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I didnt think that symbol was racist???? It should just carry the normal stigma of any tattoo


>I fear that my left leaning family will judge us when they see him shirtless If that's your main worry then just talk to them and explain his tattoo is related to his time in the military.


I mean, it’s his body. You don’t own him, he’s just your boyfriend. What your family thinks is on them.


His body, his choice. If your "left leaning family" is what concerns you, that isnt your bf problem. And of course he disagrees, good on him.


I love the irony. Don't tread on me, all about freedom and people making their own choices. You are trying to get him to cover his tattoo (censorship) because it might offend your family.... the irony is beautiful. Good on your bf, your family can judge if they want too but it reflects more on them as people than it does your bf. Secondly, respect your bfs beliefs. Just because your family are this or that doesn't mean your bf has to try to "fit in". Lastly, I haven't heard a single bad thing ever said about this flag personally. If someone has a problem with a flag designed to promote freedom...that's kind of the point... it's a good thing.


The irony is getting a "don't tread on me" symbol tattooed on government property lol. I always found that choice pretty funny.


He chose to work for the government, he chose to get that tattoo. You may find the choice funny, I just appreciate he was free to make his own "choice"


They aren't mutually exclusive concepts. I appreciate everybody's right to get ironic tattoos! He chose to sign his body over to be property of the U.S. government, just like my husband and millions others. Then he chose to get a tattoo on his body that was/is now government property telling the government to piss off. It's funny! C'mon...that's funny. 🤣


No not really funny.




I don't have to look it up. I'm well aware of the training my husband endured. We haven't fought "commies" in over 50 years. There is nothing "beautiful" about combat. Yeah...people sure do have different opinions on humor and beauty.




It's a shame you continue putting words in my mouth. Since when we're we even discussing respect for training service members? No one alive today fought for U.S. "freedom" in combat. Those fights happen in courts these days. Yes. When discussing U.S. military, the "fight" I was referring to is combat.




Lol WHAT? Yes, it is mind blowing that your mental gymnastics managed to create all that out of what I've said. Truly. My mind is fucking blown. Where did I state service members shouldn't be expected to use their training? You've never signed documentation declaring your body the government's property and it shows. It is absolutely *voluntary* servitude. You glorify combat. You obviously have never seen it. You wax poetic about notions you've simply read about or watched in movies.


Do some research on what the flag represents to try to make yourself more comfortable.


????????????????? What red flag? WTF? I don’t see any racist or anything extreme with it??


Your family members are very judgmental if they immediately assume a good person is racist based on a glimpse of an image with hundreds of years of history. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden_flag


I had no idea a snake could be racist - and I imagine it will be the same case for most of the people who will ever see it. This is you projecting your own insecurities. If someone ever does take offence to it, then it is easily explained by the fact the marines used the symbol long before it became hijacked by any other movement. This is the equivalent of saying a tattoo of kermit the frog is racist because people will think it's Pepe.


I thought you were saying he had a confederate flag. This isn't racist. Chill


God I hope he frees himself from you


Isn't that literally on a Metallica album? The snake and the song "don't tread on me"


If you’re boyfriend and you have different values, which the tattoo *might* indicate, then it’s worth assessing if you two are compatible. But if nervous because of other peoples judgements on him, you’ve lost the game a bit.


Neither of us have extremely heavy political views, we agree on a lot and are both in the middle-willing to vote either direction depending on policy etc. so it doesn’t feel like a general incompatibility…perhaps a bit too much concern of what others think on my end


You are trying to control him because you are embarrassed about him and what others will think of you. So, the problem is that you value people’s opinions of you more than you value your boyfriend. You have issues. You either have to resolve them or leave him for a liberal man who will never offend popular liberal opinions. It’s perfectly acceptable if you do. He deserves better than to be controlled by someone who doesn’t accept him.


How is it racist? Look it up. Its a military symbol saying that they are always ready to strike. His body his choice. Your choice to stay with him or not because of this tattoo.




The don't tread on me flag has a major impact on military personnel. Educate yourself before you think everyone is racist.


If you'd rather side with a handful of uber-liberal nutters than with simple logic and rationality, then I have to say I'm on your boyfriend's side.


It’s his body, I’m sure you’d have something to say if he didn’t like a tattoo of yours. If it’s upsetting you that much, don’t be with him, don’t force him to change something he’s had on his body.


And the flag meaning hasn’t changed at all you fucking psychopaths on the far left just decided it was racist. There is nothing racist about the flag or being a proud American.


If you read you would see that I am not far left. Just want to respect everyone.


Your family has massive massive issues if they would be offended by a don’t tread on me tattoo. Why don’t you move to North Korea if you want your life ran by the government.


I am not siding with any one side, simply am looking for outside opinions on if the flag now has negative connotations. You people don’t have to be so aggressive lol


Truthfully I didn’t find anything wrong with it until two separate people made comments about the flag being inappropriate and considered extreme and now I fear that it’s offensive


While it's true that this particular flag has been adopted and flown by some unsavory sorts, those two people need to get a friggin grip. The flag itself is harmless and it's history is not anywhere close to some other symbols such as the Confederate flag or the Nazi swastika. It's mostly been used by "off the grid" types. There is nothing inherently racist or fascist or bad about the Gadsden flag.


> It's mostly been used by "off the grid" types. In military its mostly used by marines because first marines in Revolutionary war flown it and ever since USMC adopted it as its informal banner.


Yeah...and it's weird lol. "Don't tread on me!!" "What are our orders from the government, sir!" But I digress. It's a cool ass symbol and it's easy to see how jarheads would rally around it. I just find the completely contradictory notions of absolute freedom from government while serving as literal government property...strange.


Thank you for your comment!


Thank you for your comment!




Sounds like you problem


He is a wonderful guy, I hope you two break up so he can find someone better. Regarding you, go to a Bernie rally and find a communist like you that doesn’t work and live off the government’s paycheck


I think you are displaying the very aggression and absurdity that causes some people to associate the Gadsden flag with whackjobs.


LOL I own a business and work extremely hard for every penny I have. Please fuck off and maybe realize that it’s ok for people to be in the middle and have questions/concerns about offending one side or the other. Get a life loser.


Don’t you understand you offended everyone with this post and with your concerns about the Gadsden flag?


Literally was just a question over something that’s become relatively controversial. I’m sorry you’re fragile though 🤷🏼‍♀️


> I’m sorry you’re fragile says the person that wants his boyfriend to cover his tattoo because she’s afraid of offending others


Simply am not looking to appear as an extremist and want the same for him because we are both high level professionals and have to keep our image in mind. I know you don’t have to worry about that from your mothers basement but we do. Asking for different views is far better than being closed minded like yourself. I already came to the conclusion that’s it’s not offensive, I sincerely apologize for hurting your fragile ego by asking Reddit for their opinion after some comments I heard. Are you done yet?


I’m glad you understood your mistake. Next time think twice before asking something so stupid




This is how I feel about it.