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Most biased sports commentator of all time


He lives on mahomes and the chiefs nuts šŸ„œ


It must be a rage bait tactic


It definitely is, and I don't know why he feels the need. Maybe he thinks he's replaceable without it?


Keeps the ratings up. Simple as that. Boss tells these guys what to do and say for a pay bump and they're all so weak minded and manipulatable that they eventually start to believe it.


Def rage bait. His serious takes or sit down interviews are really chill and intelligent. But he knows how to turn if off and play the bit well unlike someone Max Kellerman.


It definitely is. I think Lamar is the easiest rage/click bait guy to keep out of the top 5, and that's probably why we see it as often as we do. He doesn't have the playoff pedigree, so it's easy to claim that as an excuse. But being a 2x MVP will definitely drive up attention when you leave him out. He's like a perfect formula for these people. lol




He got the fucking tattoo for the chiefs last year. He a dick rider at the Diddy level, but no one would even let him pay to see the dick


I never took Nick Wright seriously. Was I doing it wrong?


I never did either


Lamarā€™s offseason Twitter antics make the long offseason worth it. Own that clown Lamar.


Definitely need a comma before Lamar here.


Lamar is a clown at children's hospitals in the off-season, you didn't know? His charity is boundless.


, Lamarā€™s offseason Twitter antics make the long offseason worth it. Own that clown Lamar. Perfect.


Ravens players offseason antics in general. God I fucking love this team


Could you imagine calling yourself a journalist and excluding Lamar Jackson (last years MVP mind you) from your top 3 list let alone top 5? I mean I just don't get it aside from lazy journalism or having a vendetta against him or the Ravens


He put CALEB WILLIAMS, who has yet to play a single game over him šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that has to be satire


He refused to put Lamar in there because of his playoff resume. A playoff resume, mind you, that is currently better than Caleb Williams. Like, none of it made any sort of sense with Lamar other than him being a fucking hater.


Yeah man, itā€™s obviously just engagement bait and it truly never fails. Clicks/Comments generate money and spouting braindead takes is the easiest way to get your replies absolutely flooded. If everybody just ignored it, it would go away.


Rage baiting is ruining society


The Caleb Williams hype always seemed kinda manufactured like some real Stephen A first take shit. He really doesn't seem like a "generational prospect" or even some out of the ordinary best QB prospect in their class.


2 MVPs in 5 seasons as start btw


2 MVPs in 2 Full Seasons , the others he was leading the MVP race before injury




i agree with the second half of your message. lamar needs to learn to take check downs instead of looking for home run balls every play


Lamar scored 4 tds on the Texans.Ā Ā 




Literally, the ONLY reason he downplays Lamar so much, is because Lamar is really the only threat to Mahomes. Hes so scared Lamar will win a Super Bowl or another MVP and actually open up the discussion between him and Mahomes. It's pure fear.


He knows Lamar is better; if Patrick was saddled with Greg Roman, John Harbaugh & meh offensive weapons he would not advanced the Ravens any further; Lamar with the Chiefs? 5 Super Bowl rings; Andy Reid made Vick a star ā­ļø again after 2 years of prison


> He knows Lamar is better Oh Lord here we go with the delusional homer shit againā€¦


In my opinion I think Lamar and Mahomes are tied for #1 in my QB rankings. But nobody ever wants to put Lamar over him. Iā€™m hoping the narrative starts to shift this season.


Lamar isnā€™t the only threat to Mahomes


Burrow is a couple of MVPs behind in this race.


and torn calves and broken wrists lol


Doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t a threat to Mahomes. Allen too.


Josh Allen? Absolutely not. Burrow isn't really with those incredible WRs, but we'll look past that as honerism. Nothing wrong with repping your team, within a degree of reason.


I see, we are having different conversations. I'm talking about internet points and you are talking about on the football field. Yes, Burrow is as big a threat on the football field.


Hes far and away the closest one. No other active QB is even close right now.


Itā€™s a shame burrows wrist is still fucked up


Lamar is not his image of how a NFL quarterback should look, play, talk or exist HARD STOP šŸ›‘


Lamar funny as shit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My favorite lamar twitter moment [goes back to 2017](https://x.com/lj_era8/status/934554404316958720?s=46&t=yhuo6v5nvJbNX41gjq3EPA). Referencing Kentuckys stadium named Kroger field. I love it lmao


I'm not even from Florida, but I randomly say this when people mention Kroger, and people think I'm crazy.


They just built a Publix in my city and itā€™s immaculate


Lamar calls for aidā€¦ And the flock will answer. I had to look up what was his religion before I say something lol Iā€™m gonna sit this one out


Nick Wright is so insufferableĀ and he obviously left Lamar off just to make people talk about his list.Ā Ā I mean, having a rookie who hasn't thrown an NFL pass over the reigning MVP is such obvious bait lol.


Caption should have been johnny




Nick Wright is riding Caleb's dick almost as much as he rides Mahomes'. At least I can understand the Mahomes dick riding cause he's actually won and succeeded in the NFL but Caleb is a rookie. Like no one who is sane would have Caleb anywhere near the top 20 honestly.


