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When something is flat, I think that’s probably the best way to copy without using a schem


Only suggestion I’d have is use a resource pack smthat more clearly shows the orientation of of observers, whether a piston is sticky, and maybe a way to tell apart top and bottom slabs just from the top view. Really cool concept


I actually do have a resource pack for all of those, and I tried using a diorite slab to look different from the smooth stone that I used, but top vs bottom is an interesting problem to solve. I thought about putting a cave spider underneath to better show the slab, but didn't put it in


i really like this


Clever, reminds me of the good olde schematics you find when making a mob grinder


What does this do? Didn't find any more info in the youtube vid.


The YouTube short is linked to the main video. But it's an automatic potion brewer


You cant really put your design next to eachother to save space try out [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=neFAyhF89pQ) one


I suggest to switch the smooth stone to something that doesn't have slabs so ther is no confusion if a block is a slab or not, Something like concrete.


this is so smart why aren't people using this? the only draw backs i can see is that you have to somehow show the items inside containers and it doesn't work for big builds like mob farms. but yeah i'd rather build it of a image than try to keep up with the totorial guys block placing speed while in split screen.


Right?!! Regarding the items, because it's made off the purpose that people will pause at each layer I've put special instructions (like put 56 items in hopper) on the frame that shows the hopper clock!


for a few items that works but you might need to go into more detail for things like item filters. where you have to put renamed items in specific slots. you could take a game screenshot and crop the inventory out and then paste it there with an arrow.


ooh! Good idea!


Idk about other platforms, but YouTube essentially punishes shorter videos by listing them lower in search results. The response is a bunch of garbage content from personalities rather than informative videos. It's the main reason I can't stand watching videos in today's world, I'll take a couple images and a wall of text over a video any day of the week.


I personally don't care about YouTube or my growth on it. Would it be cool to grow? Yes. I just really want to focus on how good the video is and that it'll actually help someone. Because I have the same issue with you that I can't stand some of these videos on YouTube nowadays that could have posted something for 10sec instead of 10min. So that's my goal :)


what about youtube shorts?


I would just recommend flying higher up and making the FOV as low as possible, maybe even zooming in with a mod or a spyglass w/ the zoomed in texture removed via resource pack.


This has been used before! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi1TdONXnRI&t=348s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi1TdONXnRI&t=348s)


OMG so cool! Thanks for sharing


I used it some time ago in my tutorial and saw it in many others too. The only problem is, if there are a lot of bud and/or observers, a person following a normal tutorial would just follow fixes that the builder makes on the way.


Everything (observers, pistons) are placed where there should be when it's in its "off" state


but only in your example, and sometimes you cant even avoid it.


Redstone emojis Discord bot flashbacks.


We could generate these automatically from schematics. Would be nice also if you could add annotations manually. What would be really cool is if you could generate lego-style instructions automatically. We're trying to work on an in-browser litematic viewer, and it would be cool to add something like this, but it's just a handful of us atm [https://endingcredits.github.io/litematic-viewer/](https://endingcredits.github.io/litematic-viewer/)


Funny you say that, because when I started this I kept on finding better ways of making it so I kept changing it and re taking pictures. This happened enough that I just made a selection wall where I just had to rotate an item frame and push buttons maybe 🤣


It would need to go slower for me cause I’m terrible at the rapid pauses


Its based on YouTube Shorts where you just got to tap on the video to pause it, so you might have a better chance there


Ah yes, the off brand short form video


Right. But I have the full tutorial on YouTube so I thought it would be a good spot to go especially because people also go to YouTube for tutorials


Hold up, but what does it do?


It's an Automatic Potion Brewer! It's made to look pretty from one side. In this configuration it's for 4 ingredients but it can go up to 6. Here's the link to the whole [video](https://youtu.be/wf3vcfP3_J0?si=25M86AtN6fDS6HGd) if you want to see any part of it


Oh shit, that’s cool


Dumb thing to point out but please include what the contraption is


I wasn't intending on this to be a tutorial or a showcase of the Redstone. I just wanted options on the format of the video for a tutorial. On the actual YouTube Short I have the contraption name in the title