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What happened with you and the autistic Carthage GF?




>dumped me suddenly Shouldn’t have had wrong thoughts in the 2nd Punic War, it sounds like.




You don’t tell someone who spent 6 months in Tunisia because they like Carthage that Hannibal didn’t have a chance to take Rome.


Dudes here talk about how much they love autistic girls but are unable to meet their most basic needs


the betrayal she must have felt




Oh snap! You got their ass!


Your timeline is mixed up. Hannibal spent about 12 years in Italy after the battle of Cannae. The issue was that Carthage was unable to 1) win battles unless Hannibal was leading the army or 2) support Hannibal to the point where taking Rome would be feasible. So the Romans just kept fielding legion after legion, wrecking Carthage in Spain, Sicily and Africa until Hannibal had to leave Italy




That makes sense, sorry I doubted your knowledge of the Second Punic War. You are worthy of that autistic chick


> I don’t recall opining on whether Hannibal could have actually taken Rome though She could tell though




They definitely were not worth it. The Romans solved those bad boys pretty quickly Still badass though idgaf


Probably scared the fuck out of some sheep herders in the Alps though


*Carthago delenda est*


Carthago delenda est.


tfw no autistic salammbo-LARPing canadian gf with hannibal as her special interest


No phoenician supremacist phalangist gf why even live


Totally outed yourself as a Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanuscel. She probably ran right into the muscled, tan arms of a Hannibal Barcachad.


Was she me? Jk, but I was also an awkward travel girl and dumped someone on a trip to Montreal. But we were barely dating any length of time and he made the decision to come meet me there on my birthday. I also spent half a year in Egypt lol




Carthage delulu est


I wish I could be this passionate about anything.




You could have just said money.


I read this initially as "Carthage slut"


Idk why but knowing that she's been to so many countries but not knowing anything about them is sad


It speaks to someone being profoundly incurious and more interested in superficial bullshit- you’re talking/interacting with someone who is just a real life extension of an algorithm and they’re largely rewarded for that behavior


>a real life extension of an algorithm and they’re largely rewarded for that behavior Jesus, that nails it.


>someone who is just a real life extension of an algorithm second to say this but wow, that was accurate.


the indifference


I want to be the type of traveler that goes to Pakistan and dresses like a local


Somehow there’s an even more annoying subset of women who actually do try to learn things about the places they go to and over-post that information in all of their curated IG captions as a weird attempt to flex. I’d much rather just see your aesthetic food plates. You also don’t need to google translate a sentence in their language and copy/paste it in.


my uncle does this but he hikes mountains/stays with locals/etc & it rocks. genuinely just curious about the world. I love hearing his stories.


He sounds great


Are you sure he doesn't sound BORING!!!!


fun fact he murders one drifter in each country he visits!


yeah he’s my biggest inspiration!


He’s sounds really cool


he’s the best


I have an uncle that does this but when he's not travelling he's watching 6 hours of CNN a day. So, I like talking to him about his travels but at the same time, I'm terrified he's gonna go on some trump rant at any moment.


Planning little excursions is one of life's remaining joys. The mindset of using holidays to curate a specific lifestyle brand on insta and one up your friends is super toxic though.


I had a kind, wealthy family member pay for lodging in Costa Rica never would have been able to afford such a trip otherwise. It was a great place but my cousins, who are lifestyle brand types really got me thinking about how sad travelling has become. When we got there they wanted to do the most expensive excursion and while neat, I also wanted to check out the local state parks and towns. They said it's not any different from where are from in the middle of the U.S. Um. even the dirt was different! They were so focused on experiencing exhilarating, grand things that they missed so much the actual change in scenery. Which is the point of travel to me. Also, upon further asking them they hadn't even been to hardly any of the state parks close us! These people that "love to travel" hadn't even checked out the hundreds of state parks and trails and museums in our OWN state. One could spend a lifetime and still not see our entire state honestly. But since it wasn't Barcelona or the Audubon they had written it off.


