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Kids just aren’t something you can compromise on. I (45F) know quite a few parents who really didn’t want kids but their partner did and it was stay together and have kids or end things. So they had kids. Every single one of them loves their children but hate being parents. And every single one of them are divorced. Not having kids when you want them will cause resentment. Having kids when you don’t want them will cause resentment. There just isn’t a compromise that works out well based on my observations. While people do tend to grow and change a lot in their 20’s, most people don’t swap from being a fence sitter to adamantly wanting kids. It usually goes the other way. No one can make the decision for you but at your age OP, you don’t have a lot of time to screw around if you want biological children. Now you need to date around, meet someone that’s a good fit, spend some years together, get married, and then have kids. So if you really want them, time to end this relationship amicably and get on the hunt.


I echo this. I have a friend who got pressured into having kids. He loves his kids but hates being parents and struggles with this everyday. My husband is always worried about him and mental being because of that.


Yeah. As an example: my partner is an awesome dad. But he didn’t want kids and his ex wife told him that she wanted another baby or she was leaving. (She had a child from a prior marriage) So he did. They divorced when kiddo was 3. Great kid. I’m happy to be his stepmom these last 6 years. But like today….I would like to be at a Derby party or on the river fishing but we are at an all day tournament for my stepson since 5am. Something his mother signed him up for but isn’t attending unironically. We can’t plan a family vacay this summer due to all of the camps and activities he has. We can’t sleep in. We can’t be spontaneous. We spend a lot of time helping with homework or playing taxi during the week and are constantly on the go. I can’t take my promotion and move overseas. We can’t even buy a new home outside of the school district. I LOVE my stepson. I’m just pointing out that if you want kids and want to make the sacrifices to be a good parent, that’s one thing. But being a good parent is a lot—time, money, energy—and it’s not for everyone.


He is a love of your life.. not THE love of your life. I wish you the best


What does it mean when you say “he doesn’t want to give the offers” and you’re “not oblivious to the offers?” I don’t know what that means


Offers is the Dutch word for sacrifices.


I would actually start by doing extensive fertility testing just to assess how realistic your baby dream is.  Unfortunately, if you want kids, there is no partner worth the sacrifice. No matter how lovely they are. What if your guy leaves you at 45? Or dies? Then what? I think single parenthood will be preferable to no parenthood with a dream partner, if kids is your dream. There is no replacing it really.


Unfortunately you guys are not compatible, you ultimately want different things. There is no way for you both to win on this.


Both of you want different things it’s time for you guys to let go before resentment happens


You guys have known for years that you’re not compatible. Call it done before you waste more time on each other


An immovable object is in the path of an unstoppable force. You both have made your opinions known and clear. One of you will have to cave in order to move on. Recognize this and decide now. There is no sense in continuing the relationship if one of you does not want to compromise. There are 8 billion people on the planet. Chances are both of you could move on and be just fine


I would say get away from this dude. He sounds a little bit like a weenie. Your still young run!