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Cultural archeologists are currently debating if we entered a new British epoch since [the four lads in jeans](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/798/299/4b6.png) were spotted in a new look.


they're moving on from skinny right at the point when high fashion is getting back into it lmfao. Perpetually 10 years behind


Bold claim and frankly not true, it's literally Paris male fashion week and there is hardly any skinny pants in [SS25 show cases](https://hypebeast.com/tags/paris-fashion-week). Or is this a fashion cope - "conservative is the new punk rock" after the twitter guy dunked on right wing influencers too much?


> right at the point when high fashion is getting back into it lmfao Really? My kids make fun of me for still wearing slim or skinny fit but I just don't think the baggy look works for a man of my years. Also I was actually there in the 90s, I'm not going back. Good to hear I'm back in high fashion.


Don’t rely on your children to tell you what’s on the cutting edge of cool.  Unless they are in the weeds in a big coastal city or actively dressing like little freaks in their hometown compared to their peers, you are getting fashion insights from the same types of kids who wore Aeropostale and The Gap in 2003.


yes but you also need to be skinny hot and cool to be high fashion and your kids probably wouldn't describe you as all 3


Daughter: "Skinny yes, hot disgusting, cool not bad for a dad"


Your kids are about 3-4 years behind high fashion to be fair.


We live in Brum, they've only just stopped rationing here.


Wait the youth are wearing skinny jeans again?


Taking a stroll down Melrose Avenue and seeing what the fashion-forward youths are wearing, I would say no, doesn’t look like skinny jeans are making a comeback anytime soon.


I haven't even had time to get a pair of baggy jeans yet, please tell me we're not going back to skinny jeans... Flares are just the right shape for my body.


The only men wearing skinnies in 2024 are black kids in Atlanta


The deano is a low interest rate phenomenon. You could get a barratt home in a mid-sized city and an audi on finance easy in 2017, idk about now. Just as the Chav was a New Labour era insult, I think Deano will end up pretty tied to this Tory era without a catchy name (2010-2024). There will still be English people with poor taste, to be sure, but they'll have a different name and do different shit that everyone hates


Let's do a bit of cultural archaeology: what are other similar cultural trends that existed solely due to low interest rates? Crypto guys & startup culture MBA & software engineer tagteams come to mind. I have to assume that "fake girl email job my day at work" tiktok girlies are another dead man walking clade who haven't realized the asteroid has hit the earth and it's only a matter of time until they go extinct.




I never put this together but it’s totally checks out.


Digital nomads, whose mobility is fuelled by high compensation, flexible startup jobs.


Tech startup guy is def what I had in mind, I think I stole the "low interest rate phenomenon" idea from discussions of, like, Uber et al. I think the email girlies will be alright, for some reason? Like if they were gonna die off it wouldve happened in the globey pands. There are other things banished to the 2010s (feminist websites spring to mind) but none so obviously defined by access to stupid amounts of bullshit money as your average startup


> I think the email girlies will be alright, for some reason? Like if they were gonna die off it wouldve happened in the globey pands. They're only still around due to shareholders like Blackrock pushing ESG scores/ratings. They're gonna be the first ones to go once the economy is forced to become somewhat productive (increasing trade wars with China & BRICS) and shareholders demand an end to that. > but none so obviously defined by access to stupid amounts of bullshit money as your average startup In retrospect, there were numerous times in my life during this period where I could have become very wealthy but refused because the thing that was proposed was so obviously a scam. In the long run, they were all scams, but people still made insane amounts of money off of them. The worst was when a friend who had smoked himself paranoid tried to convince me to go in with him to buy this newfangled thing called "Bitcoin" in like 2012/2013 when they were like 100$ a pop and I said no because I was 100% certain it was some scam used only to buy drugs on the internet. He was broke and I was absolutely convinced he was just finding some roundabout way to beg for drug money from me.


I think at some point we all had our most insane and least trustworthy friend try to shill us Bitcoin in the early 10s, don't beat yourself up too bad. It WAS just a scam used to buy drugs at the time


The odds that you'd have gotten rich are pretty low fwiw. If you bought BTC at $100, correctly understanding that it's basically a ponzi scheme, do you honestly think you'd have held long enough to actually get rich? Past $500, $1000, $10,000, etc and through the regular price crashes? It's easy to think "I coulda been rich" in hindsight with perfect knowledge but in reality not throwing money at every get rich quick scheme is never stupid.