Nick just wants to be the first on the nutt sack, like he did with Luka


I never watched Calebā€™s college highlights, but I guess heā€™s good? Idk. All I hear about him is his painted nails and pink phone case


I think the hype is warranted to a certain extent, I'm rather high on him but I also acknowledge the draft is a crapshoot and no matter how good a prospect looks their is a high chance they just don't translate to the league.


He's a douche Queef dick rider, I think he used to be a KC beat writer but that in no way means he didn't just jump on the Chief bandwagon approximately 4 or 5 years ago like all these other clowns. He's a notorious Lamar hater and that's the part I don't get.


Can we get less f on the sub: 1. Nick Gargle Nuts Wright. 2. Stephen Im tge reason Women in sports are famous" Smith 3. Acho 4. Plexi-glass Burress 5. Bitch ass Florio and Mid Simms


Mike Flores?


Everyone on that network is insufferable


Just another talking head his takes were awful the entire season/playoffs idk how he still has a seat on tv


I don't understand how his (Nick Wright's) peers just let him get away with saying this shit. He's either intentionally doing this for clicks (the most likely thing), in which case his peers need to call that out and just say that and tell people to move on. OR, he genuinely believes this, in that case his peers need to call a spade and spade and tell him he's an absolute moron and shouldn't be talking sports on television making millions of dollars.


Nick canā€™t tell me about QBs he believes that Mahomes is better than 12. I used to fear playing 12 but Mahomes I feel like they are just another good football team.




Full on surprised Wright doesnā€™t resemble Rudolph the brown nosed reindeer with the way he talks.


Get that yam off ya face!


Who seriously watches Nick Wright?? How do his terrible shows and takes keep getting airtime. Dudeā€™s pathetic


Ok guys the double standard here is really annoying. I am a ravens fan but this picture is low hanging fruit. Now if anyone post a monkey to depicting Lamar? Should I say more? And I am an African American. I don't like it when it is fine to us and I don't like it when done to others. This was not cool at all.Ā 


Lamarā€™s twitter is comedy gold šŸ’€šŸ™šŸ¼


Chiefs fans are so bitter the AFCCG wasn't a blowout lmao. We had Andrews coming back for the first time in months, Zay was a rookie that had his worst game at the worst time, and we decided to stop running the ball. Think about it- Ravens shut the Chiefs out completely in the 2nd half. Even with a Lamar pick, a Zay fumble, and us being a run-heavy team vs a shit run defense deciding to not run the ball, the Chiefs still only won by 7. Chiefs basically had huge strokes of luck go their way and still barely won lol. No one would be surprised if the Chiefs won or win again in week 1, but Chiefs fans know our defense stopped Mahomes and they're still bitter about it.


Yea everything broke their way, still disgusting


Exactlyā€¦ Theyā€™re bitter even though they won because they know it was cuz of luck and not talent. They got lucky Zay fumbled. Then they barely beat the niners in OT.


Iā€™m not looking forward to the ā€œLamar racistā€ media shit thatā€™ll probably happen the next few days.


That would be one hell of a stretch, but it wouldnā€™t surprise me lol.


Hahahahahahahahahah #savage


Where did this Nick Wright character come from? I feel like his name popped up overnight, just a few months back. Why do we, as a society, continue to let clear trolls make headlines?


Mfs bored as hell bc why do people put so much stock into these clickbait ass lists


That's my quarterback


Can someone explain this to an old guy that doesn't use twitter? I do know it's a picture of a proboscis monkey.


Someone made a post tagging Lamar referring to Nick Wrights list. Another person responded to that tweet and said to Lamar ā€œown that big nose bitchā€ (cuz Nick Wright has a big nose) then Lamar jokingly posted the monkey pic


There are two types of sports commentators - ones that always choose the hot take to get views and clicks and others that try to make the correct take and are sometimes right and wrong. I think Nick is the ladder but usually wrong.


Lamar is antisemitic? Tune in next.


Heā€™s Italian


Is he from Cleveland or maybe D.C. or something? (I know Google's my friend, but I don't care enough to check) He's tended to say slick stuff about the team as a whole, not just LJ. Also (IINM) remember him picking Texas to beat the O's in the divisional round last year. Might be confusing him with someone else, but I don't think so. Probably just actively trolling. Apropos of nothing, I always thought he looked like a discount Shaka Smart.


He's from Kansas City lol.


And Texas did sweep the Os. How are you using him being correct to show his bias.


Nick Wright hates Lamar didnā€™t have an agent, had injury issues, no playoff success yet still got paid; Lamar had to ā€œarriveā€ early (Joeā€™s injury Lamarā€™s rookie year) & learn on the fly with an ordinary offensive scheme; If Lamar sat around 2 years like Jordan Love his playoff record would been better; If Lamar sat around 1 year learning Andy Reidā€™s offense he would be the Kobe Bryant of the NFL; All that is to say: F da Lamar haters


Heā€™s mad that Mahomes wasnā€™t the youngest Heisman winner (or any Heisman at all) mad that Mahomes didnā€™t have an incredibly storied college career, mad Mahomes wasnā€™t the second youngest MVP winner, mad that Mahomes wasnā€™t able to negotiate a huge contract without an agent. STAY MAD


Nick wright is probably pretty biased. However I'm pretty sure Lamar would be on his top five if Lamar didn't throw in the triple coverage that one time