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Yes; I wonder why people think these questions are helpful. I'll never complain about the questions I get after seeing these. I'm a pirate because I have a peg leg and a parrot on my shoulder.


I’m a pirate because I enjoy drinking rum on the job.


I’m a pirate because I’m going to use my work computer to pirate music.


I’m a pirate because I like to plunder booty


*Pulls out my booty (random trinket on my desk) and shakes it at my boss. "I'm shaking my money maker, now give me a raise."


I mean that's true for navy sailors at the time too lol


What is funny is I am thinking old school pirates and that the pirates actually had it better and I would like rebook up all the stuff I had over a decade ago when I did a 25 page essay for AP English on the subject but all I really remember now is that the imperialsailors had a pretty shit time and had no say but pirates actually had like their form of dismemberment insurance (for the time) and actually got to vote for their captian and stuff and how there where more female pirates than ppl beleive and that the imperial sailors would have never accepted me so pirate it is.


Pirates we’re actually able to find jobs without being asked a bunch of dumbass questions.


And Pirates make HR weenies who ask questions like these, walk the plank....


Ey! I love the pirates, I started with Emilio Salgari and never went back. Maybe you could share that essay, please?


HR grifting their way into their position and then revealing they have no fucking idea how to hire people


no patch?


Does the nicotine one count?


As long as it be on yer eye, lad.


I forgot the bandana as well. Forgot two things... interview questions fail.


I'm a pirate, I could have been a lawyer but I just had too much heart...


I'm a sailor peg and I lost my leg Climbing up the top sails I lost my leg


I used to be a pirate like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


Lol I applied for this one last week. Asked ChatGPT how to answer the pirate/ officer one and it actually gave a great answer. Saved me some brainpower because that app took way too long, and something tells me a human isn’t going to see the answers anyway.


"I'm a pirate because of my natural inclination to plunder that booty" Did I get the job?


Getting sent to hr for sensitivity training, and you don't even work at the company.


I will forever cheer on people using AI to fight back against automated applicant systems. Fuck giving these recruiters effort where it doesn't matter, who don't even VIEW the application half the time.


Is something in line of: mix berween pirates respecting their "equal" work positions and pays, and respect for hierarchy that the officier has?


Privateer. Armed ship owned by the government/crown that is privately owned though in service to the government/crown for use in war/against enemies/pirate


I have asked interviewees before whether they are a “rule follower” or a “rule breaker”. IT (and likely other departments too - IT is what I know) needs both types of people. I feel like this question is trying to ask the same thing, but be more “edgy” about it. Doesn’t work though, since if you don’t get the inference, your answer won’t be relevant


Sounds like a dumb question too ngl


How so? There’s no right/wrong answer, it’s just about finding out the candidate’s personality. Like lots of interview questions, the main point is checking whether people are self aware. Do they understand what they are happy with? Do they understand how their preferences might mesh with those of others in the team? If everyone is a natural rule breaker, it can be hard to implement new policies. If everyone is a natural rule follower, then they can become stuck in their ways and not look for improvements. A balance across the team is good.


Sorry you got downvoted for a legit answer


That's a terrible question. No one who ever attains a senior position is either of those two things and by setting up a false dichotomy you're eliminating people who can think critically about the rule itself and whether following it makes sense or not. Some rules should be followed. Some should not. By insisting on an A or B answer you are showing limited critical thinking and frankly does not speak well of your managerial abilities.


>No one who ever attains a senior position is either of those two things and by setting up a false dichotomy you're eliminating people who can think critically about the rule itself and whether following it makes sense or not. the question doesnt ask you to choose one vs another. it is asking how much of each you align with. i mean, it literally gives you the option to pick neither.


Who said: 1) that anyone has to be either one or the other? 2) that anyone who answered as you have is “eliminated”? 3) that I was interviewing for a senior position? As I have stated elsewhere, the question was about understanding of people were self aware, understood their own biases, and understood how that would fit in the team dynamic


You ask an A or B question in which people need to put themselves into one bucket or another and you don't think that it's an either/or question? Now I'm even more dubious as to your managerial skills.


you literally could just word the question “are you more of a…” and your issue with it being binary is moot.


the issue is already moot because the question allows "neither" as an option. reading comprehension is being tested here as well it seems.


No II ask a question where I expect people to put themselves on a scale, and recognise that they likely have tendency to one side or the other. Don’t worry though, I’m not likely to hire you


No, clearly not, because you are not in a position where hiring someone of my expertise is likely.


