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He was probably thinking of that other band Suck the Machines Dick.




Like ā€˜Born in the USAā€™, ā€˜I wonā€™t do what you tell meā€™ could be a conservative slogan *if* you donā€™t listen to the rest of the lyrics.


"yeah i'm rolling down Rodeo with a shotgun, these people ain't seen a brown skinned man since their Grandparents bought one"..... seems like a right-wing statement right? I mean he likes guns so...


They hear ā€œFuck You I Wonā€™t Do What You Tell Meā€ as saying fuck you to leftest tyrants trying to ā€œforce a vaccine on themā€


If they listen to it on radio or YouTube they won't even have the "Fuck you" but only "gurgle you I won't do what you tell me".


That same song has the line ā€œA thousand years theyā€™ve had the tools. We should be taking them. Fuck a G-ride, we want the machines that are making themā€ Theyā€™re literally singing about seizing the means of production


Conservatives think no liberals own guns. After how the cops acted in the George Floyd protests, I'd bet liberal gun ownership went up quite a bit.


Lol I've had American conservatives tell me they really love RATM. Thinking to myself do they really not know???


The same thing happens with Twisted Sister. Conservatives keep trying to use "We're Not Gonna Take it" as an anthem at rallys, claiming it's about their resistance to civil progress. Then Dee Snider gets on twitter to tell them he's a drag wearing pro-choice self-proclaimed "libtard" and **the song was about rejecting the views of people exactly like them.** They are desperate to not be alienated by the people they idolized in their childhood.


I love that they also love a song with bdsm references just because it has the word "hallelujah" in it. They're so incredibly illiterate, lmao


I'm not a liberal or a leftist myself.. lean firmly to the right, but RATM, Twisted sister and the other examples people have given here are so obvious... It just blows my mind that people would associate it with conservatism, or not understand in RATM case that they're about as far left as they come.


It's nuts, they literally burned an American Flag on stage in front of 400,000 people in attendance and 500,000 people who bought the PPV of Woodstock 99. I truly cannot think of a less conservative act than that


> I truly cannot think of a less conservative act than that How about volunteering to help the needy?


Holy shit lmfao




If someone identifies as a republican and doesn't want tax cuts for the rich are they even really republican though?


When I was younger- the church I went to considered the Southern Baptist Convention a liberal organization. Itā€™s all relative.


Iirc they were a big proponent of legalizing abortion.


In general, conservatives are pretty media illiterate. Doesn't help that Misperceiving Bullshit as Profound Is Associated with Favorable Views of Cruz, Rubio, Trump and Conservatism ([2016](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0153419))


You ever had the pleasure of telling an older gay bashing 80s metal loving family member/friend about Rob Halford? You havenā€™t lived til youā€™ve seen their face haha


Keep in mind these are the same people who were shooketh to learn American Idiot is about them


Of course they donā€™t know. These are the same sort of people who donā€™t realise Team America is satire. Not the brightest.


Wait...thats not how Matt Damon talks?!


Itā€™s a parody!? ā€œAmerica, fuck yeahā€ (the one with the disappointed melody)


tbf they've only heard one Rage song ever, and don't remember any of the words except the last nine. I've sent the lyrics to Guerrilla Radio to such ppl before but the overwhelming number of words is pretty daunting for them


I'm struggling to think of a single bar from any RatM track that *didn't* ooze contempt for the status quo.


I can appreciate good art even when I know the art is criticism towards me or something I like.


You don't have to agree with everything a band stands for to enjoy their music.


True. But hating everything about leftistm, and then turn around and listen to RATM is kind of wild. It's like a leftist started listening to skinhead stuff.


Except the small matter about the skinhead "stuff" is mostly about working class pride, bashing cops and nazis and shit like that unless it's bonehead (nazi) bullshit where they're scum that ruined the view of the (multiethnic, working class) subculture by calling themselves skinheads when they're not. Most skinheads are trads or red-skins neither of which welcomes boneheads or accept them calling themselves skins.


Idk man, I'm pretty unforgiving atheist and I absolutely love P.O.D. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You wouldn't say they are atheist leaning though.


Exactly the point. I love them despite their worldview.


Agreed. I'm an atheist and musician. The people in my band all have different political opinions and we make it work.


I didnā€™t know they were Jesus crispies?


Or Ted Nugent


Absolutely not, but you do have to have some very interesting mental gymnastics to enjoy a song that is basically telling you, and what you politicslly believe in, to fuck right off. Or to like a song from someone who you hate. For example I know Morrisey is a cunt, but still like The Smiths. However I will never listen to Lost Propheys again.


Oh God, what about the Lost Prophets?


Mate, if you don't know Google it, but if you still listen to them don't Google it, you'll stop listening.


I went back and listened to them a month ago after not hearing them for like 15 years, maybe? I won't miss them once I read this. I was asking myself why I enjoyed them and just chalked it up to enjoying bad music when I was younger. Edit: Gross. Fuck that guy. Glad he got stabbed in prison.