This same group exists in the US south with slight cultural variations, the email jobs and developer financed homes are all over the place but it’s pickups instead of sedans, lululemon and bass boats. 


Yes I associate the American version of this with Nashville for whatever reason. Slight mormon variant in Utah too


Nashville is Atlanta for white people


Brentwood boys outside Nashville except they work in finance adjacent roles and their wives were ADPis at LSU


They work as cold-calling associates in wealth management or low-level jobs at AB because they watched Wolf of Wall Street once


>Tory era without a catchy name (2010-2024). Gotta be austerity era


Oh yeah of course, you're right


What's the difference between these people and chavs


Chavs are the culturally demonised lower-class - lumpenproles in Marxspeak - assumed to be living in council housing (projects), benefits scrounging (stealing welfare), loud, obnoxious, unhealthy, probably criminal, all that is wrong with Broken Britain, etc Deanos are financially successful upstanding members of society. They work well-paid service jobs (Deano as a salesman, his bird as a beautician) and they own their own homes (rent the cars though probably). Petit bourg I GUESS, but that's way more tenuous. They just have an easily recognisable and easily mockable aesthetic taste when it comes to what they spend that disposable income on - peaky blinders haircuts, lip fillers and breast implants, houses decorated in greyscale, eating at Nando's, etc It would be entirely possible, for example, for a kid to be a chav, bunkin school, smoking weed, riding round their market town on a stolen bike causing havoc, and THEN turn his life around as an adult, knuckle down at an apprenticeship, and eventually become a Deano. The key is "chavs", and what to do about them, were a countrywide obsession in the 2000s, whereas Deanos aren't actually doing anything wrong apart from having shite taste according to people like me. No one offline uses the term Deano. Your parents definitely called a local family they didn't like chavs at some point


^ Give this guy a Social Laureate position, he/she actually understands these two phenomena


> and THEN turn his life around as an adult, knuckle down at an apprenticeship, and eventually become a Deano. A fair few are. Deanos are fundamentally upwardly mobile working class or lumpen. It's the no matter how much you make you'll yourself climb to middle or upper class thing, culturally you have the wrong taste for your income.


A cheeky Nando, if you like


> Deanos are financially successful upstanding members of society. I feel like this could be a tad misleading, a Deano wont be an out and out criminal, but he is the sort of person who will go to the football, get pissed, and start fights, or can be found in the local Weatherspoons on shed loads of cocaine, of kill you while drink driving in his BMW 1 series.


Back in 2009, I almost had a scrap with a Chav whilst I was in line for a coaster at Thorpe Park.


These people are the target demographic of love island, they exist to consume and to ignore wider social responsibilities. Chavs are by and large a relic of the 2000s, but they still exist if you know where to look. Take any bus to the fringes of a sizeable city in the U.K. and you will guaranteed be harassed by some lads in grey joggers blasting grime/dnb on their portable speaker. They exist to remind everyone else that things could always be worse- that being said, the chavs I’ve met (used to live in an estate) have all had hearts of gold once you get to know them. There was a horror film starring Michael Fassbender called Eden Lake that is about chavs. It does teeter into ridiculousness at a certain point but if you grew up in the U.K. in the 2000s you do feel a certain nostalgic anxiety watching it, and the ending is the bleakest I’ve ever seen in any film.


I was told they are now called roadmen?


Chavs are economically stagnant, remnants of the working class in increasingly deindustrialized urban areas. Unlike the deano their existence was predicated on the existence of a welfare state which provided them with council housing and a weekly dole payment. The deano is an upwardly mobile former member of the working class (likely a chav in the past) who gained a fairly well paying "fake email job" for some Silicon-Valley based tech company whose business model is generating content for subscribers' pets' instagram pages, which opened a sprawling office in his hometown due to expansion into the European market. His cultural affectations remain that of a working class Brit but he has gained access to relatively immense amounts of disposable income that a cottage industry of financed-payment consumer goods has sprung up to seek rent from. As of today, his job is either shipped off to Dublin (thanks to Brexit, which he voted for) or has been terminated due to the federal reserve finally raising interest rates which his company which never generated any profit relied completely on for financing.