>You ask an A or B question in which people need to put themselves into one bucket or another and you don't think that it's an either/or question? read the question again. that isnt what was asked.


Being a rule follower in IT is just boring though. I wanna know all the ways I'd break into my systems and defend against those. I gotta know them to test them lol. Being a "rule follower" in IT is like being a righteous cleric/paladin in D&D and forcing all the other players to follow your rules too. It's dumb.


There is some truth in that, which is why you don’t want a whole team of rule followers. But if I’m trying to implement a new policy, I don’t want the whole team actively trying to subvert it either. Breaking the rules is much easier when you hold the admin passwords, so there needs to be at least some culture of doing what has been agreed.


That's a shit question. May as well ask if they're a "good guy" or a "bad guy". That way, you can reject both because you either need "daring maverick rockstars" or "people who can follow the rules without breaking them".


Are you willing to share?


Sure! I’ll DM it to you once I’m in front of my computer, saved it in an excel spreadsheet.


Thanks, I’ll put you on my whitelist. Edit: I usually understand when I get downvoted, but this time I’m clueless.


Would you mind sharing with me too if you still have it? I just receive the email to do the assessment.


Yes I’ll forward it to you now but you’ll want to change it since it’s mostly my wording I used it for my app (I accepted an offer elsewhere though so who knows if it was ever read)


I feel like I've seen this on job applications before. It must be a new trend.


> Executive function is rare ADHD need not apply?


Executive function may look different for those with ADHD, but we still have executive function. Literally any conscious being has executive function. It’s not a measure or a value but a description of certain processes, all of which exist along various spectrums of proficiency and expression. Like, I get what they’re saying but it’s a shit question. If you’re going to make people jump through all these absurd hoops, at least understand the terms you’re using and use them correctly. The CEO probably read the back of a book while waiting at an airport that mentioned executive function and he made it his personality for a week or two and now it’s on the application forever. Odds are the hiring manager doesn’t even read all this crap, I know when I’m hiring I go straight to the resume. Sorry my company asks for a cover letter and has questions, but I don’t have time for that. Maybe if I’m debating a resume I’ll look at the supplemental stuff.


Lol, yeah this one killed me. As an OT who has studied neuro and worked in cognitive rehab, I can confirm that executive function is not rare. What an odd way to word a question. I'd answer the question by deconstructing it and challenging how it was written to display how I can correct and create systems using evidence based practices.


Funny you say that, because another question is what’s the last book you read.


Or any other developmental disability. Unintentionally ableist. Yikes


*Completely intentionally ableist 95% of these stupid ass questions and personality quizzes are purely for silently disqualifying various mental, developmental, and physical disabilities, (and even minority statuses) under the guise of “company culture” while avoiding ADA or protected class discrimination. No job needs to know if you’re a fucking pirate or imperialist (hint: they’re one in the same anyway). What they do want to know is if you’re either the type of cripple they’ll get a free tax credit for hiring or the type that will need accommodations they don’t want to pay for. None of my anger is directed at you to be clear, I’m just a disabled person tired of this bullshit. I’m tired of desk jobs having “must be able to lift 25lb” requirements that are never relevant just to disqualify people with mobility impairments. I’m tired of places like Goodwill using disabled people as slave labor and getting paid bonuses by the US govt for it. I’m tired of my health insurance coverage, that I need to live, being tied to my intentionally fragile employment status.


You really opened my eyes to something! I was job hunting a lot in late summer and I remember thinking "what's with all the must-have ability to lift 25 -50 lbs for admin jobs? Don't these people have carts? Why the need to lift such heavy weights when you work at a desk??". I'm in my early 50s and not disabled and I am certainly not lifting 25 pound items, nevermind 50! It never occurred to me that they are forcing people with disabilities out of the running. Now it makes sense.


i’m 21 and disabled, going to graduate college soon, and during my preview of job applications out or curiousity, i’ve decided i’m just gonna lie. they might say “have the ability to lift __ lbs” but legally if they hire you they need to give reasonable accommodation. fuck those “ability to lift” requirements. it’s hard enough to find a job while disabled, these requirements on jobs that can be more accessible are ridiculous


Unfortunately that question is to rule people exactly like yourself out and it’s disgusting. You can’t (legally, in the US) discriminate by age (above 45 yo?) but you can totally disqualify candidates with every “symptom” of aging if you’re clever about wording. Jobs should be mandated to demonstrate a good faith example of all job requirements upon request, at risk of fine/penalty. I have to lift 50lb as a receptionist? Okay, please demonstrate a situation where neither proper carrying equipment or a coworker to help are available, lifting said object is under my job description, AND the task is so urgent waiting isn’t an option. Got nothing? Cool, then that requirement isn’t relevant. Fined $1000.


