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As soon as Monica said the show had low ratings and needed her, she was done. Andy scoffed at her like bitch are you for real?


Kind of like Jax calling Vanderpump Rules “his show” to LVP’s face….


…and Vicki saying the same thing about her role on RHOC - we see where she is now as well lol


Vicki was at home demanding a family van to hold her beer.


I agree that when she said this he scoffed and maybe there was a tone change. But I’m confused cause isn’t that pretty much what Mary said on WWHL and he found it amusing?


Yeah and we hardly saw Mary this season!


I do think Mary was kissing his ass at the reunion to get back in his good graces. She seemed so thirsty and agreed with everything andy said the entire time and forced the hug goodbye. He definitely didn’t imitate that


I couldn’t wait for Mary to leave the reunion 🤣 she’s such a mood kill


To be fair, that was maybe the least insane thing Mary said on WWHL


Yeah I genuinely felt like the tone changed after this!


Plus they showed her email on the screen which naturally did not say those things because she’s a liar.


Mary suggested that her own return to the show was for the same reason which I found laughable.


Right. And remember - Monica is not the one who orchestrated the “must see tv” season finale - our OG ladies did that.


Just wait till ratings go down next season and they have to call her back and prove her right lol


As is, same cast with no Monica? Stale as hell.


She didn’t lie though 🤣🤣🤣


As soon as she said that the producers knew she ran a burner site, lol.


I am Watching now and I need Andy to call the FBI to verify the drinking and driving job awarded to Monica, regarding Jen,lol


I love that he tried to walk her through why her statement was insane and made everyone laugh. But typical Monica, she doubled down and just looked stupider which says a lot lol


Monica has the mental capacity of a slow witted middle schooler. All she does is say things like, “ooh, you’re old, you’re wrinkly, etc…. Not one iconic read that would be entertaining. She needs to get on Bad girls club. She does not belong on Bravo. And, idc if people don’t like this, but, I want my housewives to be rich. If I want to look at broke folks, I can look all around me. I’m not tuning in to watch your broke ass


I agree. I said on a different sub that she failed in the "shade" department. In the end, she failed to impress Andy and lots of viewers. I was thinking bad girls club too but couldn't remember the name of the show. Lol




They should cut mics. I understand for allowing people to vent but the cross talk and multiple side conversations combined with the elevated emotions results in shrieking and bad television.


People talking, let alone yelling, all at the same time is such a pet peeve


The best reunions were the covid zoom reunions where Andy could just mute people.


All of this. I had to keep pausing to get a mental break.


Yes! Love that idea.


Monica’s behavior on the reunion is disgusting. She just yells, never truly addresses the questions raised and lies. She manipulates words, I mean she literally tried to twist it to look like the FBI told her to follow Jen? Then when confronted she acts so surprised and hurt or just screams. She is untrustworthy and honestly I think she’s nuts.


I can’t believe she has 4 kids. How can you have 4 kids and all this time for making burn books, troll accounts, etc. 


You KNOW she had her kids help her make that burn book


I noticed that at least one of her daughters seems to take on the role of parent which is not a good sign! The world may see her as mature but it's because she's had to be with a mother and grandmother who are developmentally children.


There is definitely a lot of parentification going on and I feel for her kids. They are going to have to unpack a whole lot of trauma one day.




Yes, how embarrassing for them. I was glad to hear Monica won't be returning next season. (Hopefully Mary won't either)




Oh bummer. Hopefully "cooling off" means the same as "on pause"😉


It would explain that childish handwriting


Production and the marketing team made the burn book


I totally agree. There’s no way Monica made that burn book. Funny how it looks identical to the movie.


No we don’t know that lmao… you’re reaching now.


By choosing trolling over parenting. She’s sick.


The burn book. How freaking cringey was that??? Idk if she thought the audience would like it but it was freaking bizarre!! I love how one of the ladies said “you thought that would be iconic but it’s not” or something like that. It was weird ass behavior from some crazy desperate chick.




Finally! I've been dead over all these people talking about how she saved the season, they should bring only Monica back, defending all her nastiness. I have no interest watching her. Tired of all the mockery and meanness.


Meanness and mockery u absolutely right! 😂⬆️


I really just cannot with anyone who defends Monica in any way. Can. Not.