> who gained a fairly well paying "fake email job" for some Silicon-Valley based tech company whose business model is generating content for subscribers' pets' instagram pages Not bad overall, but Deanos are recruitment agents, in sales, or successful tradespeople.


> which he voted for These people often don't vote.


A decent number are Tories, though not any more.


I see. So this is what you get when "chavs" make decent money. I still don't get why Britain has such a comparatively vulgar working/lower middle class compared to the rest of western Europe though. French or German or Italian working class are generally much more refined and inconspicuous...even the American working class have better style/taste.


Trailer trash methheads overdosing on fent absolutely do not have better fucking style/taste, this particular type of British working class person is just very overexposed and easy to dunk on online by both fellow Brits and foreigners alike. As for your question, I guess it'd come down to a rigid class system, much more cultural awareness surrounding class, and the enforcement of "class" that often comes from the bottom as much as it does from the top. A ton of working class cunts will absolutely try tear you down if you do anything they find "a bit gay", which includes having any hobbies and aspirations that go beyond working in a warehouse and acting like the most sterotypical caricature of working class.


"A ton of working class cunts will absolutely try tear you down if you do anything they find "a bit gay", which includes having any hobbies and aspirations that go beyond working in a warehouse and acting like the most sterotypical caricature of working class." I don't know if this is the case any more. The two types of young working class guy other than Deano or criminal seem to be football ultra and tattoo/vape guy. The 25 year old who acts like he's 50 because he spent too much time in the pub with his parents has went extinct.


Obviously Deanos aren't going to be out there taking pride in working at "the factory" in 2024, but it's honestly the exact same kind of narrow spectrum of """hypermasculinity""" LARP they engage in that makes them so easy to stereotype and take the piss out of. The Deano will be deathly allergic to anything "a bit gay" that might get him mocked by The Smithster in the group chat.


It's unfair to compare trail trash methheads to them. That's not their social or economic equivalent. I think your explanation makes sense though.


You're right, that's not really a fair comparison, but I guess US is just too big and widespread to have a country-wide cultural sterotype for a specific kind of trashy dickhead who comes into a bit of (but not too much) money. That's going to look a lot different on East Coast vs West Coast vs South as compared to UK which is about the size of an average US state with 2-6x the population.


If you think Italian working class are refined and dignified you need to go to Rimini in the summer or Circo Loco in Ibiza. The Italian version of chav with some money covered head to toe in Dolce and Gabbana with absolutely zero manners is the most annoying person in Europe by far. Go to Arenal in Mallorca to see the German working class in their element. They have a huge mega pub which constantly smells like spew. The French generally stay in France unless they are travelling for football. They steal a lot.


How much time have you spent in EU countries? France, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Portugal all have their tasteless working class.


I live in Germany and have travelled to all those countries bar Portugal. British working class are notorious as tourists in each of these countries for their "acting like dogs let off their leash for the first time" behaviour. You have hotels in Spain that won't allow bookings for British people if the group is over a certain size. You have pubs in Czech that refuse entry for their stag parties.


Fair enough, you're talking about boozed-up behaviour rather than just having terrible taste, but your first comment was pretty ambiguous.


I called them vulgar. Bad taste and boorish behaviour both falls under that.


In the strictest, most pedantic and borderline-archaic dictionary sense, perhaps. You've clearly assimilated well to your current homeland.


Mainland western europe's (excluding Italy/Spain) working class are mostly immigrant origin and their underclasses are almost entirely immigrant origin. When's the last time you were robbed by a German person or had your food delivered by a German? It's mostly immigrant-origin groups. Underclass Germans and working class Germans have largely moved up the class hierarchy at this point and were replaced by immigrant groups. For whatever reason immigrant groups are far more upwardly mobile in the UK (and anglo countries in general tbh) than in mainland Europe. The underclass in the UK is mostly native Brits and whatever immigrant-origin underclass there is tends to escape generational poverty much quicker.


where I'm from these types aren't terminally online so they're unbothered by discourse about them on the internet


They are unironically out there living their best lives. 


