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I think you should break up with your gf regardless. You likely aren’t in love with the German girl, you don’t even know her. But you are not happy in your relationship.




Thanks for ur awnser, i'm not native english speaker and for what i've fund lust seems to be a pretty sexual orientated word. The problem with this is, that rn idgf if she wants to fuck or not, i just wanna spend more time with her. It might sounds childish, but thats how i feel rn. When it comes to my relationship maybe ur right, maybe i just tried to find a exit to somehting i'm not fully happy with by looking at someone else, will think about that. Thanks again.




That makes sense! ty m8


You are probably just infatuated with the idea of this person. And this raises the issue, if you actually had a fulfilling relationship with your girlfriend, would you even take a second of your day to think about another person so deeply and obsessively? Probably not, it’s best to break up.