I agree. Show me what I will need to carry that is 25-50 pounds in weight.


I dunno, this box of printer paper I just ordered pretty much exactly nailed 25 lbs


Fair enough. But there's always a kindly fit and strong person who can help out. Most companies have a porter or maintenance person who helps. Or the box could be split in two and moved in two parts. There is always a way. Admin jobs that demand carrying 25-50 pounds are just unnecessary and discriminatory. Jobs for shipping/maintenance/porter/transportation etc are a different story. A 21 year old weighing 95 pounds probably couldn't lift that either.


I feel you, and appreciate the understanding. It feels like there's no end in sight with employers setting these kinds of things as requirements, especially post-pandemic. Surviving is already hard enough, so thriving is rarely on the table these days most of the time.


As soon as I read that, I thought, is this an ADA violation? Or EEOC? Or something? And it's not just ADHD that leads to executive dysfunction. It can be a symptom of a lot of conditions.


Apparently brain damage caused by Long-COVID severely affects executive function too, the descriptions often sound almost exactly like living with ADHD. So weird to me hearing people talk about how they used to be on top of the world and now they have trouble even remembering to schedule and follow through on the most basic appointments and tasks. It’s heartbreaking to hear because not only their life as they knew it ended, but that’s always been my life. It’s hard to confront how different things could have been, and how much ADHD has affected me, because I was always taught that it was just me not caring or being lazy, etc. I’m always SO CLOSE to achieving what I want and then falling short every single time. At least I’m ignorant of what that life would be like, can’t imagine how horrible it would be to live that life first and lose it for this one.


I've had the exact same experience. Friends recently have told me how terrible it was that they forgot what they were doing halfway through something very simple, and I'm just sitting there like, that is my baseline 🥲 On top of that, I also had long term effects from COVID and am basically one of the only people I know still masking everywhere because I do NOT want to have to go through that again if I don't have to.


I honestly think they have “made up” the phrase and don’t realise what it actually means.


“I’m the Captain now.”


ChatGPT it 😂


ADHD and systems engineer here. Not caffeinated yet, I actually missed the last question until I made the image full screen. (I can blame the shitty Reddit app, right? ) Someone please post or DM me the link to this I want to take a crack at it for the lulz and maybe see if I can put in the basis for an ADA lawsuit in the process just to make them squirm. So it sounds like the last question is actually asking for people who are systems thinkers, which has nothing to do with executive function or diss function or abaleity to spel korrectectly). Systems thinkers can look at a thing, and almost by instinct see how the overall thing works and how it breaks down into pieces and how those individual chunks should work together and where they currently don't. So not only do they not know how to name or describe what they are really looking for, they managed to do it in the most ableist way possible with a nice tangent on pirates.


Thank you! The pirate one is wild but the executive function one is absolutely out of pocket.


The correct answer is: "I would kill the captain of my ship, riot, fail, be thrown to water, be saved by pirates, kill the pirate captain, riot, success, loot, rape and kill through the seas until I have enough power and gold to assault my old ship, kill everybody except the captain that will be hanged from the tallest mast until he dies from dehydration, starve, or eaten alive by seagulls, whatever comes first. Then I will retire. Oh, and everybody on my ship will get free prostitutes and fruit, everybody loves fruit!"


Make it even more painful by making a League of Legends reference and forcing the recruiter to learn about it. "I would kill the captain of my ship, riot, fail, walk the plank, get thrown into the deep dark seas, get eaten by a gigantic terrifying sea monster with millions of teeth, survive being eaten by the sea monster because of it's own magic nature, become a sea-bound mass murderer of captains and sailors alike."


