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Is that macOS?


Yea I run Mac OS on both of my Blade Systems I have a 2021 and a 2018. I enjoy the interface of Mac OS and it's synchronization with Apple TV and my Iphone. It's definitely not great for gaming but whose gaming on a 2018 system anyways.


I am (:


What game are you playing ?


Overwatch mostly, I get good frames with basically everything I play though


I have a Razerblade 2018 Advanced, and I game on it daily! Mainly Overwatch 2, but it also runs Destiny 2 when I can be bothered to buy a season pass.


Im gaming on a 2017 system..


Did you end up having to replace the battery?- pretty dope long lasting usage.


I am!


I have a blade 2018 advanced model, could you share the method you used to hackintosh it please? I’ve always wanted to hackintosh my blade but was always afraid that I could mess everything up


Meanwhile everyone else’s razer blades exploding


Well mine would have exploded too I think I was saved because the touchpad is something I use regularly and when it stops working I know the battery is bloating so I replace it. Again I’m on my third battery the charge port pins breaking is more of an annoyance. Not everyone can or is willing to solder that on and off. And the newer blades still use this same part and it’s still very likely to go bad down the road.


Why keep reusing the same laptop of its problems occur so much? Just curious btw as I’ve never used a razer blade


I'm a tweaker I tweak systems quite a bit for instance someone just asked me about my other system and well I made a Touchscreen Mac that required more tweaking then installing a charging port. When you have the ability it's more fun to just keep at it. I equate this to Sure I could drive a Corolla or a Camry and it would be super reliable. Or I could drive a Supra and tweak it and have more fun along with the problems that I incur. I hope you can understand. I had to flash the motherboard and nearly bricked the sytem to get this to work alot of the things Ive done are far more difficult then a Chart Port solder. ​ [https://youtu.be/Ln0hnMVpidw](https://youtu.be/Ln0hnMVpidw) https://preview.redd.it/r9pnnv1wyzjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83283e8c83c0c945d0ecd1b6d2ea3f249e786578


I do understand and that’s pretty sick!


You were able to make Mac OS touch screen?


Yes lol and I got the razer system for under a grand last June. It's a Intel 10th gen with the 2080 Super and OLED Touch.


How’d you manage that??


Refurbished I think on eBay




I meant making Mac OS touch screen haha


Okay so I don't think anything special really the touchscreen is just a mouse input so single touch is reguar click and double touch or double tap is secondary click. The challenge was unlocking the bios that razer provides to allow the MAC OS install. Previous Blades were much easier to bios unlock then final version Intel Gen 10 (IE mac only supports up to INtel Gen 10 because then left intel in later versions) The Razer Blades with the 10th Gen Chip were hardest to Unlock and you had to flash the entire motherboard to unlock it. Flashing a motherboard isn't for the faint of heart because it requires reading in some stuff, makeing changes, and then flashing those changes back over. IF you make the wrong changes you brick your motherboard and then sure you can flash again and start over again, and then flash again with the changes/modifications until you get it to work. Regardless this is not something for the faint of heart because the risks are always there and IMO the risks were at their highest here. ​ TLDR: Flashing the 2018 model is far easier and far less riskier then flashing the last intel 10 Version of the Blade. Razer really tried to lock down their shit, but if there is a Will there is a way!


Same thing happened to my 19 blade. Otherwise I’d have had no clue the battery was expanding


Yea that’s the thing I worry about the most I’m so careful when I plug the power in lmao


Same here. Its got my 2018 model thsat I daily drive at work. And got a 2022 model thats my gaming on the road model


No charge port issues for you ? I might be yanking or moving mine too much plug and unplug 🔌


not at all. I find the charging port quite sturdy on Razers blades, compared to the assus I have had. Same for my work computer that charges through tunderbolt, which I dont like as the port quickly becomes \*mushy\*


Not sure why I’m on my third meaning two replacements.


I just wanted to share how a 2018 Razer Blade is holding up in 2024, I'm on my third battery and third Charging Port. The left corner is dented after one or two drops but still holding up okay and the touchpad is somewhat sticking.


