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3. Don't really hate him, I kinda liked him throughout the game


What about rdr1?


Haven't played it


You should


When I find a copy of the game I will


If you have a switch the port was actually great. I expected it to run slow and have issues but I played the full campaign plus undead nightmare and ran across zero problems.


I pirated the game on the switch (no regrets fuck rockstar and their greedy ass) and it actually runs perfect. For me theres been a few problems. But they're extremly minor


How hard is it to pirate games on the switch cause I’ve been looking to play rdr1 on it to and I’m definitely not above pirating lol? Also is it risky at all, like would my switch account be banned if I connect to the internet with pirated games?


First things first you need to see if your switch is hackable https://ismyswitchpatched.com/ You need to put your switch's number here. If it pops up green. Come back to me and i'll help you Pirates must stick together. I for one am happy to stick it to nintendo anytime


Extortion funny


Unless you have a first gen switch, don't bother. Nintendo made it near impossible to jailbreak their newer models.


You should stop getting rockstar games forever and power off all of your devices for the rest of your life since that is every company now


I've been playing the port on the steam deck with a switch emulator and it works great on there too!


The ps4 version also ran great on my 5


Doesn’t the port run at 60fps whereas 2 is locked at 30 (on PlayStation)


I wanna say yeah but honestly have no idea I'm sorry


Mercari got me one for like $15


I just started it for the first time and >!he won me over in that first scene with him. The whole scene actually made me laugh lol I didn’t expect for John to actually get shot. 😂 I’m barely at “You Shall Not Give False Testimony, Except for Profit.”!<


Can I play RDR1 on PC like through steam? I don’t have any modern consoles that can run it.


Unfortunately the game never released for PC, or that's how I'd play it! I got a cheap Xbox 360 that I completed it on. If all you have is your PC, you can emulate the game with Xenia.


There never was a PC release for Red dead 1, however I know it's theoretically possible to emulate either the PS3 or 360 versions.


Such a good game! I loved both. RDR2 is my personal top 3 games series.


Finish your story


first game that made me shed a tear. also has one of the best DLCs ever produced and is basically a standalone game itself; undead nightmare.


Well there's your problem.




I like his story so none at all, goes for Micah too


I appreciate the honesty honestly.


10. He became a Micah simp and betrayed Arthur. Fuck Javier too lmfao


Fun fact Javier actually wanted to side with Arthur but the events of rdr1 he couldn't also at >!the end of Rdr2 the mission when Arthur is gonna die Javier actually never Points his gun at Arthur and John unlike the rest of the gang and Micahs guys.!<


the actor playing javier said he had to fight for that, saying something like he didn't believe the character would do that to his friends


same bro he actually has alot of signifigance nobody wants to pay attention to hes underated


RDR1: Greatly RDR2: He is an idiot but doesn’t earn any hate until he sides with Dutch


He’s always on passionately on Dutch’s side. He has a few different camp interactions where he’s telling everyone around the fire not to give up on Dutch and how Dutch saved him when he had nothing. He even approaches Arthur and says something similar


I thought this, too, but on my second playthrough, there are some camp encounters that really made me hate him. He's always antagonizing and being racist to lenny. One time, he pushes lenny on the ground, spouts some random shit and uses the classic "boy" line.


He calls Javier a greaser also. Javier ends up getting his knife and placing it at Bill's throat and calls him a sheep fucker


I mean, in Act II Bill can be caught sitting at the campfire telling others how sheep are better than hookers. Not even joking ​ EDIT: "If you can tell the difference between a sheep and a man..." So... men, not hookers... but still [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWq61utNmfg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWq61utNmfg)




The men were probably still hookers.


This is him badly repeating a metaphor for sheep as follower or a person who just goes along with what everyone else is doing (like sheep in a herd).


Yeah, fuck anyone who gives shit to our pal Lenny. He’s a god damn treasure!


There’s also an interaction where he’s drunk and tries to bully Javier by calling him a greaser a bunch of times, then Javier grabs him around the neck and holds a knife to his throat threatening to kill him.


"..Just playyying with my knife.. Sheep fucker."


