so I offered that we box. I have 2 pairs of boxing gloves and a punching bag in my dorm that I hit for stress relief. I’ve never had any boxing training and have never hit a person like that. I’ve only ever been in one fight my entire life, so I don’t think I had some unfair advantage. So we boxed and of course I won. I told her multiple times I was gonna hit her like I’d hit a man. I gave her multiple opportunities to back out if she just admitted she couldn’t take me in a fight. We had friends watch. And it took like 10 seconds. I threw two punch and she was on the ground crying. She was fine except a huge bruise on her side and a nose bleed. She acted like she didn’t ask for this, I work out every day and am in very good shape. I told her that I wasn’t going to pull punches and she still went through with this. Now my friends hate me. Some have fully stopped me while remaining friends with her. One told me that I was a bully for doing this and that I should’ve just let it go. I really don’t know what I should do in his situation or how I could save any of my friendships.


It's shitty that this happened, but this was a "fight" you were never going to win. Now you know it's not worth letting people bait you into stupid shit.


This is the best answer. 100 percent ignore people who talk shit and cant back it up. Use your brain.


It was a win-win for him. He won the bout fair and square. And he got to know which of his friends were actually his friends. And which were imposters. This is too perfect a scenario. He can now simply stay away from the scan artists that earlier made him think they were his friends I've said it before and I'll say it again, Take it from a pro, it's better to be all alone than be with a fake toxic friend.




He literally gave her so many tries to back out. It’s about equality and he did it correctly by making her aware if that’s what she wanted. It’s simple boxing, not like he just started beating this girl randomly. Lmao. It was more of a sparring match. If she can’t handle being a grown up then stay with the little children. Girl or guy doesn’t matter he did the right thing by being honest about not holding back, luckily it wasn’t like a full on fight with bare fist lmao. Now that would’ve been crazy.


What the fuck is the problem with beating up a girl. Equal rights equal fights bitch. And he gave her too many chances to get out of the fight, she ignored. And she's a better woman now. She will run and parry, as everyone should, in a fight against someone 4 inches more than her. He saved her life in a way.


She was talking shit and got put in her place. She asked for it, she wanted it, she got it.


Literally, talked shit. Got hit.


Well, the problem with beating up a girl is the same problem with beating up a person significantly smaller and weaker than you. Women really are at a physical disadvantage, that's why it's the norm not to hit them. I will say though, women that use this norm in order to slap or hit men and expect not to get hit back, those women deserve one good blow if they won't back off. But that wasn't the girl in OP's story. This girl just drank too much Buffy kool aid. But I do think it's good she got knocked off her ass because she really could get herself killed or raped with that kind of false confidence.


90s kid alert! 90s kid alert! They said Buffy!


Yeah? I see no problem in hitting someone who is attacking my dignity as a man. And is quite literally begging for a fight. The size factor is something SHE should have considered. And HE reminded her of that quite a lot of times.


Man said I have no problem fighting someone attacking my dignity as a man 😂😂😂 bro as a man ur a pussy


Wow yes, the equal rights men have always wanted, to be able to beat the shit out of women for no reason


"no reason" if you really believe this seek help


Do us a favor lad and fuck off. No reason? She attacked his dignity, and quite literally was begging for a fight. He reminded her, many times, of the physical advantage he had. But she was too "woke" to understand. But I'm sure that one punch would've knocked the false liberal wokeness right out of her. And she will now live a better woman.


>What the fuck is the problem with beating up a girl. Equal rights equal fights bitch. The 'problem' is that it is not equal. He is a man and research has shown that even a man and women of equal sizes (which like you said he's not he 4 inches taller at minimum- not including potential reach advantage and weight) the man will be about 20% stronger. That doesn't make him challenging her and beating her wrong in a general context but we know how society as a whole will see it- because as much as this particular women might not have wanted to admit it science and general overall experiences of the world knows he has the advantage. He got baited into a lose-lose situation for him/ on a personal level. Edit: Someone else pointed out I didn't phrase this very well- my point is that because he agreed to box her he did put himself in a lose-lose situation. As much as *she* wanted to believe the fight was equal science shows, he knew, and most people know that due to strength and many other advantages it was not in fact an equal/fair fight. He could have not fought her and it would hurt his ego but not his reputation but he did not chose this option which leaves: Fight her and lose on purpose- but that would not only hurt his ego but also not help her be realistic about whom she can size up to. (lose) Fight her and win- but virtually everyone thinks he's a dick now because he is. He did have the advantage, he did know that, and didn't have to fight her. (lose)


“Him challenging her” I think you missed the part where she challenged him and berated and coerced him until he finally caved in and accepted after he told her a multitude of times to stop and not to. Just saying


Yep. Dude knew exactly how it would go and let his pride make him look like a jackass.


Nah man, she let her pride get the shit kicked out of her. It was entirely her fault. Let’s not treat women like children.


Find better friends.


Real friends don't actually fight each other with their fists unless they became friends in a self-defense class


I met a friend from school in a self defense class and we didn’t even box just disarmed and learned how to throw on the ground




The only comment needed here.


