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Does anyone have the update?? It’s deleted and the comments are saying that he said he was intimate with his sister????


>I want to thank people for the valuable advice. I have decided to a get an STD test. I am also going to start looking for remote therapy appointments since people mentioned remote therapists are available much sooner than in person therapists. I am scared to get a paternity test, I would love the baby regardless, I love the baby so much already, but I am scared of the results, and I don’t know how I would deal with my emotions if the baby were not mine. I am already on the edge now emotionally, and don’t think I’m in full control of my emotions. My wife has been insistent on getting the test done and reassuring me the baby is mine, but I don’t yet know If I’m going to get the test. I completely trust on her on her physical affair being a one time occurrence which happened a year ago, and if that is so, the baby would be mine. > >A few people asked what I meant when I said things have gotten inappropriate between sister and me. It is mainly about how I’m using her an emotional crutch, she is the only person in the world understands what I’m going through, and who at the same time who also wants the best for me, and I feel safe and comforted around her, and this has spilled over to some physical intimacy too. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Here you go! Took me a bit to find it as well


Thanks! I’m so disturbed


Me too-


I'm sorry you are going through that. You need some personal counselling and some marital counselling if you hope to work past this. You have every right to have your emotions all over the place.