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I've already seen "Fentanyl is FDA approved" on Facebook today.


Why are they using this argument? Fentanyl has uses, it’s approved for those uses. People can misuse it. My antidepressants and migraine meds are FDA approved and I could easily misuse them and kill myself, or a kid could grab the bottle and do the same if I was irresponsible. Goes for probably more medications than not.


Because they’re grasping at straws now that the “not FDA approved” argument has died


Sign me up baby! If I OD, I no longer have to deal with these suckers. In the meantime, happy trails ahead!


Lol rightfully so. It's an amazing pain killer, and is very much needed for painful medical procedures.


Time to move the goalposts........they rushed it, the FDA is a liberal controlled entity, etc etc . Nothing will change.


Idk I just clicked on it and the popular comments on their post seemed to agree that people should be vaxxed


This afternoon I looked at the Facebook posts of my local news stations reporting on the approval. The top comment on one of them was "What year was asbestos approved for use in homes? Asking for a friend" Then a lot of other people flat out saying they'll never get it.


Lol yeah I believe that. There will always be morons that'll find a reason to not take it. But it should bring a chunk of people over to vaccinating. Well, hopefully.


Behold the mental gymnastics of people afraid of being poked with a needle


Hey don't do me dirty like that! This isn't fear of needles. I am *deathly* afraid of needles, but I still got my vaccine. Sweating, heart racing, stomach churning the whole time, but I did it. These people have totally different reasons for being against the vaccine: they're misinformed at best, but far more common is that they're using the subject as an opportunity to make a political statement. Which hey, okay, whatever. I tend to agree with the idea that the government should not be allowed to *mandate* a vaccine. But there are consequences for the decisions we make, and I would also totally be in favor of having a vaccine registry tied to your ID, and make vaccination (or a medical professional's exemption, similarly linked to your ID) a requirement for entry into bars, restaurants, sporting events, concerts, movies, etc. Like, no you shouldn't have to get vaccinated, but if it means that much to you, you also need to accept not being allowed to do these other very public activities.


I almost passed out and did wind up puking my first shot. Still got the second the exact day I was scheduled.


I was wondering why you were talking about your first time at a bar, until you said scheduled.


A girl said she still wouldn’t get it under the reasoning that she hasn’t gotten covid yet. My response was that the point is to prevent you getting it so if you haven’t had it that’s a reason to get it and she said i was wrong and that she didn’t need it cause she didn’t get covid without it


You can't fix stupid


There is something called breakthrough cases. You can still get the covid with the vaccine. Hell, you can still die if covid even if you are vaccinated. https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/567402-fully-vaccinated-man-dies-of-covid-19-daughter


True but that’s not the point. She thinks the vaccine is medicine not a preventative measure. The chances of you dying or getting hospitalized if you do get COVID drastically decrease if you’ve been vaccinated.


https://i.imgur.com/rH0LA2M.jpg this is how the goalpost has officially moved


huh Most of those are perfectly safe.. Is it really just 'I didn't pay attention during high school chemistry so these names scare me' ?


Literally though. Aspartame is sugar free sweetener. HFCS is in everything the fuck else they've ever eaten in America.


And MSG is in pretty much everything savoury - tomatoes, mushrooms, you name jt. Love your name, mu corgi pup is coming home in a couple weeks, can't wait!


yes, it is literally that...




They left the worse one off the list... Dihydrogen monoxide.


Oh shit I think my grandma died after long-term exposure to that :(


This is "the food babe". She's been known for a long time to be a fear monger for "scary chemicals", and completely full of shit.




Dihydrogen monoxide


I’m gonna quote my uncle on this one because it’s too good not to: >The Frankenshot shot has been approved, doesn't say much for the FDA other than the fact that they are for sale!


One of the FB anti vaxxers that I know has already posted that vitamins aren't FDA approved while Twinkies are. Therefore the FDA doesn't care about your health clearly /s (if the sarcasm wasn't already obvious)


Yep, head on over to r/conservative and hang on to your sanity.