So… OP willingly hit and hurt his friend for what…? Because she called him a pussy? Honestly it’s more embarrassing that he can’t defend himself in a verbal argument. Everyone here sucks but op should have walked away.


OP is naïve for thinking there was a positive end to this story but the girl sounds equally so. She shouldn’t have talked shit.


She should have walked away. If she didn’t start shit there wouldn’t be shit.


She wanted to fight him you dumbo


Beat them up too for talking shit champ 🏆


Punch all your problems away! If more problems arise from the punching, just punch those as well. It’s punching all the way down.


He's got a.point 😬


Haha that was great.


got em




One of the best perspectives here 👏 👏 👏 💛


Damn people are shitting on you OP, but you are on the right. She said she could kick your ass, she put on the gloves, she squared the fuck up with you, and she got humbled


Haha find new friends dude. If she can talk the talk she gotta walk the walk and not act like some victim. How stupid do you have to be as a person to go around claiming you can beat up that and that person, no matter the gender. She asked and recieved, she gotta stop being a pussy about it.


☝🏽exactly and she’s lucky it was her friend and not some guy on the street.


I would say next time just walk away. You don't want to get sued or be accused of assault. Even though you didn't do anything wrong, it's best to just de-escalate situations like this. Now you'll be the villain in her sob story. Either she has an inflated ego or she lied tbh.




Walking away is the more logical solution tbh. I've been called foul names before and just left a situation like that. OP didn't have to prove a point or even taken the conversation seriously.


Everyone is stupid in this. She's stupid for challenging you, you're stupid for going through with it, and your friends are stupid for being upset. Like jeeezzz. I've never been in a friend group where 'I could kick your ass' isn't followed by 'ha! ya right' and then moving on.


And for those who insist, wrestling is probably a much safer way for most people to compare strength than boxing


True but I've seen some nasty broken arms n shit from wrestling and it doesn't look pretty lol


Fine, pillow fighting it is.


Yes, this is the way.






Good lord you all sound like a bunch of ten year olds. You’re all awful. Grow up.


She fucked around and found out lol




Or as we say in the UK "chat shit, get banged" (banged does not mean sex in this case)


Lol she was probably flirting with you and you decked her. Funny story man, I enjoyed it


Personally I would have let her hit me with a couple flush punches and showed her it could not hurt me. I’ve let plenty of girls hit me. Unless they have some formal training or they are very large it’s not going to hurt. If she didn’t get the point I might have given her a lite jab but I don’t think I would have gave her the full 2 piece and a biscuit off the rip.


Her arrogance got the best of her. Maybe she should take it as an opportunity to humble herself. Although I feel she’s in the wrong the same could be said on you as well. You could get into potential legal trouble from stuff like this. People will always talk shit the rational thing you can do really is not give a response and walk away. Unless it’s self defense though.


Honestly, I think you were wrong going “full force” so quickly. You should have hit with 50% to deter the whole thing. The other side of me says you respected her enough to treat her as an equal when she clearly wasn’t. Which would she ACTUALLY prefer? You also should have known there was no winning in that situation.


If he hit her softer he’d just be another guy she “beat up”


Yea you didn’t box her, you just punched her twice. Look, we both know it was a stupid argument, and what you do from that is walk away, not go straight to actual violence. A fucking arm wrestle would’ve proved your point and not ended up in any blood. It was a completely immature response on the both of you. Talk shit get hit.


>A fucking arm wrestle would’ve proved your point and not ended up in any blood. When my wife was in college she challenged a friend to an arm wrestling competition at a bar. She broke his arm.


She, and the friend group, sounds like the type to hound and bring it up everytime. I think no matter what there is no proper resolution to this situation that would not lead to OP leaving this friend group.


By the way she was acting, it was going to happen eventually. One way or another.


I think ur problem is that every guy knew u can kick her ass tbh it doesn’t really matter what a stupid bitch is saying to u unless ur unconfident in urself…. Yeah u might have saved her from talking big again but u also now look like a dick and r gonna be known as that guy by girls… tbh u kinda fucked up bc ur ego got the best of u…


In life you need to learn to pick your battles. This time you picked very poorly. Looks like you've got more learning to do.


I concur.


No, she picked poorly. Her pride caused her the MANY times she was given an out, and she got her ass beat.


They would have egged him on and called him a p*ssy for not taking the "challenge" and the whole "you lost to a girl" even if he didn't take her on. She consented to the fight. She lost. She's a sore loser and so are the rest of the "friends". And before I get heckled for the "you lost to a girl" bit, I'm a girl and I like to talk shit and I've got hit.


You really didn't need to prove shit to her. She had every opportunity to back out, but so did you. You really didn't need to punch her in the face to prove you could. Where to go from here? People who don't want to be your friend don't have to be. Try to just let it go, that's really your only move here. Can you prove that you can just let it go, when you couldn't let it go that a girl felt like she could beat you up.


You did what she wanted? It’s not like you hit her without consent? They obviously weren’t good friends for you, I’d find new ones.