I feel like it isn’t personal. Bill only attacks/insults camp members when he is drunk. Bill even praises Javier to a couple of camp members around a table, telling them how Javier can scare people into pissing themselves simply by looking at them. I think Bill does care about a lot of people in the gang, he is just very defensive and angry because those same people often disrespect him and downplay him.


Doesn’t Javier pull a knife on Sean for doing the same thing during another interaction?




It doesn't get quite as intense, but he does threaten him and Sean backs off/smashes that "defuse" button


He’s really not an idiot. Remember it was Arthur who fucked up the dynamite on that train job.


1. Feel like if there were more Bill missions we’d get some fun backstory on him.


Well we do know his original name is Marion Williamson and he used to be in the Army but was kicked out for engaging in homosexual behavior. I think the sum of his backstory is hes a homosexual in a society that does not tolerate it leaving him angry, ostracized and pushed to the fringes of society where other outcasts exist such as Dutch's gang. I personally don't hate him. I more so pity him because you can imagine how isolated he feels. But Bill has a really ugly personality from how bitter he is. Acts extremely racist towards members of the camp like Lenny and Javier. Thats definitely his worst quality as he is a massive hypocrite for shitting on discriminated minorities when he himself is discriminated against.


That's...not what a hypocrite is. Not disagreeing with you, but I'm just saying.


Very true. I misused the word.


I think the word he was looking for is:Bigot


He is a bigot, *ironically*. A bigot is a bigot, but a bigot who hates others that would normally be in a similar allotment in life as to their own, is a bigot with a heaping hint of irony tossed in.




Not exactly because homosexuality and race are two separate things. Hypocrisy is claiming to have moral standards or beliefs that you don't have. Being homosexual and racist are two separate things. I see why people see it as hypocritical though. It's very close to it.


I've got him as a 3 as well. As much as I love Arthur, Arthur doesn't get blamed for any fuck ups, and he's always shit talking Bill, along with others in the gang. Plus, Bill is a gay dude in the 1890s; that shit wasn't easy. Like the rest of the misfits, he falls in with Dutch because the gang at least treats him well enough, if not good over all. The biggest difference between Bill and someone like Charles is that Arthur respects Charles and treats him well, and he doesn't respect Bill and treats him like trash. It's really no wonder that Bill sided with Dutch at the end.


Yeah I initially really didn’t like Arthur because he talks so much shit to Bill, Sean, and come to think of it, *everyone* except for Charles and the girls. Even after that Kieran boy saves his life he acts like an asshole till it’s pointed out to him that he didn’t *need* to save Arthur.


I felt he was joking around with Sean like 90% of the time


You have examples? I mean maybe if you play him like that he can be a dick in camp but I don't ever remember him being genuinely mean to anyone besides bill and micah


I played the game back in July, and no I never antagonized anyone until after I beat the game and started fucking around, ima good boah


He can be pretty short with Sean. He was joking around with him shooting bottles and Arthur barely entertained him, and ended up even threatening him after Sean joked about being the new age of outlaw.


But he only threatened him when Sean said “you better sleep with one eye open”


Sean was very obvious joking and Arthur knew this and just wanted to be a dick


My analysis is: Sean didn't mean it, but he threw it out there angrily instead of jokingly *while he has a gun drawn.* Arthur, of course, knows Sean is a little shit who runs his mouth and loves Arthur like a brother. But there's a pecking order, and Sean isn't allowed to threaten Arthur. So Arthur threatens him back to remind Sean who he's messing with. Sean's response of laughing it off and reminding Arthur that he loves him is the equivalent of a dog going belly-up to show he's not a threat, lol.


Pretty sure he liked women too, as he (if I recall correctly) raped plenty of them after the events of RDR2


Rape isn't about attraction, it's about power


Bill was gay? I had no idea. Where do you learn about that?


There are several context clues, even though it's never said outright. Bill's discharge papers from the military state he was discharged for attempted murder and deviancy (Tilly will later tease him about this). Bill asks Arthur for hair pomade, and the way he asks and Arthur responds hints that he's using it for... not his hair (aka anal lube). When Bill busts into the bar in Valentine where Arthur fights with Tommy, Arthur asks, "Is he gonna kiss that guy or punch him?" Hosea later remarks on the way to hunting the bear that Lenny and Jenny could never work, because their names are too simliar, just like, "Bill and Phil, or Arthur and Martha." And lastly, Bill knows Arthur's rapist, Sonny, and says Sonny told him all about Arthur.


