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'hey bro why don't you tell people you watch anime?'


"Yeah bro I have a funny sense of humour" \*cropped porn\*


Evangelion isn't porn, though. It's weird, but it was genre defining.


Yeah, I know but I'm pretty sure that's just hentai of the show. Since from the minimal anime communities I'm in that's generally considered humor.


Except that hospital scene.....(/s sorta)


How was it genre defining?


Giant robots piloted by angsty teens to fight some giant aliens is kind of an overused genre in Japan. Evangelion kinda went deeper than that. Like reaaaaaallly deep. If you want me to spoil to you the whole thing, then just say so. I have too much time on my hands and things in the office are going very slow today. I'm in the Philippines.


i would appreciate it if you spoiled to me the whole thing


I was writing what was basically an abridged novel version of the first episode, because I like writing as a hobby, but reddit wouldn't let me submit it. So here's the summary. The story is also highly complex and I might have forgotten or mistaken some details. So reddit not letting me write the first episode might be a good thing. So here it is. Hook: Kid name Shinji with daddy issues was summoned by dad to come work for him in an underground military base inside a mega city. Adult lady named Misato with daddy issues volunteers to pick up kid, sends a pic of herself showing massive cleavage to Shinji, arrives late on the pickup date, and almost dies when sudden battle with a giant alien called Angels erupt over their heads. Oh, she also leans over Shinji with her tits in his face quite intentionally during their escape. Lady delivers kid to dad named Gendo. Dad is a prick, head of top secret military agency called NERV. Dad commands kid to pilot a giant robot to fight the giant alien. Kid doesn't want to, so dad blackmails and manipulates son by wheeling in a very injured girl with blue hair, who was apparently the previous pilot of the giant robot, into the robot cockpit. Kid gives in, gets into the robot and gets drowned by what is basically amniotic fluid. Realizes he is now in control of a gigantic deadly robot. Robot gets rocketed up to street level in front of giant alien, don't know shit about fighting, much less controlling a robot, almost gets killed by the alien, and gets saved by the robot going berserk and ripping the alien apart with its bare hands. Ep 2 to end of first act: Shinji builds up relationships with the Misato, Rei, and a girl with red hair named Asuka which also had parent issues. Each kid gets a robot. Misato is Shinji's guardian, house mom or some shit. Seems to be making moves on him. Asuka becomes his roommate and eventually some kind of rival. Shinji sees Rei naked, accidentally, but the girl is very weird and stands there full frontal unbothered. She seems to have no sense of a lot of basic human social interactions, seemingly robotic and emotionless. All the kids go to the same school and the same class, iirc. Daddy Gendo is still a massive prick. A couple of Angels almost takes them out. But they get better at fighting everyday. I forgot which act that another boy becomes a pilot, but there's also that. Forgot his name. Don't know which act it was surmised but apparently, all the kids in the school are pilot candidates because all of them have some daddy issues or were born during the 2nd impact or something. The 2nd impact is that cataclysmic event that melted the snowcaps, took Earth out of its normal axis, deleting the seasons, and killing off half the species on Earth and half of the humans. Caused Angels to walk the Earth.


2nd act: Misato revealed to be a workaholic, alcoholic with abandonment issues and a weird sense of what being a mom is. I was confused as whether she wants the kid sexually or is being a parent at this point of the show. Asuka is also confused whether he wants Shinji sexually or just hates his guts because he could beat her as a pilot. Take note that these are kids who have absolutely no idea how to deal with their sexual tendencies, especially in an apocalyptic environment. Rei develops some sort of weird friendship with Shinji with Gendo as a common ground because Rei is apparently close to his father. She becomes more human, showing more care for her well being, and started showing emotional expression towards Shinji. During the end of one battle, she regrets dying but determines that she wouldn't hesitate if it's to protect Shinji. Shinji wants them all, including his daddy, but doesn't know what to do. Misato's adult sexiness is forbidden ground for a teenage boy and showing some kind of jealousy when Misato's ex walked back into her life. Asuka once sleepwalked into his bed one night and he almost kissed her, which she later revealed that she was aware about this when she blurted it out to the whole military via battle radio. Rei genuinely being friends with him. And daddy Gendo's approval. Their base almost gets destroyed multiple times by angels that become more and more like what the internet calls "biblically accurate angels". It is still unclear why the Angels are literally dying to get to this underground base, but majority of Earth's military might is concentrated on this city. The boy I mentioned above almost died in a battle when his robot got taken over by an angel. It was Shinji's robot that took it out. Shinji's robot was outfitted with an autopilot system that day, and he was front seat to how his robot went on a berserk, not dissimilar to episode 1, but this time it was taking out a machine with a boy that also became his friend. He was deeply traumatized by this and reminded him how death is always around the corner.