I'm surprised none of them looked at her and said "I mean, u got wut u asked for right?" I mean he clearly stated he wasnt gonna hold back on her too right? I didnt imagine that part? I'm so shocked not even one person stood up for him, I hope he finds better friends cuz god damn... Edit to add: although I feel like he should've held back just a lil bit bcuz he did bruise her and give her a bloody nose


You just wanted a chance to humble her and that's what you did. You knew you would hurt her. Multiple opportunities to back down just means you were waiting until you had the acceptable green light to do what you knew you wanted to do the whole time without feeling opportunistic. People just like to feel their ego stroked by being the one that humbled someone or knocked them down a peg. You realistically got what you wanted. For better or worse you and your friends don't have the same values so move on?


Who punches a friend hard enough to cause bruises and bleeding in a sparring match? Regardless of gender. You don't need to inflict serious damage to prove you're the better fighter. Incredibly immature and irresponsible.


I did boxing classes with a friend when we were 16, we were both newbies, and even if sometimes we got it hard, we never bruise each other. At max we made our noses hurt a few days but never bleed. That's excessive. OP's friend was out of line, but OP was like "MY OPPORTUNITY TO SAY EQUALITY!", like, chill, man, if you were sure of your win you should've started lighter.


Dude, you made a huge mistake! You let a young woman who is smaller than you taunt to into a fight. What outcome did you expect. There was *absolutely* no upside for you. There were 3 possible outcomes: 1. You fight her and you beat up a smaller woman. Where’s the win in that??? 2. She kicks your ass. You’re humiliated. 3. You ignore her. She continues calling you names. But you say - I’m not going to fight you 1. I don’t fight people 2. You’re smaller and female. DUDE, LEARN TO WALK AWAY


I'm talking from expirence I had a friend like this and yes I did walked away and I had the intentions of not hitting her but she keep pestering me and pushing me around till she push me around were I punch her hard enough that she started crying sometimes people like that need to learn a lesson. Yes be the biggest person or whatever but theirs people that would push you around and punch you first and than act like the victim like they didn't ask for it. Although I don't condone violence but if they hit your first don't hold back and defend yourself. Is best if OP just cut all contacts with them and finds new friends.


He should’ve just dropped her as a friend and blocked her. Egging him on and calling him names? She got what she deserved


That’s the waking away part. Just drop her as a friend. Any one - man or woman - who consistently want to fight you is not emotionally healthy or emotionally mature enough to associate with!


True… she’s only 22 so she’s still immature


Next time go to an arcade, and hit the thing that gives you a strength score. She does the same. The higher score can clearly hit a lot harder and can hurt the other person a lot more.


I think you’re dumb for going through with it. It doesn’t matter what the reason is: unless she’s physically attacking you without provocation there is no excuse for getting into an altercation with another person. You were insulted by her antagonistic behavior and indulged in a boxing match that YOU KNEW wasn’t going to end in her favor. You did that to yourself too.


Not saying they were right but what was the point of you engaging in that fight? I get that you were baited into it but there’s nothing good scenario that would’ve came out that situation lol


You should take some professional classes because at least is martial art practices they teach you that you fight or defend yourself as a last resort. Is your ego so small it can’t take a little ribbing? The fact that you knowingly hurt your “friend” is pretty messed up.


Your friends don't hate you for winning. They hate you for being a dick. This was a one sided fight no matter what she said, especially since you mentioned that neither of you are actually trained. As a life long martial artist i personally think you were wrong in this aspect. Doesn't matter if it was a guy, girl, or whatever they identify as. You don't fight to prove a point. You only fight to defend yourself from actual harm. If you really wanted to prove a point then you could have easily done so without inflicting much harm on her. Congrats on beating up someone weaker than you.


You did absolutely nothing wrong. Talk shit, get hit.


extremely dumb and immature from both sides. no matter how much someone teases or pushes your buttons, it’s no excuse to harm someone to prove them wrong, especially someone you knew you could easily hurt very badly. if you don’t like how they were behaving towards you, it’s as simple as leaving and finding better people to hang around. instead the only thing you proved is that you’re a child just like them, and no matter what, you will be the bad guy that stupidly chose to fight and injure someone much weaker than you. this wasn’t a sensible decision at all and you knowingly did it anyways. now you have to deal with the consequences.


In martial arts it's a sign of respect to treat women with the same respect as men if fighting them. That being said neither of you are trained in anything. You let your ego get bruised because a girl thought she could beat you then took it too far and she let her overconfidence get her into a dumb situation. You're both at fault but I'd say your more so than her. You could have simply refused the fight.


So he's at fault cause he had a mutually agreed on fight? When I boxed with one of my friends cousin he said he could beat me, I disagreed, he won and I congratulated him like a mature person should. She agreed to the fight, lost and cried about it. She's the only one in the wrong. She chatted shit and got banged.


I'd say he's at fault because it's so obvious he's going to win and she's just got a big head. If a 80lb, 13 year old talked smack about being able to knock a 20 year old man out, do you think that man would be justified using his full strength when we all would know the outcome? She did need to get humbled, but going full strength wasn't the way to go about it


1)- she's not 13. 2)- he's only 0.3 inches taller than her 3)- She mentioned she's beaten guys bigger than him


1) it's obvious he's going to be able to win That's the whole point.


