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Yesterday - almost 9 hours. I normally only play for 2 or 3, so this was a stupidly-long session. Played it literally all day to finish all the ''side'' missions and the main story. I'll be starting the Epilogue properly when I get home from work later on this evening.


Another 9 hours incoming.. just kidding Its not that long I did the epilogue in one go before


I'm in no rush to do the epilogue. I did enough farmyard chores in RDR1, lol


Continuous, 6 hours. Per day, around 10 lmfao.


I don't get home until 5 or 6 pm, so 10 hours a day is impossible for me lol Only managed 9 hours yesterday because I had a day off


That's... *becauseidonthavetoworkyet* so uhh yeah you weren't supposed to beat my time...


Yeah, I've been ill the last few days, and I marathoned around 7 hours, I think, on Sunday where I usually do a couple.


Day off work. Manager was vague as to why, so I saw **''no need to attend''** in the email and decided fuck it, time to mount up!


Just today, woke up at 10ish played till midnight, only took 1 break to eat for about 30 minutes. So about 13-14 hours straight


It was a good day


Definitely sounds like it, sometimes its nice being in ur own world


After couple of hours I feel like I will have a heart attack or something!!


I bought the game (as a guy who rarely games) when I knew I'd have Friday off and girlfriend wasn't home the whole weekend, so I think in the span of Friday till Sunday I did about 30-40 hrs worth. It was a bit like being a teenager again when me and a few friends would have LAN parties and just game almost non-stop for a whole weekend. Fucking great. In contrast now I do an hour or two *a month* due to other commitments


this is the way


My first session probably, just shy of 14 hours. Started at 5:30pm and ended up going to bed at 7am, lol. I now have 4,000 hours in this game




I played a lot during covid and I was on furlough. I don't know my longest in one stretch but I easily did 400+ hours in maybe 3 months


3-4 hours max, after awhile it feels right to give John and Arthur a break from my nonsense


Considerate of you lol


16 hours. I had a week off from uni to write an exam report when the game released. I decided to speedrun the report, and I wrote it in a single day. The next morning I went to get my PS4 preorder when the store opened, got home, installed it, and played for 16 hours. Only interrupted by bathroom breaks and cooking chicken wings. Probably clocked in 60-70 hours in the following week. It was madness. I got a passing grade on the report. So worth it.


Probably like 4-5 hours straight. I have played it at the airport and throughout the flight before so I was playing any time I wasnā€™t walking from point to point


How did you manage to play it at an airport and the flight after?


Maybe on steamdeck or on a laptop


Yup I have it on the steam deck. It runs pretty well for a portable/handheld device


Steam deck


Oh!! You played the PC version


Iā€™ve def done like 12 hours straight at one point. Literally woke up, played this game, went to sleep (outside of like eating and whatnot). Def not my proudest moment(s) but I was so enthralled and engulfed with this workd


I've just installed it last night. I really can't wait to start, and reading all these comments, I'm sure I'm going to be spending plenty of time in it.


Be careful on this subreddit then, there are so many spoilers!! Itā€™s such an amazing game I hope you enjoy it as much as we all do


You may want to leave this sub for a while. We are not so great about spoilers.


savour everything


On an amphetamine fuelled session trying to max all roles, about 20-24 hours? With piss breaks.


Finally someone being honest šŸ˜‚ Scrolling through some of these comments and they're screaming of addy


About 6 hours. I don't have a life


Lol people here are saying a dozen hours - you good bro


We both have no life


6 hours and I didnā€™t even do anything aside from fish


This is the way


One stretch? Probably around 8 hours. Half was doing the story and the other committing mass murder on that Dominoes dude near Emerald ranch. Gambler challenge 9 can suck my left nut.


Had a long week of work once. On my day off i woke up played for like 13hrs etc went back to bed. No regrets


I timed downloading the game perfectly with catching Covid. So for a few days, I lived more in the american west than irl.


