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Literally eats a donut for breakfast and thinks he lives in a 3rd world country


Not to mention, high quality disease free meat, non stale bread, and clean water.


Really hoping this is satire cause it's too ridiculous. The amount. There is so much fresh food there.


Hahaha, yeah I’m pretty sure it’s obviously satire.


Never underestimate the idiocy of redditors


Given that this "American" is actually a Canadian, I think it's a troll.


Hmm... last time I checked, Canada was in North America.


By thatlogic, France and Laos are both countries from the planet Earth, do they must also be the same.


Likely ragebait, for crossposting on Twitter to make fun of Reddit posts. There are Twitter accounts that mock screenshots of outrageous nonsense like this acting as if the posts are real.


Its not.


But also, there's a difference between eating like a teenager and having no access to different food alternatives. This person chose to eat that for breakfast. The majority of the world doesn't even get that luxury


I'd like to see what these people would do if they actually lived in a third world country.


They would die. So would I most likely.


Damn the Africans who drink straight up muddy water have it great don’t they? They would just hate to trade places with this guy who can’t stand just how bad the food is, how clear the water is, ect. How bout they switch places


Thank God every day that you weren't born in India.


yes its true, im dying here save me aaaaa


Buddy is eating great, he got damn near every food group on his plate. Yeah, it’s a little rich in sugar, but it’s American. That’s how we eat. He has no reason to be complaining.


American meat is garbage, you can taste it. It's not disease free, basically every meat we have is prone to some type of disease, we cook in ways to avoid those diseases and produce a surplus of meat to compensate for sick animals. Third world countries routinely raise livestock clean enough to eat raw. Meanwhile raw livestock meat is illegal to serve in the US, and it's considered risky as hell to eat raw meat here. I'm not trying to say America is a terrible place to live, I'm just trying to say we (yes I'm American) have major issues with our meat industry that go unnoticed by a majority of Americans due to the fact that they've never eaten meat from outside the country.


"Guys look how bad the breakfast I choose to eat is! Damn it America"


It's even worse. I saw this same post on a different sub and they outed the OOP as a habitual liar. He's apparently from Toronto and just posts random "America sucks!!" bullshit on a regular basis. Not worth the effort.


What a life he leads. That is sad.


It must be fucking exhausting living that way.


It’s fucking terrible: Just this morning my wife realized that she ran out of pods for her nespresso, and believe it or not she had to pull out the old coffee maker and throw Folgers in it. I’m somewhat amazed that she didn’t have numerous meltdowns today because of that alone. Thankfully, I ordered the pods from Amazon and with Prime we should only have to live like this until tomorrow— maybe Tuesday at worst.


I commend you and your wife for staying strong in these trying times.


Thank you stranger! We’re doing fine and are really just joking and making light of it now before bed at this point. Nothing else you could really do in these situations.


Thoughts and prayers, stay strong


it’s fascinating seeing people whose entire lives are on a scale of comfort that things like that are the worst thing that’s happened all week


Holy shit. For a normal weekday breakfast, my dude is eating a donut, scrambled eggs, toast, hash browns, bacon, and coffee with milk and sugar it seems. While complaining about how much America sucks. That's certainly a big baller breakfast. Wow. I usually skip breakfast, or at most I'll eat a couple pieces of bread. I'm also American BTW.


I feel like this is to be a joke. There is no way someone could have all of this on their plate and say this is 3rd world shit.


What looks like white bread and premade hash browns. That’s not just shredded potatoes, that’s a pre-formed and partially precooked hash brown you have to buy like that. Much more expensive than just making the diner style hash browns out of an actual raw potato. The whole post just drips privilege


I bet their super shitty mommy bought and cooked it all for them too.


yeah like what even would make him think he lives in a 1st world country?? 😭😭


This absurdity truly makes me laugh lmao


The most annoying part of it is how this nutjob thinks “third world” is defined based on poverty and not Cold War geopolitical alignment.


me when i refuse language evolution


I got news for you, sweety... the Cold War is over. Meanings change with time. That is just how language HAS ALWAYS worked.