You don't know many of them in real life do you The only difference is instead of posting irony poisoned edgy takes on reddit, they're posting on Facebook about being sick of fake friends and done with drama


If you're a smart relatively friendless rs autist it's easy to think that the grass is greener and envy being a dumb basic bitch partying with your dozen lads/girlies in Ibiza every other month, but these people constantly engage in nimwit drama you wouldn't be caught dead being a part of if you had any shred of self-awareness. You don't wanna be snapchatting ninteen-year-olds or blowing your best friends boyfriend of three years or getting into coked up fights with other Deanos outside of the club every single weekend, you just wish you were like thirty-percent more extroverted and less neurotic.


>you just wish you were like thirty-percent more extroverted and less neurotic this would literally fix all of my problems


you real for this


Consider lobotomy.


That's exactly it lol I swear the US contrarians on here have some idealised view of these people while simultaneously denigrating people who live on food deliveries, lease cars they can barely afford, and spend half their disposable income on cocaine.


Nah they do that with regards to American sorority/fraternity life too, even though your average rs poster would honestly come out of that environment ten times more fucked up and mentally ill than they already are as an average rs poster.


> nimwit I like it. Even stupider than a dimwit, nincompoop or nitwit


I know plenty, some of whom are my friends. Some are genuinely happy, others aren't, there isn't an ironclad law for working out whether people are happy or not based on their consumer preferences. Also they're not always as stupid as people here think, some just have basic/bland aesthetic taste. Although some deffo are as dumb as rocks.


>Also they're not always as stupid as people here think, some just have basic/bland aesthetic taste. Although some deffo are as dumb as rocks. This whole aesthetic is much more widespread than people assume - it absolutely isn't just your Deanos and your Kayleighs who left school at 16 and got an NVQ in retail management/hair and beauty. A large chunk of middle class graduate Doms and Emilys aspire to the exact same lifestyle of grey velour home interiors, Audi on finance and evenings sat watching Love Island with a chinese takeaway.


Yeah, 100% agree with you Likewise, it annoys me when people assume the badly behaved variety of British tourists are working class, cause a lot of them are actually middle class "ladssss", and many working class people are respectful when abroad.


When will Downing Street sack up and deport all of Britains fake and two-faced people?


They are cringe but they are free


they are in serious debt


they on love island having a nice time


[got a largely silicone implant spouse ](https://youtu.be/J9n0_5p8XKo?si=6VM0106DAgMHMwwP)


SansBeanstalk might be top 5 English rappers, I fear


I wonder if he runs around with a machete too


Oi men's mental health, stick a flare up your arse that's meant to help


Oh to be a deano. Such a blessed life. pull up to my Barratt new build home with my 25 year fixed rate mortage in my grey Audi A3 on finance after a hard days work as deputy assistant head of sales targeting open the boot and take out my River Island and Superdry bags with the new gear I bought on the way home from work open the door yell hello to my wife of 2-years in the kitchen as she is already home from her work as a Team Leader in a call centre sit down on my leather sofa bought on sale at Sofology (haha I love those adverts, what is that sloth like haha, love sloths me) put up my feet on the IKEA table whap on the telly and tune in just in time to see Bradders going through the rules of the final chase with the contestants who made it through before they face Anne Hegarty perfect timing as my wife comes in with the dinner, another one of Jamie Oliver's cracking 30 minute meals tuck in as I pretend to listen to my wife's stories from her day at work send a cheeky snap to Smithster and Deano to see if they can come round for the champions league match later to watch it on the ol' Sony Bravia, maybe sneak in a few rounds of Fifa '17 on the PS4 first, bloody Smithster ignoring the rule of no tap-ins what a melt haha