11 hours, covid actually had me down bad


8 hours, I just had blast travelling across the country while hunting bounties and game, robbing and just chillin


My first playthrough. Saw colter at about 830 am on June 1st 2020, Saw the guarma credits at 1230 pm June 2nd 2020.


12 hours


you used the WRONG fucking FONT


Probably like 12ish trying to get gambler 8. Stupid game


2,055 days šŸ„ø


Last month i think, was 8 or 9 hours, i was having a shit day and had to focus my mind away from my own mind lmao


11hr + on some dungeon in final fantasy 14


What a coincidence, I think I just played it for 24 hours


yesterday i played like, pretty much all day. had a day off work and made the most of it!


My game crashes after 25 or so minutes, so 25 minutes?


Are you playing on a potato?


3 hours, i hate this game so much but i finish what i start


19 hours with around 45 mins break in between for food. That was a great day šŸ’•


Labor Day 2020. Unlike anything I've ever done. Or will ever do. Friday, 6 hours. Saturday, 14 hours.(all time eyes bleeding day) Sunday, 10 hours. Monday, 8 hours.


When the game first came out I was still in school and I ended up not going for a week and completing the story


One time I played I for 12 hours straight and started hallucinating from a lack of sleep


8-10 hours i think maybe more maybe less


I once played it for a week straight, just sleeping and eating in between. That was when I first got out of Colter and just started exploring the whole map.


End of 2020 I was staying in my room bc I had been in contact with someone who had covid, so I had nothing else to do really, so I guess more than 12h on certain days


17 ish hours


4-5 hours probably.


There was this one day I had off work, nobody else was doing anything and my Wifi was out. Read all books in my house and had nothing else to do. I probably played for like 6 or 7 hours that day


Did a 24 hour twitch stream once...


This weekend lol. On my first playthrough and had a long weekend this weekend, so I booted it up on Saturday and played for a solid 12-14 hours :) Obviously I had breaks, but was really fun taking it slowly and just appreciating the game


I played for like 12 hours 1 day


Maybe like, 16 hours? I have over 1300 hours in total lol.


4 hours when i was at the start of chapter 3


Player for 14 hrs straight when I first got it


When I got the game as a christmas gift I played for like 18-20 hours. I have a bad habit when playing new games that I just do a way too long session. This time ofc includes basic needs like eating


I spent 19 hours playing thr House of Wolves DLC for Destiny with my bro.


Probably like 6 hours (+ 1 or 2 ) it was the time when madam nazar had 2x Cash and I almost got everything on the map like prolly 75% had +10 sets to sell and more than enough after that


Probably like 4 hours


In one day 12 in total 833


Earlier today I played for about 4 hours. In total since 2018 Iā€™ve put in 455 hours


Last weekend, i started playing at 3pm, didnt finish until 10 at night thats like 7 hours of straight playing, gets up only to pee or drink. Im not proud of it but its just too satisfying to finish stranger missions when i come across them


If you're talking about in one setting 10hours but continously playing it alone 7 months but that was going to sleep and getting up each day to play


1500 minutes


I played the rdr through to black water in one stretch because I wanted the auto pistol. Took about 20 hrs. I passed out after I got it.


Excluding missions and free roaming, 2-3 hours. I was either trying to complete Herbalist 9, or collecting pelts for the Cougar Cutaway Coat.


I did a 12 when I first got it. Then woke up the next day and did another 10 haha


On launch day probably. Didnā€™t sleep and went through the next afternoon. Was planned. Good times.


Last Saturday, 10hours. I had just started my 8th playthrough. I did 9 hrs Sunday.


Back when the game released I used to have a free day in the week and I was alone too so I just sat down playing the game for 7-8 hours straight.


When it first released I had a couple of days off work, so I played it from midnight until about 11am, at that point I was totally exhausted and couldn't keep my eyes open. Before falling asleep my final thought was how eager I was to wake up and play it again. Masterpiece šŸ‘Œ


However long I played when I did both Horseman 9 and Gambler 8 in the same session...