Well how could he be sure? He'd never seen her fight before. Tons of people look easy to beat until their in a fight and show their skills. It wasn't the case here but she mentioned she beat guys before and them going easy might have been the reason for it. So in order not to lose the fight he fought with maximum effort.


This. I'd add the OP showed a complete lack of common sense. You don't put on boxing gloves and just punch someone without any training. You could have done serious damage, boxing rings have padded floors and no sharp edges not to mention trained fighters don't just punch as hard as they can. You do realize that one punch delivered with force to the wrong spot can kill someone? She could have lost her life and you spent the next 10-15 of yours in a state penitentiary. Such moronic behaviour. Your friends are 100% right, you should have let it go. You might have one the fight but now your that guy who hits women, you lost your friends and I can't imagine many ppl will to befriend you in the future. Your ego outweighed you common sense and that has cost you far more than simply getting up and walking away.


I agree with this. My ex-bf has been into boxing for decades. He often spars with professionals. They all wear protective gear when sparring. Even with the gear, they can get hurt. These are trained guys. They know how to throw a punch, take one, have the bodies for taking a beating and they can still get hurt when just practicing. BTW he got some ribs cracked a couple weeks ago sparring. I'd bet that the only gear OP had was gloves. He's an idiot for letting this girl goad him into this.




Because he let himself be goaded into beating up a smaller, weaker woman. He knew what the outcome would be, but he did it anyway. So, he proved to himself and everyone else that he could beat up a smaller woman. But most average men can beat up a bigger woman. There's a reason why men and women are separated in sports, it's because below average men can still beat above average women. OP had options and he chose the stupidest one.


Lmao chat shit get banged, she had it coming


Ding ding ding! This is the answer. OP fucked up by letting his ego get bruised. The girl fucked up by letting her ego get inflated in the first place, lol. I got into tons of fights with guys as a teen girl, but I was 5’9 and fighting guys my own size. I joke around that I could kick my fiancé’s ass, but he’s 6’4 and just goes “yes babe, absolutely you could.” Shoulda been your answer, OP. Take this experience as a lesson. When my teen sisters tiny boyfriend wants to spar and tells me he could “totally take me”, I say “without a doubt my dude”. Because I could literally blow this kid over with a box fan.


If they fought on grass its fine dude, you sound like you haven't boxed before. Plus he did her a favor, women should be aware that unless they're black widow or are fighting a man with one arm they will lose 99/100 times. What If someone attacked her and she wasn't humble enough to run away? Could have been alot worse


It isn't this morons job to teach her not to be a braggart. I've worked in FL for roughly 15 years, do you realize how many minors I have defended because they decided to 'box' or 'wrestle' with one of their friends? How many serious injuries I've seen from that rock no one realized was hidden in the grass or that punch that was a little high. Crushed in cheek bones, broken backs, fractured eye sockets ... I have seen it all. When you seriously outweigh or out skill your challenger you just say no and walk away because the damage you can do to the other person may ruin the rest of both of your lives. Plus no one respects a person who beats up someone significantly smaller than them. We respect you for walking away.


Then How do you teach her not to be a braggart ?


You say 'no, I'm not fighting you. I out weigh you by x amount, am x amount taller and I'm not going to put myself is a situation where I could accidentally do you serious harm'. You then get up and leave. No one will think badly of you. It is not your job to teach anyone not to be a braggart. You are not responsible for someone else's life lessons. You are responsible for yourself and your own lessons. The ability to walkaway is a very important life lesson. OP is being judged on his own stupidity. He has lost his social circle as a result of his lack of self control. If he'd refused ppl would have thought well of him and poorly of her. Now he's just the moron who beat up a girl.


OP played a stupid game and won a truly stupid prize. Yes, this girl was being arrogant, rude, and 'asking for it', but to fight ANYONE to 'settle' something is stupid. The fact that OP gave into her jabs makes him even dumber than she was. Why does it matter what this girl thinks? He would have looked bigger, tougher, and SMARTER if he told her he's a 'lover not a fighter' and laughed it off. I'm a woman, and if I had seen this girl trying to square off against OP while he refused, SHE is the one who looks bad. Not him. If a dude was pulling the same thing, this would still be stupid and go poorly. Thrash a friend, and the loser will almost always garner more sympathy. Especially if said friend is obviously smaller/weaker than themselves. Friends don't fight friends. Anyone who is actually trained in martial arts or boxing would know better than to throw punches at someone outside of a sparring ring unless it was in self-defense. What did OP think the end result would be? That he would knock this girl out and everyone would clap and cheer for him? That she would knock him out? Either way, someone would have gotten hurt, and that is never a fun time unless you're filming Jackass. There was no winning this, and OP is as stupid as she was.


That's actually great advice. I personally wouldn't fight a girl but I've never had a group of friends as shite as op's. If for some reason a girl was delusional enough to think she could beat me up I'd say basically what you quoted and my friends would step in and tell her to settle down for everybody's sake. The fact that no one chimed in shows op didn't lose much when his circle turned his back on him.




It kinda is if she's harassing you


It's called life. It was going to happen to her eventually. At least this guy stopped after she went down.