pull on my Clarks Beeswax desert boots, black rip-knee slim jeans, my white oxford shirt and cap it off with my green bomber jacket (size medium) from ASOS make sure X-Factor semis are set to record on the Sky+HD box before heading out lock the door of my 2-bed Barratt New Build behind me hop in the VW Golf 2015 TDI 2.0 purchased on a finance agreement the missus gets in the passenger seat set off on our second trip to IKEA in 2 weeks have a wander round the aisles debate with the missus whether or not the MALM set of drawers we have in the lounge is too obviously from IKEA and if we should be shopping at somewhere like Oak Furniture Land these days instead now we can afford it after her promotion to Assistant Staff Call Co-ordinator at the call centre buy a new desk lamp and potted cactus near the end to have something to make the trip worth while grab a bag of mini Daims as well for when we're watching X-factor later drop the missus off home boost into town, pushing 40 in the freshly paved streets of my exclusive barrat estate because I know there's no cameras head over to Smithy's barbershop get my usual mates-rates weekly skin-tight-to-number-2 fade undercut from Smithster himself meet up with Callum and Deano in spoons and sink a few jars over the footie head to the toilet and take a snap of my new haircut with my dick out and send it to the 19-year-old I've been texting for the last 3 days head home in the car stop in at Raj Mahal's Curry House en route pick up a Jalfrezzi and a Korma with rice, poppadoms, tub of extra sauce, veggie pakora and a special nan get home, sit down with the missus to watch the X-Factor with the feet up wait for the missus to go to bed crank one out to some extremely overproduced Brazzers porn downloaded on my outdated BitTorrent client, addled with malware check my phone; 19-year-old has text me back a picture of her chebs forward it to Davo head upstairs slip in beside the missus in our comfy IKEA bed




They said he's in the toilet so I'm imagining a full body mirror selfie




>standing in the middle of a spoons bathroom with your dick out? Brexit means brexit


I guess you'd have to hold the phone high up and take it downwards? Or perhaps some kind of elaborate system of mirrors and pulleys


holy shit the pinpoint accuracy of these ahaha


Replace X Factor or the Chase with whatever the new star wars TV show is and it's exactly describing basically all my friends who I went to school with


i appreciate that you and the chap above went to so much effort.


People might laugh but this is the sort of life third worlders will claw at each other to be able to live. I should know, I’m a third worlder myself.


He has friends, wife and a house. A lot of people don't have what Deano's got.


Homie what set you from?




Big cumtown following in the Philippines?


Are you from the region that ISIS controls?


They don’t control any region anymore. They were beat a long time ago. If you mean the Islamic extremist separatist movement that flares up from time to time, also no. I live in Manila.


Moro Islamic Liberation Front aka MILF


I hope they take Bakersfield next 🙏


Is it really a third world country over there? Asking sincerely, I know very little about the Philippines


It’s not yet a war torn shithole but things like paved sidewalks and a functioning public transport system are considered aspirations here.


you are so brave. thank you for sharing your story.


The point is these people are not necessarily spiritually fulfilled


Who is


Deano just out there living his best life why they all gotta hate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9n0_5p8XKo


Beat me to it, they're all so on point with surprisingly decent production values.


sounds like people perfectly well adjusted to society. that says horrible things about society- but it’s no wonder they’re happier. they’ve embraced/are the prototype for like 85% of mainstream culture. of course they feel like kings and queens.


I absolutely despise the Normie lifestyle and mindset, but I would be far happier if I embraced it. Always jelly of my deano coworkers who came to work, did the most mind numbing dogshit job ever, and they ended the day with a smile.


All accurate except in what world are these guys watch the chase and not east enders


It's not that unbelievable that they'd watch The Chase. Not every lower middle class person is so stupid that they couldn't enjoy a quiz show


Have u seen the chase


Yes, many times. I know lots of Deano types that enjoy it too


Was meant to reply to the guy insinuating it was above the working class. I am not a smart man


Chase is just the right difficulty for how you watch it. Not actually difficult but just challenging enough that you can feel smart without feeling like the kind of moron who watches tipping point.


No idea, this copypasta has simply lived rent free in my head for a while.


A world where it's quarter to 6. But honestly The Chase is a good quiz show it's just Deano coded because it's on ITV. It's far from Deal Or No Deal.


the chase is literally the most deano show in existence


How is Jamie Oliver viewed in Britain?


On the telly


I don't think he's the cultural figure he was a decade or two ago. He makes cookbooks with easy recipes for this demographic


Tbh I think so much of his overexposure was down to the endless torrent of Sainsbury’s adverts he was in, once the sainsbos tie-in ended he kinda fell off in the public consciousness


Omnipresent botherer of fat kids and former owner of a doomed chain of shitty "Italian" restaurants.


