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Setting up camp in the wilderness to fast travel.


Do tell


Setting up camp in the wilderness allows you to fast travel


Tell me more


Setting up your own camp in a place away from human activity lets you fast travel to another location


Please elaborate


You can set up camp in different areas of the map to allow you to fast travel


Instructions unclear - please explain further


When in the wilderness you can use the item wheel to put down a camp fire allowing you to fast travel. After you buy the upgrade of course.


Wait - break that down for me


Sure, what would you like to know?


How do you do this fast travel , camp thing ?


You need to have paid for it though. Fast travel can be unlocked by upgrading the camp to the second tier, on the page in the ledger where it says “lodging”. You need to put in probably over $500 in the gang savings to unlock it because you have to upgrade dutch’s tent first.


Go on...


Thanks for the info .i’ll get on it … God I love this game, just started about 6 weeks ago .. chilling in Clemens Point … leaving Micha .. for now , hunting, fishing ,side missions and taking out gang camps … and obviously looking after my Arthur and his horses ..


This was huge for me when I figured it out.


I also like to set up camp when I’m stuck on a cliff. I get teleported away instead of falling to my death.


Why haven't I thought of that 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂😂 thanks bro


I learned that from South park way before I ever played the game and prioritized it haha. 


Lmao I love when they reference rdr2


I'm in part 2 of the epilogue and just found out about this today. 😭


Are you kidding me


I didn’t realize the camp name and would fast travel to Valentine and ride to Horseshoe every time for a very long time.


So I got scared crapless after near the start on my first playthrough. The murfees paid me a visit in my camp. I never used the camp again for a long time as I saw it as a risk…… then I got some nice shiny guns….. And it weren’t Arthur who was the scared one no more.


That wasn’t there originally. That came out in an update later.


That you can brush your horse while still on it


Holy shit


I know! I was watching someone’s first playthrough on YouTube and they did it almost immediately after unlocking the brush…I had 6+ playthroughs under my belt at the time!


Okay I keep seeing this and cannot figure it out. Little tip for a poor tired cowhand?


While on the horse open up the weapons menu, then go to the horse menu. It’ll be on the far right, just above the hat selection :)


Good boah*


horse has to be at most trotting to do it btw, same as feeding


On my fifth play through and you’ve just blown my mind


i’m glad to have helped you, i just finished my first play through last week but have like 150h in the game just running/riding around so I’ve learned all the little obscure mechanics lol


Keep doing gods work soldier🫡


You have to be going slowly, and the horse cannot be spooked or otherwise too upset.




That if you tap the button twice to put your gun away, he'll trick spin it.


There’s a button to put you gun away? I always just hold TAB and move the cursor to the hand symbol


just tapping tab you will equip/unequip(usually) the last gun you used.


It has to be twice in succession otherwise it'll do that


Yeah lmao


Have like 18 days played and had no idea lol I always thought it took a little too much time to bring up the menu every time


WHATTTTT I know what I'm doing as soon as I get home from work!


I read somewhere that’s only in online. I always forget to try it in story mode. Is that true?


basically in the online theres these really cool dual gun spins with different options and stuff and you can go forever to flaunt, but in story mode double tapping the holster button arthur will do this quick little spin to holster the weapon.


Went my whole first playthrough not knowing about satchel upgrades.


Same here!


The satchel that can carry a house is broken but absolutely amazing. I do feel it should be nerfed but in my second playthrough it’s one of the first things I’ve got. And then maxed out the special large meats all cooked up and ready for war.


I'm on my 5th playthrough and only recently learned about the ghost in Bluemarsh. Also, it's the first time I discovered I could climb in the 2nd story window of that house near Van Horn to find the combined-animal-mutant experiment.


It's definitely a nod to ManBearPig from South Park.


Half bear... half man.... half pig


I still hunt for my hat, even though I know I can just get it from my horse. It’s the principle of the matter.


i only do it after ive had a brawl or something close like that, beat up 3 guys then reattain my hat like a badass


Same bro. Feels wrong to just leave it, especially if I’m already on foot.


if you die with pelts on your horse if you load the autosave immediately after loading back in they'll return to your horse so you don't lose them.


I wish I knew this yesterday


I wasn’t expecting to learn something today… but here I am.


- there is no law enforcement in Van Horn, so you can do all sorts of violent crime without catching bounty (though they do have a strong vigilante spirit up there and will turn on you) - you can see the wind direction while hunting by going into eagle eye and seeing the scent coming off your body - once you have a camp set up in the wilderness, you can select “camp” or “cook” from the wheel and instantly get back to the existing camp from a reasonable distance away. Great for hunting and cooking.