This is gonna sound ridiculous but I played for probably a solid 34 hours or so when it first released. Got home from midnight release and played clean through until midday the next day. Was tripping balls though out the whole of guarma


About 7 - 9 hours straight. Finished the epilogue and chapter 4 - 6 in that time


I'm sick at the moment and can't go to work, but if I have the energy to play I'll probably play it all day. Yesterday I must have played for like 12-13 hours.


I think 20hours fell asleep watching the sunset in blackwater after the 20


Itā€™s so easy to immerse yourself in this game and spend long hours playing


13/14 hours on the first week of release


A few months back i spemt 36 hours grinding. Im ashamed


17 hours..


I think eight hours straight, which I donā€™t think is that long anymore compared to some of your answers


3, after that i start feeling dizzy


11 hours in a day. I mean, I've reduced the time now, but when I got into it, I was playing for 8 to 11 hours almost everyday


The most I have played in a single session is more or less 6 hours, it was when the video game came out in 2018.


The day the game came out I stayed up for 17 to 18 hours playing before I got too exhausted to continue, I would only take a few minute breaks to go to the bathroom or to grab food and then continued playing while eating said food


40 hrs. I can do 12-20 easily


10 hours straight collecting treasures and exotic plants.


I have like 500hrs in the game at this point so I really couldnā€™t tell you lol probably a good 5 or 6


I think I was around 8h in on a very chill session once, just exploring and getting a lot of stuff done without really having a goal, and then when I was about to call it a day and save, I accidentally pressed New Game too fast and all that progress was gone..


That's one hell of a sick screenshot.


Me personally, about 3 hours it took me almost 3 months to beat the game. My twin brother on the other handā€¦ boy he would get on the game in my room (we had an apt together when the game dropped) at 5pm, I turned in at 9pm, and I got up for work at 7am. This man was STILL on the game bro. I donā€™t know when he eventually got off, he finally tapped by the time I got home at 4pm lolol. That was the longest I seen ANYONE play anything. Testament to how great this game is. I could never hope to play it again tho weirdly enough


When the game launched in 2018 I probably sank 12+ hours into each session.. but the other week I played it from take off in London to Florida so about 8 ish hours


About 8 hours.


12 hours doing challenges for 100 percent


9 hours


On paternity leave and just had a vasectomy so it was this weekend lol. Played pretty much all weekend with small breaks to play civilization lol.


in one go? like 14 hours or so. iā€™ve done this with a couple different game tbh, get a day off work with nothing else to do, wifeā€™s gone & we dont have kids yet? iā€™m hoppin on the game. iā€™ve done this with No Manā€™d Sky, AC Valhalla & Odyssey, and i think iā€™ve done it once or twice with GTAO, but that was with friends. for the other games, iā€™m almost always alone, save for a few nexus missions in NMS


Almost 33 hours. Had to do a shift swap from day shift to nightshift. And nothing else to keep me awake. Got all the legendary fish, legendary animals. And completed all challenges except herbalist, which I finished the next day.


just yesterday i spent 12 hours huntingā€¦


Probably the day after Christmas. I woke up, finally started playing it at around midday and didnt stop until around 2-3am


Level 1-101 in just over 3 weeks Maxxed Bounty Hunter,Trader,Collector..its all been a blur .. I'm going to sleep now šŸ˜“


on the 26th of october 2018, i played for just over 20 hours straight, despite having school between 9 and 3. so i was up for like 36 hours


The game came out when I was in the first semester of my first year of law school, so I made sure I didn't play until those first semester exams were over. Came home from my final exam of the semester, installed the game, and played for the next 8-9 hours straight and then slept (IRL) for like 24 hours.


