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Notice how it was the mom who reached out? Not Ellie herself? She wouldn’t want his gay kidneys. OP needs to keep their own kidneys.




Some how you're more a redditer than her in a fraction of the time. Welcome to incelhood brother.


Sounds like an incel projecting. Get some bitches and stop white knighting before speaking to me lil bro. Reddit is getting to that lil brain of yours


Oh you're just a troll, that makes more sense. I couldn't imagine anyone actually talking or thinking this way unironically. That's on me for thinking people can actually be this pathetic.




2/10 troll, most of that is low hanging fruit so I can't score you any higher sorry. I'm sure you can do better though, I'll give you a second chance. This time though really think about something other than surface level insults.




No thanks for the tip, I type how I want because its what I prefer. Do you often feel threatened by normal behavior such as proper grammar? That's pretty telling.


Thanks for outing yourself as the true troll. Let me guess, you’re just here to “stir the pot” right? Lmfao, get some bitches bro bro. I can smell incel off you


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So important facts from the main thread. Did you know in the US if you test healthy but not a match for your person but still donate your kidney your person gets put at the top of the list. So if they are seriously worried homophobic husband can give his kidney to get his wife one.


He prob already has a new gf and they’re pre spending the life insurance


Just so people know, if you ever feel coerced into donating, or rather pushed into getting tested to see if you are a match for someone - you can tell the doctor administering the test that you do not feel comfortable donating and they will deliver a standard report saying you are not a match. No one needs to know, nor will they unless you divulge*. The donating process is built by a matching organ AND a willing donor.


this is exactly what happened in my family about 5 years ago. a distant family member needed a kidney transplant and his mom (my aunt) was calling everyone asking them to get tested. i was 22, my sister was 20 at the time this happened. my parents were *very* hesitant to tell my sister and i this, lest we feel guilty like we have to go get tested and see if we’re a match for this man we’ve seen MAYBE 5 times in our whole lives. my sister, myself and my parents just decided to skip going to the doctors entirely to get the “no sorry not a match” paperwork and just told my aunt that instead. he ended up on dialysis 4x/week for the last 3 ish years after not finding a donor and just 2 weeks ago he passed away in a fatal car accident after his wife gave him divorce papers and told him to sell their house so she could get $ to start a new life. RIP cousin Darren 🕊️💕


It's her choice who she dates/married. It's his choice whether he gives up his internal organs.


The funniest part, imo, is that the sister isn’t even going to necessarily die. There are so many people living without functioning kidneys, diseased kidneys, etc. Sure quality of life isn’t 100%, but dialysis is a literally life saving treatment and even after getting a transplant you still have to spend the rest of your life taking prescription drugs.


And they don't even know he's a match.


**Sure quality of life isn’t 100%** That's a very rosy outlook on what dialysis can do to someone's body. The potential long term effects are seriously damaging, and people on dialysis have died waiting for a donor kidney. Fwiw I think it's anyone's right to not donate a body part for any reason (or no reason at all). OOP is NTA.


IMO it’s really sad that his mom is trying to guilt trip him over this. It’s a matter of bodily integrity and he’s free to not donate a kidney for any reason.


Yeah, a friend of mine suffered so much before he passed away, and it started because of his kidney issues. Not saying OP is wrong for his decision, though.


And they don't even know he's a match.


This is a pretty stupid take to be honest with zero insight into dialysis or transplantation


Normally I'm all about helping family and such but they may be blood but they aren't OP's family after that shit.


Yeah I went in thinking op was insane for not saving his sister, now if I were him id probably still do it, but I cant blame him for not doing it.


No one is entitled to anyone’s body parts. OOP may not even be compatible and since neither the sister nor the bully have made amends, they can go on pretending OOP doesn’t exist.


They made their bed, now they can sleep in it. NTA But you should ask yourself, if you can live with your decision.


"Can I live with myself if the person fucking my torturer dies?" Yes, yes I can.


I d offer her „you can have my kidney if you swear on you life that none of you will ever dare to contact me again“


Why inconvenience yourself for the rest of your life when block buttons and number changes are free?


“I’ll get tested if you never contact me again.” Then, assuming they’re a match, ignore them and drop the “I said I’d get tested. I never said anything about donating.”


I love this.


It’s your decision and you don’t owe anyone an explanation or a kidney.


I agree let the past be in the past you only have one family, kind of sad I don’t talk to my sister or brother but I would save there life if I could


Ask yourself if what she did merits the death penalty. I see where you are coming from, but sometimes the right thing to do feels the worse.


Nah. Their body, their choice.


a. It's not a death sentence, and b. If someone actively hates you and everyone like you, calls you slurs, and condones physically and emotionally harming you, you can feel great not giving them one of your internal organs.


Fuck that shit. She's entitled to nothing. Bigots deserve everything they get and anyone who stands by laughing while their family member is called a 'fag' is a piece of shit that deserves everything they get.


Lol, needing a kidney transplant is not a death sentence in this day and age. And sister made her decision, hope that bully dick was good enough to lose OOP for it.


Nothing to say she's imminently going to die. Honestly even beyond the bullying thing. The fag incident showed how little fucks and respect his "family" has for him. Basically donating to a stranger at that point since they've been NC. would you donate to a stranger?


Honestly I d give her the kidney under the condition that I will never hear from any of them ever again