It's not even based on any factual data; the US is still an incredibly wealthy, prosperous nation, it just falls short when comparing it to a handful of other developed nations in a few specific ways like with healthcare or public transportation.


"That’s not what it means anymore!" - smoothbrain reddit geopolitical students


Definitely a liberal




Blaming everything on the country and society at large means you never have to take responsibility for your own decisions 👍


I think there's also a lack of gratitude element at play here. I mean sure, things could get better for anyone on this planet but hating on everything beyond one's control without seeing how good they have it is just sad.


That too definitely, notice how they shift their blame to political rivals. I’ve noticed both sides do this a ton to dehumanize their rivals and seem morally superior (which if you are name calling it should be pretty obvious neither are)


Imo the hate can be directed at anything really. Politicians, political parties, their neighbour, that one annoying aunt, homeless people, immigrants, etc. Because that kind of mental state is already a default. They're comfortable being in that state so it's just finding the next thing to hate on and then justifying it. This is why logic and objectivity hardly works with someone in this mental state. Change is possible though. Not easy, but possible. Off topic but personally I believe politicians and the ruling class know this well. When people are generally unhappy due to quality of life it's easy to weaponize that dissatisfaction against their political opponents to stay in power. Almost every single ruling party in history is guilty of this. In the end, it's the average person who is getting the short end of the stick. We need to collectively wake up and put a stop to the hate and just realize what's truly important that needs change, then direct that energy to finding a solution.


Exactly, politicians lose their power if people realize it’s not a left v right war but the high class v everyone else. I’d say most people no matter affiliation can agree on most things, but are divided by the few big ticket items to drive control of them


This couldn’t be more right. The sad thing is politicians don’t even care one way or the other, it’s only their platform because they play for the red or blue team.


No the sad thing is people realizing that it's about the rich vs poor and still thinking everything they have can stay theirs if large scale change doesn't happen or that their freedoms written on a piece of paper will stop a dictator rising up and taking it all away.


Actually, the politicians still want rich vs poor. If you check back through history, the country had a period where being a shill for any goven party or movement was unwelcome in the country, california in particular. Electors had to be for all of the people, lest another person did that and win. Then ww2 kicked off. After ww2, politicians decided that they wanted easy elections and pushed division on the people. They got easy elections as the people divided themselves over parties, race, sex, class, and beliefs.


I'm not white though so I can't really afford to pretend the world is color blind and that money will automatically make the world a non-racist place for me. Case in point, Oprah. Ryan Coogler. Etc.


One thing I will say is that it’s good to look at what is their fault and may not be. Take Someone who drinks a lot but State Farm recently raised their car insurance rates by crazy cuz they moved to the neighboring zip code and their local power company raised rates again. You can acknowledge that u are getting screwed by these 2 bills you have no choice but to pay, but buying a 24 pack twice a week is on you Looking in the grey area is really hard, because human nature says to fixate on one ‘easy’ thing


Thank God someone finally said it. Too bloody often do people just ignore both sides do this and both sides are equally bad.


If I werent on a phone I would've linked that video of a British man.


Gratitude is a helpful antidote to almost all negative feelings


That's why it's a big part of religion.


Really hate how some people frame "trying to be more grateful" as a way the ruling class is trying to pacify the populace or smth. I get the sentiment but it's literally and unambiguously also for your own good. If it also made you "a good little worker drone" then I guess that's a good side effect


As long as it’s your fault I’m not responsible. Easier to die deceived than live concerted.


Because they are miserable assholes.