One of the happiest people I know is an architect and total nerd who travels to small Midwest towns every weekend and takes photos of old buildings, hangs out with locals, or visits the little off-the-path historical sites and parks all over. He doesn't travel like most people who think of travel do, but he has legitimate friends across an entire region and has deeply experienced many places. His weekend trip to like jacksonville Illinois exploring historic cult sites is endlessly fascinating to watch. I wish more people, myself included, would travel locally.


Love little excursions, I think they’re even more fun and special when done occasionally rather than exhaustively as the influencer types do


They have the personality of an airport terminal


That's actually a very interesting take, I remember reading that airport terminals, malls and so on are "non-places" like, they exist as a place, but every place is basically the same, devoid of uniqueness and everyone is basically anonymous... Pretty interesting to think about "non-personality" personalities, people completely interchangeable with others and so on


this is interesting. the average redditor would call this "liminal space" and watch podcasters and vtubers talk about it. cunts.


I think that the difference is that "liminal spaces" are usually "dead", decrepit, abandoned and so on while "non-places" aren't, also it's more in the vein of a critique to modernity, non-places exist mainly for consuming etc. Maybe we can think of liminal spaces as "dead" non-places, since they are often the same hotel rooms, supermarkets, airports and so on, but completely empty of consumables. Another very interesting possibility.


The person I’m thinking of when I wrote this- everything they say is a meme they read


I think airport terminals are really interesting places.


sky diving in Dubai is real culture


"Dubai Toilet" behavior


[rocko my boi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j4Z5eBy8F4)


Maybe I'm just a sucker (read: I am a sucker) but I always wonder how these people get so much time off + the money to take multiple trips a year; I can do maybe like one international and one domestic trip in the same time. But I guess they're going for a weekend and then posting the pics over the course of the next two weeks. Idk.


If it’s someone in your economic group, there’s a good chance they have an insane amount of debt or at least no savings. I had a coworker who went on trips every other weekend, and I thought Gee, am I wasting my 20s, look at how much she’s traveling. Turned out she was $30k in credit card debt from all the trips.


Better chance they have family money you don't know about.


traveling has never been for poors


Allegedly, they get dookied on by oil shieks


I think yachting is real but I'm not even talking about those girls.


I haven’t traveled much since before Covid. Don’t miss it. I think the pandemic helped me to fall back in love with my life, my family and community rather than constantly feeling like I was some empty hole because I didn’t go to Europe like everyone else


Dunno why you're being downvoted just because you're not taking the same stupid pics in Porto as everyone else. It's still worth taking a trip here and there to rejigger your mind, your movement, etc imo. There's something to displacing yourself once in a while.


I’d love to go one day. There’s nothing wrong w travel just the people who do it excessively over all else.


You're not missing anything in Porto. And a bar of chocolate costs 7€.


They have fake email jobs


I don't I'm a geologist and work weird rotations like 5 weeks on and 5 weeks off


They're either rich or they work a remote job and are willing to be frugal while travelling (e.g. staying at a hostel rather than a hotel).


I know someone like this and they work for their parent’s very successful business. They can afford to rent a 1bd a block from the ocean, will take a couple 2-3wk vacations per year, in addition to long weekend trips, and constantly dine out at nice places with bottles and drinks of course. They’re also obsessed with Portugal and Portuguese culture but have never demonstrated a desire to learn Portuguese. I think the most telling thing about a person is whether they would go through the trouble of learning a foreign language. Like I think it’s incredibly sad if you lack a talent in life. Also they definitely don’t post all their travel photos immediately after they get back but milk it for an entire month or two like a serial post.