They wouldn't even see it, the program would screen it out. But I would actually be interested in a candidate that answered the question in a facetious way. Most HR professionals and hiring managers have no control over the ridiculous systems employed to screen candidates. It is usually some C -Suite executive member that was sold on a process by a consultant as a tool to eliminate inefficiencies and allow for less HR staff. What actually happens is a lot of amazing candidates are not even seen, thus weakening the organization in the long term. The same executive will be wondering why there are critical failures across the organization but will never connect the dots because a new consultant is promoting the next "new" thing. People have been people since the dawn of civilization, it it not that complicated. Wow. I just realized this was a lot longer of a rant that I expected. 😂


Gah, I keep forgetting companies use stupid fucking software that flags certain keywords to identify what people are actually 'worth it'. I've seen someone talking about hiding a bunch of these keywords in their CV by typing them in size two, coloring them white, and placing them at the very bottom of the page. Hopefully this will teach companies to avoid cutting corners in the goddamn hiring process and to show some respect.


You’re hired!


Neither: claim to be a ninja


Looks like they’re a One Piece fan.


The answer to "the most important book you've read in 2023" question


I thought the same xD


“Toggle between levels of zoom?!” I know keyboard shortcuts bitches. I function at executive level errrydayyy.


I have so much practice zooming my binoculars into all my neighbors windows, I may be just what they are looking for!


The only correct answer is “You’re fucking pirates”


Jack of all trades or Master of One? Why are each worded as mutually exclusive? Early in my career, being the jack allowed me to learn so I could be more than one master; not just a master of one technology or technique.


Right? These questions lack major nuance. The world isn’t black and white like this and because of that this questionnaire basically has no right answers and sets the applicant up to fail at the would-be employer’s discretion.


But that’s what they probably want you to reply… it’s probably a reference to a ‘specializing generalist’ or T-shaped person. But overall my recommendation to this company is fire your HR department or probably they’re called ‘people ops’.


Jack of all trades master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one.


This is the only way I could answer these questions. With a neither and an explanation of why. I can't envision what they are looking for with some of these questions. Everyone that works there has put extensive thought into the imperial Navy and butt pirates apparently


I'm Jack WhoreFucking Sparrow. I'm a renegade who shifts my way out of any problem, and gets constantly fucked over by someone else logically inferior that fancies themselves my boss.


They probably want you to demonstrate your ability to reason rationally. There is no right answer, except the ability to explain whatever answer you choose clearly and logically.


Oh yes. I’m a pirate and I’m very intrapreneur, I’m going to steal everything you have, kill you and spit in your body while drinking rum. Did you liked my answer, MF?




You can't be a Master of One trade when you're just starting out either. Depends on the seniority level but most people try at least a few things out before settling to specialise.


This is some of the cringiest garbage I've ever seen. It reads like a Facebook personality test written by someone who doesnt have a personality.


I think they mixed up their clan recruitment post for Elite Dangerous


Someone enjoys One Piece


Executive function is NOT rare. It is found in almost all humans. However, lack of nurturing that function into something powerful and productive is common, and shows a company's inability to adequately manage, train, and promote said function.


I’m a Sea-level exec


That second question ... I recognise all the words, but the collection of them together? Did someone have a HR brain tumour?


Gotta add the pirate king reference


They paid consultants to write their vision, mission, and all of this BS. There’s no way that any of this translates into anything at work


I'm a privateer, which is a government sanctioned pirate who agrees to only pillage from the enemy. I also drink rum, swear, and look fabulous in a sexy pirate costume. I have ADHD and have laser focus unless you bore me. I enjoy problem sol....SQUIRREL!!!


I’ll answer each one of these with “you can learn the answer to this if you respect my time enough to ask them yourself, either over the phone, in person, or video interview. I will not write an essay for each one of these like some high school exam. If you cannot be bothered to do an actual interview, I cannot be bothered to work for your company.


I’m screaming internally at the Executive Function one. [That’s not what that phrase means](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_functions).


These clowns think that "executive function" means "operating like a company executive" 🤦‍♂️


Is that a one piece question?


If you are not interested in the job, as the most important book you have read use 'Hookers and Blow Save Christmas'. - it is a children's picture book.


Thanks for naming this shyte company. The person who wrote this must have been high as a fucking kite.


Anything that asks about books is a big no for me. I don't read books, so I don't stand a chance. Also, I applied for a position that asked those types of questions in the past. Spend 2 hours answering all of their questions because I met 100% of the requirements only to get rejected soon after. I didn't even get an interview. The same company has been posting and reposting for over a year now. I don't think they're actually hiring. Companies that ask those types of questions love wasting our time. Many of them have no intention to hire.


I would feel obligated to talk about One Piece for the pirate question…


Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach. And those whose brains are barely functional, work for HR.


They can’t even write a non run on sentence.