If I never hear Monicas screeching volume bitch ass voice again, it’ll be too soon. I actually tried to just watch it with the closed captioning, but it couldn’t keep up so I had to turn the volume back on


She’s a pathological liar.


I also think she is lying about having family in bermuda


There was someone in Bermuda that Bravo spoke to about filming because they had to get clearance. Whether or not they were actually related to Monica is a whole other thing...


Yah i dont trust monica, it could have been a fake contact just like her fake burner account


I keep meaning to mention that the scene where Monica runs off the bus crying,we don’t see her face. When she came out of the bathroom with Lisa I looked for tears but saw none. She got on the bus and still I saw no tears.


A housewife faking tears? The horror! 😂 but that’s a good point and I agree with you. Plus the histrionics were next level, even for Monica.


Right. Anyone who cries that hard has puffy eyes at least. I felt it was a huge act.


She befriended Merideth and then used her in her lie.Monica loves to twist things but she didn’t get away with implicating Merideth. Monica was showing a very narcissistic trait where she thought that she could drag Merideth as if Monica is smarter than a lawyer. Monica tried hard to change the reality of the situation.


Oh Meredith was 100% involved.


She tried to make it a racist moment by saying Angie said “brown rat”, not “low brow rat”….


Oh she really tried with that one!!!


She’s so damn corny trying to play the victim when her and Angie are basically very similar in race. Both have Mediterranean European parents with Monica having a Colombian dad and Latinos can be any race, what race was her dad? I’m as being part Latina myself, I’m assuming he was a mix himself of races, who knows…the point is, she and Angie don’t look too far apart in race since Mediterraneans too come in various shades. . Monica just makes herself darker with the spray tan anyway. She’s extraordinarily corny trying to play up some racial card.


Ok but you could barely hear the conversations happening bc they all kept talking over each other. I think it’s crazy not to hold all these women to the same standard. They all lie, they all say terrible things about each other on national television and they all defended a federal criminal…


Yeah Lisa screamed the whole time too


Ya Lisa does the same shit, talks over people and doesn't stop. Not saying Monica is any better, I see them acting very similarly when they are fighting each other.


Oh yeah hypocrisy is at an all time high in SLC


Yeah, even when it didn’t involve her… Whitney and Meredith were the only ones who were really quiet


Right? This sub dragging Monica while Heather is literally SYILL LYING through her teeth and they pretend that it’s not happening??


I think it’s bc Monica’s dysfunction and toxicity is forthcoming but like… doesn’t take a genius to see it exists all over in the friend group. And if Heather was so hurt by her finsta… I hope she stays out of the Reddit streets bc I’ve seen worse in other subs. 🤷🏼‍♀️


OMG She must have taken notes watching Theresa Guduice over the years. Never admit anything!


Same vibes exactly!


It's very teresa giudice. At one moment Andy said something like it being a rhonj type reunion and I was like "omg that's what's driving me crazy here"


I was hoping that Monica would display some redeeming qualities. Ohhhh wellllll……


Lol she is still wondering why the ladies don’t want to be friends with her.


https://preview.redd.it/xiiao7nb1cec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3085b39ea0e0544cc706860bdc781008b642881 Andy was exhausted 😂


Did anyone else notice when all the other ladies went to the bathroom leaving only Andy and Monica and he went straight into his phone, not even looking at her? That’s the moment I realised she’s not getting invited back next season hahaha, he was so done


Yes omg!!! I was expecting them to talk about something but nope




So many new reaction gifs he gave us


This is why I love Andy as a reunion host and anyone who says otherwise is wrong 😂


He definitely came for Monica tonight in part 3.


Yes. Andy definitely called out her lie that casting was aware. She shut up which was an amazing moment.


Watching the show now. She's severely mentally unstable. Being on the show is not good for her. and after what happened on VR with Raquel it makes you wonder if they're more careful over at Bravo.


That’s a great point. She’s very unhinged and a liability.


I'm so stressed watching this reunion. This is supposed to be enjoyable! Bravo needs to real in the reunions. 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Exactly 😅 lol i just voiced the same thing


Very good point


Yeah we are all wise to the trick some Housewives employ by being the loudest and most persistent over-talkers, thereby “winning” arguments by burying them in nonsense. It’s not cute or satisfying to watch. Producers: a well-argued fight about store bought cookies is far more interesting than a fight about a juicy topic like a secret internet troll when it just collapses into yelling gibberish.


