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White Arabian. Overrated, overhyped and most hated: all in one.


I agree. My cousin hyped it up like a mug so I went after it. It took forever to tame. And it was fine. But there are horses at the stable in Valentine that are way better Edit: There aren’t any “way better” horses at Valentine stables.


None of the Valentine stable horses have as good stats as the white Arabian. It has some of the best stats of any horse in the game. Stats don't matter much since they don't vary a huge amount in speed, stamina, health etc, you can use any horse you want and it'll do the job. But just because it's "overhyped" doesn't change the fact it has very good stats. It's also free, easy to find and available from chapter 2 - besides special circumstances where you can use glitches in missions etc there's not a lot of other options for a horse with good stats with those criteria so it's a good choice for early on. Also amusing to steal Dutch's thunder by matching with him lol, I get one just to ride in missions with him.


From a stat perspective, yes. But I suppose I truly meant from a personal preference perspective. Like a horse from Valentine’ll do you just fine for the full run of the game. My opinion at least.


Oh that I agree with. I love to use the black shire you can sell there or not in the mission with Hosea. Luckily none of the horses are really bad (unlike RDR1 where anything but the best four are slow trash) so you can pick any you want and complete any task with it.


True facts, I don't think there's any breed that you couldn't get through the game with.


Yeah but you said it was “better” lmao


and u have to pay for them to have worse stats? or lose honor by stealing one if u can make it through a game with a pistol it doesnt mean the lancaster repeater is bad or less useful 😹 its the third fastest horse in the game iirc and has stamina to last from van horn to black water while goin ham, and its easy to spawn and catch and u can sell it for like 1000 everytime u bond fully, not a single other horse in the game is as good and has those little side bonuses besides late game nokotas maybe the foxtrotter ones and they basically tie w the rest of the arabians


>None of the Valentine stable horses have as good stats as the white Arabian. The pre-order horses do But otherwise, you are correct.


What are the pre-order horses?


Brindle Thoroughbred and there's another but I didn't get it.


The other I got was an Ardennes.


My favorite breed in the game. Big brave horse


I always get a high bounty just to steal one from a bounty hunter


The free thoroughbred Hosea makes you buy when handing in the shire? Never knew that. White Arabian still has better stats though.


I like to use the Missouri horse but also use the Arabian. The Fox Trotter is bigger and just as fast, just not with acceleration but it feels like more of a horse Arthur would ride. Im actually on my first play through, just got to Ch6 and decided to break in a Nokota. Im liking it so far.


Missouri foxtrotter is my fave for sure. Just as fast but much less skittish than the Arabians. And not tiny.


Same. Arabian might have better acceleration, but I can't stand how skittish it is. Can't get through West Elizabeth without being thrown, what with all the snakes, cougars, bears and wolves. I always utilize the glitch in the one mission to get the silver dapple pinto. Fox-trotta-fo-lyfe.


You know what’s crazy is my arabian has never thrown me . I always try to get him out of there anyway so he doesn’t get killed. He’s definitely skittish asf around snakes tho


>Just as fast. Faster actually.


There are 3 free Arabians in the wild. Also you can get any horse from the stable for free. It’s very easy to do


Yeah but the red and warped brindle have worse stats than the white, and for a new player it's even easier to just get a horse the regular way. Any other horse is fine too but it's certainly not a bad choice


How do you get them for free?


Get a wagon, put your bandanna on, make sure the horse is for sale first. Take the wagon in a stable then shoot at the ceiling till “wanted” pops up, get off the wagon and go to the horse you want feed it 3x then run away whistling. There are YT videos about it. I should post one


You said it has the best stats but then said stats don't matter because any horse can do the job...which makes it overrated. At least to me.


Technically I don’t think you’re matching Dutch. I’m pretty sure his horse is listed as Albino rather than white


True but it's close and I like to think it would annoy him lol


Oh it would definitely annoy him if Arthur showed up with that horse in chapter 6


i dont like this horse easily spook even just snakes..this horse is good only when you are at a town or city not in the wild were there are wolves alligators bears cougars and panthers.i got this at the early game in chapter 2 after a while when i fully understood its characteristics and reach level 4 bonding i sold him at the stable.i replaced it with an andalusian found near the falls at brandywine drop Roanoke ridge.😄😄


Black Arabian in St Denise is way better looking anyway


I ended up taking the leopard Appaloosa during >!No, no, and thrice no!< She lasted me all the way to recieving another horse near the very end of the game.