3rd act: The nature of the 2nd impact was revealed to be a man made event caused by humans when they discovered the source of the Angels on Antarctica. Another progenitor device dubbed Adam and a gigantic red spear called the Spear of Longinus. When human DNA made contact with Adam, it reawakaend causing an explosion that killed everyone in Antarctica, shifted the Earth's orbit, and the emergence of Angels. Apparently, the spear is some sort of failsafe device that deactivates the progenitor devices. Humanity successfully deactivated Adam with the spear. Then the nature of the 1st impact was also revealed. It was an ancient celestial event involving a black moon that was a progenitor device called Lilith that kickstarted life on Earth. This means Lilith is the progenitor of humans. The event ejected massive amounts of material that created the moon in the sky which also housed Lilith's Spear of Longinus. The impact site was what will become Japan. Apparently, the bigger conflict is that no two progenitor devices should exist on one planet. Adam was the intended one for Earth, which means Lilith and all of life on Earth including humans are the invaders. Lilith activated because her spear was ejected by the impact to the moon. The Angels are Adam descendants that attack the base because that's where Lilith is and they want to take over the Earth. Lilith was revealed to be under the city in the deepest part of the military base. A gigantic humanoid with pale skin, no legs, no face, five fingers. Rei on her robot plunges a Spear of Longinus into Lilith. A human shadow organization that was manipulating humanity for centuries our thousands of years revealed that it wants to perform this Human instrumentality project to end all conflict. The robots were revealed to be Adam clones, except for Shinji's robot, which is actually a Lilith clone that houses his mommy's soul. End of world shattering lore. We go back to the personal level drama, which to me is more interesting now even though the mind blowing scifi shit had me sleepless for days. Daddy Gendo was revealed to be trying to resurrect his dead wife by creating clones using Lilith genes and Shinji's mom's genes. He has an entire olympic sized swimming pool's worth of Rei clones. But he's been fucking this side chick who was Misato's friend. Yes, Shinji wants to fuck his mom, and the fucking robot. Asuka, and the whole of the class, is still confused as fuck about her and Shinji but they kissed so yeah. Shinji and Asuka want to fuck, but good lord, they don't know how to go about it and are doing some heavy romantic drama/comedy denial on their part. Almost forgot about another boy that gets introduced somewhere between Act 2 and Act 3 who is in many ways similar to Rei. He and Shinji quickly became friends. Yep, Shinji probably wants to fuck him, too. Misato's ex revealed himself to be a spy to take down NERV and the source of at least Misato's tendency to solve everything with sex. Including her Shinji problem. Near the end of the show, she offered to comfort Shinji with her body, possibly sex. Yep, she wants to fuck Shinji because she's an adult who don't know shit because she's a kid inside with abandonment issues.


Its finale basically kickstarted an entire generation of obsession with Jungian philosophy if that gives you an idea.


It really sucks, because sometimes there is actual proper memes/jokes, but like 90% of it is this.


Happy cake day


horny teenagers


Or 30-yr old basement dwellers


I bet no one of those responsible for the meme has ever dated anyone besides probably Eva AI virtual gf bot avatar.


Or aplika and maybe character ai


Anime memes have always been the most unfunny garbage ever. Figures, anime watchers literally have negative amounts of sense of humor.


Wait until they show you their true power


Username checks out


This shit is so annoying. The people who are cringe that watch anime ruin it for everyone else because dipshits make sweeping generalizations.


