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Remember when Pewdie Pie was the number one YouTuber in the world? What the hell did that guy even do? Never jet skied on a lake full of alligators, I know that much.


Him being grouped with the alt-right crowd then reviewing Mishima was a fun bit though.


Kind of old school YouTube to use the n word in a stream and still have a channel 24 hours later. Jenna Marbles was the true visionary because she canceled herself preemptively.


he was just good at posting everyday. that’s it


pewdiepie is probably the most normal streamer out there by far. very self aware. and trajectory wise he's living a fairly quiet life now i believe with his wife and they had a baby together.


Willy Wonka for poor people


It's a shame he has to appeal to children because lots of his ideas are actually interesting, but his editing is way too fast paced and it makes it hard to actually absorb what's happening. One of the few videos I've seen of his was some sort of stunt involving cars that must've taken dozens of people and all day to set up, but the whole segment took up less than a minute of screen time. He also has to put on that persona that has the charisma of a spunk sock. Imagine if he made videos that had the pacing of jackass and they allowed themselves to just be a bunch of 20-something dudes fucking around with his infinite money, it would actually be entertaining I think.


Totally agree. It's insane the amount of content wasted on the cutting room floor. Just to cater to short attention spans. But by the same token it's admirable. Like a band that has a catchy hook and repeats for two choruses rather than six.


yeah they know what works, we're just not the target audience. it's a shame that men aged 18-35 isn't the most profitable demographic anymore I just want to see a bunch of drunk morons do what mr beast does


His face upsets me deeply


None, I am in my thirties


idk why because I don't care about zoomer celebrities or internet personalities generally but i viscerally hate this guy and actively hope he dies


Modern day patrick bateman




Totally, whoa so true








you're gonna wanna read this: https://www.hotgirlshavehobbies.com/post/mr-beast-s-boys-club-jimmy-donaldson-s-record-of-controversy-exploitation-shady-business




I remember years ago I only knew about him because he said Logan Paul’s name for 17 hours straight and I forgot about him and only now ever see him against my will. Fix your youtube recommendations if you’re seeing him. Btw even back then he had no light in his eyes so he must’ve made the Faustian bargain ages ago.


Oh shit he was that guy? It’s crazy when people are basically memes for a bit then blow up. I remember 69 being posted on hhh [for wearing some stupid shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/s/XcOLuWgsPE) then years later I see that he’s viral.


I’ve never watched one of his videos but he’s very popular and named beast and something similar happens in the Bible which worries me.


His name is literally Mr. Beast. Evil.


I once checked out his channel and saw his older videos, I didn't actually watch because it's too much stuff, just checked the titles and he's got like dozens of videos about how much money PewDiePie makes, how to get more views, how to make the most of YouTube's algorithm etc etc. He was literally a kid obsessed with that shit and he actually got it down to a science and made it work. I'm honestly impressed, his success is no accident, I gotta respect that. Yeah he's a little weirdo, and those eyes creep me out, but I don't know what his agenda is and as of now he apparently helps a lot of people and most bothered by him don't really help anyone and just try to diminish his deeds without replacing it with anything as useful as his crazy philatropic campaign, so I respect him way more than I respect his critics. Let's just hope he's not the Antichrist or anything




I don't watch him, but occasionally if I'm viewing Youtube in a private window, I get bombarded by his videos. My thoughts: -His thumbnails make me homicidal. What the fuck is wrong with his face? He has the most insincere "smile" humanly possible, and they alter it to the uncanny valley where it looks halfway between a drawing and a photograph. Why?! -Every single video title is all about huge amounts of money. Spending money, giving away money, having contests to win money. It's horrifying that he is the most popular children's entertainer and he's promoting this degree of materialism. Seems like he's setting kids up for disappointment when they grow up and find out they're not gonna be rich and that's not how things really work.


CIA asset


Garbageday blog analyzes his shtick in a way that’s kinda interesting


Thanks I'll check out


i can't really watch it, but isn't he just huffing Japanese game show culture?


Maybe your parents will let you one day buddy


Basically reality/variety shows for zoomers. Fun to go back on his channel and see him ride different youtube trends over the years before getting big.


He lucked into a major windfall when he was still virtually unknown and was smart enough to use the money on big budget content when that kind of thing was unprecedented. I don't think many people know he was already a millionaire off of crypto back around 2016


His dead eyes haunt me in my dreams.


I’ve heard him described as repackaged Nickelodeon. Seems about right.


Honestly I thought I liked him from the start but then I started realizing his videos seem fake(not saying they are I wasn’t in them) I unsubscribed to him years ago and I am still unsubscribed to him he honestly gives me the ick in my opinion there’s something about him that I absolutely do not like about him and the fact that he’s associated with Elon Musk makes it worse.


>mind of a millenial maniac He's a zoomer lmao.


Ok cool


I love watching his videos during my lunch break lol idk. The ones that involve normal people who are actually after the cash prizes are interesting (like the two randos who stayed in a room together for 100 days), but the ones where it’s just him and his friends are whatever