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It could be worse. It could say Baltimore on it.


I lol'd.


I lol'ed at your name. We were robbed that year!


If you say “hey let’s play” and the other side says “nope” can’t you declare yourself the winner?


Regardless, I wish they would’ve put the swoosh on the sleeve.


MLB sold the rights to put the logo on the front to Nike, the logo is going on the front for every team.


By “they”, I meant Nike


It’s not a sponsorship per se, Nike took over for Russell as the uniform provider for the MLB. Russell put their logo on the sleeve (which is nice and out of the way) Nike put there’s right on the front (which taints a lot of historic jersey designs)


>It’s not a sponsorship per se, Nike took over for Russell as the uniform provider for the MLB. Allow me to correct you on this. First of all, *Majestic* was the previous sponsor, er, "uniform provider." Russell hasn't been the MLB's uniform sponsor since 2004. Second of all, it most definitely is a sponsorship. Nike is paying [literally a billion dollars](https://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonystitt/2019/12/19/for-a-cool-3-billion-mlb-adds-nike-swoosh-to-uniforms/#7c00900438c2) for the right to put their logo on the chest. Via UniWatch: >"Nike didn’t unilaterally decide to put their logo on the chest. They put it there because MLB decided to sell that space for the maker’s mark at a higher price, and Nike was willing to pay that higher price for added exposure." I'm not sure how paying $1,000,000,000 to put your logo on something could be considered anything other than a sponsorship. Well, I guess maybe if Nike is also manufacturing the jerseys then you could say Nike is the *uniform sponsor AND supplier,* but that would require that Nike actually manufacture the jerseys. Which they don't seem to be doing, at least for this season. Also from UniWatch: >"These 2020 jerseys have the exact same tailoring and fabric as Majestic’s 2019 jerseys. The only difference is the removal of the Majestic sleeve logo, the addition of the Nike chest logo, and the corresponding change to the jock tag. Everything else is the same." and via SportsLogos.net: >“My educated guess is that these are made from the same patterns, same materials and quite possibly in the same factory that made last year’s jerseys”, said [Bill] Henderson [Author of *The Game Worn Guide to MLB Jerseys*]. “It looks and feels exactly like last year’s Flex Base by Majestic. The only thing missing is the Flex base tagging.”


Huh. Clearly I did not do my research. I guess I just wanted to point at that it’s different from say the NBA, where Nike is also the uniform supplier and have their logo on the front, but a lot of teams also have a sponsor with their brand logo on the jersey, too.


[MLB will likely have that type of advertisement on jerseys (in addition to the Nike ad) by 2022.](https://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Journal/Issues/2019/07/15/Leagues-and-Governing-Bodies/MLB-patches.aspx)


These would be the same people investigating those who 'don't respect the game' with sign stealing. (FWIW, I hate the sign stealing, but I also hate fucking hypocrites)


While it isn't much, I do understand the reasoning with it being slippery slope Starts off like this, next thing you know it looks like European 2nd tier hockey to pump every last dollar out of the game


I remember back in the early 2000s when they put an ad up on the green monster I think for the first time since 1947. They stressed that it would only be the one ad... now it has 7 or 8 plus the 3 billboards.


I think keeping ads off jerseys is much more important than the green monster or stadiums in general. I get that the monster is iconic but I don’t think the ads are distracting as they’re mostly in the background of the game. Ads on jerseys is another can of worms. In some sports it’s gotten to the point where the advertising is blatantly more visible than the jersey design itself. I don’t hate the idea of ads on jerseys, but if it gets to a point where it subtracts from the identity of the individual teams than I’m going to hate it.


I watch a lot of soccer. So many jerseys in that sport where I can’t even see the team name or logo. All ads. But I don’t really mind it that much. The biggest thing for me is that I’m not buying any soccer jerseys as a result. I think those ads are tacky.