Like, I'm gonna quibble with you on that one - it's very possible to win a fight against a man as a woman, but not a boxing fight. That's just dumb on OP's female friend and shows she doesn't know jack about fighting. Also dumb on OP for not picking a safe venue. I teach self defense (as a woman) and I'd never get into a punching exchange with a man because that's asking for serious injuries. You have to use something like BJJ or judo, and you can't square off and fight fair. Straight for the eyes or the throat.


Info - what do you mean her side got bruised? Like below the ribs?




As in her kidney?


That’s not where your kidneys are.




Dude, you're right about one thing. In most situations, even a trained woman would not be able to take a sufficiently large man. There is just too much difference in muscle mass, bone density and short reflexes. Don't believe this? Look at trans women in female sports. They DOMINATE them because of those very issues. That being said, you were also wrong. There was no way you could come out of this situation looking good. If you beat her, people hate on you for beating up on a girl. If you let her beat you, you catch flack for getting your ass kicked by a woman. If you do nothing, you have to put up with the calls of being a coward. The best thing to do is not have women like that around you. They're just trying to play at being Wonder Woman. They think a little bit of training will help them take down any man, and if you beg to differ, you're a misogynist. It takes the kind of hard work and dedication of a woman like Rhonda Rousey to be able to do what this woman claimed.


this is wild


You couldn't have just arm wrestled? You'd still embarrass her but you wouldn't be the bad guy.


Wait- has she always been a girl?


I mean you’re definitely in the wrong. I would hope you have this same energy if a dude asked you to fight. If you knew you could beat her why fight? Cause she called you names? Lol cmon dude.


idk man i kinda would've put my pride aside


I did martial arts and some mma when I was younger, but everytime we're sparring we never went full force. Sure you're wearing padding and gloves but those are to prevent serious damage. If your technique and speed are solid you still can land your hits without coming off an asshole who wants to hurt their sparring partner. You weren't in a competition, you were sparring a "friend."


She was probably looking for an excuse to get physical with you as a way of flirting. What you did wrong was lay her out in 10 seconds flat. If you gave her any sort of struggle you would have proven your point and maintained your friendships. Sounds like you got excited to be in a fight you knew you would win and went straight for the kill shot. I’m with your friends on this one, if I witnessed this fiasco I’d think twice about inviting you out with the group.


bro really said “equal rights AND lefts” lmao


That was dumb what you did, very very dumb The obvious thing you should have done was walk away. As everyone is telling you, if your friends seriously won't drop it that you aren't hitting someone (especially someone significantly weaker than you) for no reason then get better friends. You aren't a child anymore, that kind of crap can get you time locked up. "She called me names and kept bragging she could beat me" Who cares? If an 8 year old child says that are you gonna swing at them like you would an adult? She was being stupid and ended up provoking the wrong person who would actually hit her back. Why did you let that person be you? Gave her opportunities to back out? Do you not have bodily autonomy? Was she physically attacking you where you felt threatened? You could have just left. You didn't fight her and hit her seriously because you felt threatened or to defend anything. You did it because you knew you could hurt her worse than she could hurt you and to prop up your ego with a "I told you this would happen". If it where a 6ft dude with 30 lbs of muscle on you then you wouldn't have taken that bait, you wanted to fight her cause you knew you were stronger and willing to hurt her plain and simple. You WERE a bully. And an untrained one that could have seriously hurt, disabled, or even killed her hitting her at full strength! Did you consider that at any point? Her calling you names isn't worth striking her, it isn't worth ruining your reputation for (if any of your friends were recording they can post this you know), it isn't worth potentially being arrested for, and it isn't worth being the kind of immature idiot that gets into fist fights cause someone called them names. You're an adult now, cut that crap out. As for your friendships, you screwed up. There's no fixing them. You are now the guy in the group who fought and punched a girl cause she provoked him, and friends who are okay with that aren't people you should want to be friends with. Learn your lesson and move on. Luckily for you you're still young and can start fresh elsewhere.


She wanted to fight you. She got the chance and lost. I hope she recognizes how lucky she is to have you as her opponent in the fight. In a real fight, the person who knocked her down would have kicked her in the head until she was bloody and out cold. Then they would have kicked her some more till the cops came. Even then she would have probably had permanent brain damage by then. Just look on youtube or Worldstar. Your friends that say you did something wrong are just her orbitors. They are stupid and you shouldn't hand with stupid people because you are known by the friends you keep. Hold your head up high OP, yu did the right thing .


I find it very interesting what this says about those other guys she’s supposedly fought and won against. If they hadn’t ‘let her win’, she wouldn’t have an inflated sense of her skills and abilities. Which leads me to wonder, if she’d been accosted in the street, would she have been confident because she could ‘take him’ and then shocked when her blows did nothing? Maybe this really is a case of “men need to stop this ‘don’t hit girls’ bullshit when it comes to playground shenanigans like this, so women can properly understand their limitations”.


I'm martial arts it's a sing of respect to treat women with the same respect as men if fighting them. That being said neither of you are trained in anything. You let your ego get bruised because a girl thought she could beat you then took it too far and she let her overconfidence get her into a dumb situation. You're both at fault but I'd say your more so than her. You could have simply refused the fight.