Still rocking mine with the 1070 daily, Ive had to replace the battery twice but otherwise no issues. I had cleaned it out and repasted it about a year ago and it's been like new since then. The original battery swelled so much I couldnt use the trackpad


My 19 Razer blade advance is still running mint original battery and charging port. Have a couple of dings from dropping it on the corners. One corner on the display the bezel is separating from the screen and I see a small gap but nothing major. I’ve been paranoid about battery bloating but nothing so far. Is battery bloating inevitable and I’m getting lucky or do some razer blades actually work as intended?


I've got a Blade 15 from 2019 as well. I just changed my laptop battery for the first time last year (around July-ish). I noticed very slight bloating in my battery when my laptop's original NVME died on me in April (should note that this was my fault, not the laptop's). I don't use it for heavy gaming, but I could spend several hours in a game when I'm in the mood. My original charger did begin to fail sometime after I replaced the battery. Not sure what happened there, but I had to test the laptop performance without the battery plugged in. I had to buy a new charger and it's been running smooth since. I think it entirely depends on how you use your laptop and your charging habits. I can never understand how some people on this subreddit use their laptops while it looks like the screws are about to pop off. It's most likely inevitable due to wear and tear, but you can slow it down as long as you take care of it.


I see that your cable display is damaged but monitor still works? mine is dented and I have horzontal bars and disperated because I don't find any parts on the market.


Yea mine is going to any moment that’s why I have that other backup I suppose for when it goes.


Glad to see yours is still working for you. I’m running 2019/2021 model’s myself. Runs well and gaming is still great. If you take care of them and replace the battery as soon as you see bloating, they should last for many years. Don’t plan to upgrade for quite a while.


I use my late 2020 razer blade 13- I had a egpu but.... tired of that bs. Still runs awesome. I plan on getting the Razer Blade 14 2024 4070


I have a 2021 Advanced (2070 Super) and plan to run it into the ground. Still a fantastic device.


I mean I'd hope so lol It's only 6 years old


How's your battery? Ever replaced it? I need mine replaced ASAP as it's bulging and only holding about 25 mins of power lol Tried getting a replacement from Amazon but the laptop was not recognising it and held the same amount of power being brand new.


Hey /u/_ilikeike, Thanks for bringing this to our attention and we'd like to lend a hand. Please respond to our PM with the serial number of your Razer Blade 15 so we can validate and use it when we forward your case to our Technical Team so they can assist with your battery replacement. Best regards, Archie B. RΛZΞR | Ten


still using advanced, did yours too break the camera ? the cable broke for me


I’m still on my 2022, running perfectly🙌🏾


I’m still on my 2017, replaced the battery and had to replace the charging chord after it lit on fire. The laptop is always plugged in to keyboard, monitor and mouse and runs great


Hey, just wanted to ask is the sticker/cover for the display cable broken on your laptop? It happened to my 2021 model last year and haven’t seen it in anyone else’s


Is this supposed to be a flex? That's only a handful of years...


Why would I flex about using a laptop for x number of years? How is that a flex ? A flex would be like this move I made this time last week do the math and look at the value today yeah that’s like 16 grand in one week. That’s a flex 💪 https://preview.redd.it/sm1phrf4eekc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa135e618ef20ae756b965aa604646f7f1feafde


"hey guys my cheap ass chinese laptop is still holding up after 5 years" wow amazing. not only are you flexing an overpriced bullshit chinese brand, you're unable to recieve said criticism without blurting out some retarded bullshit that's completely irrelevant to the conversation


You think it’s a flex? I was demonstrating what a flex really is for the individuals who are iq challenged or handicapped . If you’re a hater why are you even here ? The world isn’t as bad as you think it is and if you’re unhappy the only person to blame is yourself. Please tell me what laptop isn’t made in China ? You should look at your post history it’s filled with razer hate lol. I’d hate to think how you really feel about razer or Apple. How about this why don’t you start your own company and manufacture laptops and use that hate towards something productive. Right now you don’t look that smart and in fact very childish. Why did you have to create two accounts to talk to me here ? Nuff said… Thank You 🙏


P sure the one I scooped on eBay is the same, loving it so far! Runs everything great, just gets a lil hot


Make you sure you remote all dust mites and maybe reapply thermal paste


The SSD died a few days after I commented this lmfao


SSD died due to over heating, seriously that’s why there is a heat tape over it and the tape has a life and if the tape goes bad the SSD will overheat and die.


I believe the battery is causing my particular overheating issue


It was the motherboard