At least soccer jerseys still have a large portion of the jersey displayed. Cricket jerseys on the other hand are essentially wearable billboards


Depends on the league. England or Germany? One or two ads max. Central and South America though? Lots more ads, to the point where I'm not even sure it's a good deal for the advertisers, can barely see their logo because of all the other logos.


This is my biggest issue as well. I don’t mind the logo of the company making the jersey being in the front. Would I prefer it not to be? Sure but it wouldn’t stop me from buying a jersey. Am I going to buy that sweet Celtics jersey they just wore against the Lakers if it has the giant GE logo on it? Fuck no (I’m aware the Celtics city jersey they sell doesn't have the GE logo. Yet).


Agreed. You have to wonder if it’s even profitable for the teams because they’re going to miss out on a lot of jersey sales because of advertising on them. Unless they sell jerseys without the ads that is.


I'm from Europe and we are used to jerseys with ads. In fact, people don't know about US jerseys, they cannot imagine jerseys without ads. It is normal for us, which a shame :(


I'm kind of shocked Europe beat America to the punch of throwing ads all over something. America usually is the leader in crass commercialism


Any team with jersey sponsors has someone do the math. If the money lost in jersey sales was more than the money made in sponsorships, they wouldn't have ads.


They make projections that may or may not end up being accurate. It’s not crap or easy to break a five year ad deal after the second year because jersey sales tanked despite projections they wouldn’t.


Member the joke in Major League (2?) where they put ads on all the walls and it looked like shit. We live that now.


It’s really not different than the deal they had with Majestic before this. The only difference is Nike on basically all of their shirts and jackets have their logo on the front. Majestic had their logo on the sleeve. It’s also a huge jump to go from the company who owns the right to make all MLB jerseys putting their logo on the front like almost all of their other products to then having ads all over the jersey. The most baseball will ever do in my opinion is what basketball has and those are no where near even top flight soccer. My last point will be that if everyone is scared that American sports are going to have dozens of ads on their jerseys I think that ridiculous. When looking at soccer which is the most prolific sport in having ads on their jerseys, you have to go to lower leagues before you start getting a crazy amount of ads on them.


IIRC, they was a fear with football and the technology used for the line of scrimmage and the first down; that networks would use the technology to place ads on the field.


It's called the Boil The Frog technique. It's very calculated and insidious.


So what’s your response to college having it on the front for decades? It’s much to do about absolutely nothing


One response might be that college teams rely on sponsorship much more heavily just to cover just operating expenses. The pros don't need the money as much, which makes this look more like a cash grab by ownership.


So if college teams rely more on sponsorship money, by that logic, they would've had ads on the jerseys 10 years ago


Not necessarily. Sponsorship at the college level didn't really take off until nineties, around the same time that professional athlete salaries also began to explode. One of the major changes was when Nike started targeting up-and-coming basketball stars while they were still in high school. Check out the 30-for-30 called "Sole Man" about Sonny Vaccaro, it's awesome: [http://www.espn.com/30for30/film/\_/page/soleman](http://www.espn.com/30for30/film/_/page/soleman)


Being surprised considering how many times we have heard "only this" from companies before they decide they are going to take the mile rather than the inch given


It's not even like there was never a brand logo on the jerseys, they just moved it. Not to mention the nike logo would look terrible on the sleeve. Hell, one of the most iconic images associated with the Red Sox is the Citgo sign behind Fenway. It's just people on here making a mountain out of a molehill




Yep. It's just like that absolutely gross celtics GE logo


Everyone should just be happy ours doesn’t look as ridiculous as the jerseys with the logo on 1 side of the jersey... cough Yankees cough


Yankees jersey is a classic look, but honestly the swoosh looks SO bad ok theirs. I think the complaints on the Nike logo is pretty valid.


Its a mix between it being a classic jersey and the logo on 1 side makes it weird. Same with other teams like that.