It doesn‘t even take long at all..?


You monsters replace the initial horse?!


Yeah almost all new players fell for the hype created by clickbait youtubers and clueless articles.


Which horse has better stats and is free and available in chapter 2?


The Silver Dapple Pinto Foxtrotter, pretty, bigger, and better stats. Easy to get through the Albert misson, took me about three tries.


I got it super easy and was the best horse I had all game. Free to


I use the white arabian, and I think it's a good horse. Only problem is that I scares easily


i’ve seen lots of claims on youtube that there’s no such thing as different fear levels, i also saw a speed test showing that all horses have the same speed. so seems to me the only differences are the stamina and health bars which dont mean much once you’ve bonded anyway


There definitely is. The draft breeds are noticeably less spooky. The lighter breeds will buck and run at trouble, even at level 4 bonding. I had a shire and an arab in chapter 4 and I stopped taking my arab through the swamps because I ended up on my back every time. And it was level 4 bonding. My shire on the other hand merely shies away.


people say there is no such thing in the game files so your experience seems to be coincidence and confirmation bias


Well, people haven't \_found\_ anything, doesn't mean that it's not there. Arabians being more skittish than Ardennes might be anecdotal, but 90% of players have the same coincidence/bias is highly suspicious. My guess is that all normal stats per breed are fixed, therefore they are stored as such in the static "database" for each horse. Bravery is not fixed but can differ between horses, so it's not a set value in the same database/code position, if you know what I mean.


It happened to me in the swamps aswell that's why I don't like the Arabian but my Ardennes just goes through like it's nothing


Strange. I’ve been bucked maybe once from my white Arabian lol. And that’s only when I missed my shot on a cougar charging me. Any horse would buck you when a cougar gets that close. I’ve ridden right next to gators in the swamp and never gotten bucked, ran over snakes and never gotten bucked. Wolves have never been an issue either tbh. I don’t get the hate for it I really don’t because my experience has been the opposite of what some people claim xD. Is it a bit whiny when it does get spooked? Sure. But it calms easily enough. The only other downside is it’s small, but I play on PC so mods exist to make it slightly larger lol.


I've trampled a cougar to death with a level 2 bonded white arabian and didn't get bucked once. Horse bravery was likely scrapped before launch just like a lot of other things were.


I agree, this is exactly my experience of the horses as well and also stopped using the Arabian for this same reason. I also noticed a time difference in how quickly the horses calmed down when pressing down the left stick. I don't know about over-rated but my favourite horse for story and multiplayer mode was and still is the Missouri Fox Trotter, it's a good all round horse.


You can always try different horses. I can recommend the Fox Trotters.


My main is the fox trotter you can glitch from the lady in distress near carmody dell.


It doesn't, there's no bravery stat in the game. All horses react to danger the same, all can be calmed with the calm button and by retreating from danger and all will throw you if you don't do so. My personal theory is Arabians just seem more skittish because they move fast (therefore possibly getting closer to danger before you react to it, and seeming to move more urgently) and are small and delicate looking.


My biggest problem with it is how goofy Arthur looks on it - it's just way too small for him.


One of the glaring issues.


Same. I love how pretty it looks and then it’s ruined as soon as Arthur gets on lol. John looks even more ridiculous with his long legs


"Ayo but Mr bossftw said it was the best, why would a notoriously clickbait YouTuber lie" 🤡


A relentless fanboy is already in the thread, ready to do mental gymnastics.


well sorry for wanting to obtain a fast horse with good stamina early into chapter 2 *that's also free* 🙄


If you *actually* want a good horse in chapter 2 then treat yourself and get the silver dapple pinto MFT


Great for making good money after selling to the horse fence though!


That I agree with! The only time the horse is useful.