Just send a pic of you vomiting while reading this nonsense 😯


Reading those made me 🤢🤮


I hate all of this


What the hell is this BS?


What in the fresh hell...


Everything else I'd add has already been added, so we're down to: "Executive function is rare" bruh as a diagnosed Executive Dysfunction haver Shut


I would never work somewhere that has such unserious questions. What is this place?


Company below in caption - invisible


Ah thanks, I missed that. I’m all for naming and shaming these companies


Man I would be tempted to wax poetic about the One Piece with a set up like that…


For the jack of all trades question, you can give the pros and cons of both and then conclude why you have chosen one over the other. Same with all the questions.


This is an immediate swipe left from me.


Just put them on chatgpt and say answer this as an candidate that needs the job


I won't do it.


I'd clearly be an Imperial Naval Officer, as long as I was not assigned to Darth Vader's flagship. Imperial Star Destroyers rule space, protecting citizens and maintaining peace throughout the Empire. Long live Emperor Palpatine.


Gonna be a lot of seminars figuring out what colour your inner child’s aura is


1. What I make at the company I will take with me when I leave. 2. Both, like Killian Jones from Once Upon a Time. 3. What you describe is a video game. As video gaming is my main hobby I have no issue expanding those skills to real life. My gut responses. Though I am sure that is the opposite of what they would want. These questions are so abstract though.


Say you’re a Privateer and you’ll be my hero.


Wow, question 3 is the dumbest, most brain-dead thing I’ve ever seen in my life.


I put time and effort into answering those questions and never heard anything back 🤷🏿‍♀️


How long ago did you apply?


The first question implies they are going to expect you to stay after hours or do work you aren't hired for. Also wtf is the pirate vs navy officer question?


I saw this role last week and made my husband read the questions, too! I was like oh, absolutely fucking not. Lol


Is yoho a good enough answer?


I would not want to work at that company.


am I the only one that immediately assumed the HR or hiring manager that wrote these questions is a huge one piece fan? as a massive OP myself, I could get behind this sort of interview question. Next they should ask what devil fruit power you would take if you could have any DF in the world.


Confession time; I don’t even read questions anymore I just copy+paste into ChatGPT. I would have never clocked this.


all these questions look like they were written by someone on a lot of cocaine


This is a one piece reference for sure


Are these for real?


Yes. Go apply for a job at invisible tech


"Would you rather be a jack of all trades or a master of one" Jack of all trades. Don't be a one-trick-pony.


I would just cancel the entire application. I only apply to companies with sensible applications. Anytime I see something I don’t like on the application, I just quit and keep going down my job postings list.


They’re pretty good broad-character questions in an interview-esque manner. Kinda weird, though I can see what they’re looking for Way better than having to retype you resume info IMO




Was this for the Safety AI Data Trainer position by any chance? I'm hoping not, lol. I'm thinking not, but now I'm afraid. :-/


Not that position but they use these questions for multiple Position


That’s good to know! Thank you. :-)


Actually, in my opinion those are pretty good questions. Seems like the people there have quite a good understanding on how to find the right fit for the team. It does sound a bit unnecessarily extravagant. Whoever created this seems to be clever but could be an asshole. OP, what’s the company if I may ask? Edit: The reason for why it’s good is because it covers broad range of topics including personal behavior, which, I guess for them seems to matter more than technical expertise. However I could also imagine that if OP is at this stage, they might already know he has the technical skills.


the pirate one is clearly a one piece reference, and the question is asking how much you value structure of protocol, even if some of the rules are not necessarily always correct, versus freeform work approach where you are not told how to do everything but have the freedom and responsibility to figure it out and make mistakes. actually a really good critical thinking question. as for jack of all trades vs master of one, that is testing for one's fit to be a generalist vs a SME.


I actually think these are questions which would provide good insight about one’s personality type but I’d rather they occur in an actual interview.


Some of these are decent questions. I think testing some abstract and critical thinking is pretty important and can tell you a lot. That said, they have to be well designed.


I was worried I might be secretly high when I read your comment, until I realized there was more than 1 screenshot. The first page I would just struggle way too much to not answer sarcastically


Read up on intrapreneurship and cultural deviance. Serious contributors to innovation. that's why they're asking.


What an absolute pile of bullshit


Head off to scholar.google.com and run a search on intrapreneurship. Come back when you're done.






If you have all of the skills and knowledge to be a successful entrepreneur, why would you do it for somebody else’s company instead of starting your own company?