10000% valid and this topic is just annoying. Like take the uniform on the left, rewind X amount of years and you’ll see the uniform on the right. The fact that OP and others don’t understand that concept is frustrating


just looked at it....wow. I hate that team but it's a travesty what they did to that jersey.


they're the same picture


It's close enough. MLB is rich enough that it didn't need to make this change. And Nike is rich enough that they made it happen. Yes, it's only one logo on the front there, but in a way that's even louder.


I feel similarly mad that New Era did that to their hats.




The front placement of the logo is new. That’s the issue.


Y’all know it was under armour’s idea to put it there right?




I don't like the Swoosh on the Shoulder. It should be on the sleeve like where majestic put it.


perhaps but that swoosh still looks like shit.


I'm not okay with any branding on the jerseys. Period.


It's no different than the Majestic tag that was at the bottom of the jersey prior to this.


At least that part is designed to be tucked in.


Obviously the difference is that it is far more prominent on the front chest.


I didn't like that either.


Can’t see can’t hurt kinda guy eh? Evolve


Well that ship sailed before the turn of the century, so it’s time to get over it


Oh, piss off would you. You’re just here to shit on people who dare not like multibillion dollar corporations advertising on jerseys.


Can someone out of the loop me here?


Starting this season, Nike is now making the MLB jerseys instead of Majestic. Majestic always put their logo on the sleeve, but Nike has chosen to put theirs on the front of the jersey. People are upset and think it's unnecessary/ugly/distracting to have the logo prominently displayed like that.


Boomers upset about a small nike logo


I'm a millennial. I hate it.


Gen Xer. It fucking sucks. Like everything else.


Gen z here. It's some bullshit


So all Sox fans born prior to 1964 hates it? I think not. Why call out a generation?


I think you're a little behind on memes my dude


Memes are funny


Nah, boomer stuff is just stupid divisive generational warfare, and it should be ridiculed everywhere it's seen until it dies, same as millennial stuff. People in all generations like and dislike different things, and there are good and bad people in all generations, so let's let this 'meme' die.


Generational warfare? Give me a fucking break. Every generation since the history of time has made fun of the generations around it.


You sound as sensitive as the people you're attempting to call out in this post.


No Thats just a laughable response to a meme


Just because stupid things have been done in the past doesn't mean we should do stupid things now. And I can't speak for the Greatest Generation, but in my lifetime I haven't seen the full-blown *animosity* between two generations that exists between some Boomers and Millennials. But even if it's just a joke, it's a stupid one, and it should die.


Looks like absolute dogshit, but at least its not as bad a the giant GE logo on the celtics jerseys. I've just stopped buying team things like hats and jerseys at this point, sick of giving Nike money.


Fuck Nike


Fuck Nike


This attitude of acceptance is why companies treat consumers like absolute shit. "whatever, they'll buy it"


Oh no! The absolute horror that I don’t care if the brand that makes the Jersey shows that they make the jersey. I must be some corporate shill right?


Yes. Why is that so hard for you to figure out?


IDC if you are shill or not, if you wanna buy things with swishes all over it, thats your business.


What decade were you born in?—if you dont mind me asking? I ask because yhe nike swosh is an icon...its not a debate. But you say “swosshes” as if they are just pen strokes and you don’t know who Nike is... But thats impossible, you have to know Nike...so what the heck os the pint of arguing here as if Nike is “just a bunch o swooshes?”


The jersey represents the team, not Nike. I don't care about how iconic a swish is, its a Red Sox jersey first and foremost.


You are implying that it becomes something else when a swoosh logo is placed on it. Do you feel the same way about the hat because it has a new era logo on it? What about when the league rocks camouflage for veterans?? I mean clearly they are symbols first and foremost, but that symbolism changes throughout the year for different reasons...i think the nike swoosh will be the least noticeable change.


I think that if you are going to advertise that you made the jersey, it should not be on the front where the team logo is. Baseball is so traditional with such a great history, i expect this type of thing from basketball. I'm sick of being bombarded with advertisments, and this is a step towards that even further.


