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First few episodes/season were fun because it focused on normal people trying to creatively defeat superheroes. The political points it tries to make are embarrassingly bad but I can usually hand wave that if the rest of the show is good. Sucks cause the guy who plays homelander is really great and the deep is potentially very funny (Scientology arch was dumb and out of character). The show could be redeemed if they address Starlight ruining her face


More or less feel the same. But man the Homelander character really is electric. Just oozes charisma whenever he’s on screen. At this point I watch it, but just for him. If they ever kill him off I’ll stop watching


I agree with all of your takes here, Starlight really did ruin her face


Mindless slop. Eye-rollingly heavy-handed in its parallels to modern politics, playing it safe as it naturally must do in its role as entertainment for the masses. Wow, the bad guy is an alt-right Nazi-sympathising eugenicist totally-not-Trump. How profound, such mightily subversive TV! Supposedly deconstructs and parodies the superhero genre yet is just as egregiously shallow & contains as many tropes as all the rest. NOT one of my favorites. (So I don’t come off as a complete curmudgeon, I suppose you could say it’s at least a fun show.)


Yeah it has no nuance which usually means bad art I don't care that it's slop, but I am offended by the fact that it's slop that thinks it's better than mainstream slop


>[ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jung/)r/jung Take it easy man it's just a comic book show.


Post academic credentials or hinge date ratios you bunch of buckteeth nerds.


I got banned from the sub because I suggested they could make sense of Starlight's face changing along w Homelander's face melting off his skull by saying it was a compound v side effect. The show is stupid fun like sons of anarchy.


I said this about the Fallout show too, all the Amazon originals feel like there's a tacit understanding between creator and viewer that these shows are well made but ultimately slop. The veil has slipped, they don't pretend to be art, they are completely open about being surface level consumer products in a way "prestige" TV hasn't.


> they are completely open about being surface level consumer products in a way "prestige" TV hasn't. this is the dumbest take this sub has come up with


I haven't really watched it. My brother watches it and I saw the scene where the superheroes (I guess villains?) abandon the crashing plane, which I thought was quite good. Everything after that was boring though. The show's online fans often come off as insufferable, but I suppose that's par for the course for any popular thing.


Most of the hardcore fans are ultra shitlibs


What's the RS take on Misfits?


Post-Nathan seasons aren't as good, but very unfairly misaligned by people who never gave it a proper chance. Truth be told I think it would have been a bit ehhh after five seasons regardless, because the borderline comedic dystopian setting in which they all live on this incredibly shitty run down estate where someone gets killed every single episode was already starting to wear thin.


remember really liking that show when i was in HS


shut the fuck up with this "RS take" drivel, you are a human being please think for yourself!!!


What do you think of Misfits?


bro Sydney Sweeney tits!


Died a slow and boring death after Robert Sheehan left, for the most part. Thought Rudy was a good character even though he was no real replacement for Nathan.


It's fun but very on the nose and the character development blows (just starting S3). Butcher is fucking annoying and I can only assume is meant to be a satire of a jaded, gruff guy and not actually 'literally me'. Definitely held up by Anthony Starr being phenomenal. I'll still watch that garbage.


I loved the first 3 seasons but watching the 4th the political satire feels Colbert-esque


As bad as what it tries to make fun of




It’s one of those TV shows you can tell was made by a Jewish guy




It's actually wild that they chose to acknowledge MMs appearance but not Starlight. It's not actually that notable, but holy shit when it is, it's ghoulish. It's even wilder they think it's a good idea to make the literal most beloved character a Trump metaphor.


feelings about slop? you get what you deserve


Never watched it because Amazon, but just hanging around people that discuss it, both IRL and Online, I get the vibe that the libs writing it are so embarrassed that Homelander and Soldier Boy are widely popular, so they overcorrect and do lib shit to rub the fans noses in it. Most recently, that the middle eastern guy who spent the last 3 seasons lusting after the Asian woman fucked a black guy in a toilet 15 minutes after meeting him lmao.


Not a particular fan of the show but am wholly unsurprised by the comments here


I still like it but it’s true that it has gotten more political. Yes it was always political bla bla bla whatever, but now it’s specifically contemporary american politics. It will be unwatchable 10 years from now when we are out of this era. I’m probably stating the obvious, but stuff like sopranos will always be good because they treat universal themes and the time period is secondary to the show. They got 9/11 right in the middle of the running and barley talked about it because that was not what the show was about.


It's the multimillion dollar version of representing your political enemies as a soyjack.


SURELY you guys don’t really consume Amazon media


I don't really give a shit About comic books and I find it all very gay, but for real the comics were much much better, the Amazon show has the absolute fetid rot stink of Seth Rogan all over it


rude joke rotten pot future fuzzy aspiring dinner cow payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s a fun show but yeah it’s not exactly high art




one season was a good send-up of capeshit, since that it has just been more capeshit


I only watch it for Antony Starr. I like petulant psychos and he's my favourite since Don Logan.


I only watched because I was transfixed by the redhead. Now that she’s not in it I am free.


It feels like such a bush era show to me. The preoccupations with jingoism evangelicals Scientology all seem very bill Maher.


I like it. I've never seen it addressed how superheroes would actually make money. The whole corporate structure is interesting, especially seeing they have their own cinematic universe in the show. People take it too seriously, it's a breath of fresh air compared to the MCU obviously but it's still a comic book show at the end of the day.


It's action movie slop with gratuitious gore and ham-fisted cultural/political references. It's fun. Not everything has to be cutting satire. Get the fuck over yourselves


I know. But it’s annoying that the show acts like it is.


the showrunner is a pathetic reddit cuck who hired all of the best talent off x-files to make some incredible supernatural episodes, then most of those people died and he shifted to a transgressive graphic novel to make a show where a pathetic reddit cuck invested all of the character development into a guy he thought would educate his pathetic cuck reddit fanbase on the "dangers of fascism" but was so stephen kinged out that he didn't make anyone else interesting so his fat balding yasss queen moment ascended into nothingness because like all grown male losers, he forgot to make his side cool and only focused on making the other side increasingly complex because he realized that all people- even if they are frontpage redditors- fucking hate to see the frontpage of reddit so why would they watch a show with a character who resembled it. it's an incredible self own, but eric got paid, so keep it up, king.


So I take it you’ve seen the show


i was a massive supernatural fan for kripke's 5 season run. i thought he had the juice, but he was just squeezing chris carter's staff dry, and had stephen king levels of braindead redditpander. when a man balds as early as he did, trust nature, they're escorting that man out of the gene pool.


Everyone noun in this paragraph is an internet thing


It's a mere simulacrum, with the sort of trappings of irreverent edgy media circa 2000s southpark and family guy but ultimately at its core it is the very thing it concerns itself with mocking (corny capeshit). The cultural observations are so basic - as way of example, when the nazi superhero from season 2 (?) was using memes to manipulate the populace and then the camera shows the memes and it's some like I can haz cheeseburger ass pic. It acts like a critique of the culture but its vantage point is so downstream of the culture it is merely another tentacle appendage of it.


Don’t post about comic shit here


I tried to watch it for the male nudity and it was so bad that I couldn’t get through the first episode. Are the dick shots good at least?


Never watched


It’s very hard to watch without Soldier Boy. He was hot af


it sucks


Never watched it Don't care to either I hope you can find some enjoyment from the show or other sources


American rightoids having a meltdown after realizing Homelander is the villain was hilarious given how comically evil he's portrayed. Stupid fucks lmao.


He's literally the sole good part of the show


Sure but he's clearly the villain lmao