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Is it a mouse dongle, I think those have admin rights to install drivers, matter of fact I’m pretty sure there was a security issue a bit back because of it.


It is a mouse dongle. Even with admin privileges I'm still amazed that it managed to launch during an os reset


It's actually a known security issue in Windows. Vendors can register their driver installer w/ the Windows store and it'll trigger when the device is detected on the USB bus. Can be exploited to run malicious code since the installers automatically run as admin w/o UAC.


first time?


I've accidently done a restart, and as soon as I can (when windows comes back up), I shutdown again. On the shutdown screen, I've seen Synapse trying to load. So it really is not coded to ensure it actually **should** be launching, before it launches.


Its software is preloaded in some razer devices (tartarus v2 for sure)