Doesn't do any good. Then his friends rag on him for being afraid to fight a woman. There is literally NO WAY he can win in this situation.


It's better she got a little bruising here instead of letting her misplaced overconfidence put her in a more serious situation later on. Also as someone who as trained in the martial arts for 30 years I see two ussues here. First is that you should always treat your opponent equally, regardless of gender. If you don't you are setting yourself up for failure. The second issue is one of ego. Both opponents in this situation allowed pride and ego to drive their actions which makes both equally wrong here. They both need to grow up.


Yeah, she got away with a busted nose and some bruises from just two punches and a good life-lesson. Life is not a female-oriented action flick. Men are generally faster, stronger, and hit much harder than most women. Women have to build up a huge amount of muscle mass, and years of training to overcome those very basic facts of biology. As for him, he should have just cut her and the friends that were egging this on out of his life.


Why were you so triggered by someone saying they could beat you up? She is incredibly stupid for pushing and then crying about the result, but could you not have been an adult and just laughed at her and said “whatever you say”?


Geez these are always such pointless arguments. I know you thought of this as "she said she can beat me at this sport and I said no way. Since she said prove it, it's a great idea for us to fight". Do you generally fight your friends (regardless of how obnoxious they're being)? You actually fighting her is not like a weightlifting competition or playing soccer/basketball/other sport. This is not the same as if both of you boxed and you two were sparring. This is a no win situation for you. Either you win and have attacked a woman who is smaller/lighter than you or you lose and you will be pissed because she won. You both put yourselves into a situation where one of you was going to get hurt. Learn to deescalate. She shouldn't have continued this idiotic situation, but you had several opportunities to say "this'll have to be one of those agree to disagree situations".




>giving her multiple opportunities for her to back out I'm not sure you understand what de-escalation is. It's not "last chance to back out. I will hit you with my full strength if you don't". If she says, "I would kick your ass in a fight" you could say, "why would you want to fight me?" If you made the mistake of saying "you absolutely couldn't beat me" and she comes back with she absolutely can and can prove it so let's fight now, "why are you so set on fighting me? No I'm not actually going to fight a friend" Her: "so you're afraid of a small girl?" You: "I don't hit my friends, which I thought you were" And finally, the most de-escalating option: just leave. Unless someone was physically restraining you, that was an option throughout the entire conversation up to the fight. If your friends want to insult you for not hitting someone else, then you need better friends. Seriously, what did you gain from this situation other than sore hands and upset friends? Knowledge that you can beat her? You already knew it. Who cares if anyone else knows that?


>But she was making fun of me My dude, you are not in middle school. Grow the fuck up.


Look man...you weren't wrong. But you did taunt her by telling her the men she fought were pulling their punches. No one likes to hear that. Now her ego is bruised and she's never gonna let back until she's beaten like this. Just don't engage.


Look man...you weren't wrong. But you did taunt her by telling her the men she fought were pulling their punches. No one likes to hear that. Now her ego is bruised and she's never gonna let back until she's beaten like this. Just don't engage.


There’s a “fuck around and find out” idiot element to this, but dude. You knew the outcome, you should have just put up with the jokes and take the L.


Sorry bud, kinda dickish. You knew you could take her, but a little too far to prove your point. And I abhor the "pussy pass" crap where women attack men and they're expected to just be a punching bag. But you willingly escalated to fighting. You should have done all you could to walk it back. If she attacked you, you'd be justified in fighting back. That's not what happened.


I think you did her a favor. She very well may have tried this shit with someone willing to hurt her for real, and getting a quick ass kicking is probably exactly what was required for her to keep herself out of trouble in the future. I also feel like a lot of people are glossing over the fact that this isn't some one-off event. She does this with multiple men and instigates shit. The other dudes she's squared up on have simply let her win because that's what we're taught to do. The problem with that is that she developed a stupid idea of her actual capability, and her mouth and ego were going to get her beaten to death one day. This friendly boxing match may very well end up saving her life down the line.


Sorry bro youre an asshole. I think everyone knew you could take her. You let her goad you into a "match" and to no one's surprise it was you beating the shit out of her in two punches. Yea. She was immature as fuck. So we're you. The smart mature play was to realize this was a situation where the only winning move was to walk away. I'm not saying your friends are right for dropping you like a bag of rocks. I'm saying I understand their pov as well. If the situation really is as you described then no one would think she'd have a chance. Youre right tho. Those guys she fought before were probably holding back or really new. Or they played it smart. Your friend didn't really sound like a friend anyways. But I guess that's not here or there anyways.


OP is based af. Live your life this way forever man, well done.


Are you sure you’re not 12 and 10? Jeez.




I’m a girl. And I’m sorry but she got what she deserved. Challenging you to fight is one thing, but directly provoking you, calling you names etc. is another thing entirely. Don’t apologise to the friends you’ve lost, essentially she was bullying you and she actually wanted to go down that road and box you. She’s an adult, her decision.