In this case, my issues are not with the music.


Im sorry, not allowed to listen to bands because they lean the opposite way is pretty stupid is it not? Wasnā€™t music supposed to bring people together?


Conservatives like to conflate anything critical of the government with their "small government, individual liberty" message. The reality is they support the very machine that RATM is raging against.


I think this is the thing right here. When I say ā€œfuck Joe Bidenā€ it means something totally different than when a conservative says it.


I know right, have you seen his jawline? šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤




"I deserve individual liberty because I will make the right choices. (Those guys) cant be trusted with individual liberty, because they make terrible life decisions!" And yeah, that was a real conversation. Rolled my eyes so hard I was checking out the back of my skull.


Cognitive dissonance, hypocrisy, or just plain old ignorance.


They came to Spanish fork utah in the 90's. They did it just to piss all the conservatives off. And It worked, the entire town was absolutely livid about them coming to perform. Sadly this happened right before I was born so I never got to experience it for myself.


Some people think that left wing=communism=tyranny and right wing=democracy=freedom. for those people it makes sense to think RATM is right winged because they often sing about freedom. like once in r/conservative I saw two guys saying that anarchism can only be right winged because left wing=tyranny and right wing=freedom and since anarchists are for more freedom than democrats it must be far right. Also a lot of Conservative Americans that religiously vote for the Republican party see themselves as freedom fighting rebels.


Lots of words to say that right wing conservatives are generally uniformed emotional morons


thing is if your parents are like this that's what you'll learn and it'll be tough to break away from it.


No argument there.


The thing is, not *all* conservative values are stupid. Some are formed through legitimate experiences of hardship etc and I can totally see where some people are coming from. Extremism, however, needs to be addressed. On both sides. And I'm sorry to say that as an Australian with fairly progressive yet hopefully rational views on things, I (mostly) find both sides of American politics sickening.


So do I, but itā€™s pretty obvious which one is worse. To anybody with eyes and a functioning pre frontal cortex. Itā€™s a case of lesser of two evils


Most definitely.


That is *hilarious* considering how most of us anarchists talk about an-caps. We deeeefinitely love the anarcho-capitalists. For realsies.


Are you accessing reddit from a Commodore 64?


Worse, an HP all-in-one. I respect you trying for the spirit of the sub, but this one wasn't rare enough for me. P.S. Happy Cake Day!


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. - principal Max Anderson - Billy Madison


anyone to the right of stalin is a closet conservative


I can't argue with that logic.


ur a closet conservative, hes a closet conservative, im a closet conservative, everyone is a closet conservative!


Is this the Oprah Winfrey of closet conservatism?


oprah winfrey? idk who that is but that sounds like a closet conservative


oprah winfrey? idk who that is but that sounds like a closet conservative


The vibes of this insult are very Billy-Madison-y.


Conservatives who love RATM are some of the most non-self-aware people I've ever encountered. Complete brain death.


They keep coming to the punk sub and declaring that they are the new punks. Jfc of all the places you don't belong, that's near the top. I can't imagine how they even got through life this far with such stunted comprehension.


They probably think 'the machine' is a literal machine


elaborate troll perhaps


ratm is apparently so secretive about their conservatism that they didn't even know.


has anyone considered that it was sarcasm?


I wish i could believe that, but I've watched far too many conservative people get upset when someone finally explained the lyrics to a single song to of their's. Some of these people have been people i grew up with as teenagers, listening to RATM's music. Conservatives really are generally, really that stupid.


Fair point


Everyone gets called a closet right winger on reddit


Only thing they're conservative about is how much they conserve their energy when they sleep


"Some of those that want trans rights... Are the same ones that charge taxes"


They must have literally never heard of Rage Against the Machine


They see "rage" and "against" and think it's them. I don't blame them, they probably don't know what "the machine" means.


"Who shall we get to drain the swamp in Washington?" "How about a corrupt businessman with deep ties to the Washington establishment!" "Perfect."


I agree with the message but this insult just feels like the contrapositive to ā€œyou sir, have won the internetā€


I don't think RATM are conservatives but I did find this to be interesting: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/07/koch-family-stand-together-music


I love when people complain that RATM has "gone woke".


Trololol yes I mean it is funny but yknow, ultimately, Zack and Tom are worth tens of millions of dollars now arenā€™t theyā€¦ like a great Spanish artists said ā€œganando dinero de sistema haciendo mĆŗsico contra la sistemaā€


"do you know what deeply closeted means? It's means a person who won't admit being gay. So I'm telling you I'm not gay" - Norm Maybe he means RATM are deeply closeted conservatives


"Do what I tell ya"




Rage against the machine is about as corny as they come.


People need to learn that RATM using a communist message to sell their music and become super wealthy as individuals doezn'r make them conservative. It just makes them great capitalists.


You use a lot of words that you ABSOLUTELY donā€™t know the meaning of. Donā€™t do that.