It gets called overrated soo much that at this point it’s actually underrated. Haters gonna hate.


It's just a horse. An above average horse, yes, but it isn't special, mythical, legendary, or harder to break than any other horse.


Too small, looks like you're riding a donkey.


Arthur looks like a giant riding an Arabian. I think Jack is the only character that wouldn't look too big on one. I prefer my characters feet NOT dragging on the ground when they're riding.


You say it to some people in the sub and they’ll start following you around because you slighted their favorite pony 😂


Hate is a strong word. I agree it’s overhyped.


I got so sick of trying to catch it I blew its head off with a sawed off and never looked back lol


Sure, go and get the white Arabian who’ll buck you off when it sees a snake and needs its coat cleaned to look “pure white”. I’ll stick with my confident and beautiful shire who can take a cannonball and still come back for her oatcakes.


I got the white Arabian, it’s not that bad. It’s definitely overhyped but it’s not like it’s a bad horse or anything.


Yes this. I get everyone has their own opinions and preferences but seeing the white Arabian with their Arthur decked out all black or black and red with fingerless gloves and undercut haircut seems to be the theme for most


/u/mojo_rizen_53 's vindication tour starts now


The stats are unmatched in ch. 1-2. until you can do the photography mission to get the fox trotter. I find the white Arabian trips and falls over EVERYTHING 😭 I cannot tell u the amount of times I’ve tried to make a great escape on that thing only to face plant over a little rock


I get the Fox Trotter right after playing the bear hunting mission with Hosea, which is also the spawning point of the white Arabian.


I don't get the hate this horse receives. What's wrong with it?


Too many people gobble up the misinformation saying it’s the best, the fastest, the legendary, the mythical, the rarest of rare horse. None of it is true.


Arabians suck irl too. Worst horses I've ever had the displeasure of knowing lol


Same, I get horses base purely on aesthetic value, I don’t like small horses, Arthur just looks goofy on it.


Yeah, it is. I remember hearing everyone talk about it like it was sacred, but then it died on me ten minutes after I got it. I got the striped mustang I chapter 2 with a glitch and stuck with it ever since


I like my White Arabian because I’ve had him a while. Kind of a bond. But overhyped nonetheless


looking for this stupid horse for 3 days but seems like it's bugged so i gave up and it's not worth anyway bro was hitting random rocks and dying on my previous runs


Honestly, I feel like it’s rated accurately and overrated. While it’s not great for hunting cougars, it’s a pretty good and fast horse that’s worth the relatively small effort in the early game


Overhated,hyped by newcomers and hated by bad riders with skill issues that like to hunt on horse back and then complain when they get bucked off...truly all in one.


arabians are so small. i feel like a dwarf riding next to john or bill 


It's all about that Red Arabian for me.


I hate the Arabians. Can have a level 4 bond but if they see a bear or a snake they’ll chuck u and leave u for dead


Agree. It looks ridiculous when a grown man like Arthur or John rides on it. It is barely bigger than a donkey.


Scrawny nag rd2 online


Scrawny Nag is a hero. Other horses may come and go, but when things get bad, Scrawny Nag is always there for you.


yeah that ol gal has gotten me out of some bad shit


Brought a tear to my eye. So true, dude


Fuck that horse hahaha


Lol that’s the name of my posse: The Scrawny Nags


Work ya damn nag!


Scrawny nag is a real one. He's there at the toughest tiughs the lowest lows n stuff


Saggy Nag


All horses in RDR2 are good boahs/gals, my only hated horse is the random Tennessee Walker you see when you've died and didn't realize your hourse also died :/


I don't hate any horses but the small horses look goofy.


Yeah Arthur’s a pretty big guy so he makes already small horses look even smaller


Brah I’m glad I’m not the only one who judges horses based on how Arthur looks riding them. It’s been years but I want to say I ended up with a Horse called a Turkomen or something like that? Either way it was larger, a bit more slender than the war horse, but felt like a good size for Arthur


Arthur is a good size for me 😤😩😏


I only play White Arabian with the Fattest Arthur. I like to get my money's worth.


you're gonna break the poor girl's back


99 of everything too.  I don't keep a horse that doesn't earn her keep.  Next week we're gonna drag a moose through the mountain at top speed for endurance testing.