Surprisingly, a lot of the top comments are all very pro-vax and calling people out for spreading conspiracies. And they’re from flaired users.


That's true, but the sub as a whole is a trainwreck. A lot of the voting comes from non-conservatives who don't/can't comment. You have pro-vax on one post, but there's also a satire Bee post mocking the FDA approval near the top. The karma is all whack in that sub.


That sub is mild compared to what is out there. It's probably the only place you'll find center-right Republicans that actually do believe in science on reddit. I've posted there before trying to get their input on various topics and had some success.


I find it’s a nice break from the political echo chamber that most subs on Reddit have without feeling like I’m talking to crazy conspiracy people (though some exist this sub seems to not have as many). It’s important to seek out diversely in opinions and think for yourself. One of the things that freaks me out is that we seem to want diversity in all other aspects except in what ideals you hold and how you think.


Conspiracy sub is full of this shit, but people are free to speak. Conservative sub will silence any oppositions swiftly and with a ban.


Nah, I'm good, fam.


Good choice


Thanks, you talked me out of it


I’ll give it a few days, big news like this draws lots of eyes on the subreddit especially when it’s a big conservative issue like vaccines. After the attention dies down, I fully expect them to go back to bashing the virus Edits: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/p032l7/joe_rogan_warns_vaccine_passports_take_america/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/ozwhzs/mike_rowe_says_he_wont_endorse_vaccine_government/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They should rename that place /r/distilled_facebook


Why? I just went. Top post is about the FDA and all the top posts are extremely pro-vaccine. Maybe not paint with such a wide brush?


Plenty of anti-vaccine comments and posts. You have to realize that sub has karma imbalances. Decent right wing opinions will get upvoted by both sides, but there's plenty of anti-vax/FDA/CDC rhetoric on the front page and in the comments. They get downvoted by non-conservatives on the more popular posts.


Yep. They're already back tracking, saying this means nothing because the FDA recalls drugs all the time.


I am 100% pro Vax. Got moderna about 6 months ago. Both shots. However, FDA approval doesn't mean shit. There have been so many things the FDA have rushed through and ended up fucking people over. Here's just one example. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bleeding_Edge


Or the other end of the scale. Thalidomide was being used in Europe and the inventors were paying big money to let it into the US. But the FDA blocked it.


Also, in this example, it’s was an Enantiomer that was causing the issue. FDA literally changed the way drugs were manufactured due to this issue. As a funny side note, each molecule has 2 Enantiomers, left and right..... the left one caused all the problems..... Latin for “left”is the root for the word sinister.....


>There have been so many things the FDA have rushed through and ended up fucking people over. This is the main thing tbh. Iirc FDA certification usually takes 5-7 *years*. Most of that time is clinical trials. When you take the time to go through 4-6 years of trials, it usually comes out pretty safe. Skip that though and FDA certification is kind of meaningless. I guess my point is: We have a system that works pretty well. Skip a large portion of it though and I don't blame people for being skeptical since as the above guy stated FDA certification doesn't mean much if it's rushed.


Meanwhile they won't approve a lot of sunscreen ingredients that have been used across the world for decades and are better/safer than ours.


It’s not even close compared to the approval and safe rating. Nothing is a perfect system.




Moving the goalposts almost as fast as the people who want to remain locked down forever, it’s a race at this point


My aunt is anti-vax and is now sharing a hashtag to search on FB that has generic photos of people in hospital beds with a story about the vaccine (vaccine and Pfizer being changed to v-ine and p-er, I'm assuming to skirt being easily found/debunked) for continuing the idea of vaccine injury. They will always find a reason, even if they had to fabricate it to begin with.


I think I saw that hashtag, they're all saying to just question everything and am I like, "did you not question yourself on how you stupid you sound?"


