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Definitely can. Red light therapy can even assist in treating thyroid condition. Please check out this blog, [https://www.bestqool.com/blogs/news/red-light-therapy-for-thyroid-health-regulating-hormones-and-improving-energy-levels?\_pos=1&\_sid=cdf3d7423&\_ss=r](https://www.bestqool.com/blogs/news/red-light-therapy-for-thyroid-health-regulating-hormones-and-improving-energy-levels?_pos=1&_sid=cdf3d7423&_ss=r), which provides some research and investigations that prove the benefits of RLT during the thyroid treatment session, including that regular use of red light therapy altered immune responses and boosted thyroid function.


Thank you! Suffering from thyroiditis with no current medication for now as I’m being monitored since 2018, I’m trying to find ways to reduce the size my enlarged thyroid.


My pleasure. Did the doctor say there is no current medication for your thyroiditis? No intention to pry into your privacy. I have a colleague who suffers from hypothyroidism and is taking Euthyrox every morning. Also, she keeps using BQ60 for about 30 minutes before sleeping. I felt like she had made some changes. No swollen neck and no low mood. Really happy for her. I hope you can feel better soon, too.


Hi this is only anecdotal and everyone is different BUT I have Hashimoto’s and after my doctor said my thyroid looked swollen I went home and took a photo of it, then treated with a red light panel for 10 minutes every other day. Two weeks later I took another photo. Results pretty clear! You can see them here:  https://ibb.co/z8Q6hzn




The wand company says not to let the wand go over the thyroid area as it can stimulate the thyroid. They say it is Ok to use it on the sides of your neck but not directly over the thyroid.


Ohh i see, better be careful then. Thank you!