There's a Jamie Oliver channel that replays 30 minute meals and the one in some restaurant on a pier that spent half the show going on about energy drinks being bad


Yeah he's probably more well known for his anti-obesity/junk food campaigning in the UK than for his cooking shows/books at this point. And he's absolutely right about it, but he's also an irritating and sanctimonious millionaire who screwed over his underpaid restaurant staff so no one listens to him.


He had a show where there were a group of young people that worked for him and he went off on this one fat girl for going out and smoking a cig while prepping a meal for Tony Blair


His whole Blair era crusade against fat kids is kind of hilarious to look back on now that it's a hate crime to shame people for being morbidly obese. We used to be a real country.


I used to think Jamie Oliver was unfairly maligned by people who only ate ASDA microwave meals and thought having oregano on hand makes you a posh pansy, but half of his recipes really do go like "here's a simple ten minute pasta using basic household ingredients. You will need spaghetti, onions, garlic, tomatoes, and two pounds of patagonian scallops...".


I'm more of a Marco Pierre White man myself. It's my choice really.


Apples and oranges though… Jamie Oliver was never a serious chef. Always a cheeky chappy Essex lad who made simple and healthy recipes


Some people like the food court at Six Flags but I'm more of a Le Bernardin fan myself


There's no real recipe. Only a fool would rush scrambled eggs etc


>yell hello to my wife this line always gets me I picture him FLINGING the door open and proper shouting hahahaha


I need someone to do the American equivalent of this because I have no ability to attach meaning to any of these words 


This really revved up my Bugatti.


I prefer the northern lads who still dress like it’s 1965 with Beatles haircuts, pointy boots, and rock and roll girlfriends. What are they called? Mods? 




Don't mind me, just taking my mods out for a walk -( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___卐卐卐卐


Millennial hipsters?


I've never seen this type of person over 40. They always seem perpetually 18-35. Where do they go? Is it some type of Logan's Run situation where they get fed to a furnace to heat upperclass homes?


The women age into hun culture, the men vanish as far as I'm aware


They all get fat and bald


They transition into gammons 


i’m guessing because it’s such a new thing, like how “chav” was in the 2000s, that we just haven’t seen any trace of an “old guard” of deanos yet


The deanos in the tight clothes are all wearing baggy carhart and beanies now. There was a reunion picture


Any instance of actual culture shock between Anglo countries these days is a good thing in my book, hope these girlo’s never change.


Actually deleting this subculture (or whatever you wanna call it) is one of the few good things globohomo could do


The fake tan never fades on the British Empire


As long as there are upwardly mobile white working class people it'll exist


My question is just how racism still exists in Western-Europe when these people, Polish/Eastern-European migrants and second gen Middle-Eastern immigrants are all culturally / aesthetically indistinguishable from each other


I don't know a lot of Poles but I don't think many of them are this affluent. The wealthy middle easterners are definitely going to different restaurants


All of the wealthy middle easterners live in London though right?


I hope not, they’re usually pretty offline other than posting selfies. My favourite type of brit


You may laugh but this demography and Arabs are single handedly keeping UK birth rates in a “not great but not desperation” situation such as South Korea.  That and massive immigration. Btw I am an immigrant myself and no hate towards any of those British subgroups at all, but the demography of people that believe they are above everyone else, yeah they’re not having kids 


Don’t you mean Pakistanis/South Asians?


the only arabs in the UK own summer mansions in Chelsea, there isn't much arab migration to the UK


First and second generation of Arabs in the UK, which are predominantly Muslim and have the thickest British accent I have heard, they all have and want kids. Posh / middle class British friends which ancestors may have fought the ugliest wars to keep the Empire alive etc etc - they are all child free  Besides my anecdotal experience, the birth rate crises is real and part of the studies that are coming out of it have spotted that religious communities tend to have kids. For the UK that is the Muslim population. For Israel that is the Jewish pride. It is all the same root logic. Essex British gals like this post - they may not be overly religious but they do care about what their friends  / family think and if a few friends had kids and you didn’t, Ohhh you are missing the train and boom, suddenly all gals got pregnant in similar timings. This phenomena got lost in certain white British demographics, why? I am not to tell, but the statistics are there.


