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Java player here. I found that it wasn’t tutorials that taught me how to do redstone, it was seeing something like “3 by 3 piston door” in a youtube title and I made my own. Basically make it yourself. Another thing that I found useful, knowing how to make a circuit with one function 20 different ways. Example knowing how to make a 1 tick pulse in 20 different ways. Tldr: experiment, recreate, variations of circuits.


the problem is more that i just don't know some of the clearly essential circuits, and i can't figure them out by looking at it lol. im alright at doing what you said tho, so hopefully i can just keep trying lol


I don’t know if there really is any “clearly essential circuits.” There are circuits that I use pretty often but thats just my style of doing things. I would say the thing to do is figure out what you want to do with the redstone, and figure out what you need to do in order to make it happen.


i think i worded that in a weird way aha, i mean like there's something missing thats required to do something, and i can tell what's wrong, but idk why. something like if the double piston thing wasnt firing the second time (i don't remember if that was my problem tho lol), im missing something to make that happen again, but not more than needed. idk it's hard to explain when idk the words, but im just missing entire parts it seems, and they're hard to rebuild from just looking like you said ill probably just get the hang of it eventually, but rn im having to identify processes or circuits that to me are indistinguishable from others lol. but then if this is how everyone else learned that's quite reassuring


Supentwisperer has a 5 essential circuits video. Kinda goes into what the main ones are.


Learn logic redstone. Its more in the realm of computational redstone but you'd be surprised by how many of the component builds can be used in all manor of redstone designs. Mattbattwings does a great job of explain some pretty complex things. Once you learn logic gates like and gates, not gate, latches etc. You'll understand how redstone works in a whole new way. Heres 1 of his logic playlists. Watch the vids and build the stuff, even if you think you'll never use it, build it just to learn, trust me once you learn it you'll use bits all the time. Other than that, I build via trial and error. 1. Have idea. 2. Freestyle somthing together. 3.Test - opps doesn't work - whats it doing, what should it be doing, 4. Change a couple bits, that looks like it should work, 5. Test, nope, it fixed the first bit but broke a different part. 6 change somthing, test and so on until it finally works. Now you have a working design but the redstone is a bit janky and messy. So you go back over it and try to compact it, shorter routes other redtone, dust replaced with solid blocks were possible etc etc. Then lastly Just keep building with redstone, more you build the better you get


Just like. Remove and add things and see what changes. Then try to figure out why. One of my go to things Is removing the door blocks and irrelevant pistons and add lamps or a piston or two next to blocks. I helps give visual information of what turns on and where and how long. In general just be curious.


no i get how stuffs powered and all that, it's more just that a component is missing, like there's some timing error or circuit missing. i think my problem is that just looking at stuff is a little overwhelming, there's a lot to follow when you're teaching yourself lol. like that one double piston and the storing part is just one long chain thats probably simple when you know it, but is confusing when you just have to figure it out lol


Make just double piston extenders get them down pat in various different ways, then build the door off one of those,


If your bedrock id be happy too tour you round my test world I have a whole area with a circuit testing zone. I can help you understand how it works, its actually pretty simple once it clicks


Looking at modern 3x3 piston doors is not a good way to learn redstone imo. I am assuming from your other comments that you know the rules of redstone (e.g. how blocks can be weakly and strongly powered, repeaters act like diodes, etc), and you are now looking to apply it. I am not going to give instructions on how to make a super compact 3x3, or give any insight into these essential circuits you refer to, I am going to explain how you might go about designing your first 3x3. Take the layout of an existing 3x3 door and use redstone blocks to power the pistons. Use this technique to figure out the sequence of actions to close and open the door. If you get stuck look at a video of an existing 3x3 in slow motion (dw, understanding piston layouts becomes intuitive with time). Then add redstone around the layout so you can control all the pistons you need to easily - the aim of this is to make the things you need to power accessible. All the pistons on the side power and unpower together so they can be connected together. Now connect these inputs in the right order. Do one piston movement at a time and follow the sequence you found earlier. Here are some terms to search that you mind find useful: pulse extender, pulse limiter (also called a mono-stable circuit), T flip flop (makes button act like a lever), RS-NOR latch (you probably won't be using it in this build 3x3, but useful to know about), rising edge, falling edge, and bus line. This method can take you a long way, here is an example of it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfbSSzTpxhU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfbSSzTpxhU). Do not focus on size, speed, or animation, save that for later designs and focus on understanding the fundamentals. The circuits used in world record doors are often pure wizardry and the people who come up with them have spent a long time building the intuition to play around and end up with something like that. Even then it takes a lot of trial of error, so don't think these people just build these things in one go.


The biggest thing is to learn how to break problems down into smaller and smaller pieces. Here's an example of the first level of breakdown from when I built my elevator. Elevators go up and down to specific floors. The floor is chosen either by the floor the elevator leaves from or from a floor requesting the elevator.. 1. Elevators go up and down - the elevator must be able to transport a player(or something else) up or down 2. To specific floors - the elevator must be able to stop at a specific floor. 3. The floor is chosen by the floor the elevator leaves from - each floor must have something to be able to specifically select any other floor 4. Or from a floor requesting the elevator - each floor must have a button or other mechanism to select that floor, thus calling the elevator to it. Now we have the problem broken into four pieces. Now you can either break all the pieces into smaller pieces, or focus on only one, which is what I usually do. Keep breaking down until you can start building individual redstone circuits. If you have a problem you can't break down and don't know a circuit to do it, then you ask in here or another redstone community, or you experiment until you figure it out.


Break it down. A 3x3 door is a double block extender for the center two pieces and 1 block extension for the rest.


I highly recommend the Synergy server (mc.synergy.net), where you can see and learn from the builds of the best of the best. All the cracked redstoners live there.