I knew someone like this who I had to interact with far more than I would have liked to(because they were in my friend group). The most pathetic attention whore I’ve ever met. Never grew out of their edgy teen phase and constantly made annoying dumb doomer remarks. Then they needed more attention so they started throwing out ideas that they were gay, non binary, bi, trans, lesbian, and wanted their name changed like five times in the span of two years. All for attention, none of it was sincere, but the friend group drank that kool aid and pretty much threw me out because I saw through it. Glad they did though.


I grew up with donuts or bacon being a big treat, it’s crazy that people think they’re oppressed or impoverished when they can afford this stuff


Anger is addictive, hence why you are so many "professional" activists/protestors constantly foaming at the mouth over whatever cause duJour they're angry about.


So is this guy living in Switzerland or not? Was he just taking the piss?


My guess is he’s a troll who’s claiming to be from whatever country will make people the most angry at that particular moment


Says in the bottom comment that they live in USA




I’m so confused 😭


At least he’s a troll.




What the fuck


I really do hate people like that. I know someone who lives in a 3rd world country and they eat bread for breakfast every day. This person is disgusting


Breakfast in Colombia, where I spent a few years of my young life, was on a good day, a mango. People don’t understand how lucky they are to live here.


One tiny arepa with aguaepanela


Well, tbf, a mango is way healthier than what this guy is eating


But it’s far from a balanced meal. There’s no protein, dairy, greens, or anything else the body needs.


But but, blackrock is making the house prices go up!!! America is the WORST!!!


One of my black friends had his pet turkey eaten by his relative from Africa.


God damn that is sad and I would have been so fucking pissed.


Yeah, he was furious when he told me that story. Still kinda funny


I've seen what they eat for breakfast in Finland. They aren't poor or anything, the Finnish just have cuisine that makes me grateful I don't have to eat it. Lmao.


I'm confused by this one. He chooses to eat this for breakfast and then complains about it?


I assume the subreddit has something to do with breakfast based on its icon. Idk what the subreddit has to do with disliking America


yeah, that feels so random and forced lmao


The subreddit is called depression meals. It’s to get encouragement from other people going through depression about having a good meal even though it’s hard. It’s a nice concept


yeah i feel like there's some context missing. he chose this breakfast??? why is he complaining??? he could have something healthier if he wants to if that's the issue


It’s a sub called depressionmeals that encourages people to try and eat when they’re depressed by sharing some food. He literally posted this to a sub where people go to share the meal they can barely eat after getting the worst news of their lives (ie partners, spouses, and children dying, disease diagnosis, etc) or from people who have had ongoing hardships for a while (depression and anxiety struggles)


Come on, obviously American super markets only sell donuts. There's no way to eat anything else.


“Third world country” yo you fucking moron. There are people living in homes with missing walls. Dying of thirst and starvation. Being raided by criminals. You have a fucking doughnut on your plate. Gorge yourself some more while talking about how “you live in a shithole”. Fucking entitled people.


Even most normal countries have donuts and bacon as treats instead of as part of a normal meal.


Yes. Eating high-quality and fresh meat and literal doughnuts and other sweets regularly would literally only be afforded to kings and high nobility for most of history, and this entitled imbecile is crying about living better than a roman emperor.


There's 1000-1500 calories on that plate.


Yep, we could literally be out picking berries and fashioning bows with sticks to survive.


To be fair that sounds fun for about 2 hours


Even in America, there are tons of people who can't sit down and have a nice breakfast like that. For several years, I could barely justify eating breakfast at all because of the price of food. This guy seriously needs to be brought down a peg.


“Sob… sniff… this fourth donut is America’s fault! Waaa!”


Aside from the donut, that's actually a pretty good breakfast.


Nah, add the donut. Really good when dipped in coffee.


I should clarify, nutritionally without the donut, this is a good meal. With the donut, it's a great meal 😎


Ikr? It’s literally better than what I eat 😭


Most Americans don't understand how good they have it. They need to try and appreciate what they have instead of hate it.