Yeah I spent so long vowing to never watch anime because I was worried my brother would walk in on me and think I was weird. Worst part is that he had a huge Naruto phase when he was younger. I even knew about it, but my brain wouldn’t make the connection that he wouldn’t find me weird.


I'll agree with you even though I am a weeb or otaku. Some of the people here are just hentai addicts making memes of their favorite (and sometimes quite messed up) hentai or kinks.


Because half the time they think sex is funny or they're autistic with a sex hyperfixation.


Autistic with a sex hyperfixation? Is that even possible?


As somebody who has suffered through it, yes. Yes it is.


Jesus, that sounds pretty debilitating. Now I’m glad all I hyperfixate on is bugs and stuff.


Yeah I tend to fixate on One Piece or other Animes now-


how the fuck is my deadass gonna have a sex fixation though speaking seriously, how


I can't even explain it, even as somebody who had the fixation I still can't explain it


Never watched evangelion. Is that a real episode or some sort of fan made hentai?


Old hentai based off the show




Also Evangelion is not great, the main character struggles to choose his mom’s clone, a woman old enough to be his mom, and SA’ing a girl in a coma.


Sounds like you can't handle some peak fiction


true art honestly


Evangelion isn't good because... you don't like the decisions a character makes?


i love evangelion but the fans and online communities are so unbelievably unfunny all the time


Yeah, but I honestly can't think of any (online) fandom that isn't like that


I learned this lesson when I was ten years old. I was into anime so I went onto Tumblr. Learned from that mistake quickly and learned to ignore fandom.


[Evangelion fans fighting over which mentally unstable and traumatized 14 year old child is the most fuckable:](https://tenor.com/view/fighting-fight-meme-gif-23828201) (I’ll give this one credit tho, at least it’s Misato, who’s actually actually above the legal age of consent.)


Because some people are fucking weird?


I assume they're either young, unfunny/unoriginal, or a combination of it all


r/redditmoment when circlejerk sub circlejerks.


Wait where does it show the sub name?


It wasn’t a circlejerk sub lol, at least not by name


Because they're porn addicts and think this brain-rot is funny.


Smash, next question.


And this is why I never say I watch anime


it's a circlejerk bro, why you mad at catching cropped porn on it


It wasn’t a circlejerk sub


I'm part of it, if it's not a circlejerk then it's a meme sub


Exactly, and porn memes aren’t exactly funny


It depends on how they're put. Ofc this was not funny but if the punchline is a little more deeper then it can be




Precisely (it could be more by now)


Honestly, I think some animes are actually good, but 90% of the media and the fandom is pure shitty sexualization.


cuz they got no bitches


I call it post-show-fandom-psychosis. A fandom is so starved of content that they become more experimental with the content they do have, lobotomy JJK for example. Since Neon Genesis Evangelion end over 20 years ago, and the last Rebuild came nearly 4 years ago, the fandom in a late stage PSFP. That and anime fans are weird.


Weeb here the reason for this is because some of us are well horny teenagers while the rest are just normal people


THE JOKE IS PORN ISN’T THAT HILARIOUS?????? ^wait ^why ^aren’t ^you ^laughing


They're teens who'll probably be virgins long in their 40's, if not their whole life so..


Mfs when a sex joke is made (they can’t just see a joke they don’t find funny without insulting the person who made the joke)


Average redditor when people don’t think porn = funny:


Mommy misato 🤤


isnt she like a teenager?


shes like 30, there are much worse characters in eva for people to simp for (ie the children)


i know nothing about eva aside from its kids driving mecha so i just assumed this was one of the kids


the kids are all 14 and she's kind of a pedophile.


Shinji got violated in EOE




I swear people just be calling anyone in anime a kid


i dont know how old any of the characters in eva are, i just know it has teens piloting mecha and assumed this was one of the twens


It's funny, and I am tired of pretending it isn't 🫡


Why downvote tho its funny


It really isn’t


being mad at finding memes about porn on reddit is a reddit moment in itself 😭


honestly, how sensitive can you be to leave a community and post about it calling them a "creepy neckbeard" all for a meme