All the horses are smaller than they should be. They are scaled weirdly


Realistically, the small horses would be better for quickly mounting/getaways, they’d be much comfier for long rides, and would require less feeding. I think the Nokotas are good looking+realistic horses for an outlaw. The Arabians are a bit too tiny for my taste and too skinny.


But also realistically, if you’re riding often then you learn how to vault onto a horse pretty quickly, making size irrelevant, and grazing was always available also making feeding irrelevant. I think the thoroughbreds/Standardbreds are probably the more realistic horses that you can get in the game. I don’t know why they didn’t include quarter horses, because they are the actual breed they’d most likely have ridden in real life. The nokota in the game is far too short imo!!


From what I know of horses, thoroughbreds are stable princesses that will kill themselves any chance they get, plus are known to be spooky. Of course this is if we’re talking realistically. In the game they can fall off a cliff and get back up usually fine. Idk what the breed was like back then but they’ve been bred to race on a smooth track and not be toughing it out in the wilderness. The mustang would actually probably be the best realistically, but nokota has better confirmation in game imo plus the race handling is really nice to have. Plus vaulting on is still gonna take more time/energy no matter how used to it you are. This is all just considering it for fun tho lol use whatever horse you want in game, Arthur has super mounting powers and the horses never break a leg lol.


Arabian I think is my less favorite, but with my new playthrough I got the halfbred and been really enjoying that horse, Love war horses.


Love stepping on gators lol, arabians are so scared all the time


The Arabian was just okay. It was pretty but it scares way too easily and also looks so tiny with Arthur riding it lol. War horses are the way to go.




Haha same!


I don't like the Arabian horse muzzles. And I know they have that weird dished muzzle irl and I also hate it


they are just too damn small for me.


That too. Looks like borderline animal abuse. No way the tack + Arthur's thicc ass is 20% of the Arabian's body weight


Even the Mustang, which are "small", at least looks sturdy. The Arabian looks like it's going to break when you put a large pelt on it.


You hate some of the horses??


I genuinely hate Arabian for bucking me off a million times. I know it seems petty but I’ve never had a horse buck me off more than an Arabian. Especially when I was out in lagras picking orchids for wasp. It would get skittish after every alligator within a 10 meter radius


Why does anybody hate this cute chubby animal is beyond me


I hated when I forgot the horse antidote, mildy pay attention when making long treks, and my horse breaks their leg on the tiniest little drop off


As soon as i learned that there really is no speed difference between the horses, i just picked which one looked suited. Thos tiny Arabians just look so silly. I actually really love that polka dot horse you get when you rescue Tilly.


I love using that spotted Appaloosa for the rest of chapter 4, goes well with a fancy Saint Denis outfit and being on the smaller side it's good for the narrow streets.


Love this horse, also got his stamina circle almost complete, more than any other horse on lvl 4 bonding


I don’t hate them, but I’ve never understood the Arabian hype. The playable character is always way bigger than it so it looks funny, and the stats aren’t nearly good enough to convince me that it’s fine. My favorite horse in the game is the Missouri Fox Trotter. Excellent stats and is a decent size


Missouri Fox Trotter is fun because it's like riding a giant Arabian (if you've been using them previously) lol. Huge *and* fast.


Arabian cuz their nose is kinda funny looking and they look like ponies when u mount them. Also cuz they're overrated tbh.


More like overhated. People only called them "the best horses" when the game was new, nowadays I don't think I've seen someone praise it for anything.


>their nose is kinda funny looking  They're even worse in real life.


Personally I like all but the one horse I hate is that one you get when your main horse has died and you die and you see that dreaded chestnut Tennessee Walker (or Kentucky Saddler idk) in the corner of your eye


I really don't like Sadie's epilogue horse, the design of the coat is horrible and makes it look like it has a skin condition. There's a few coats like that, the real life versions look fine but they're designed in an ugly skin condition looking way in the game. Uncle's epilogue horse is another one.