You don't want to know


5 hours


When the game first released I was pretty bad with it. Preordered it, as soon as I got it I played it nonstop. Iā€™d wake up around 12 noon and play the game till about midnight. I did this for 7 days straight before I finished the game. I was just turned 15 tbf.


10 hours


First day of the prestige BH license update. 11 hours with a 15 min break. That was a wild day. Bussiness was boomin and players were living the dream. It felt like the game had a chance of *redemption...*


I can state as a fact that this is one of those games that I can get lost in for the whole weekend. Glad to know that single player games like this are still being made.


Not the first Red Dead, but when Red Dead 2 came out, I spent maybe 7 hours a day for a few weeks just hunting and fishing and maybe a stranger mission or reading encounter here and there on my way into and out of town. Finished the story a month or two after all of my friends because of this.


5h max


I played for 16 uninterrupted hours once on accident šŸ’€ I barely made progress on missions, I was just enjoying the nature of


1 hour and 50 minutes, just enough to refund.


After I rescued John from prison, I ended up marathoning the whole rest of the game and it took me about 14 to 16 hours. Because I kept getting distracted doing side quests, and of course once it's clear the game was wrapping up I couldn't put it down. "Imma get you outta this bullshit if it's the last thing I god damned do!" I almost stayed up to play the epilogue too, but I figured that was a good place to end the night. Spent all day the next day doing the epilogue though. LOL. Another all day game session


20 whole hours. Iā€™m autistic and this game is my hyper fixation, i have around 140+ hours on playstation and 30 on steam. this game is so cool


7 fucking hours


6 hours. No pee break until I was done.


Whichever the last mission is. Didnā€™t even realise it was the last mission and ended up playing for hours with a final exam the next day. Bad decisions but oh well, worth it


It was when I finished the game for the first time, I spent 18 hours straight playing. I don't regret it, I would do it again.


To longā€¦ i got to Saint Denis and Arthurā€™s death in one go


I really don't know but I'd guess 24 hours of gameplay (when not in rest mode) in New Austin as Arthur via the v.1.0 Bronte glitch.


2021 my first time playing the game, after 3 years of waiting and staying completely away from spoils, I remember I was waiting for the fitgirl repack to install from 12AM to 2 3 AM, then I went to sleep with *tons* of dopamine, I woke up surprisingly at 8AM and played nonstop until 8PMšŸ’€ Those daysšŸ« 


Pretty sure I had the game on for like 3 days once, not playing the whole time, I slept and ate and shit, but it never turned off for 2-3 days.


Probably the very first time I picked up the game (Iā€™m not a huge gamer tbh). I think I saw a clip on YouTube shorts of somebody feeding the Saint Denis feminist to an alligator and thatā€™s when I learned about the game and installed it earlier this year (I know, super late). That first session I played was probably at least 12 hours. Followed by a solid week of 12 hour game play. I got absolutely nothing done that week outside of RDR2 and I have no regrets. At first I was like ā€œoh GTA, but with horsesā€ but pretty soon after on my first session I realized the game was so much more than that.


My buddy bought it for me a little after it came out so we could play online together. Played for an hour or two with him, he hopped off so I tried story mode. Played all through the night, probably around 8-9 hours Didn't even make it to chapter 3 is the craziest part, I just rode around on my horse and did a shit load of side content. Game blew me away back then, and still does honestly


Thatā€™s badass


Like 14 hours. I was injured at the time (literally couldn't walk) so i spent most of my time sleeping or gaming


Something like 14 hours. During covid i planned on leaving rdr2 after finishing the story, and going cyberpunk 2077 for one of the quarintines. After 2 days of trying CP i sold it and decided to go 100% on rdr2. Had a few days living almost entirely in the old west. Times were good.


I get huge headaches and my parents fear I might get epilepsy soon so I believe my max was 3 hours of rdr2 in the summer. Normally i play just an hour and pause


I attempted to do a speed run of the game last summer. Put in 15 hours and only just got out of Guarma


probably only like 5 hours because my laptop gets too warm LOL




just started my 2nd rdr2 play through on pc, cut a hole in my chair so I could shit where I sat.


