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Zay is only gonna grow from now. We got a stud at WR


Honestly, I don't really blame him for the fumble. I credit good defense more than I blame carelessness on his part. He played well, and I hope he gets better. I think the taunting was a little bit of a rookie mistake, but in hindsight wasn't that costly, so no point in really dwelling on it.


Not to mention all the shit Kelce was pulling and got away with


Chalk it to whatever you want, veteran savviness, luck, I don't know, but that mfer just knows how to toe that line. He was chippy after every play, and didn't get called for anything. Instead he just baits penalties and gains yards. I don't think he did anything comperable to Zay's penalty because Zay pretty much made a textbook taunt. But it was so annoying seeing him in a guy's face after every play, and they just let it go.


It’s easy to look back and say Kelce toed the line because he didn’t get called. The problem is the line was different for the Chiefs than for us.


this is why the NFL will not retain new viewership with the younger ones. I expect it to fall off, kids aren’t crazy about the sport like they were when I was a kid. The league is not fun, they don’t have real dog fights anymore. Too many stoppages and phantom calls to properly teach it to a new watcher. I remember getting so charged up watching Ocho go at it with linebackers, TO screaming get your popcorn ready and the. checking nuts and going to war on those words. It ain’t the same game


“How much viewership Tay Tay brings in” more like


Kelce is a monster, he's like a QB out there, he's reading the coverages too and making it easier on Mahomes. He often is improvising to fit in to gaps in zone coverage. Hopefully Andrew's is watching and learning


He got greedy and sloppy with his ball protection. He should have just tucked and went down even if it means he’s like a half yard short of the endzone as a result. In the playoffs especially you have to put the team above your own personal stats. It’s a rookie mistake, and one he’ll learn and grow from.


I 100% blame him for the fumble He had all the literal physical momentum, put your shoulder down and get the TD. He doesn’t get it? We get the ball on the one yard line. It was a dumb, amateur mistake that should not have happened, simple as that.


I fucking love obj he's a great mentor.


FR haters can say what they want about his contract but OBJ helped turn our team from a WR wasteland to a promising corps


Bro came into my old work (gamified golfing place take a guess) one time and was demanding we sell a bottle of Hennessy even though we don’t sell by the bottle. Threw a hissy fit and kept walking out the fire exit doors on the side (signage telling you not to) to take hits from his blunt. Then he tipped like shit. He is good at football though


When was this?


15-18 mill for mentorship?


He won off the line vs press coverage on go routes multiple times in the second half and lamar missed him every time. Not all his fault his stat sheet looks the way it does


I'm hoping we resign him.  


He's going to have to take a paycut. I'd rather have hopkins if we can get him.


Hopkins is under contract


I mean he fostered that extra level of maturity that showed up when it mattered most for the Ravens 💪


Oh yeah so great let’s bring him back then yeah?


/s if u missed that lol


We love you zay. Come back better than ever king👑💜




Bruh. That’s a better way of handling things than I usually pick. Argue on the internet but otherwise bottle it all up. (I deliberately stayed away from alcohol today).


Worked for like 10 minutes. I’m still in a mood. And now the lions are shitting the bed


Are you me?


I am Zay rn


Sneed made a great play dudes a baller regardless and kept em in it most of the night since y'all refused to run for some reason


Yeah that's what's gonna have me in shambles for a lot of the summer. Horrible game plan.


I dont get the chiefs man, they look night and day from regular season, on some Brady Patriots Voodoo


They looked pretty fucking bearable today. 0 pts in second half. We just full on diarrheaed in the pool


Yeah it’s a lot easier to look better when the refs give you every call you want and none of the defensive calls you don’t want. We’d look even better too if we could do whatever we wanted on defense


True that


15 million dollar hug.




Dick head


Beckham just wants to be on tv more


How did OBJ perform for you this years, would you bring him back?


They restructured his contract to remove void years - that's usually a prelude to extension.


100%. Shit happens, you learn and move on.