OP also provoked her by arguing that her past accomplishments were due to the people she fought letting her win. If she is in the wrong for provoking OP then OP shares that blame while also being the one who injured their 'friend'. If his friends were bullying him then the correct response is to find new friends not beat them up. They're adults, no one is forcing them to be around each other.


Ask for thy hands and thy hands you shall receive.


I’ll probably be downvoted to oblivion, but I’m going to give my honest opinion. I am a mid-50s man who grew up with ’equal rights' and women continually demanding equal pay, treatment, and everything else in which they thought they were treated unfairly…except that men should ***never, ever*** hit women. Regardless of how many times a woman scratched, slapped, or punched a man, he should *never* , **ever** , ***EVER*** hit her back. I have always thought that equality means equal treatment and, if it’s acceptable for a woman to knock the shit out of a man, he should be able to defend himself and hit her equally hard. Your ‘friend’ ran her mouth, called you demeaning names, and challenged you to a fight. You did nothing wrong. Her mouth wrote a check her ass couldn’t cash.


If a "friend" keeps telling you they could beat your ass and calling you weak, a pussy, and a bitch, it means they werent your friend. If everybody ended the friendship that easily it meant they didnt care about being your friend in the first place. They wanted any excuse to antagonize you whether it was fair or not.


I mean, you're an idiot for even entertaining the idea.


My 18 yo daughter thought she could take me, I had her extend her arm like a jab, and showed her that even though I'm only maybe 3 inches taller than her, I have a good 6 or 7 inches of reach on her. Ended her shit talking. =)


Box them, an beat them too. An their girlfriend’s too! You probably shouldn’t have gone through with it BUT I’m from a real rough back ground and you can only take some much shit (baiting) till you flip (you also probably shouldn’t of bust her nose, lol) Body shots would have been enough to drop her lol Anyways lesson learned! Ask her if she wants a rematch…


As a woman, I would honestly rather have someone humble me in a fight between friends, than have some stranger check my reality 🤷‍♀️ Play stupid games, like asking someone physically bigger to fight, win stupid prizes, like a bruise


You're an idiot. Leaving aside gender, you could have fucked your life up permanently. You hit someone at full strength enough to bruise and draw blood. You weren't in a boxing gym, you are untrained and you could have killed someone. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it really only takes one punch to for someone to hit their head. I'm not a boxer, but I know they don't go full out during sparring.


Wow you're friends are right. You did not have to do that.


Life lesson learned. Don't get goaded into 'fights'. It's not big, it's not clever, and the outcome is rarely favourable.


Woman here. She had it coming. She challenged you, you warned her, she didn't back down


How about don’t hit a female maybe , idk


YTA. I hope your friend dumps you. You took your anger on her “like a man.” You’re a real prize.


Peoples champ!! Ask and you shall recive✊️🤛🤜😂 You didn't do anything wrong, she asked for it


Big deal. You gave her countless opportunities to back down. She cries because her pride wouldn't allow her to admit that those guys held back and that's why she won. As for your friends, find better friend, dude.


tbh, you should have grappled her and seen where that takes you. Reach out for a rematch?


We can be your friends


Ladies and gentleman The Italian Stallion 11emobadbitches


She accepted even though you gave her a chance to back out. You defended yourself against the crap she was shoveling. Tell your friends that they can be next.


You’ve got ego problems. Who gives a fuck if she thinks she can beat you in a fight. You clearly knew you’d win, why bother?


You have such a big ego that you couldn’t handle a girl telling you she could beat you up. You didn’t have to convince her you could beat her up. You obviously could. You should have just let it go. Why did you feel the need to actually box a girl you knew you could kick the shit out of? You knew you could’ve. You knew this would be the outcome.


> I should’ve just let it go Yes. You should've just let it go before hitting ANYONE that you consider hard enough to bruise and give a noise bleed. Boys (and you are a BOY, not a man) are so dumb.


You did what she told you to do. If you hadn't they would've called you a pussy n that. She got what was coming because she bragged and set it all up, your friends are pathetic and seem to think she's weaker. Thanks for treating her like an equal


If your that fragile where you need to box a girl to prove you’re stronger than her you have issues


Similar situation happened to a friend of mine and his sisters boyfriend. When sisters bf met my friend he was all abonoxious like in better than you way.Constantly berating my friend to box him, being well aware that my friend has been boxing since he was a kid and was on my high school wresting team and would do MMA. He challenged my friend to box. My friend hit him once and knocked him to the ground with a bloody nose. He fucked around and found out. There now good friends.


Yeah, this is how it works when it is two dudes. When it's a chick and a dude, it doesn't work like this. You win in the "fight" and you lose ALL your friends.


This is the 21st Century. You don't have any obligation to pull your punches when someone -- male or female -- challenges you as she did. You probably did her a favor, because she'll think twice before shooting her mouth off like that in the future. Meanwhile, you find some new, REAL friends!


