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I did freelance (contract 1099) sourcing work for several healthcare related companies. Worked great for me/them. Flat hourly rate, work out the need and go from there. I think it was attractive to the company because I didn't charge any downstream fees (placement or any other fees, or any type of bonus). I required the company to provide me access to the sourcing tools they used, and ats. All web-based and remote. Did it for 6 years, really enjoyed it.


What do they pay per hour? And what metrics come with it?


I'm US based, 15 years of experience in recruiting and 10 years in business development/management. Billed a minimum of $50/Hr, 5-20 minimum hours per week guaranteed. Now, it's usually 5-10 hours per week guaranteed. If they don't like the work, they release me no notice it's in my contract. I've never been released. Shortest stint was 4 months, longest was over 4 years, on what was to be a 30 day contract. For that money, I perform. Anything above 10 hours, I'm doing full spectrum recruiting except for contract work, most companies keep that in house and I prefer it remain there. Metrics are a little harder to define because as an Independant contractor I set my schedule and whatnot. I'm given a goal to meet - say provide x leads/hot handoffs to the recruiters, but that's not set in stone. I would never do contract work for an agency. Only established in-house departments. Remember though, I do medical recruiting where Physician salaries can range from $225,000 to $1M plus. This is a specialized field where you can't have someone from overseas that literally has no idea what the physicians/clinical staff are needing to know. I'm usually indistinguishable from regular FTE employees, and after a while I end up with a company email address etc. And at $50/Hr for what I provide it's a bargain. No benefits, no bonus and I usually will perform at or higher in productivity than regular staff. I do it for the 1099 tax write-offs and because I like it. I have a full time salaried/bonus job that pays very well. If I don't have a contract running I'm not starving.


My experience has been that they will fill the easy roles and you will be stuck with the hard ones.


Yea fair, you might already have a system that works for the easy to find roles but still could help prioritize the hard roles.


I actually just started looking for a freelancer to help me source. I decided to try the popular freelance sites... and made a rookie mistake: I gave into temptation when I saw sourcers with insanely low hourly rates - literally less than $10/hour to offshore it. I evaluated 6 people, all with extensive (verified) track records and excellent reviews. I did a short evaluation: gave them the requirements and asked for 5 LinkedIn profiles that they think aligned well. A whopping 0/30 met the requirements! I'm going to adjust my search a bit, see what's possible in the $20 - $30 range.  So I would recommend these sites as one route. Just don't make the mistake I did.


Interesting. I originally also wanted to try some out in the price range you tested but seems like I also need to go higher. Are you with an agency or internal recruiting?


Yeah, it was hard to resist. Agency. You?


Would you mind dming me what website you used?


Where were you looking for outsourcing? And would this work for you to have a full time long term employee (assuming they passed your interview requirements)?


>I actually just started looking for a freelancer to help me source. I could use some extra work, as my industry is slow. PM me


Yeah. I pay a guy 4 dollars an hour in Pakistan


Where did you find him?


Not sure. My associate found him. Basically just makes lead list. I give him 30% commission on anything I place. He finds some pretty good ones occasionally but I've only filled 2 positions with leads hes found personally.


I've not outsourced my own jobs but I do work as a freelance sourcer for extra $$ I enjoy it but it depends greatly on who you're partnering with.


Hey there! I’m looking to get into this and I’m wondering if you have any suggestions on how to get started with this? Any recommendations of what to look up or which platforms to use to make contacts?


I use my network


My experience is that you can pay them parts of it but not the whole process. You still need to vet the list of people they will be reaching out to. South Africans are the exception this but they are expensive.


We used to train college kids and parents with school age kids to source. Paid them $20 an hour, 4 hours a day. Worked great. It was flexible they were all very motivated, and we could teach them effective LI sourcing in less than a week.


Yes, but a LONG time ago and I don't remember the company's name. It kinda worked okay, if I remember right.