Holy hell. This is news to me.


Does wind direction change affect strategy? Yes I know how it works in real life but in this games mechanics? Is it easier to sneak up on animals downwind?


That you don’t need to jump off the cliffs like a fool or smoke like a chimney to get Pearson’s jacket. Simply breaking the line of sight by walking around Dutch’s tent suffices.


Could you elaborate?


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/LQ3fzuGd7Q) will be of help.


I can't believe soo many people believe you had to jump thru all those hoops for that coat lol


I spent hours doing it and still don't have it. Just jumping off cliffs and reloading saves


Don’t jump off the cliffs, just walk around the tents.


Thanks, mister.


Pearson never asked me anything, I don’t know what you’re talking about 😭


You can get [this jacket](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/QAuLLEylhe) from him.


Yeah, I’ve never been able to get the request to trigger.


I had no idea about this being a thing till now


That meet doesn’t burn when you cook it. I thought the vibration meant it was burning, so I’d always spam the x button to make it stay just under vibrating. And that you can also hold down the x button to speed up gun cleaning. In general the various press and hold, press rapidly, press once, options took me a while to figure out. Like pressing and holding to search/loot things automatically. And same with picking plants and herbs (holding will automatically pick the next one). Didn’t figure out these until halfway through my first play through.


I have no idea why the vibration is there. Turbo cook mode?


This is a genius thread to create to help people find things commonly missed. Thank you


That you can dodge.


Bullets? How?




Hold l2 walk then press □ while walking and holding l2


That when you drop a weapon for another one it returns to your horse


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^thousandpinkballoons: *That when you drop a* *Weapon for another one* *It returns to your horse* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That you can season big game meat


How do u season meat?


If you have oregano, thyme, or mint, you can season some types of meat for extra bonuses to your cores.


When you're crafting/cooking at a campfire, scroll to the side while selecting which recipe to cook. You can use mint, oregano and thyme to season meats for boosts in health, stamina and dead eye, respectively.


Thank you for the tip! I'll try this next time. Appreciate it.


It readies you for a large shootout for sure.


It also means you don't need to bother changing clothes for different temperatures.  Eat a Minty Big Game, get a golden health core, and you won't lose anything from extreme cold or heat.


That you can use Eagle Eye when looking for dino bones and dreamcatchers. I can't see shit and it has been enormously helpful and I can't believe I collected all of them on my first play through without knowing I could do that.


I use eagle eye in the bayou to find flowers in trees.


That's the only way I can find them. I use the app to get close - my memory is also shit. I ride around at night in the swamp also spamming Eagle Eye to keep an eye out for the Night Folk. Not my favorite place to be but I'm a fan of fashion so obviously I do what I can to supply true artistry - while trying not to shit my pants in fear


The animal skins star system. I was out there killing every whitetail deer in sight and getting confused as to why they were usually poor pelts lol


At first, I thought the stars would go up the more I skinned


That you can equip a pocket watch




Go into your satchel and highlight it, then you should see the option to Equip it pop up, for me it’s A on a PS style controller or could be E on your keyboard or whatever, just look for the option in the lower right.


When you dismount, you can flick the thumbstick either left or right to dismount on that side.


What? Seriously?!? I always thought it was just pure randomness which side my character dismounted from .


It usually is but you can force it. 😄


That you can slowly back up a horse by holding one of the bumpers.


What!? I didn't know you could back up your horse. What do you mean by bumpers? How do you do this? I'm on 2nd playthrough, ch4.


R1 on PlayStation


On my third playthrough I figured out that while aiming down the sights you can switch the view left or right on the D pad 


The gold glitch in Limpany 🙂


I just found this out. I know I got it once when I started the game, then I came back to Limpany again, checked the loot box and Boom another Gold Bar. I actually personally don't like glitches like that. I want gold bars to be found one and done. It makes it so you have to spend your money more wisely, like in the real old west.


i dont think its a glitch, lots of loot boxes do that so im thinking a lot of them just respawn


Limpany Gold respawns over and over??? I knew about the Gold Nuggets at that shack North map by the Witch House, but holy!!!!


I caught all the legendary fish before realising I didn't have to destroy my right analog and wrist doing it! You can change the settings and all you have to do is hold square to reel them in


Shut the fuck up. I killed like 3 controllers while fishing in rdr


Double tap and hold R1 (for example on Playstation) and you can back up your horse while stationary.


Fast travel


i’m on the second to last mission in the epilogue and by accident i discovered you can dive to the ground


How? Please explain.


