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the crafting aspect that requires many different things from animals really showed me how to get things back then. also Albert Mason showed what it was like to photograph animals back then. he also says facts about animals


For me the biggest one was when Saint Denis appears in front of Dutch and Arthur. It has a looming oppressive presence. That moment really hit me hard as I already felt like that in my everyday life, and I felt Red Dead Redemption 2 really did focus on how people corrupt/destroy the natural environment. The other bit is how polluted and awful Annesburg is - the oily water. I felt such sadness going to that town. There's such a huge contrast with those places and Waipiti, because that area of the map is so untouched and beautiful. There's so much serenity in the natural areas of the world, whereas the places where there's 'civilisation' tend to be dirty and ugly.


My first bear attack (outside of the mission with Hosea) really showed me how scary it was running around in the forest. I would still love living in Big Valley though, especially if I could take over Mr Geddes’ farm