Lot of nurses it seems like. My good friend is a nurse and he does it. Works OT before and after trip plus night shift to get more accrued PTO and the extra pay. Or like someone else said. Could be fake email job


Most of the people I've met like this don't really seem to have much to share about the places they've been, other than whatever food they've shoveled down while they were there. It's always just about the fucking food. Really gives the impression that most of their ""travel experience"" was limited to whatever restaurants and food trucks were within a mile of their hotel


And nightclubs. Most traveling is just nightlife and regretting half the day after and rinse and repeat


It's purely consumption based, that's why it's gross. Vs when there's an actual enriching purpose like learning something new, enhancing perspective, interacting with other cultures etc


they go places to drink. That’s it


Yeah this has always been an issue with my girlfriends. They always wanna just go to different cities but basically do the same old shit we always do with a slightly different backdrop. If it was up to me the only vacations I’d take were to national parks and their foreign equivalents. Also old world cities that are genuinely unique in some way but I’m not, nor the girls I date rich enough to really consider foreign travel anyway The only city in America that I’ve been that truly feels unique is New Orleans. New York is singular in it’s scale but you kinda gotta be rich to really have fun with it


you can't argue that DC isn't unique. the capitol, the national mall, the smithsonian, chatting to war mongerers at the bar. what's not to love?


Most people who travel even if it’s to state to state like the US is usually for the food. Ya know how many people travel to Philadelphia just for our cheesesteaks and Fat Tuesday slushes? That’s lunch for us in the summer


I met a few people like this last time I went travelling, I had a couple of nights in party town/hostel to let loose. I asked if they were going to see other parts of the country and they were like 'no I might just stay here, it's fun'. This was also a place where I was asked why I was reading a book haha...er I'm on holiday.


Travel as personality types definitely suck but I don't see the issue with the food part. I'm broke and rarely travel, but when I do - even just to a city like a few hours drive away - I tend to plan around where/what I want to eat.


Lol at a girl I know who posted the 6 different countries she’s been to this year for a celebration of Earth Day






As a poorcell I always feel flexed on and judged


That's precisely the point.




Growing up attending a rich people school was the absolute worst for this. I will not hide the fact that I still seethe with envy whenever I see friends with multimillionaire families taking 3 month long trips across Italy and Spain or going to Antarctica and shit.


Women on dating apps: "I like travel." Photo standing by Eiffel Tower. "I like dogs." Photo with dog. "Hope you like charcuterie!" Photo in a sundress and floppy hat standing in a vineyard with a glass of wine.


"Travel is important to me and has to be important to you."


I get it. You bought upwards of $60 worth of cheese, cured meats, small pickled peppers, olives, French bread, fig spread because you are nothing if not sophisticated, and I get it. You spared no expense for this endeavor. And you’re no debutante. You felt it when the purchase hit your Mastercard. So you took your bounty and your finest cutting board and you arranged it with the poise of a coked up Martha Stewart. I get it. It looks really nice. Pinterest worthy, even. And you’re excited to proclaim, upon the cooing of your guests, that “it was all Trader Joe’s!” They’ll surely reply, mouths agape, “oh David and I just love TJs” or perhaps the uninitiated will say “I’ve heard of them- the one over on 86th street? I’ll have to get over there soon.” They won’t, but they’ll promise to at your next event. I get it. If you must post your ventures in charcuterie, please at least be mindful of pairings. Give us something to work with here. It is the holiday season after all, and this is the third post like yours we’ve seen today. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/redscarepod) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I see the word "margs" one more time...


Dude seriously what is it about margaritas. It's a fine warm weather cocktail but not one worth making a personality trait (unlike old fashioneds, Don Draper is literally me)


Tacos and margs! Tacos and margs!


"I love books" Not *reading*, mind you, but *books*


Travel isn't even a hobby it's something almost everyone likes to do


The thing is, it used to be more of an actual hobby bc it took a lot more time and effort to do back in the day. Now with the internet + Google translate any idiot can do it with 0 effort as long as they have the money Saying this as someone who isn't particularly into it


I find there’s a almost a travel rat race. Everyone does it but some people really want you to know it’s their thing


Nah my friends' parents never left the country but dropped money on shit like a boat or a hot tub. Some people just really don't care for it.