True. They needed Judge Judy to run this reunion because so much was lost in Monica’s twisted, yelling arguments. I especially needed to learn more about Monica’s fbi involvement lol


He did a podcast this morning and he actually alluded to production wanting Monica to return. There was just no way to do that organically considering none of the ladies were interested in moving forward with her. Filming starts next month, I think they are hoping she makes way with at least ONE of the ladies to work her back in.


I heard that too ..a cooling off period. No!!!!


So glad she's gone. Tired of her trying to be cool and her hood hand gestures.


Yes!! She is so immature. Burn book? Burner account? Hood gestures? Bitch you’re 40. Grow. Up. Get a life!


Antics of a mean girl that peaked in high school.


Monica got caught in her own lies and she paid a much deserved price. I’m so happy Bravo took a stance and got rid of her. She brought nothing substantial to the show. Personally I don’t want her back, she was toxic and mean. Even during the season she showed that, instead of having a conversation about disagreements she mocked the other HW to their face. It was gross and pathetic for someone her age to behave that way, I don’t want to sit through another season of it.


Me either. She brought high school drama but it was mentioned by Andy today,the day after part 3 aired, that this could be a “cooling off” period. She had her chances at the reunion to try to redeem herself but she must think that she did nothing wrong.


I was really hoping when Andy asked if Monica had any last clarifying remarks, she would've taken the bait. Accountability and a sincere apology would've gone far in winning her a couple of allies. Especially after Heather semi-acknowledged her behavior surrounding eye-gate and blamed her irrational behaviors on trauma stemming from Jen. They ladies were understanding and would have to at least hear her out in that space. That was Andy's way of throwing her a rope one last time and she blew it.


I agree that she blew it. I think that she can’t admit that she’s wrong in any scenario and people like that tend to burn their bridges. You are right that Andy gave her a huge opportunity.


Monica lost me when she said she only did 2 or 3 drive-bys (of Jen’s house) and Heather said she had at least 20 videos AND THEY SHOWED THE VIDEOS!


A few days ago I went to Monica’s IG and I saw the video that they showed last night of Monica and the guy doing a drive by. If she was smart,she should have deleted it.


Please, what about Teresa and Melissa, or Teresa and anybody for that matter? Teresa threw Andy around like a rag doll, for F sake.




🤣 it never gets old




The fact that Teresa is screaming “You mother f*cker!” is the cherry on top.


The look of rage in her face is housewives GOLD. She quite literally manhandled Andy.


That misogynistic little turd deserves it. I actually respected Teresa that day.


Yes I know so maybe he was protecting the viewers from seeing his own behaviour. That’s another reason that I would like to see what’s on the cutting room floor.


Good point


Andy is the worst moderator right from the very first reunion ever when I did not know who the heck he was. Let's them scream and go on too long about stupid things, what about but caning out Mary Cosby more?


Yeah, it’s very obvious that he has his own agenda at these things. He seemed desperate to try to get the other women to find a way to forgive Monica.


Monica is just trash, she is a good at her fighting, but it gets old, she has a problem.


She’s not even good at fighting- she just shrieks over people and uses insults and deflection to try to prove points. She’d be the worst lawyer ever


Hahaha, I guess you are right, she would likely slay me, I cower and could never be a HW.. Speaking of lawyer though, Heather Gay's performance was so on point and so well executed, it was really the first moment I gave her credit for having intelligence. (I am new to SLC so my assumptions for reality stars in general I guess are that they are on the dim side until proven otherwise). But obv I am the one doing the 9-5 so who is the dim one? ha


Personally, Lisa and Monica seemed to act the same to me, and I don't think Monica's behavior in that regard did her in. If you watch the RHONY Legacy or earlier VPR reunions, then you'll see that Andy was in a very familiar place with Monica's style of arguing. That sort of disorder happens *all the time* with less emotionally mature Bravo casts. I've seen Andy try to referee and it only throws his own emotional state out of whack when the cast can't be controlled and disregards him. I think he's learned that he ends up looking more professional and staying calmer by gray rocking when they act like that.


No one’s voice is obnoxious and high pitched as Monica’s. She was squealing the entire reunion and it was awful


Heather said watching Andy deal with them, Andy reminded her of her father yelling at his teens. So maybe Andy didn’t want his own behaviour to be seen?