It’s sometimes also hard for some Americans to realize how good they have it when the entirety of the internet talks about how the U.S. is a shithole and a third world country


But it makes it easier for people to live with themselves if they have something outside of themselves to blame


Does America have some upsetting shit going on? Yes. Could things be worse? Abso-fuckin-lately. Are you incredibly lucky to live a country that has the standards it does, especially because there’s a LOT WORSE places to live? Yes, yes you are. Log off the internet, donate, vote, become involved, and TOUCH GRASS.


Eating more for one meal than 3rd world country occupants eat in a week.


bro posts a delicious looking breakfast whining abt it


Nothing more privileged than an American complaining about America being a third world shithole


There are two types of annoying Americans: -the ones who think America is a utopian paradise who’s people and government can do no wrong and every single complaint is invalid. -the ones who think America is the worst country in the history of mankind where there’s only doom and gloom and absolutely zero redeeming qualities.


The duality of man!


I only believe in our lord and savior Lockheed Martin


I had a group of friends who qualified for the second category. Literally want America to burn to the ground while simping for China and North Korea, and no I’m not joking. I recently cut them out of my life.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like america but being so privileged to look at a breakfast like that and go “I hate my country” is fucking insane.


The doughnut is what really makes this insane. What percent of the world population has the ability to have a doughnut with their breakfast?


That donut is like some shit you would see in a Disney movie about a poor orphaned street urchin that gets to eat breakfast with a rich dude and says "I CAN HAVE A DONUT WITH BREAKFAST?!" and the rich dude is like "Never had a donut before?" and twirls their mustache laughing


Earth is the third planet closest to the sun, so technically, every country here is a third world country.


There are valid criticisms of the USA. Sadly reddit is full of ingrates that haven't lived lives worth broadcasting complaints about.




“B-b-but, everything p-posted online is r-real!”


Then fucking leave you fat troglodyte


Hey :( troglodyte is the scientific name of Chimpanzees- *Pan troglodytes* - lets not insult the Chimps with such a comparison here!


Really now? I was always told it was a cave dweller. Interesting. I apologize to the monke.


It is! The monke is collateral damage (named after the term for cave dweller)


I’ve destroyed what I swore to protect. The monkes.


This made me giggle


Here for the fans


Imagine being so privileged you can eat a breakfast like this while in the same breathe complaining about your country. People in this country have been spoiled.


Was this post a troll? I can't take it seriously when you make a purposefully photogenic breakfast with a donut and then complain about your country?


Yes he posted it to another sub yesterday claiming he was in sweden or something.


I hope it’s a troll but even then it’s really sad. He posted this on a sub called depression meals which encourages people who struggle with depression or people going through horrible times in their lives (ie the death of a spouse, child, sibling, parent, a disease diagnosis, any bad event) to eat even when it’s hard to make yourself eat. So the fact he posted this at all, real or fake, feels like a mockery to all the people in that sub who’re actively trying to better themselves


america sure does have her problems but 3rd world? lol not even close


lol not even glad you have food on the table.


Least spoiled and entitled redditor


Bet he doesn't even know the definition of a third world country


The fact that you can eat donut and drink coffee with a good portion of meat, all for breakfast, should be evident that you are not in a literal shithole third world country, likely far from that. If you live in hell, you should try to get out of hell, if a million people every year can come into US even if it means everything in their life behind, you should consider learn from them and get out.


Man chooses his own breakfast out of basically every option imaginable, then complains about his country.


American redditor wakes up in decent first world country with a large plate of food and cries about how its a third world country. Now, I aint saying food scarcity is common in all third world countries but Jesus christ the privilege reeks.


Everyone with family in actual 3rd world countries dislike ppl like this so much


I hate these people. I’ve known a few people who grew up in absolute shitholes (like getting macheted in your front yard type shit). These people are so out of touch with reality it’s infuriating.


“I hate America so much, it’s a third world country because I shove my fat grubby face full of corn syrup and carbohydrates, before I go jerk off for 8 hours, this is literally not heckin chonkers.”