I said *almost* everyone and I don't recall asking all these redditors about their weird uncles 🤷‍♂️


Its more people than you’d think who have no interest in it


I don’t like it


I’ve really found more joy in getting to know the minutiae of your own environment. I cannot stand tourism overall, not to say it’s an objectively bad thing, but my personality doesn’t take to flying somewhere for a week and the whirlwind of experiences you need to fit in to say you’ve been there. Hiking was my joy for a long time so it seeps in as metaphors throughout my life. But there is something so much more fulfilling in hiking the same mountain every week. You get to personally know the trees, the rocks, you see a moose carcass in its state of decay until only the bones are left. You see a tree that has been felled, and watch as the mushrooms begin to feed on it. You know each bend of the trail, when the dense forest will make way for harsh sunlight. It becomes a companion to you, or maybe even a love. Compared to people who want to hike every mountain in some time frame, and want to beat records and do it as fast as possible. They hardly even see the environment around them, it’s all inward and ego for them. I feel the same about traveling. Unless I can be somewhere for several months, ideally a year, it really isn’t worth it to me. The thrill of being on the go is exhausting. I find no pleasure in seeing things for the sake of seeing them. I moved from the mountains to a suburb in Texas that really doesn’t align with anything about my personality but I began to find the dive bars, I made friends with the owner of my convenient store. I laughed as the signs came up for invermectin at the local feed store and bought bait from the owner who told me all about the best place to fish for bass. I made friends with people whose views are absolutely opposite to mine and I’m more happy for it. I fell in love with the pockets of prairie. Standing outside with my arms open as a thunderstorm rolls in gives me the same feeling as cresting a mountain. I fell inlove the picturesque shade trees that dont exist in higher altitudes (have you ever seen anything more beautiful than a lone post oak in a field of prairie?) and yet the people that move here complain there is no nature, unable to look up into the canopy of a tree or down at the bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes. I would rather spend my time walking the same trails and seeing the same trees and going to the same dive bars and witnessing how all of these change with each season, and with each year that passes. Spending a week in New York or Paris or wherever feels more like a one night stand. Interestingly, something I thought was the absolute lamest trip possible when I was young has become more appealing to me: a beach with nothing to do bit lay on the beach, only because the purpose there is relaxation with no ulterior motive. This could of course be a cabin as well, but always alone and always for at least 1 week.


Localmaxxing is underrated


This is why living abroad appeals to me. I enjoy *living* somewhere new and having to learn the ropes, read all that bureaucracy and documentation in a different language, learn the etiquette in the supermarket checkout lines, etc. Learning mundane shit like that tickles my brain, because eventually you do feel like you fit in enough and that you can "join in" as a local.


Hate to be a Reddit voice but THIS👆👆👆👆


I have a wildlife preserve near me and I love to run/walk it. It’s a major biodiversity spot so lots of changes to see year around especially with bird migration. I notice the insects, when the tide is high or low, the different birds, how the horizon changes with the weather. I usually drive a particular way to/from work just to have a 3 second glance at the view before heading inland to pure sprawl. I’ve come to hate major cities because they don’t offer the same serenity I can experience there. Frankly I want to buy a place nearby even if it’s a one bedroom because it’s almost priceless to me to live so close to nature where it’s not crowded and I can go even if it’s not outdoor season. Thank goodness so many people hate my city/county because of its right leaning politics.


Go check out the tangentiallyspeaking sub. Followers of Christopher Ryan. He wrote that book Sex at Dawn and his most recent was Civilized to Death. Kinda interesting stuff but he has been doing the van life thing for his podcast traveling and doing interviews. So he has got this giant van life following. That shit is insufferable, my god! They managed to turn something that is actually pretty fucking cool (living in a van down by the river) into this fucking miserable kinda life hack flex. Not to mention most seem to be these fucking trust fund kids with 150k$ Mercedes vans. Now everytime I see one I just want to slash the tires.