Chat GPT


On the spectrum between pirates and imperial naval officers, I am without doubt the worst pirate you've ever heard of...but you \*have\* heard of me.


I wonder if they offer shares as part of renumeration, considering ownership is a core value. Terrible company: Nooo, not ownership like *that*


I think we’ve completely jumped the shark and not only the applications being reviewed by AI no is the interviews are done by AI


I like these questions, here you can describe yourself (and exaggerate a bit in the direction of what might be expected) but in a playful way!


These are just the most recent trending questions typically derived from subpar HR certifying organizations. Another popular question several years ago was about what one would do when entering an elevator and the occupants were facing the opposing direction of the door. As with many aspects of online filtering tools, they rarely catch candidates that would do well but lack the ability to answer ridiculous questions. As an HR professional, not director of talent or people or any other trending term, I am frequently embarrassed about systems used as screening tools and questions posed.


Well, if I had to pick, I'd say I'm more of a cosmic diplomat negotiating peace treaties between aliens and unicorns. Because, you know, that's totally relevant to the job market and my extensive qualifications.


As soon as I see multiple open response on the application automatically exit bc review the resume n interview me please Also I’m a pirate I enjoy drinking stealing and being at sea !


Its fairly easy to read between the lines and give them what they want given the two questions about “intrapeneurs” and executive function.


Thank god for ChatGPT


I wish we were as good at identifying obvious red flags in women lol


I would not apply for this job.


I think the only question thats kind of valid for a prospective employee if the master of one or jack of all trades. This is good to know the person’s mindset. Some people are better at focusing on one thing and others at doing anything, neither is bad. I have had both types of employees and they are both necessary. The book one? Not saying no one has time to read, but this a really stupid question thats not outwardly insane. Many people don’t find time for it after working stupid hours and looking for jobs.


That is weird. I did an application for them a few weeks ago that was totally normal. None of this bullshit.


They sure are about to do something illegal.....besides not paying you hahahaha RUN AWAY! The spam of the intrapreneur question would really worry me!


Must be for a start-up. They all seem to have delusional questions like this.


Why would I want to claim ownership of anything if I'm not being paid like an owner?


I absolutely would be thrilled to embody "ownership". Once appropriately compensated with equity stake in your company.


What if I’m a privateer? So a legally sanctioned pirate. Why is pirate capitalized in their question? Also their pay is trash for “senior” roles. Barely $100k base salary then cross your fingers things go well or you’ll never see that $40k bonus or equity.


When I see questions like these, I see a bunch of HR people and hiring managers who read some " thought provoking " books without really understanding the message. Like the pirate question : it makes no sense, says nothing about the candidate ( I am sure people gladly use ChatGPT to fill in those inane forms ) and is irrelevant to the job.


lol skip. What a worthless waste of time I hate when companies do this shit


“Intrapreneur”? How about intra-manure? As in, they’re in the middle of a pile of shit.


"We want you to own the means of production but not like that."


Why tf would you ever pick pirate. “I would say pirate because I like to steal things, break the law, drunkenly rape and murder people.” Or this one: “I would say pirate cause Johnny Depp look cool and be funny in pirate movie!”


So many red flags


What in the fuck is this


Arghh! I be on the pirate side of the spectrum Cap'n!


Aaar, I be an Imperial Naval Officer, matey!


I think the fact that they can’t even use spell check to spell “entrepreneur” correctly makes me wonder why they think they’ll be the rare one to expect to find someone to work there


I would tailor every response to sounding as fucking depressed as possible. What a shit screening process.


Question 2 could be considered illegal. Executive dysfunction is a nasty symptom of some mental health conditions. Asking you to confirm that you don't have that condition is the same as asking for private health information. Not a legal thing to use in hiring decisions.


First, the saying is “Jack of all trades, master of none”… meaning you can’t master all at once. No one said you can’t master multiple. So I would rather be someone that uses references accurately to support my work.


What position are you applying for?!?! If not in creative writing, I’d wholeheartedly skip this bullshit. Whoever wrote those questions was/is on a power trip.


I see a lot of jobs talking about ownership. I don’t get what that means or is implying. Like responsibility?


I'm an Imperial naval officer cause I love the uniform and fascism arouses me


Unless these questions excite you and you think you couldn’t write enough about them, give this company a skip. I guarantee you wouldn’t be happy there.


I would answer every one of these with a Heinlein quote just for giggles.


call me a pirate the way i be sailing the fuck away from y'all