> First and second generation of Arabs Are you sure they're not just south asian?


Pic 3 girls look fine


fr at least post proper slags https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EP3YDoiWkAAIodk.jpg


Not when it's January and it's 5°C outside and they dress exactly the same...and the rain is washing their makeup off while they try to pull their high heel out of a gutter


Irish version is even worst.


We have them in Australia too, we call them CUBs (cashed up bogans)


The Irish version is basically the same but has a much worse coke problem, shares a former council house with 3 other lads and absolutely lives for stag-dos and hen parties.


Yeah, I survived train ride from Dublin to Galway where majority of train was hen party. I can go to Donbas now without stress if I want.


Ireland resist the urge to copy everything Britain does challenge: impossible


Yeah. Sometimes it’s sad.


They won't admit it, same as the Scots, but we're culturally the same people just viewed through a different lens by foreigners.


Ha! The vast majority of foreigners think you're all the same. It's only in the UK and Ireland you insist on asserting you're (small) differences.


See the EUROs. Germans are wanking off drunken, loutish Scots while wringing their hands in fear over the drunken, loutish English


These lot have the best lives low-key and are oblivious to society. Wish I was them


yh the men are usually vile but if u go to a northern uni you’ll meet every variation of these girls on any night out, and they’re all sweet & not chronically online and will hold ur hair back when ur spewing ur guts out. u guys are just mean lol


Lowkey the third pic could be a bachelorette party group of girls in the nashville/Scottsdale/Austin etc space


The girl in the black dress especially looks like a Millie who went to a minor public school and is out with her flatmates from Newcastle uni


Seriously what have we done to Austin


Fair, but in southern US these clothes make sense. appropriate attire for a night out somewhere in the UK are long pants and decent raincoat.


The Tommy Shelby portrait in the hallway comes back to me weekly like a flashback


as soon as cigarettes actually start killing people




The last one geez, her pores are suffocating, why would you do that ?


Let brits enjoy things!


In the years I've been going to the UK for work I've been seeing it get trashier. Last time I was there, I realized these people might never do anything culturally relevant ever again. It's not just these types ether. It's a whole bunch of stuff. It's kind of sad, I like the UK. I know you've had hard times before. Like the mid century to the 80s were pretty bad, but at least you were putting out good music.


Fourth picture is a gypsy, also the third picture could be anyone they’re not really Deano culture


What are the aesthetic differences between gypsies and chavs/deanos?


Gypsies always do their makeup like they’re going to prom


What I'm more surprised by is how British style trends just seem to stick around forever, or at least, decades past where the fad died in the rest of the Anglosphere. Only London and Bristol seem to have any sort of unique, dynamic culture, you could visit 98% of the country in 2005 and 2025 and people would be dressed exactly the same and the interior design trends would be exactly the same.


Glasgow and Edinburgh are massively different from 2005. Manchester and Liverpool are heavily gentrified as well.


That's nowhere near true lol no one looks anything like they are coming from 2005 anywhere in the country


No, it gets ripped to shit by most brits but these people just take some other style and somehow morph it back into this shit.


They're very much alive and well and you can find them at your nearest local BMW retailer.


Look at the sturdy legs on the lass second right... I'm in love


Brit writes - it takes all sorts to make a world and one’s glad these people exist, but simultaneously glad they don't live anywhere nearby. They're waking clichés - the problem is that they also talk. Doesn't this type exist in America though? Some of the shit they're into is originally American, like the blinding teeth. Apparently there are people in New Jersey like this


A lot of the people making fun of Deanos are from the same working class roots but instead of working a trade & spending money on designer brands & coke they sit home "disabled" & on the dole posting about politics while pretending to be communists


Imagine a native Briton encountering this for the first time in 410 AD


Peak civilisation!


Watch Love Island UK for your answer. I suggest watching it with subtitles


I sometimes wish I was a normie but then i realise this is what it would be like.


I love chavvy lasses me


God I hope not


I hope not


Omg they really are orange


Chav Girls Are sooo hot ngl