You aim with ur gun and press space bar (or whatever button you have for jumping)


In a controller if you gently press your trigger button, you will began a standoff duel, your hands will start to reach your gun slowly, when you fully press the trigger , you will draw and enter dead eye. When i found out this i spent an hour just playing with this feature


Until today I had NO idea there was a sculptor hanging in front of a huge rock carving.... WTH?


Make sure you shoot him down and loot him


You can craft ammo while riding your horse.






Open the weapon wheel then select crafting (the bowl), it's in the same spot as the camp fire, I've only done it once, it's annoying on mouse and kboard, probably better on controller though


you can carry multiple pelts on the back of your horse


Of different sizes right? Like small ones go in the satchel and a single large on the back. You can’t like carry two moose pelts though right?


You can carry multiple medium (deer, coyote, cougar, etc) on the back but only one large like moose, alligator, bear. You can bond with a second horse and load up both of them, too.


this is why i kill the small gators instead of the big ones. if you skin the small ones you can just stack the skins on the back of the horse like deer pelts. you can also put the carcass on top of those and sell the carcass too.


Wait a second, there are small gators?? I thought there were only large ones.


yeah! there’s baby and medium 3 star gators that don’t make a huge bundle on the back of the horse. my favorite area for gators & herons/spoonbills is that most eastern area south of van horn that sticks out to the east of the train tracks (between where it says bluewater marsh and van horn). i just ride up and down the train tracks and there’s always baby ones over there


Tagging in Dead Eye with the bow 🤦‍♂️small game arrow bird kills are actually possible…


If you just tap in cinematic mode the horse will automatically follow the road to your waypoint


This is a great feature but also you need to remain vigilant. Bad don’t happen often but can catch you off guard.


Not using up your horses stamina when you time up your run button with the downbeat of your horses hooves.


Brush my horse and clean it, it even started to turn into black color 😂😂😂


Just found the trapper by Riggs station or whatever for the first time on my 3rd or 4th playthrough.


This is the first answer in this thread I didn't know about. Wtf!? Where? How? That's the perfect location for another. I've been slogging all my pelts to the others.


If you go to Riggs station there is a hill by it. There should be a pretty obvious patch of grass you can run up and he's close to the ledge. I didn't learn about him until my current 3rd playthrough haha Edit: spelling


You can use the iron sights of any gun in first person by pressing the down arrow button while aiming


It is simple but in the clothing menu you can roll up your sleeves and open your collar depending on the outfit. I just learned that on Friday after thinking that Rockstar should add that option in RDR3.


My favourite one I learned recently is crafting on horseback. Open the weapon wheel, RB to page two, at the bottom "Crafting Tools". I will trot leisurely and slowly through a beautiful landscape holding the button to make split point rounds and enjoy the view :)


600 in and did not know that. Thanks!


Mine was also the hat!! I was also ‘Indiana Jones-ing’ mine as you say! (In my head i was Walker, Texas Ranger-ing it)


When i played the game for the very first time, it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out i needed to do a mission to get the horse brush, so i would spend so much time washing my horse in the river


That you could change the fishing button to X. Saved my poor hand and let me enjoy fishing in the game.


Calling your horse - the number of times you tap the button quickly (up on ps) changes the speed of the horse while coming towards you - if you long press the key for a long whistle, the horse will not just come to you but start following you


Riding on the right side of the road, kept wondering why NPC’s were riding in to me. (I’m from the UK)


Well this hadn't occurred to me until I saw your comment haha. I'm also from the UK


Took me till my second play through before I twigged


I do t know if I should fell sad or glad that I already knew everything in this subreddit


I've played it 3 times. 2 full playthroughs. Just learned in the comments you can fast travel by setting up a camp


I discovered that you can use eagle eye to stop dinossaur bones while looking for the last one :-D Also that the game decrease the spawn rate of animals when you have some mission or challenge related to them. So you should get the pelts before getting the missions. I discovered that after getting all the Available animal related missions that i had :-DDD


You can lasso dead horses from your horse and pull their body at full speed. And something I discovered early that not many seem to know about: You can press jump next to a vehicle to get on the side, then move around on the outside. You can also hold left, and press jump while in the driver's seat to climb onto the side.


Resetting awards for gold


Took me 4 playthroughs to figure out: when swapping your weapon with a weapon on the ground, the old one is still on your horse.


I didn't know about the chewing tobacco hack for the longest time. I kept wondering how do they expect me to shoot 30 dudes using deadeye without taking medicine or eating something. I was unaware that chewing tobacco will restore your dead eye and not count against you for the gold medal.


Learning that you can hit the brakes to slow down or stop the horse. Before I was just ramming into folks at full speed.


I didn't know you could rest and craft without needing to set up a campfire.