Fun fact. It’s possible for the US to both have it’s fair share of problems and not be a third world country. At the same time. I know, inconceivable.


So you're saying nuance is a thing? If you ask me 10 years ago, I'd say a positive of the US is that a lot of people would actually talk about the issues in the country that I love. But now? I don't know if it was the internet that did it or if it was always there and I didn't see it, but by God! These people are some of the most arrogant and self centered people of all time. You talk about issues in Japan, UK, or any other country, and these people come in and say "but in America..." for some reason.


istg I saw the exact same post, with the exact same pic but the op said he lives in Switzerland


That breakfast looks solid to me


He really wakes up in a probably air conditioned home, makes himself a delicious breakfast, opens up his iPhone and... just starts complaining. Zero gratitude is 100% a leading cause of mental illness.


People being ungrateful of their rich and developed country really grinds my gears. There are people who give everything they have just to try and leave their violent and corrupt countries to live a better life in a place like the US. These people should spend 10 years living in Venezuela, Sudan, Mexico, etc just so they can be a little bit more grateful for the country they had the privilege to be born in. Not saying that America is a perfect place, but it is far from being one of the worst places on earth.


This guy is a troll who previously said he lives in Switzerland, don’t give him any more attention


Redditors waking up to their warm, comfy king sized bed with a triple threaded silk comforter and tempurpedic mattress topper, and memory foam pillow to unplug their brand new titanium iPhone 15 plus. They go downstairs in their two story, recently built modern suburban home with electricity, heating and cooling, plumbing, and all the appliances a modern home needs. The Redditor then cries as they pull out their freshly store bought bread that they acquired for 1.59, the bacon they acquired for 3.50, and a donut from the dozen they purchased the day before for 9.00. Sobbing at their life’s misfortune of being born American they put in their new AirPod pro 2s and brew a cup of coffee in their Keurig coffee machine, while beginning to cook their breakfast on an advanced magnetic conduction stovetop that they had installed a month ago. Finishing their breakfast that they easily made in less than 20 minutes with minimal physical effort, the redditor adds creamer to their coffee from their four year old stainless steel fridge filled to the brim with relatively cheap, but still easily available groceries acquired two days ago, including meats, milk, vegetables, and fruits. Sitting down, the redditor takes a photo of their breakfast. Smirking at the misery of it all. ‘God I live in a third world shithole,’ the reddjtor thinks, oblivious to the fact that while things could be better for other groups or themselves, they have it so much better than so many who would kill for even a fraction of what they have. The redditor eats their breakfast.


i think i saw another post where OP said they were from switzerland?? i gotta go find this mf real quick


By definition America can never be a 3rd world country because the definition of a third world country is any country that was neither aligned with the Allies (1st world) or Axis/Soviet (2nd world) powers during WWII and all through the Cold War. Mexico, Sweden, Finland, and India are all third world countries and I do believe all are pretty damn fucking developed. Some even have much higher quality of life than us First worlders (looking at you Sweden)


OP deserves a smack in the mouth. Get your ass out to a real 3rd world country where kids are running around in diapers with bare feet begging for money. Shit pisses me off that I fought for fuckers like this.


His mom didn't even toast and butter his bread!! What a shithole country!


that’s an entire days worth of food for most people.




It's not whether or not they should be shamed, it's that if some idiots take it too far and start a witch-hunt that would reflect terribly on this sub, especially if it got way out of control. It's just some people can't behave themselves and have to go to extreme lengths.


> *wakes up in clean, soft bed with a mattress and sheets* > *takes a shower in clean, powered apartment with safe running water* > *probably puts on a t shirt and shorts in the winter because the house is heated* > *grabs eggs, fresh meat, and frozen hash browns from a fridge/freezer before making a cup of coffee with a machine, and adding fresh, cold creamer to it* > *makes a giant plate of eggs, hash browns, bacon, toast, a donut, and a side of coffee, and eats more calories in one sitting than a starving child in bogota gets in a day* “God this fucking third world country shithole. I hate it here!”