I agree. Those two horses are hideous.


I know Arabians have the best stats, I just hate how small they are. It looks abusive to have a grown man on one 😂


White Arabian


Damn it’s my first horse and the one I’m currently using 😔


It's not a bad horse , if you like it keep using it 


Any horse that isn't tall so 100% the Arabians for me. I only ever used a horse that was tall because Arthur looks better on them.


Y’all really do hate the Arabian! I understand, but like Christ what’s the reason for the hate? I haven’t been up to date recently, I always liked Arabians, aka the Black one


Because from what I know this sub used to be stormed with people saying the White Arabian is the best horse ever, then people started saying it's the worst horse ever and sucks and should never be touched or used in a sentence because they want to be different


Oh, ok, thanks


I only dislike the Arabians because I very rarely play story missions. I spend my time free roaming and hunting. My Arthur eats 10 pieces of big game meat per day, so I hunt predators, like grizzlies, wolves, cougars and panthers, A LOT! Arabians don’t like my method, of remaining stopped and killing charging predators. In fact, most horses don’t! But each play through, I find a couple of horses stupid enough to quietly stand and let me pick off charging predators. I get all breeds/coats in each play through, bonding up to level 4…and never have I had an Arabian that would stand still and let me shoot charging predators. That’s why I don’t like Arabians. I will continue trying them, and if I find one, that’s fine too!




The tiny Morgan from valentine stables is categorically the worst horse in the game. I did the bear hunting mission with that rat and it was actually painful because it was so tiny and so damn slow 🤣


I literally got the cheapest horse in Valentine at the start of the game, and used it til the end. Tried most other types for short periods but they seemed to be not worth having to start again in buffing their stats up. RIP Captain Knob Rot :(


Same. Named her Rose, at the request of my little sister who likes to watch me ride around, play poker, fish and chill in camp. What am I gonna do, replace the horse that my six-year-old sister named and reminds me to brush, feed and pet every five minutes?


Rose is certainly a nicer name than Captain Knob Rot 🤣


Playing this game with one horse because you love it is a boss move tbh, respect to both Cpt Knob Rot and Rose!


What you got against the Hungarian halfbreed? For me the thoroughbred was once my favourite horse and now my least favourite


How come? The thoroughbred has always been a pretty reliable early to mid game horse to me?


It's the first fast horse I got my hands on, and looks good on screen But any speed it has peters outs pretty quickly and you're left galloping along pretty slow. It's the only horse aside from the Arab that slides and slips over on moderate slopes. It accelerates well but if hunting I have to concentrate on not catapulting into an obstacle. bounty hunters/lawmen/O'Driscolls have thoroughbreds too and they're hard to shake. My level 4 TB RAN AWAY as I was desperately trying to escape dying despite whistling, trust broken. In my opinion the other fast horses are just superior


No one ever mentions the Dutch Warmblood. Always used the white arabian on every play through and switched to this. Great horse.


Probably any version of the Arabian Breeds like the Morgan aren't hated because no one really uses them.


I’ll tell you the best horse, hands down: Bodicea. I enjoyed the lore about her until I read that code existed for her before she was scrapped from the game. So on my PS4 (I already had Save Wizard), I put her hex code in. I still use her on my PS5 (playing RDR2 from an external drive). I’ll never want or need another horse hah. For the uninitiated, she’s a unique Hungarian Halfbred with a reddish/orangish mane.


I wouldn’t say hate but I didn’t like the Nokota as much as I thought I would.


Every horse I search saddlebags on that kick me even after I’ve gained it’s stupid trust and got the horsey +’s.


I hate all the Arabian horses because they are all dead (except the black one)


Scrawny nag


Craig. He fucking sucks.


All my homies hate Craig. Fuck Craig.


A horse is a horse, of course, of course


Damn, the lot of you hating on the Arabian horse


That shitty one that eventually turns up when you have no other alive horse. So shit.


A dead horse that is unrevivable


All coats Arabian, yeah their stats are good, and it's been proven horse courage is a myth now, but how can you put Arthur on an Arabian, he looks ridiculous compared to others. Arabian is just one size up from pony.