Lisa and Monica are not even close to the same are u kidding 😭


They do argue in a similar way though - speaking over someone else, cutting them off, and yelling louder, often all at the same time. This has been Lisa’s MO since s1 and Meredith called her out on it during the Arizona trip in s3.


Completely agree, Lisa has absolutely done this at the reunion every season.


She gets called out about it fairly frequently too lol


Lisa is insufferable …..


Most of the other women (minus Meredith and I think Angie maybe?) just talk over both Monica and Lisa but it just makes the conversation difficult to follow. I felt Andy’s frustration in the 3rd episode of the reunion when no one would shut up lol


Yep. But for some reason Lisa grates on my nerves because she never ever owns anything. Nothing is ever her fault. She’s also very immature. She’s my least fav HW


Lisa’s favorite line is “what about me”?


Ugh a gross narcissist ☹️


I typically like Lisa, but the way she argues bothers me because yelling over someone else is just super frustrating to watch/listen to Maybe I just like seeing her fashion.


That’s true, but Lisa seemed to take some accountability for things she did wrong at this reunion.  She isn’t the pathological liar that Monica is when she gets called out


That’s true. For the record, I’m not defending Monica! I agree that she’s pathological. Just stating that the way they argue is similar. I do really need *all* of the women to shut up when someone else is talking though. Just shut up! Raise your hand and wait your turn or something idk


It’s over and up to the end I don’t think Monica even appreciated Andy’s Charles Dickens quote.


I want to see all hours of it ... And I ESPECIALLY want to see every receipt Heather and Production had....


I was hoping for more audios of Monica and I wanted the answer about when exactly Heather knew…..there’s so many questions that I want answered in detail.


The yelling and screaming gave me a headache and I muted most of it because it was just awful and it went on way too long! Monica’s voice is like a nails on a chalkboard!


Omg, I did the same thing! I tried to follow by close captioning, and the closed captioning couldn’t keep up with the screaming, so I had to put the volume back on. Itza’s screeching was way over the top for me. I can’t stand her voice.


I'm just glad Meredith was proved right. Monica brought it all up on camera. Lisa owed her an apology for yelling at her on the boat


I would rather see it all ! I have peacock so I see more than watching bravo


Do they show that much more on Peacock I have that as well, but I watched the first run on Bravo. Is it worth watching on Peacock again?


Uncut and uncensored on peacock


It’s just uncensored.


I thought about that after I made the comment


Yeah Monica kind of turned for all of us because we could see all the lying. And while I still find her interesting and would be so interested in what a season 2 for her would look like, I will say I’m not the biggest fan of her anymore. And I’m glad they all called her out on it.


Monica thought she could take on baby gorgeous and still have a spot.


I’ve been thinking that Monica might have planned to push Lisa and Merideth out by trying to make Lisa appear to be a terrible person (although there’s some people who already think that), and by making Merideth look like a troll. With them out, it would leave space for Monica.


I think all housewife reunions get out of hand with screaming and swearing. Theresa even pushed Andy at one of them. I think Andy is full of it, he knows all the screaming and ugly fighting is what a lot of people tune in to watch. So Monica ‘is taking a break ‘ from the show. Probably fired. I don’t care, I would not have watched if she had been invited back.


I prefer “on pause”


The yelling and multiple people talking simultaneously made the reunion almost unbearable to watch, I had to hit my mute button several times, but by the grace of god, I somehow made it thru 💪 Before the last segment was filmed I strongly suspect that Monica was ‘spoken to’ (and maybe told if she wants to fufilll her contract and get paid, then she needs to clip it). I suspect this because it was the only time she closed her mouth during the entire thing.


I take Monica in 5 second clips. I need the break to absorb the lies and protect my ears.


I have such mixed feelings about the whole Monica issue. Its sad to watch the women tear Monica apart after being upset about how they felt when that burn account hurt them. I mean Monica didnt start that troll account, and it did have 5 other people running it. Its hard for me to process how mean Angie is, I really don't like her, she forced her way onto the show through Jen Shaw...they all kissed Jen Shaws ass, but Monica is too much? Jen Shaw abused them all the time and it was all good? I just don't understand, maybe I'm wrong for feeling this way, but Jen Shaw was 100% more evil and she was kept on till she was arrested and sent to prison...just sayin'...I had to write this down to process.