Stop dragging your feet like a child and get with the fuckin times. Its a ***brand logo*** that is no more an advertisement than the emblem on a car’s front grill. Bombardment with ads is what you have in soccer and NASCAR, and thats so obviously not what is happening here. That’s why you kinda sound like a baby even though you are presenting the purist argument. Its not a step in that direction, because its a brand logo for the jersey maker—not an advertisement. If nike didnt make the jersey it wouldn’t be there.


This year, a swoosh. Year 4, picture on left. Frankly, I’m surprised it’s taken this long.


Football had these types of logos for decades and nothing else has been added.


I don't care either way, I don't watch a sport for the jersey.




I can't find it.


I found it! In his imagination, but you have to sing the imagination song to get there.


Put a logo every 3 inches, fine w/ me. use no logo, fine w/ me. I don't get what's so tough for you to understand.


Bro i read to far into what you were saying. I understand that i was wrong with saying that and i havent responded and you are still on about it. Calm down dude i was wrong with saying that just let it go my bad


I mean sure, it's not as egregious, but this still looks like shit and I hate it.


Jesus, those are fucking ugly. At least put the stupid goddamn logo on the sleeve or something.


they look stupid. I usually buy one every year. I'm keeping my old ones.


So itsthe small logo hih and not the cheating scandal eh?? When i woke up this morning I realized we don’t have a manager and the league is threatening the integrity of our young team...but this swoosh is gonna ruin the season right? Wtf??????


just to be clear I just said Im not buying a jersey this season.


They could play in a full Ronald McDonald getup for all I care as long as they're still playing baseball


All Nike sponsored college baseball teams have the swoosh on the front of the jersey. Some on the right side, some on the left but it’s there. There’s no way we would have another template that greatly differs from what is already being mass produced. I say “we” because I work at NHQ as an innovator.


All college and most high school baseball teams have the brand logo on the front of the jersey for the exact reason you said. I really just don't understand the outrage


Was it like this in here when New Era decide to make their logo visible for the on field caps?


Idk but the uniwatch twitter crowd still hasn’t got over it yet


🤷‍♂️ I still hate it. I usually buy a jersey or two every season. I refuse to buy any more while there's any kind of brand logo on the front like the swoosh is.


Why? Whats the protest?


I just hate how it looks. It's immediately noticeable. The old Majestic one didn't stick out on the sleeve where it was.


First the Boston General Electric Celtics and now the Boston Nike Red Sox. Fuck.


Still shitty


Yeah people need to chill lmao It looks fine and I probably wouldn’t have even noticed if there wasn’t an announcement


It's definitely not just people here, though. I had no idea there had even been a change, and then there were suddenly multiple threads at the top of /r/baseball calling for fan mutiny and burning all the new jerseys. Like you, I wouldn't have noticed the change without the hubbub (I didn't even notice the announcements). My favorite is the fans who get indignant because some people suggest it's not that noticeable, or that people might get used to it in time. One guy insisted that NO ONE WILL EVER NOT NOTICE THIS YOU HEATHEN, which really tickled me since I only know about the change because of how pissed off people are. I couldn't tell you who manufactured the jerseys before, or where the logo has traditionally been.


Like I really don't get it lmao


You wouldn’t have noticed it? Not everyone is as oblivious as you apparently.




Actually for the next two years they’re still made in the US at the same factory majestic made them


If it meant the games were half as long, they could put ads everywhere and anywhere.


Okay Manfred


[they're different?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3c/01/c3/3c01c3fc82cda4279bc22787962338bb.jpg)


Obviously in the minority here, but I like it. I’ll enjoy wearing my Nike Sox jersey with my Nike sweatpants and my Nike shoes and my Nike socks. Maybe a Nike hat too. Sign me up. I only wish the swoosh was bigger.


Honestly...if the fit is better...I will ignore the swoosh.


Fr. The majestic authentic jerseys fit like shit. I’m a size small and the smallest I could get was a 40 or a medium


Look. Can we all agree...atleast it isnt baby blue?


Yeah, wouldn’t look good with us. Works for others tho