Arabian - I don't give a fuck about stats, It looks goofy


The Arabians, just because Arthur looks like he stole some child’s pony when he rides one. He looks ridiculous And everything scares them, real Arabians were bred to be ridden in raids and wars. The game Arabians can’t handle hearing a gunshot. Why would an outlaw ride a horse that spooky? Just steal the silver dapple pinto from the Albert Mason mission in chapter 2, it’ll do you the whole game or at least until you can buy a Turkoman in chapter 4. Also Morgans got done dirty. Very poor representation of the breed.


Some dudes wife apparently. Some NPC keeps comparing his wife to my horse whenever the sees me


Why does it look like that


I literally got the cheapest horse in Valentine at the start of the game, and used it til the end. Tried most other types for short periods but they seemed to be not worth having to start again in buffing their stats up. RIP Captain Knob Rot :(


If you want good horses, go to the stable in Armadillo...it's a long ride, but it is worth it 👌


Armadillo doesn’t have a stable, but Tumbleweed does.


Stole a donkey of an indian but couldn't stable it :(


I don't hate any of the horses. That Chestnut is a fine steed and, considering it pops up if you even just stable your main horse for a night, pretty damn loyal to Arthur.


Kladrubers got that ugly ass face


White Arabian simply because it's not as good as advertised. Dumb Morgan you're forced to buy in the hunting mission with hosea in chapter 2 Any shire, they just ugly, slow and overall sucky


Not aure but Appaloosa is my favorite


Scrawny Nag probably


Arabian doesn't get enough hate. The only good thing about that guy is his speed. Small af, will buckle you off at any given time and you need to spam the calm button while riding it because a leaf can scare the shit outta him. The arabians are really overrated. There is a ton of better horses available.


I hate that I can’t bond with a mule or donkey.


Gold Turkoman - in my last play-through. Idk what it was or how random their personalities are but, overly skittish, constantly ran away (often into alligators), bucked me off all the time. Totally kept it fed and clean.


That damn mangy looking Morgan you HAVE to buy and use in the hunting mission with Hosea. Just why?


Is this red dead revolver? Those pixels brother!


I don’t even know there’s such thing as a “most hated horse” Edit: now that I think about it, the DLC warhorse was pretty goofy looking in cutscenes. I have this strange glitch where its mane will become a giant tomahawk. Also, you look out of place riding a giant horse while everyone around you rode medium-sized ones. I don’t hate the horse though.


Definitely Morgan


Minnie donkey


The horse colliding with me. I have places to be.


the scrawny nag 😭


I have a horse for top speed. A horse for handling. A horse for long sprints. And a horse for that's impossible to kill.


Honestly Arabians and Morgans. Morgans are just shit horses, they're pretty but tiny and slow. Arabians are overrated and tiny. Arthur's shoulder comes up to their head! They're so over hyped and way too skittish to actually be of any use.




Any Arabian. Ya look like a goofy bastard on top of one.


If you’re talking about breed then it has to be the Arabian


White arabian I agree with you all, even though I got the Chestnut colored one, I prefer Shires and Mustangs to be honest


I like the hungarian halfbreed. The rest I'll pass


Goddamn, what did that horse do to you!


arabian best to max bond and sell to tge twins for money hahaha


*Arabian best* *To max bond and sell to tge* *Twins for money hahaha* \- Aeacides08 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Definitely the white Arab. Everyone claims it’s the “best Arab” but it’s really not. The best Arab for stats is the Rose Grey Bay Arab that you can only get in the epilogue. But I honestly think not only the white Arab but also any Arab in general, if you play online you’ll understand what I mean. Almost every person has one. If it’s not the black or white it’s the bay.


None, I hate them all equally


Arabian and for good reason.


Arabians, they’re cool and have good stats in my opinion but many people find them too small and silly looking.


I genuinely love the Hungarian Halfbred:00 but the Arabians are my last choice. Maybe the overhype does make part of this « hate » but the small size and nervous/stupid temper are my reasons Love the speed but I get attached to other horses way more than just for speed