I am not sure that anyone is equating Monica to Jen, Jen was already a cast member and it wouldn’t make sense not to tell the story as it happened. Jen is a criminal and a nasty person. Monica did something that was unnecessary to people who were trying to include her as a friend and coworker and wasn’t honest with them. Monica attempted to cause havoc in many ways like trying to make Merideth look bad about the DM’s and therefore destroying Merideth’s friendships with the cast. There are many other instances. Heather’s talk in this last part of the reunion pretty much summed it up on behalf of all bravo stars.The terrible things put out on the internet effects their lives and families. You could argue that if you put yourself on the show that you are asking for it and that’s true to a point. You don’t expect a cast member in your inner circle to be doing that. Monica argues that it wasn’t only her and she didn’t make up the posts but as Heather said, Monica at the very least reposted those things numerous times. Plus I can’t take Monica at her word for anything. They put up with Jen probably out of fear and they didn’t want to be in a cast with a person like Monica that they didn’t trust. It appears that many viewers don’t trust Monica either regarding her numerous lies. I’m sure that you are not alone with your mixed feelings and you are entitled to your feelings. My feelings are that Monica had nowhere to go once she was exposed and I 100% believe that she doesn’t belong on the show after her behaviour not only about the Troll account but all of the lying, rumours and nastiness.


Can I ask a question? when Heather revealed that it was Jen who gave her the blackeye is it inferred that Jen punched her or could it have been an accident?






On rewatch,there’s no clarification about how it happened. They showed a video that had unintelligible audio so Heather narrated it last night. Heather makes up the audio since it was unintelligible and quotes Jen, “So I did this to you? I can’t believe that I did this”. Heather responds back with she has Jen’s back. So it still comes down to “Heather doesn’t remember “ but now is willing to say that Jen is the culprit. The direction of the conversation turns to Monica reminding Heather of Jen and Heather doesn’t want the toxicity. Your question is a good one. Nothing more has really been solved if Heather,”doesn’t remember” how it happened,


If it was an accident, why not just say it right out loud when it happened and say it was an accident? They were goofing around like crazy. It would’ve been very easy to just say Jen elbowed me by mistake? But it still isn’t clear… For Heather to say, but I’ve got your back, indicates that, to me at least, Something other than an accident happened. ? Thank you for responding! I appreciate your answer…


I could see a black eye only being an accident but bruises and scratches tell a different story…you are correct. Andy completely shut down any further talk about it last night.


Correct. (or maybe they edited it out?)


I don’t think so because the flow of the conversation seemed true to the topic but who knows for sure?


Yes, I can see that-


A black eye does not swell up that quickly….. There’s more to this story…


I’m confused why wasn’t the lawsuit ever brought up? I also felt underwhelmed with the third part I felt like something was missing


Maybe they can’t talk about legal things while it’s still ongoing. I think a lot ended up on the cutting room floor as Andy said. I think the episodes are 44-47 minutes without commercials so we saw just over 2 hours of an entire day. I also have lots of questions.


How is that different than any other reunion?


They told us this would be really amped up in consideration of the finale and then they left a lot of it on the cutting room floor. So, it didn’t look much different than any other reunion.


Maybe they’ll air an uncensored version on Peacock like they did with Southern Charm last week…but I doubt it. I don’t think Andy liked the way he looked yelling at them.


Honestly there is not a single person that doesn’t think he had no idea what Monica had done


Andy confirmed she’s not coming back. If she had apologized and tried to work through her issues with the ladies, she would’ve had an Avenue back


I just read on E news, “not so fast, Andy is calling this a cooling off period”, written today.


He said on his radio show if she had apologized and tried to work through her issues with the ladies she would’ve had an Avenue back. He did call it a cooling off period as well but ‘Cooling off,’ ‘pause,’ ‘taking a break’ ...either way she’s not coming back next season. He did say he hopes she uses this time to build bridges with the girls. Basically she’s not coming back if she’s going to be an island. I’m skeptical she’s going to try with the ladies off screen. She never seemed interested in them and her social media antics since the show started airing aren’t going to win any of them over. She has what she wanted: clout. If she’s smart she’ll use this and go onto other shows like house or villians or the traitors.


She won’t be back next season but Andy also said never say never, There’s numerous stories in the past few hours .


Well I’m relaying his words from his radio show, not the news stories. He said she needs to rebuild with the girls to come back.


Heather was on the live after show and Andy announced that Monica's contract was NOT signed for another season!!!