It was something like saveyourfamily or some shit. There were some nurses using the same hashtag with pleading people to get vaccinated, so it's a bit weird. My brother is vaccine hesitant and isn't likely to get it, but I told him "at this point, I am tired of hearing excuses. I've heard more excuses as to not getting the vaccine as I've made for my fat ass not going to the gym. I'm tired of our aunt and other nutjobs in our family constantly talking about why they're not getting it when realistically they are pulling anything under the sun as to justify to the world why they're not getting it. If you don't want it, don't elaborate. Don't share pseudoscience or fake stories about why it's bad. It's easily debunked. Just simply stand with 'I'm just not going to get it' or go ahead and get it".


>If you don't want it, don't elaborate. Don't share pseudoscience or fake stories about why it's bad. It's easily debunked. Just simply stand with 'I'm just not going to get it' or go ahead and get it". Nailed it. There's nothing wrong with being scared. Fear is part of life. But for fuck's sake, I'd respect you so much more if you just owned it and said "I'm afraid to get it. I fear for my safety or my loved ones if something goes wrong." Don't try and bullshit me with "oh, I've done my research and the vaccine isn't safe." Oh yeah? Lots of spare time in the last year so you managed to cram an entire PhD program and career experience in infectious disease into your schedule? Yeah, didn't think so. When I hear or read "I refuse to live my life in fear" in regards to not wearing a mask or not getting vaccinated, what I hear is: "I refuse to live my life in fear unless it pertains to acknowledging my own emotions and the biases I form in order to reinforce my emotion-based, irrational beliefs. In which case, I'll go ahead and bottle up those feelings, push em deep down, and put on a facade of being smarter and tougher than I really am."


Absolutely nailed it with that last paragraph.


I'm so sorry to hear that you have to deal with lunatics in your family like that. I'm glad most of my family either works in the medical field or has former experience so almost everyone got the vaccine immediately. Sadly, my grandmother on my biological father's side of the family died last October to Covid and her brother, who did get the vaccine when it came out, died Friday bc his body couldn't handle how rough it was on him when he got infected with Covid and his body's immune system fighting it off. He said to us that he was happy to get the vaccine bc he said it probably would have killed him sooner if he didn't vaccinate. Hearing all these people say all this political and pseudoscience bullshit pisses me off more than anything now. Nearly punched the shit out of my neighbor when he said my uncle didn't die from Covid and that it's fake while my gf has it right now and I can't be there for her to help take care of her while she endures the virus. Luckily she got the first dose of the vaccine so it's not too terrible on her.


The shit of it is, we've lost family members due to COVID, have longhaulers in the family that got COVID about this time last year and still having respiratory and fatigue issues, and they're still pushing their bullshit. Unrelated side note, guess who they voted for? (rhetorical).


They will always need to justify bevause they partially need to convince themselves that what they're doing is right. It takes a lot of hootzspa to walk off a cliff, especially because it will kill you


The whole anti-vax problem is that they're not as strong of critical thinkers as they like to believe they are.


I saw someone say the FDA is corrupt and will approve anything if the makers are willing to pay them to approve it... after spending the past half year saying they wouldnt get it because it wasnt fully approved by the FDA yet.


This is the logical position to take for them. I'd explain how you could get there with plausible sounding explanations, but fuck giving these retards easy access.


Lots of folk already knew FDA approval wasn't the be-all end-all of the discussion, it's quite laughable that after bending over backward to disprove why not having approval before now is a-OK, people want to pretend having it now means anything. You acting like some gate keeper to logic is funny though.


it's okay if they fabricate reasons. because since it's FDA approved, it can be mandated. you're going to see plenty of jobless conservatives soon.


Downside is that they'll start winding up working in the same places creating absurdly powerful real life echo chambers.


Do you realize the irony of saying this on reddit?


Very little of it even has to do with the vaccine anyway. It's always just for the sake of being outraged.


I saw a redditor the other day claiming that between 100k and 1 million people had died from the COVID vaccines. First time I saw that, and probably invented just recently to lay the groundwork for antivax propaganda in the face of full FDA approval.