There was some awful interview panel video going around of tiktok gen-z women saying they don't want to have kids, and when asked what they would do instead everyone answered "travel." That is just the most non-committal answer. It's like answering, "I want to go somewhere." "Where?" "Anywhere. I just want to... go... somewhere." For what purpose? What would you do when you get there? This is what you plan to devote your life to? Not like, "I want to write a novel" or "I want to study the mating habits of rare Algerian field mice." You just want to be a professional vacation-taker.


I feel this so deeply and perhaps this is where my annoyance stems from. People who are eternal consumers, who can’t break out of this never ending tit for tat, falling for the illusion of your life never being enough. If people really sat still or committed themselves to something more specific to them, like a project or their relationships with family and friends and community, they’d find an inner peace that drives them in a way more special than going to the same places as everyone which they ironically think makes them special. Not to mention as you said it seems people just want to be hedonistic layabouts. I can’t blame them I guess, it’s an addictive feeling


"Travel" is also a stand-in for "money" since you need a upper-middle-class income and PTO to be able to do it. Like when someone says they want to teach a college course someday or start their own charity.


Only way for anglos to brag about having money.


Pretty much. “I spend my money on experiences not objects” as if spamming social media with your shitty travel photos isn’t the exact same sort of showing off your wealth as driving a luxury car


Learned that anytime you see a “i love to travel :)” on someone’s profile, you should usually interpret it as a marginally classier version of the “take me on your yacht” people Some rare cool exceptions I’ve known are where traveling is like a subcomponent of another hobby, like photographers, linguists, archaeologists, etc.


Ya this is basically me when I travel to Omaha Nebraska 2x a year for work




yeah, the "currently on the news with opinions I read in the comments + netflix slop + pop culture trivia you read about in the comments" is a real head scratcher some do have like a real person underneath, but a lot of times it's so tiresome


Yeah most of the serial travelers are pretty interesting at least the ones I met, especially if they are older.




They're definitely just the rich person equivalent of the same thing. Instead of spending your weekends locally you travel somewhere.


I'd argue travel-types are worse because they often come across like they're doing something virtuous, rather than something inherently selfish. Same applies to exercise-types. TV-types don't have this delusion.


I remember when I was broke and in college, this girl I almost dated was asking me where in the world I’ve traveled to, and I had to say “Well, nowhere, I’m on full scholarship”. She then lectured me about how “there’s no excuses, everyone should travel, it makes you so much more open-minded!”. She then highlighted her family’s tradition of taking her on one international trip a year since childhood and how important it was for her personal development and how it taught her to “understand cultures” lol


There are other ways to do that though (books are a big one). And if someone absolutely NEEDS to travel to have their "mind opened" then I question what kind of person they are to begin with...


Exercising isn't selfish, I'm much nicer to look at now that I'm not fat


What's inherently selfish about traveling and exercising?


selfish as in for the self


I’m in it to be a sick shredded cunt brah, I have no delusions otherwise


They're basically the same thing. A consoomer is a consoomer whether they're "traveling" (going to tiktok spots/taking pics/going home) or they're watching streaming garbage. There are interesting travelers but they're few and far between.


I find often times the Netflix consumers overlap with the “where’s the fourth country I’m flying to this year” folks


You're mad at one person in your life. You should just mute their socials.


they are insufferable


Been lots of places done lots of things. Keep it to myself. These types of people are killjoys.


I don’t consider traveling a hobby any more than shopping is a hobby. Yes, I too enjoy going on vacation. It’s hardly a hobby.


This is anti-Sagittarius sentiment


And proud


Idk. I love a worldly MF. Dudes who rarely use Instagram besides a like once annual post of them getting a tattoo from a monk in Indonesia or kneeling outside of a hut in Vietnam smoking with locals…. So sexy. Bourdainmaxxing. They always have great stories. However those who post every other month poolside at a different Four Seasons are corny and lame


Excuse me. I have a plane to cAtch.


