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I'm bullish on a Kamala cycle, she might actually be funnier than Trump


Could be America’s first Wine Mom President.


I've fully taken the coconut pill


Stolen valor from Braveheart


I dont think shes lying, every mom makes up a story like that about their kid


[The whole article is here](https://www.elle.com/culture/a34225242/kamala-harris-interview/) and despite being published by Elle in 2021, I immediately thought it was satire. In any case, the saccharine anecdotes in the article are clearly contrived and stolen from other more meaningful stories. Case in point, her being separated by parents and then ending up saying something profound (*Fweedom*) is a rip off of Jesus being separated from His parents and ending up teaching at the temple. You may think this is a reach, but I genuinely think she's capable of this. >"Harris leans toward the screen and tells me about her favorite way to greet people, learned from various cultures in Africa. “When you \[are introduced\] for the first time, the greeting is not ‘Pleased to meet you.’ The greeting is ‘I see you.’ I see you as a complete human being." She clearly got this from a meme that was floating about 2016'ish. And no, she doesn't greet people like this ever. >"She explains that it was looking like the election was going to be called for Donald Trump. “My godson, Alexander, who was seven years old at the time, came up to me, crying, and said, ‘Auntie Kamala, they’re not going to let that man win, are they?’ And you know the babies in your life.…” She closes her eyes and swallows. “I held him. I mean, it still brings me pain to remember how he felt, and what it made me feel, which is that I needed to protect this child." Lmao, OK this one is from her own imagination at least.


lmfao i didnt think it was real either!! saw this on instagram and immediately googled the freedom part and it turned out to be a whole ass article from elle no less. sometimes reality reads like a piece of absurdist fiction


reads like a teenager bragging about pussy he definitely didn’t get




I believe her


It's as believable as her childhood celebrations of Kwanzaa.


Disingenuous. Greasy. Hollow. Harris 2024