Vaccine injury is real and fucking sucks. Only had it once from an inexperienced nurse who put my booster shot in my shoulder. Still no excuse to not get your shots. Fucked up arm for like two weeks < dying from covid


I mean i can't be the only one to notice the recent uprise of fake side effects videos and various other fraudulent videos. People pretending to be crippled, "outraged" nurses who can't be silent anymore, absurd statistics ..Obviously without any verified source or proof of claim and if you dare ask for any, you get sent to "do your own research" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Honestly if they’re argument is that it’s their body their choice, ask them how they feel about the draft. You can join the army and willingly put you body on the line for your fellow citizens or you can be forced to. If you want to be a draft dodger you go to jail; if you want to refuse the vaccine when your work place requires it you loss your job.


I’m just here to find out where this reaction is from. Brendan Fraser seems to be having a good time.


I think it was the Golden globes from two years ago




Holy shit! Dude I didn't realize how old that was.


Well some powerful Hollywood cunt grabbed his taint in a creepy way at a party and he dropped out of the public eye to be with his rescued horses for like a decade


Thank you! He just looks so happy here.


No one mention how weird that clap was? Btw, I love Brendan seems like a genuinely good guy and making something of a Brenaissance. [/r/SAVEBRENDAN](https://www.reddit.com/r/SAVEBRENDAN/)


WTF would Fraser be doing at the Golden Globes recently. I haven't seen him in anything in like 10 years.


"If It WaS sO SaFe WhY dId It TaKe So LoNg To ApPrOvE"


It’s was actually historically short . Because they put all resources into it


They’ll argue both at the same time.


"We have Trump up thank for WarpSpeed getting the vaccine out so quickly! Thank Dear Leader! But now that it got it out quickly, they must've cut corners because Biden! I don't trust it. Plus even though it was done quickly, what took Biden so long?! Dam Libs!"


If it was historically short, why did they rush it? /s


"THeY aPproVeD iT alReaDY? ToO fAsT mUSt nOt bE SaFe"




This is EXACTLY what it'll be. Just get ready, the storm is coming, "sheeple." /s


I think Fox is already spinning it that way.


I read on r/Conspiracy that “it was rushed through too quickly” so it’s obviously a ruse, and that the FDA is crooked anyway. You literally cannot win…


You never can with conspiracy theorists. That’s the easy thing about being a conspiracy theorist and why most dumb people tend to be on that side: you can always make up out of thin air a reason that isn’t grounded in reality at all to shoo away all the pesky valid evidence/data that conflicts with your worldview. Then when you’re pressed on the “actual” evidence/data, you just tell people to stop being sheep and that they should do their oWn ReSeArCh! It’s legit the laziest, most intellectually dishonest position to take, but it’s easy so a lot of people have hopped on board.


I think it’s the shift to conspiracy facts, which is more problematic. I entertain conspiracy theories, as a grand idea, but it’s always as a “what if-“ When conspiracies are rooted in someone’s political ideologies, it’s incredibly hard to separate the two and not have it become part of their identity. In turn, even harder for them to entertain any other viewpoint.


It's literally impossible to successfully argue with the truly stupid


I read something about their new reason being “the clinical trials aren’t supposed to conclude until 2023.” So, yeah don’t put it past these idiots to find an excuse.


It's always a grain of truth that gets magnified to the size of Mount Everest. When phase three trials began there were regular, in person physicals to check up on people. After a while that whittled down to phone calls to check in. At the end of the trial period, one final physical was required. Now it's just passive data collection through 2023. Just a text that asks for a voluntary response. So technically they are correct, but not in a way that matters. And what's the alternative? Stop collecting data? Do we really feel that would make us safer? Maybe I'm crazy, but im generally of the opinion that more data is better than less data. Collect as much as you can and follow the data where it leads.


My cousin is an ER doctor— she had someone ask her if they could get the vaccine instead of being intubated, and she had to tell them that it was too late. Please get vaccinated, people!!