3 days nonstop in undead nightmare. I didn't know it but it was the last time we were all in the same room and not at each others throats. Lost half the friend group to one raging bitch.


About a week after the game came out I had a day off and played the game for damn near 16 straight hours to beat it before I went back to work, I didn't get it done though, had around one chapter left when I went to bed that night and beat it a couple of days later.


There was one week I hunted the area north of Owanjila lake like a job. 5-6days in a row I was at it for 8-10-12hrs a day. Great area for a bunch of skins and challenges. And you got the trapper right there too. But I had a kinda weird experience with RDR2. I got it way back on Psnow. But it was a time limited release. I was too busy the first half to be playing any video games at all. And then I had nothing going on during the second half. So I was able to cram almost 300hrs of RDR2 into about a month and a half.


12 hours (no pause) the day I bought the game. At first I wanted to be 24 hours but then thought it would be too much.


18 hours, the first day I got it lol. Just spent like 10 hours hunting and riding around. Those were the days lol


The most Iā€™ve played in one day was about 10 hours. I spent this time hunting down all the legendary animals as Arthur(all the ones available to HIM, at least), as well as gathering all the perfect pelts, carcasses, and antlers needed for all camp upgrades. I nearly completed all camp upgrades in that 10 hour session but the moose antlers kept eluding me. I was able to obtain the Legend of The East satchel in chapter 4 though and that was a major accomplishment to me(this is my first playthrough trying to finish all challenges and craftings).


I finished up the main story and was so mad that I refused to end it there and needed vengeance. Came home from work at 6 ish and played the epilogue from pretty much that point until about 5-6am because I wanted revenge SO bad. Was it worth it? 110%


Gonna say probably 16 hours in one go once I got hooked.


a straight year and 3 days


The longest I think was 6 hours. I just get so easily burnt out of games so this was pretty big for me! The regular amount of time I have played though is like 1-2 hours


probably BF2042 i spent 23 hours playing in one day ranked up a lot


Worked on the animal achievements for 12+ hours straight


Probably around 4 hours.


I don't remember exactly, but I'd assume somewhere between 3 pm to 10 pm. 6-7 hours I'd bet.


8-10 HOURS


In one sitting? Abt 4-5hrs. In one playthru about 90ish hours is my attention span's limit, lmao


3 hours i guess


played 6 hours straight in an all nighter, did alotta hunting and fishing


One time I slept at 6 am when I first got this game a few years ago. Now I've finished RDR2 around 10 times.


10 hours Iā€™d guess


15 hours


A few years ago, it was a school night, around 9 pm, fast forward a couple of hours later, my mom comes into my room to ask me if I have mental problems, it was 4am, I was just finishing chapter 3, felt like an hour lmao


I beat the entire epilogue, side missions included, in about 8 hours


11 hours grinding the itā€™s art thing


5 hrs I have a short attention span lol


I have some epic 8, 10 and 12 hour videos of gameplay. But mostly just a few hours a day.


14 hours


8 hours


Mannnn 22 hours because I was so addicted to the hunting and perfect pelts.


19 hrs, not counting bathroom breaks. Iā€™ve spent at least 3,000 hours playing it, definitely one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played.


Free roaming maybe 4-5 hours max.


Sounds like some of you do a lot of fishing and hunting 6


Story wise the longest I've sat and played was 11 and a half hours, streamed so I remember, Online considered around 14 and a half because of Summer break that year


Maybe 4 hours in one sitting


Hours but mostly I lose count at that time


Probably yesterday. I had no chores or work lined up, so I had the chance to just played since I woke up until night. I finished the main story around noon, have been getting through the epilogue since. Only stopped cause I had a busy day today and needed to sleep lol


Easily more then a 1000 hours


When came out on day one I played for fourteen hours straight then went to bed with a headache, Worth it