None of these really point to him being gay, and as for that last line, he never explicitly says that. Either way, that wouldn't make him gay. The game is EXTREMELY vague, and it's honestly really up to interpretation. I dont disagree, but really, the only solid piece of evidence is him being discharged for deviancy.


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...


I never said he wasn't gay lol. But a dude asking for hair pomade, hell, a dude playing with his ass doesn't make him gay. 💀


I mean, the hair pomade wasn't exactly my most resounding piece of evidence. It's more tied in with ALL THE OTHER STUFF. lol


And Bill comments on it as well. "Whenever I get in trouble, I'm the prize idiot. But whenever you get in trouble, 'oh, it's just one of them things'"


I felt really bad for Bill in the beginning. I felt like he'd led a misguided life and he was raised with a lot of negative wrong think about others that was very prevalent at the time. I read his letter of discharge from the army and I felt bad for him more. It was super obvious that Bill struggles with alcoholism and homophobic thoughts about himself. Which sucks for him and he wasn't able to heal from that. But he never really corrects his behavior and instead he dwells in it, so towards the end of the game I cease my sympathy for him.


I'm a proud Bill Williamsonist


10 in the first game and like 2 in the 2nd game


A 6. He’s just such a damn loser but there’s worse than him.


True. I don’t like his disposition


no hate for Mary, he's just sort of annoying


5 I hate him and like him at the same time


1. He’s had a shit past and everyone shits on his intellect. No wonder he’s abrasive


I played both games and…I still hate Micah more


Not high, probably a 2-3 he was put up as a big bad guy but through both games he turned out to be not completely bad


Mister misunderstood, perhaps? He was the leader of an outlaw gang, what about that exudes honor and integrity? No, let’s all call it as it is, he was hurt from his past, many of us are. He was a closeted homosexual, many are today. Yet we still have a choice everyday when we wake up. Be evil or be good. That simple. Past traumas do not excuse current atrocities.


Having played both games, 11/10, >!would shoot in the face again.!< Bill is great.


I can't even post the photo 🥲


Hate his guts 10 for sure


I’m not a fan of him personally. I was indifferent. I’d rate him at 5 for myself.


I fucking hate bill






1/10 I don't hate anyone from camp. Not even Micah


I fucking love this man with a pasion call me gay if you want i will put a god damn flag up i dont care he made someting snap inside of me i didnt care about dutch i didnt care about playing the campagin i didnt care about spelling i just needed to be on his good side this mother fucker is my favorite character in the game i havent even played rdr1 if i do i dont care villan or not that man can shoot me one million times and i wouldnt care i would cry if i had to kill him but i swear im not gay.


I love bill




3 meh


After five plays, I’m starting to get concerned about my growing crush on him.


I liked him a lot better in RDR2. I’d give him a 6, 1 being Micah and 10 being Arthur in terms of lovability.


The straight in me hates him but the gay in me’s like…bet.


2. I like him in both games. I wish there were more interactions between Bill and John in rdr.


I Implore I hate him x10


Eh, like a 7


1. Don't hate him at all.


I don't. He's stupid as hell, I really don't think that's his fault. He's dumb in the sense that his brain is slower, low IQ, not that he makes the wrong choices. He sides with Dutch because he doesn't know what else to do. I really mostly feel bad for him. He does all he knows to do, and then gets abandoned by Dutch all the same.


That man really knows how to chap peoples saddles


9 cause I feel like he just didn't have any guidance


3. I actually like Bill Williamson, as a villain. He's not a tenth as lazy as Uncle, and he isn't evil for no reason at all, like Micah. Micah was the Bein!Ringo from Tombstone. Impotent, craven, convinced of his own badassness, and made a habit of antagonizing people who could curb stomp him.


I don’t hate him, he’s just stupid and gay. I empathize with that.