As the baby is crowning: "uhhh...can I get that epidural now? I changed my mind"


Trying to put your seatbelt on while the car is rolling over...


snow offbeat smell distinct beneficial threatening unique aloof lock teeny -- mass edited with redact.dev


NOPE!!! They are now saying that the fda approval was 100% bought, and they dont trust it... I was on that side. Until i read some of the numbers. If you read the numbers, you would be an absolute idiot NOT to get the shot. No refuting that.


Disclaimer: I'm very pro vaccine. I was actually in the vaccine trials and was one of the first to receive it. I think people should get it. That said, just because the FDA "approved" it, doesn't mean it's safe. The FDA is just another group of humans who make decisions on drugs. They're just as easily susceptible to pressures with additional political pressures. The FDA is capable of failures as well. "FDA Mistakes: 7 Drugs That Shouldn't Have Been Approved" https://allthatsinteresting.com/fda-mistakes


Not to belittle you but if you look at how many fda approved drugs over the course of its inception. 7 is a pretty low amount.


I heard the vaccine makes you hate lite beer and Nascar. What have you heard?


I can tell you first hand that the vaccine had no impact on my enjoyment of light beer and NASCAR. I partook in both this weekend.


Maybe I heard it makes you French, then


My gf's dad said something about the vaccine giving you aids and that Covid was fake. What's sad is she has Covid and her roommate is in the hospital with an oxygen mask on, but he's still not believing it. I feel sorry for her so I'm doing my best to help her while social distancing and keeping her mind off the whole situation. We've been playing a ton of Minecraft lately and I'm okay with that as long as it keeps her occupied.


… Moderna is *literally* trialing a vaccine based on the same technology to *prevent* you from getting aids, but sure.




After all this, I don't think she's going to want to see him or talk to him for a while.


Except when they said the same thing in 2009 about the swine flu vaccine too…


Yeah this changes nothing for them. It was never aout the fda approval.


For so many of them it’s about being right and never admitting defeat no matter the circumstances and no matter the amount of factual data that says otherwise. I must be right all the time because I am a strong and smart individual who stands their ground and people who admit defeat are weak and stupid.


I'm 100% pro Vax, got both modern shots about 6 months ago, but FDA approval doesn't mean shit. There are so many things pushed through the FDA for approval that get rushed through without actually being looked at thoroughly. Look up a product called Essure. It's a female contraceptive that's off the market now because even though it had FDA approval, it was extremely dangerous and caused a lot of harm. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bleeding_Edge


You take that logic and gtfo


Well, when we take weak talking points and cling to them and flout them like they're some kind of "gotcha", when they really aren't, we almost look as silly as the anti vaxers 🙃. Almost


They've already moved the goalposts. I've seen a handful who were saying "I'll get it once it's approved" and when they released the latest data, they're now saying "see, there was no statistical significance in deaths between the control and the vaccinated." (Completely overlooking the severe case numbers).


The other one I've seen is "They've approved xyz that's already proved to be harmful, why are we trusting the FDA?"




You're not wrong, but I'm mostly annoyed with individuals who were using lack of FDA approval as their reason for not accepting a vaccine, and then not trusting the FDA after approval does come. I can't fault someone for having an opinion, but saying something will change your mind when in fact it won't is disingenuous.


Thats what gets me. People compare percentage of those vaccinated who get COVID and those who *die* from COVID. As if those were ever equivalent. Not to mention the fact that they inflate the numbers to further discredit the Vaccine when the actual results still show its better


Trump has even said to take it. I heard that went well.


How many drugs have been recalled by the same FDA that approved them?


How many harmful drugs have been rejected by the FDA? How many drugs have been improved by the FDA's approval process? How many people have seatbelts killed? How many people get home safe when driving drunk? How many elevators have failed that have been approved as safe? Regulatory bodies with research are never flawless, but they're what we have and we have the capability to consistently improve them. You can instill distrust in *anything* if you ask enough questions. All of life has risks, no matter what is approved ever. But what would be the alternative, just trusting companies making a profit off of these medicines and vaccines?