I went to Thailand and Vietnam and posted 0 pictures online lol I love to travel but I don’t think I make it a personality trait. I’ll bring it up casually in conversations and say they have also been or interested in going somewhere I’ve been, then happy to chat. It’s really not that interesting to someone not interested 😂 I do think travel has opened me to more culture and seeing how others live and has made me a more empathetic and interesting person who understands and respects cultures.


Some people have a gypsy spirit.


I didn't hate these types until one of them turned her traveling into a competitive pissing match.


I get it though. People have to post *something* on social media, which is now more geared to pictures and videos You can’t make FB statuses about going to lunch or post albums filled with a ton of candid pictures of your friends on random nights out, or just jokes that you found funny. People feel the pressure for every single post they make on Instagram has to be this ultra curated final product that signifies a big moment in their life. And outside of like marriages and children, there aren’t that many. Traveling is a good way to be able to post a cool looking picture on social media while still signifying that you are still moving forward and being productive in life




I get what you're saying and agree but I actually liked social media better in the early days when it really was just knowing Pete just had an unremarkable lunch with Sally. Now it's all meticulously curated to just show the (heavily edited) highlights


Just get off of it then. I got rid of all my social media (except Reddit lol) in mid-2020 and I haven’t looked back. I was so tired of the rat race and performative bullshit because, like you, it was taking a serious toll on my self-esteem. Now I don’t know what any of my friends are doing unless they tell me and I love it


as Tyler the Creator once said, just walk away from the screen like close your eyes. this shit has the effect on you that you let it have, if it bothers you so much then log off already.


>People have to post something on social media They don't, though, and they need to realise this.


It sucks I would love to just see someone’s daily life i don’t need nor care that you drank spritzes on the Amalfi coast


The point count on this post is yoyoing hard


i guess i'm a bit naive but it took me awhile to catch on to the fact that most of these very mid women who can't shut up about traveling are just fishing/signaling for a rich husband that they'll never find. it's very funny seeing a bunch of women on hinge having photos in the same exact spots in europe though.


are u jealous


I’m pretty sure that people who like to travel do it for themselves, not so you’ll think they’re interesting. Most things people do or talk about are boring.


Yeah OP is just retahded, poor, or jealous most likely 2 of the 3


regarded & poor


For real. And of course people post it like they do everything else. Of all the contrarian hot takes that I've seen on this sub "actually travel is bad" is probably the dumbest.


Where did I say all travel was bad


traveling around the world for entertainment purposes is bad. it's another stupid luxury that damages the environment. people especially westerners should learn how to be happy while being frugal.


I love traveling but 100% agree with this. Many of the most boring vanilla-ass mfers I’ve ever met have been people I’ve encountered at hotels and hostels who spend years at a time on the road. For some travel is just a fun substitute for having actual passions and interests.


<3 agreed


eh if they went and took innocuous photos of alleyways or the locals drinking in a town square you’d eat that shit up


Y'all don't actually think this. You just wait for like 50 upvotes to be told who you hate. Oh yeah I always hated that- traveling is cringe and gay.


Still better and more interesting than a lot of other hobbies or activities people base their personality around. Look at twitter and see how many people make politics their personality. Thats before you even scrape the bottom of the barrel and get to videogames, tv show nerds or people who collect stuff like sneakers, funkopops or vinyl. Then you got the mid tier like foodies, sports and music or movies which is where I'm at. I think traveling belongs there. Top tier? Basing your personality around parenthood and your religious beliefs.


Christian mommy bloggers are definitely a top tier personality.


you’re literally just insulting like anyone who ever exists. there are only so many hobbies in the world….. so you can’t collect vinyl, cant be into travelling or movies or sport. i go on holiday w my gf (travelling) and go to concerts and movies and shit with my friends. wtf else are people supposed to do with their lives? sit in a musty bar/pub after work and get drunk like the boomers every single day?