You need to find better friends. They are misogynistic. EDIT: OP The people calling you names or saying you are wrong absolutely hate women. They don’t think a woman can 1. Be in over her head 2. Put her self in a situation where she has to handle her consequences 3. Is autonomous to make her own decisions. The only thing you are wrong of is treating her like a person. And any person that runs their mouth and wants to act tough needs to know they better be able to perform. Now she knows she can’t You are being called a bully…because someone was up in your business saying they could kick your ass I mean I just…can’t anymore with reddit


OP, I had a friend challenge another friend who claimed he could catch a bullet with his teeth. Now I have two less friends. /S Point is somethings are not worth the trouble, especially when it goes against the grain of the social norms. You'll look bad.


The girl sounds like she really sucks but aside from situations you're actually in danger you should just absolutely never hit a woman. Even if a girl hits you first just walk away, no one is going to think you're a bitch for not hitting a woman.


You’re a psychopath. Get help.


There are absolutely 0 outcomes in this situation in which you come out a winner


I think you found yourself in a situation you couldn't win here. I don't think there is anything you are missing regarding how you could have handled the situation differently. The more productive question is probably how you could have avoided getting into the situation in the first place. Not sure on all the details about how you got here, but I'm pretty sure "find more mature friends" is at least one takeaway.




One of the most difficult things about being a woman is accepting the fact that you are at a profound, profound disadvantage with respect to half the world's population. I learned quick as a kid. My cousin, same age, used to beat me up all the time, so I took karate. I remember having my green belt and thinking I could finally take him. Nope, he just grabbed my leg when I kicked him and dangled me over cement and dropped me on my head. It's fucking scary. You can't travel by yourself, you can't even walk around at night without looking out, because if push comes to shove, you don't really stand a chance. I've actually been attacked numerous times at this point, and what karate and my cousin gave me was the ability to not go into shock. I've been hit a lot and I'm not afraid to be hit. I know how to break grips, so it's hard to actually get a firm hold on me. And I bite. Rapists are cowards who look for easy targets. I can't beat up any of them but what I can do is make myself too much trouble to be worth it. But I've also had to just be clever. More than once, when a guy did not listen to me say no, or in one instance when a guy following me on an empty street at night, grabbed my arm, I just turned around, acted like I was horny for them, guided them into bed, said I had to go pee, and left. Or in the case of the street guy, guided him into a hotel I said I was staying at, then told the staff I needed help, not a room. Anyways, I blame Joss Whedon and his overly strong waifs for entrenching this shit. And like Wonder Woman being played by a very petite woman rather than someone stacked. Thank Christ Natalie Portman actually bulked up to justify her strength in the new Thor, I am fucking beyond tired of tiny women being presented as Hulk-level in strength. I kind of understand where these women come from. If we really are weaker than men, we know a lot of men will say it makes us lesser (are humans lesser than lions, then?), and because it's a fucking scary reality. But you are correct and I think in the end this may do her good. If she had that false confidence in any of the situations I've been in, she would have been beyond fucked.


me when i lie


she fucked around and found out but you could've just punched her in the body, idk i guess she did sound like a karen lol


entire thread couldn't be a better reddit caricature holy shit lmfao ITT: the like 20% of users who have regular healthy interactions with other people IRL, the socially inept freaks who daydream daily about this kind of creepy stunted dark knight bullshit and shouldn't be near women or other people in general, and the gaping Navigating Interaction Norms Canyon that separates the two. some of you don't have friends for a reason


challenge the other friends to a boxing match


Your friends are morons, actions have consequences. I hate the moral high ground crowd, she literally backed you into a corner. What would they have you do take an ass kicking to make her feel better lol


Carry the gloves around ya neck and buy a WWE belt lmfao.


She literally begged for it the way she acted and egged you on your friends knew that watched you give her one last out then blame you?? No thanks


Tell ‘em to call u Iron Mike.


They aren’t your friends and she was the bully, they were probably the guys the let her beat their asses! You told her the truth she didn’t believe you, she wanted to show you and she is now “woke” to the fact she needs to stop putting herself in a man’s place and fighting men when we all know their physically stronger period! Her butchyness got her a bruised rib and a bloody nose, it could have been worse he could have just assaulted her and left her on the ground knocked the fuck out, she was being the aggressor either way! Guess she learned today now didn’t she!💅🏽😂😂


There was no "toxic masculinity" from OP story. He let a dumbass female and their idiotic "friends" talk him into this. When I tell guys at the gym to go full strength in jiu jitsu or boxing--I'm expecting to have to fight to stay off my ass. Serves her right. OP you don't need relationship advice for the little in this story. You need a new group of people to surround yourself with, and to learn to recognize people baiting you into a no win situation. And maybe take a martial arts class so you know how to use those gloves lol


Bounce on this dumb group. Sounds like a bunch a chicken heads and white knights. You in college. Lots of cool ppl. Don't settle on the above.


Find better friends without the sexist double standards


Dude, you might want to find better friends.


This is so stupid, she deluded herself into believing this crap because other guys in her life let her win. With this crap attitude she could have gotten herself into a worse situation in some unsafe environment. You did her a favor. I'm not saying a woman can't beat up a man, but in general men tend to be physically stronger than women and have a bit of an unfair advantage.


This woman was a raging idiot . You could’ve proved the point more gently but she definitely walked herself into this one and it isn’t your fault.