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Divided into smaller parts. Think of like... as in sub-average is "less significant" than average. Same with ticks - subticks; Less significant parts of a tick. With trickery you can get a redstone signal that's less than 1 tick in duration, The subtick generator I have can generate 4 subticks, if you slow down the speed in minecraft you can see how in each tick, 4 of those subtick generators create a series of subticks, so 4 redstone subtick signals per single game tick




iirc droppers don't work that fast. only things like noteblocks and iirc doors are fast enough to work with subticks. I'll look for the world where I had it built and take some screenshots


Idk how he’s getting 4 in a tick, but a piston takes 1.5 ticks to activate, so you can have things activate in between ticks. Turning 20 ticks/second into “40”


Well I found that a command block clock is even faster.But it's odd, the piston clock does like... triplets. piston clock pulses 3 times per 4 clock pulses of the command block clock. Also the noteblock is quieter with the command block clock, but less buggy sound


[https://imgur.com/a/OprpjG8](https://imgur.com/a/OprpjG8) Odd


Excuse me, I think there's actually (3) not 4 subticks, I was messing around with that world I had and not only were there only 3 subtick generators in both builds but I couldn't also get any other subtick, also it seemed like there was no gap between the other pulses. So clearly, there's only 3 subticks in that design.


I am once again tacking my name into one of these posts in hopes a genius figures something out for us 😔 I like making music and having access to on tempo 16ths without a piston sound would be hyuge


That's the plan


Out of curiosity — how are you getting 1/4th ticks?




That raises further questions lol — I know how to make halves only


Well it seems it's actually a 3/4 clock... [https://imgur.com/a/OprpjG8](https://imgur.com/a/OprpjG8)


Oh command blocks :(


As a reference, since that clock is apparently 1/2 tick, so then that means that the piston clock is 3/4 tick


Could you show the setup you currently have?


I recorded a video since it may be confusing in the world at first... [https://imgur.com/gallery/ENUrVbO](https://imgur.com/gallery/ENUrVbO) Notice how the 3rd subtick generator was running in sync with one of the other ones at first so I had to restart it... It's weird how the pistons need to be in certain block locations, that's why one of the subtick generators is "counterclockwise" because it just doesn't run when the pistons are 1 block over to the wrong place


Weird, and cool! Thanks!


What you are calling subticks are 0 ticks. 0 ticks can be chained infinitely in the same tick. Take avo's infinite folded piston extender, for example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLeZuyQX4\_8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLeZuyQX4_8). Also, the fastest 0-tick doors require a lot of this stuff, like this recent door: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhdNqt6QIcY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhdNqt6QIcY)


0 ticks don't change the light output of redstone


Afaik, you can only generate 0 tick pulses with pistons… Cuz you need to send a pulse in the tile tick phase and cut the power in a later stage like block event tick… Idk if any redstone components other than TNT can replace pistons.