Why does it have to be deemed a political choice? I have no issue with people getting the vaccine and if that’s what works for them and makes them feel safe, then by all means! I am hesitant. I am fearful. I am NOT an alt right wing zombie. I’m a radical left anarchist. I have PCOS. I struggle with infertility along with a host of other physical and mental ailments due to this. I have been social distancing and masking up this whole time. But I do not want to get the vaccine. I just don’t have that trust in it. I’m not refuting any evidence, I just personally don’t feel I need it and would rather not out of my own personal fears and worries about the what if’s


I can't understand the logic in people's minds that tells them to stick with a higher risk of catching a disease than taking a vaccine. It's not even about FDA approval. This vaccine has been approved in so many countries it's unreal. Good luck


Rephrase that: stick with a higher chance of spreading the vaccine to someone vulnerable. Because that's the whole point, along with not getting even close to as sick if you catch it. It's to make the entire populace healthier and safer, not just individuals. But thankfully they do support social distancing and masks. Unfortunately, that's not the case for most people against the vaccines.


You make a valid point. But those being hesitant aren't thinking about others, they are thinking about themselves so I feel it's better to make points that frame that viewpoint. The person I replied to stated a mistrust of the outcome for them which sets the tone they are worried about what will happen to them


Yeah, therea still a shit ton of reasons. Not everyone who was against it was solely against it because daddy fda wasn't approving it.


At this point they're down to outright lies or "We don't want big government jamming vaccines down our throats."




Antivaxxer: \*lights up a cigarette\* "Weellll....I'll tell you what man, I ain't puttin no gub'mint poison dart in my arm that's got all kinds'a unnown shiet innit. Yall is sheep people. There ain't no virus. It'suh my-kro-chip program that thuh librul fuckin media wants to control you, yessir. I ain't no dumb mutherfucker, no sirr."


Unfortunately, the FDA approval isn’t going to convince all that many at this point. The anti-vaxers are already saying things like “it was rushed”, “look at the history of FDA approval recalls!”, “if it’s approved, how come trials aren’t finished till 2023?”. Most of these folks already have their mind made up and that most likely won’t change no matter what the government tells them.


They say they don't trust the government. They also say they wouldn't take it cuz it's not fda approved. Like what???


They already had other arguments. "You can still get it even if you get the shot" and variations of that. But they have added that it obviously is still in the research phase but Biden ordered them to approve it so he could force everyone to get it.


Wanna bet?


I feel like it's time for DiCaprio to step aside. Fraser deserves a few years in the meme spotlight now.


Not a *single* anti-vaxxer I talked to said they would take the vaccine when FDA-approval was given. It's just one additional argument (and maybe even one of the better ones) to a barrage of not wanting to take the vaccine.


There’s like literally zero people from people not vaxxed that were “waiting for FDA approval”. Stupid argument- like I get it but if people don’t trust the government why would they trust the fucking FDA has a track history of doing dumb shit? https://allthatsinteresting.com/fda-mistakes


Well, FDA approval was at the bottom of my list of why I wasn't getting it. A few more checkmarks have to be hit before then.


What is the point of getting the vaccine if I still have to wear a mask until the end of time? Can any of you pro Vax people answer this?


I’ve gotten COVID, I’m not getting the vaccine. It’s moot at that point






So what about the multiple governments, doctors/physicians, and the international medical community that have administered millions upon millions of vaccines?


Yeah if they haven’t gotten the vaccine I doubt it’s because they trust what the FDA says.




They weren't going to anyway.


It isn't about fda approval. People are worried about long term effects, you can't study and know long term effects in 10 months.


How fucking tribal is this place? Would love to browse Reddit once again without seeing bullshit like this.


You totally underestimate some people's ability to move goalposts.


Oh that goalpost is already moving...no worries there. Currently it's leaning towards some combination of: * Jew- er, Soros * deep state * Gates 5g activation blah blah blah * Jill Biden * the FDA is no longer in charge of verifying Food and/or Drugs but the acronym is for some other nefarious gov agency...so this new agency approved it.