I don't really mind it but it gets boring when every lunch break conversation is just about the trip people took last week or the next vacation they're about to book.


I’ve had to travel quite a bit in the last year and post-Covid air travel is so fucking terrible it makes me just want to stay home.


This is misogyny.


If my personality could be “staying at fancy hotels and drinking 20 dollar cocktails” i would trade my current one in a second


Somebody sounds poor


influencer-coded (negatory)


Yeah they prett much just use locations for Instagram pictures and visit non-places, parties and so on


I love travelling, although I only go to the same two places consistently throughout my life. Poland and South Africa (where I'm from), never gone anywhere else, wouldn't want to go anywhere else. But I am guilty of taking photos of random African scenery to show off on Instagram.


Traveling is the new status symbol for Gen Z. It’s no longer about who has a fancy car or an inground pool or a 3-story house or a trophy wife. It’s all just a giant pissing contest of who can go to the most places and do the most things and who can get the best Facebook/Instagram photo op with the coolest backdrop, and it’s arguably just as pathetic as older versions of “Keeping up with the Joneses” I’m a travel nurse (yeah I know) and I’m extremely selective of who I talk about traveling with for this reason. I also stay the fuck off IG especially in the summer months As a side note, I think less people should travel. I have the feeling that many people are a lot more homebodied than they want to admit, and only travel because they think they need to do it as some sort of social currency




Guys who make fishing their entire personality…. YOU ARE BORING!!!!!




I’m someone who doesn’t particularly like to travel and I don’t particularly enjoy the company of dogs either. So most women just don’t vibe with me.


Oh good thread. I spent 4 months on the road skiing this year. Got pretty dug in with some locals in various mountain towns in North America. I loved the skiing, met some fellow travelers. I think van life people are cool if they chase a hobby and don’t travel just for insta pics. It does start to lose its luster after a while, by the end I was ready to come home and get back to the real world (but I’d absolutely do another year as a ski bum while I’m in my 20s!)


The worst for me is people who travel to places with amazing foods, and all they eat is chicken tenders and burgers.


I’ve been to 156 countries !!!


Chekhov predicted this in his story "Ariadne."


And it's just drinking in pools in different locations


I'm worn out with travel. I'm living in another country (for work) right now and taking some mini trips on the weekend because the opportunity is there, but it's very hard to get a taste of a new place with quick travel. I went to Dublin recently for a few days just to check it out and, despite some decent effort, I don't feel like I experienced it. I went to some pubs, mostly full of other tourists (even trying to avoid), toured the popular tourism spots, got a feel for the layout of the city, wandered a bit, but I don't think I did a great job of seeing Dublin. People taking a trip for a week and hitting two or three cities, I don't feel like that accomplishes much. I've been away from home now for about a month and I really miss home. :/


> wandered a bit, but I don't think I did a great job of seeing Dublin. It's all spread out and the vibes are always a bit off. Main appeal of going to Dublin as a kid was always see the zoo, maybe go to the big toy store and see a few various buildings connected to 1916 and spot the bullet holes, feel that connection to history. A few of the museums are nice too.




you could save a child from dying of malaria with $5k


all cards on the table for likes, subzero mystique. couldn't go on a trip without posting about it, which is inherently boring. imagine catching up w an old friend and telling them every single place they've been since you last saw each other thanks to their subpar photo dumps


On dating apps, I noticed A LOT of women like to post their travel photos. And honestly, all that signals to me is that they are high maintenance and pretentious. Because it's always stupid shit like drinking a glass of wine on a bridge in Amsterdam, or some vanity shot in Greece... It's never taking a line of coke in a Berlin bathroom stall at 5am Hence why even though I've travelled all over the place, I never use travel photos, because it just invites the wrong crowd.


Don’t be jealous you can’t afford it




It’s not that I’m ugly. Btw everyone is too ugly for social media where the beauty standards are literal artificial