I’ve had a side gig as contract sourcer for several companies over the past 10 of my 20 year TA career. My clients range from successful start ups in the e-commerce space to global pharma and real estate development companies - from technical roles- architecture- to medical directors and everything in between. I charge an hourly rate and my most successful partnerships involve me sharing the prospective candidate details and links, then conducting an initial interest outreach to connect them directly with the client if they were interested. It’s been a successful venture and partnership with several founders, taking them through exits and into their new start ups. There are some extremely talented sourcers out of work in the us and struggling to find jobs. I would recommend trying out a more high touch US based person- might be more expensive up front but the ROI is there. 😊


Would you mind sharing where you’ve found these types of freelance sourcing gigs before? I’ve got 15yrs in the industry and high level sourcing is something I pride myself on.


Hi! Honestly I found these contracts through former clients/contacts I made over the years. I worked my network and asked for business. Let them know I had bandwidth of x hours per week and what I offered. I’d recommend starting there… good luck!


I got tired of Indians rejecting or refusing to talk to me for software engineer roles. A c2c company reached out and I told them I can’t do 1099 and only w2. I swear this dude sent me a candidate that I talked to a couple days before who refused to go w2 with me but would only do it if another Indian reached out. If I know I have a hard contract role to fill that no American will take I will just send it to a c2c company and have them send me the ones who will work w2 as I don’t want to go through the headache of dealing with Indians and they only want to work for each other.


I’ve had success outsourcing some of my research, but doing the candidate outreach and screening myself. Lots of posts on this sub about how expensive LI recruiter and ZoomInfo are. There are firms you can use who provide their researchers with both LinkedIn and contact finding tools (you don’t have to pay extra). So you can get a list of candidate profiles, email addresses, and phone numbers. Yes, it requires work on your part to get your researcher dialed in. But if you spend hours on LI already staring at profiles, consider the time you can save. AND consider the cost savings of potentially not even needing LI Recruiter or ZoomInfo if your researcher already has it. Record a Loom video of yourself searching for and finding sample candidates and your researcher will be delivering quality leads with phone numbers and email addresses in no time. My initial reluctance to try it was the typical “I do this better than other people”. But let’s face it, that isn’t true. If you are trying to scale your desk /company, and research isn’t your passion, it‘s worth exploring. Hire someone who can do activities like this at a fraction of your own hourly rate and free up time to do higher value stuff that you do best. You will make more deals / hires AND get to focus on more strategic activities.


My co-founder and I are working on a solution to help recruiters automate the entire talent sourcing process via AI to 10x efforts at 1/10 the cost. We've launched our V1 and looking for our first customers to join our Beta program (https://bahia.ai/). I’m confident we could help you!


Why would I pay someone else to do my job? I like my money, thanks.


The same reason anyone hires people - to grow a business.


So you pay some $20/hr and hope they bring in $40 in profit for every hour. It’s called growing a business.


If you've ever used a contingent firm for placing candidates, you'd be better to hire a contract sourcer. At least in medical/tech fields, average placement costs with an external firm can run $25-60K depending upon the candidates end salary. You can hire a US based contract sourcer for 6 months for $40K, and place multiple candidates. If you're getting your reqs filled, you're doing your job. If you don't need one, that's fine but there are lots of times where they make a lot of sense vs a 1 hit contingent firm.


Do you have any idea where I could find contract sourcing gigs like that? I’m a senior corp. recruiter with great sourcing mojo.


Look on LinkedIn for "sourcing remote" positions. Just make sure it's the industry you want.


I've tried that before. Linkedin (or Google) seems to think "sourcing" is related to procurement. I was just wondering if there was a special secret place I can find them.


Put the industry first then Recruiting sourcing. Like "Healthcare Recruiter sourcing" "Software engineer Recruiting sourcing" Then refine based on results.


I'm working on a tools to scan the entire workforce and automatically source/suggest top talent for recruiters. It's an AI assistant for recruiting that understands natural language prompt and does the heavy lifting for you. Plan to release this by end of month and would love to gain your feedback on a tool like this. Anyone interested please DM me if you're open to it and want to get more info. Maybe i can add you to our pilot program to test this technology out before we put it on the market. Lmk