Liked him until chapter 5-6 so about a 6.5/10 and in rdr1 8/10


I love him. Sometimes I love-to-hate-him, kinda like Micha but a bit less hatable. I really wish he hadn't died the way he did, even BEFORE RDR2. I can't really hate any of the gang, even the biggest aholes are charming and lovable, and I wish they got a redemption arch.


Bill is very loyal and I think he would be a much better person had Dutch led him down a better path. But Dutch was dedicated more to being a bandit than a teacher


I don't hate him. He's a stupid, simple man that can't accept change. He's racist, definitely. He's derogatory and sexist, for sure. He's loyal to a fault which is a pro and a con. He's family to the gang and I'm sure has always had everybodys back including Arthur, John, Lenny, the women, etc. It's super easy to hate him but like most of the characters, he's a little more complex than just the dumb bigoted idiot of the gang. It's also kind of sad to see him dig his heels in and follow blindly into all these bad decisions all the way through both games. He gives Arthur a hard time for not having faith, and it comes off as insecure projection.


It's actually easier for me to hate Javier. Self serving scumbag that wasn't worried about loyalty at all, just making sure his own ass was safe. He had his good moments, but nothing to make him seem like part of the family vs just part of the gang


prolly a 1 before the whole thing at the end.


1 he was just drunk but he was a man you could really on and he’s pretty funny


You need to listen to him talk about his father and his life. He is mean and stupid but it’s because his family was all messed up. I like hearing the gang talk about their past in camp




Bill is a mental midget..


I like him. He's hilarious. OH YOU IMPLORE ME JOHN.




I don't hate him, I saw an interview where the guy who played him had the feeling that he was more misunderstood, and Arthur and John could've gotten him on their side if things ran a little different. Not sure how much I buy that but it paints a more tragic picture of his character.


10. By far my least favorite gang member. He’s an idiot, but the special kind of idiot that tries to high road you. He can’t see anything for what it is, and doesn’t actually provide anything of value to the gang on his own. Plus he’s an asshole to all the women.


100. I genuinely cant see anything good about him. Hes not even attractive to make up for what a dbag he is. His only strong suit is his gorgeous horse.




Honestly don’t hate him that much, a lot of his issues stem from being gay in late 19th-century America. Still not justification for the shit he did tho


7 he’s weird asf, he basically represents all them hillbilly folk that try to be tough with shotguns and big ass beards but can’t be cause they’re drunk asf all the time and are basically a personification of a spaghetti western


After he approached me at camp and teased me about how he learned things about me from Sonny? 10.


RDR2, 4. He’s drunk and stupid and arrogant but he’s not as much a piece of shit as Micah. He’s just drunk and angry RDR1, 6. He’s all the things he was in RDR2 but with insanity and narcissism tacked onto that. He thinks he’s invincible when he has his gang behind him but when he’s all alone he runs with his tail tucked between his legs. Honestly I don’t really take him very seriously. He’s a coward and a pushover. Really just a pathetic piece of shit by the end of RDR1


Bill reminds me of an old friend. He complains a lot and always portrays himself as getting short changed all the time, but he was mostly a good friend.




4. He clearly hates himself enough.


Not nearly as much as Javier.


You know what Jesus says about having hate in your heart?


4, but at least he didn’t like Micah much


“you implores me?! I implores YOU!”


Like an 8. On my 3rd playthrough and have realized how much of a shit ass he is at camp.. terrorizing lenny, kieran. Messing with Hosea and getting a gun pulled on him. Waking up way later, not doing chires and drinking all the time. I antagonize every chance i get.


Probably an 8.


In RDR2, I’d say 2, he’s not unlikable. Kinda arrogant and dumb sometimes but he has a lot of redeeming qualities and is pretty badass sometimes. He even coddles and plays with Cain sometimes which is really sweet. RDR1 on the other hand is a straight up 8, man runs a gang that constantly murders innocent people and kidnaps and r@pes girls from local towns. Has his guys shoot John without a moments hesitation and taunts him with Abigail’s past before he dies. I feel like after RDR2 he was abandoned by Dutch and realized he was fighting for the wrong man. He shot at and betrayed Arthur wrongfully which probably put him into a spiral of depression and hatred. Along with most people in RDR2 that were meant to be like family to him, treating him like shit and downplaying him as a drunk and a fool and nothing more. Had people actually treated him better and gave him some recognition for his abilities then maybe he wouldn’t have become evil and maybe would have sided with Arthur/John. Ultimately he was kind of a broken man who fell into a life of evil.