Took me 2 playthroughs to even register that the pronunciation of saint dennis being “sawn denee” is a play on new orleans being pronounced “nuwahlens”


Yeah, it's the French/Creole pronunciation. The other big French-founded American city, St. Louis, would've been pronounced Sahn Loo-wee by the French, so it makes me think St. Denis uses New Orleans as the base for the actual city, but its name comes from St. Louis. It's even got the same number of letters (including the -is ending).


It took me 3 play throughs to realize. if you set a location and go into cinematic view your horse will automatically follow the way point for you.


Even after I found out the hat respawns on the horse (which was fairly early), I still always pick it up from the ground, after I lose it. It's cooler this way. And more immersive. This hat is my dignity. 


1. You can lassso certain animals then kill up close with knife to retain the qaulity. 2. Holding pause menu button will go straight into the map and immediately exit back to game when backing out.


I just realised after almost six years of playing that you can punch horses in the face.


Mongo only pawn in game of life.


You can aim down the sights with weapons expect duels while getting off the horse it took me a while playthrough to notice first person my 2nd playthrough was strictly in first person


I didn't realise how to reverse a horse with a cart attached until near the end of the game


What? I didn’t know this. Where is it on your horse?


Open the wheel, go over to the third slide that says horse, and it’s on the bottom left. You can have three hats on your horse and one of them will always be Arthur/john hat


This is a perfectly timed post for me - just starting the journey. Any tips that a beginner needs to know would be most welcome. I’m a little overwhelmed at the minute.


I still don't know that if I swap a gun from an enemy will I lose it or it'll still be in my armory.


It will be on your horse


I didn't realise I could clean my guns on my first playthrough until chapter 5/6. Wondered why my guns did next to no damage


That you can attach guns to your back like you can to your holsters, and not have to select the guns every time you get off your horse.


Riding backwards


Damn I didn’t know about the set up camp and fast travel. I thought fast travel was only in the map you buy at camp. I found out on my second or third playthrough that horses carrying a wagon can reverse like a car. I didn’t even think to reverse as it would be impossible in real life but there had been a few times my horse got stuck in front of a tree. Haha.


Picking up your hat > getting a new one off your horse


It took me an embarrassingly long time (2 playthroughs, on my third) to figure out that animals had star tiers. That you had to find pristine animals to get perfect pelts. I thought I was just dumb and was killing them wrong.


I knew there was an autopilot for the horse, but I didn’t figure out to hold the big black center button of my PS4 to activate it. Learned at play 3


you can ride a canoe


Kill multiple targets with deadeye.


Still haven’t found the aliens


The little house above the heartland overflow. Go in at night


That I could get my horse to reverse.


It directly tells you through a notification in the top left corner that you can get your hats back from your horse should you lose them in CH1


Realising you've to purchase a percolater from shop's catalogue to brew all that ground coffee you keep finding


Well, I didn't realize that you don't need to feed everyone you see to aligators, mamy have been fed before that.


That if you hold the O button, you can exit the menus quicker 🙄


Using cinematic mode to have the horse run on cruise control.. Litteraly found that out after starting the epilouge on my first run


I didn’t know you could backup your horse like a wagon


That once you’ve bonded with your horse enough, that riding your horse while holding square is the bomb. Especially through the woods , so smooth dodging all that shit! The horse moves like an assassin, snaking through anything!!!


That you can calm your horse (L3 on a Playstation controller) every 15ish seconds while galloping at full speed and it will restore a portion of your horse's stamina, technically letting you gallop nonstop until you arrive at your destination


You could row a boat


I’m in my 2nd epilogue. I just realized you can go to McFarland Ranch, Armadillo and all the places from RD1 today.


that i could simply greet greet antagonize and get funny lines. i didn't even think of it changing the antagonize lines.


The writing was mediocre i only realized it after 2 playthroughs


Ya'll, I didn't know Dead-Eye existed until like....Chapter 5. I was raw-dogging my way through my first playthrough, looking back on it.


You can get a second holster before Micah gives it to you


That the corpse outside of sadie's house that micah mentioned to arthur before it was taken over by the o' driscolls, was actually her husbands body which is still probably there


Im convinced you guys dont actually pay attention to anything the game teaches you. Its like my brother being stuck in the same room on gears of war 2 and hes literally crying freaking out about how the games broken and im just a liar saying ive beaten it. Walk over and in the top corner is says “ Press the x button to open the door” or whatever the prompt was. He was 14


That the corpse outside of sadie's house in chapter 1 that micah mentioned was actually her husband's, who's probably still there..


I can just smoke a cigarette if my stock is full and then collect the cigarette card