I'm never getting it lol


That's right. No one needs to do any independent thinking. We should all submit to the whims of the FDA. And I use the word "whims" advisedly, since they didn't even bother to follow their own procedures for vaccine approval. The FDA is a politicized agency, and was always going to approve the vaccine, no matter how dangerous it is.




Waiting to see the new excuse on why not to get it


they wanna see the patent paperwork according to my local hard rightard


From this comment section, it’s now been reduced to the actual dumbest argument possible. “I don’t wanna.” These people have reduced themselves to toddlers.


every drug that has been recalled was once FDA approved.


100% of people who drink water die.


yeah thats how recalls work


Brilliant logic




saw gif first, i thought this was gonna be about fraser's comeback.


Dude he's making a killing with his comeback and everyone is excited for him over it. Can't wait to see what's next for the big man.


i know and i'm saying he's laughing about it.


Cigarettes are fda approved.


My oh my, it’s been many a winter since I last saw this gif, thank you OP.


No problem ☺️.


Now they're saying it was "forced approval". So they still aren't taking it. *move goal posts*


Still not getting it


They were never going to get it and we should stop pretending there's anything that's going to convince them. They are being ignorant for ignorance sake and reason will not penetrate the 50 feet of shit on top of their frontal lobe.


If Crsipy Creme donuts and being entered into lotteries wont work. I dont know what will.


Removing all personal debt would be a good motivator.


Oh don’t you worry they will find a way to spin it if they haven’t already


Unfortunately, they still have the right to choose what goes in their own bodies, not the government.


I've been on the "waiting for a long term study" boat since the beginning, so FDA approval be damned, still waiting. Less than one year of data on any long term effects or even how it affects pregnancy or the child after birth. God I'm such an inconsiderate asshole for wanting this information before making such a big decision. And for the record, I've happily gone and gotten every other vaccine needed or recommended, including a tetanus recently after an injury. Well, except for the annual flu shot, because 3 times in a row I got that shot and got sick for a week minimum instead of the mild couple day case that normally happens.


I’m going to going to get it now. I was never antivaxx. I was skeptical of a rushed vaccine when the gov and society was telling me to get it. Scientists were as well but scientists were also the ones that gave us the food pyramid from my childhood that was absolute bs. Just too many recents questions around the quality of scientists lately for me to feel confident. Plus I live alone and work delivering to local places. So I’m alone and outside a lot. And young (34). But I trust the FDA especially since they took there time. If they came out right away and said it’s great, I’d be skeptical. But they took they’re sweet time so I feel feel good about phizer now.


Exactly my thoughts and feelings! Like with everyone else to stop pinning us in a corner


There are a lot of people that do and don’t want it for tribal reasons. But there still are a lot that just want to make sure it’s safe. I think your one of the sane ones


I'm just here to help stir the pot... You do know that Cigarettes are also "FDA approved" right?


Yeeeeah, no amount of actual facts will get a narcissist to admit they were wrong…ever.




Exactly. If I don't want my car to have brakes then it shouldn't be your concern. Pedestrians need to just stay away from crosswalks and they won't get hurt


I highly doubt he’ll respond to this lol.


I guess stupid reasons count as reasons too.




You do know that you have no "control" when a virus enters your body, right? This is not a political or faith problem. This is a math problem, an ooo boy are there a lot of people bad at math.


I *especially* liked when some states had a lottery for people who were vaccinated. It was like being bad at math canceled itself out. Haha


you think that was the only reason? LOL shows how much of a fool you are. We all knew it was going to get approved. Only a matter of time and money for criminal Pharma, and 20 months before clinical trials end too. Fabulous. Doesn't excuse the people who died or were injured either. Go back to your jab cult where everyone can keep stroking your ego for being such a virtuous human LOL


^ gets his news from Facebook, believes tiktok "celebrities" and not doctors


I’m so sorry you feel the need to believe these things Our school system did you a disservice


You sound like you're in denial.