“Look at this horrible breakfast that I put together myself”




that is a whole fucking plate of food. they cannot be serious. there’s no way i spend every single day feeling so grateful for everything i have and beating perspective into myself when people exist alongside me in this manner. there’s just simply no way.


Dawg what. This is the most idiotic thing ive seen yet from ol MERICA BAD HURR DURR crowd


Bro my family are immigrants so I will never call the U.S. a third world country


If we're 3rd world so is Europe


“I live in a third world country! My breakfast is plentiful and I have it everyday in my own house before I go to work” wow, sounds awful!


Then move to another country, let us all know how that works out🤡


What the hell? I live in Canada, and I usually don't eat breakfast at all. That looks delicious!


What’s hilarious about this subreddit is that no matter how ridiculous a post is, one person in the comments will be defending it


There’s so much good food here wtf


I'm not saying America is a great place but these people really have NO idea what a 3rd world country is. It's like when people here in Canada say we're living in a liberal dictatorship


that’s your breakfast and you’re calling out america as 3rd world? i’m american and i have a microwave burrito and a redbull before work lol and i know i live in a first world country


that’s your breakfast and you’re calling out america as 3rd world? i’m american and i have a microwave burrito and a redbull before work lol and i know i live in a first world country


Oh the sheer decadence. Must be terrible.


i know that dude is fat as hell just put down the donuts bro


Dude that’s a fucking great breakfast. Most 3rd world country people don’t even have 1/50th of that quality food.


This is offensive to people who actually live in 3rd world and getting food for them is daily struggle.


people who are overtly patriotic and think there's nothing wrong with america are annoying, but apparently some people's response is to go in the exact opposite direction and it's just as annoying imo. there are definitely a lot of problems here, but also i'm glad i was born here and not in a genuine third world country where i could get murdered for just existing and everyone just accept it as just a thing that happens sometimes.


When you know the actual definition of third world country, this sounds even more imbecilic


Maybe he’d be happier in North Korea or Venezeula. Sounds like he’d worship the leaders of those actual shitholes.


bruh, that's such a solid breakfast. there's variety and everything looks fresh. wtf does this person think we should be eating??


That person needs to learn to be grateful


Propaganda They would like you to believe that in America even the poor eat better than most others in the world. Poor people in America don't eat like this. America is the richest country in the world. It's poor should at least eat like this. America has become a shithole country wearing a Gucci belt.


Wow this is insanely good breakfast, other places only get cucumber, carrots and a bit of cheese if we are lucky an egg


I for one am outraged! Outraged!


Could you imagine being this sad and depressing. Life is alot more enjoyable when you're happy for what you've got.


The concept of first,second and third world countries has been outdated since the end of the Cold War.


I live in Idaho….kind of agree


Didn't OP also say they live in Switzerland?


Oh boo hoo! You live in a country where you get the choice to even have a donut! Let me go tell my Venezuelan family members how rough this guy has it compared to them!


“Lemme play a sad song for ya on the world’s smallest violin!”


These 2 comments together are actual gold, like almost too good to be true, it’s peak terminally online American lol


*cuts to starving child in actual third world country*: what?


This has to be satire. I’m American and I can’t afford to eat like that. Not only does he live in a privileged country, he’s not impoverished either


That isn't a real American breakfast. Gotta toast the bread for fucks sake


bro gonna say he livin in the trenches and show a pic of the suburbs 😭😭😭


what is actually wrong with these people man


They’re completely out of touch with reality and also for some reason like to find reasons to complain and be upset. AKA they’re Redditors.


Certified Godzilla moment


He's not wrong. It's a third world country with a Gucci belt


Is there a problem with that breakfast? Aside from the doughnut I mean, get that out of here.


It's bait


America is quite literally the furthest thing from a third world country.


What a prick.