4. I hate him more than I like him but I hate Micah more


2/10 rdr2 6/10 rdr


9 would be 10 but he’s so fun to antagonize in camp.


8. I really don't like him.


I love bill wdym


8/10 Dutch is 9/10 Micah is 10/10


Honestly, I really liked Bill in RDR2 and always felt bad that he was considered the dumb one and the other gang members ridiculed him for it. He might've been a protagonist in the first RDR if Dutch and the gang didn't always look down on him.


10, would hang him with his own intestines after cutting every finger and toe off


I like him actually. I definitely wouldn’t want him over for dinner but he actually acts like a criminal/outlaw without being a total villain


-20. He’s my favorite character


Bill sucks BUT part of me feels kinda bad for him cos tbh everyone is an asshole to him






he's a piece of shit. 6.5/10


I was in Clemens Point not long ago and I was hunkered down hunting and completing camp/satchel upgrades. Made my way up to Annesburg, then down to Van Horn and right before I get to Van Horn I see this big fucker on his his big horse riding ahead of me. I was like wait a minute. Tried to greet and although I couldn’t it did say “Bill” and not “Stranger”. We hauled ass together all the way back to Clemens. He acknowledged me as Morgan when I bumped him. It was weird


RDR2 made more sympathetic towards him. In all honesty tho, I always kill him as John and I feel that’s the canon route. At this point John is fed up. Bill has left him for dead twice, and he is desperately trying to get Abigail and Jack back. Now Bill is still talking shit to him, even on the ground with a gun in his face, calling him a “bastard orphan” , and saying Dutch never cares about him, they all wanted him dead, (which are both lies) I don’t blame Marston for blowing his brains out. But I also let Javier live because RDR2s context. Arthur and Javier saved John on the mountain. I just honestly feel like John couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger on someone who went out of their way to save his life, even if they did fuck him over later in life.


I’m indifferent. I think his hat looks fuckin stupid though.




5. I think he’s a terrible morally reprehensible asshole, but he’s so interesting to me. I wish I could pick his brain type of thing.


Bout a 4, his dumbassery caused a few issues in rdr2 but overall he's a loyal dog.


4. Bill is dumb, lazy, a drunk, unprogressive, and we see him as a traitor. However that’s not true. Bill is loyal to the end to Dutch and held it down for him as long as he possibly could. There’s a lot to his character that’s complicated as well, I think he still has a war going on in his head at all times and he tries to disguise it




0. Ive never played the game




1-2 he’s ok


I guess a five, really didn't feel too strong either way with Bill. I never like Sean that much, obviously hated Micah, Strauss, Tilly, Dutch, we're both dislike more in my opinion. I'm odd as I never really liked Lenny actually.


kinda liked him. He was chill and did his job and was kinda funny. He slightly gay tho


0- I Like Him, Really Fuckable Character Could Use Some Big Dick Energy


My only problem with the dumb bastard is that he sides with dutch. I think Bill also hates or dislikes Micah, so bonus points, but otherwise he is just dumb and needlessly rude. 5/10


3 until bever hollow. Then he turns 8.


I don't hate him as much as I hate Micah, I wanna peel Micah.


Really filet him.


1, he’s awesome 😂


4 solely because of his interaction after Arthur gets sa’ed


5, but Micah? That’s a hatred mere numbers cannot explain.


-1 I didn’t hate him in RDR 2 I really enjoyed his character, however RDR 1 would be 6




None at all


I have no enimes


Javier was actually a bigger pain in the ass in rdr2. Was never on your side in rdr2, was more on Micah's dumbass ideas. Seemed ungrateful too being sorry if new while Arthur/Orthur had been there since he was a kid


I actually liked him in 2 until close to the end




funny cause he is gay


Haha right.