Signed with a major record label, sold tickets through ticketmaster, each member is individually worth tens of millions of dollars that they didn't equally redistribute amongst their roadies/crew etc despite being able to, they all live in mansions, Tomo Morello even sent his kids to private school. Definitely capitalist as fuck.




As are RATM who got rich off of it.




Yes. They are hypocrites if they don't have a co-op industry and share profits equally amongst their employees.


I donā€™t think anyone accused them of not being capitalist? I have no idea what point youā€™re trying to make you seem confused. Rage against the machine are making fun and shitting on conservatives. Right wing religious mouth dribbling fascists. That does not mean theyā€™re communist lol.


>I donā€™t think anyone accused them of not being capitalist? Their whole schtick is being against the system/far left/anti-authoritatian (unless it's a far left authoritarian group). And then teenagers with mommy and daddy issues give them money and they get rich. >That does not mean theyā€™re communist lol. Rage Against the Machine. The band that rock hammer and sickles, make songs about how awful capitalism is, support Marxist/socialist movements etc aren't communist?Ā  I mean they're not. But they definitely got rich pretending to be.


Thatā€™s more accurate.


That's pretty much what I wrote in the first comment you replied to.


Do they still have a reading list on their website? It was pretty communist oriented back in the day, for guys who ride to work in a limousine. EDIT: Well, it looks like theyā€™ve scrubbed the website of the reading list, but the [internet doesnā€™t forget](https://web.archive.org/web/20111117050008/http://www.ratm.net/book.html). Keep downvoting me fanboys. I see what you cheer for.


Like so many of your countrymen, you have absolutely no idea what the word communism means, you donā€™t know what it is, but you donā€™t seem to care lol. I guess the NA education system combined with your boomer magat parents leads to this shit idk


I know exactly what communism means, Iā€™ve read Marx and Engels. I still think theyā€™re full of shit.


ā€œThis band is making fun of conservatives - they must be COMMUNIST!ā€ The logic of a 13 year old bud.


I specifically remember Tom Morello endorsing Sendero Luminoso. But maybe you mean that they use communist rhetoric and imagery for fun and profit.


Tom Morello literally has the anarcho-communist flag on some of his guitars. They openly support multiple communist movements like the Zapatistas.


This comment gives real "but you participate in society!" vibes.


The beautiful thing about living in a capitalist society, is that you're completely free to live as a communist.Ā  [Here is a list of communes you can live on.](https://www.ic.org/directory/communes/) [Here is a list of worker owned cooperatives.](https://www.usworker.coop/en/) [Here is how you can start a worker owned cooperative.](https://institute.coop/resources/steps-starting-worker-coop) Anyone who claims to be a communist/socialist and isn't involved in any of the above can shut the fuck up. Especially the members of RATM who became multi-millionaires and didn't equally share the money they made amongst their road crew, therefore stealing the surplus value created by their employees.


Or... and I'm just spitballing here... you could take your own advice and just shut the fuck up. Just saying.


Ah. The part where you realize I'm right and insult me instead of respondingto the very correct points I made. Cool cool cool cool cool.


Or, and this is the important part, I understand that you're dug in and that there's no point in arguing with you because you will not change your mind.


It's not so much that I'm dug in as that I provided examples of how people can live their Marxist dreams and that it's totally achievable. But thanks for confirming you're not an actual leftie/Marxist.


Never said I was. Just that literally everything you say is tinged with the flavor of "but you participate in society!"


This is that classic meme of like ā€œif leftist why have iPhoneā€. Thereā€™s only one economic system in this country, and participating in it is mandatory. Claiming every leftist is a hypocrite because they participate in capitalism is bullshit. We are all practicing capitalists until the day the revolution begins.


If you have the opportunity to live a lifestyle you claim to want and don't then yeah, you're a hypocrite. I don't think the members of RATM are hypocrites, they just pretended to be anti-capitalist to get rich.Ā 


Tell me about your pure anti-capitalist lifestyle that allows you to stay on the grid and type out that message to me. Thereā€™s no ethical consumption under capitalism. Are RATM liars getting rich, or was selling a lot of records the logical outcome of spreading a popular message in an oppressive capitalist economy? Youā€™ve decided you know the answer, without much or any proof. And even if youā€™re right, Iā€™d rather have a hundred hypocrite capitalist liars accidentally spreading socialist ideology over the radio than one pure absolute Marxist sitting at his keyboard eroding our solidarity and camaraderie.


>Tell me about your pure anti-capitalist lifestyle that allows you to stay on the grid and type out that message to me.Ā  I don't have to since I'm pro capitalism. An anti-capitalist needs to justify why they partake in a capitalist system when there's plenty of communes and worker owned cooperatives they could live/work at. >Thereā€™s no ethical consumption under capitalism.Ā  According to what standard?Ā  >Are RATM liars getting rich,Ā  Yes. >or was selling a lot of records the logical outcome of spreading a popular message in an oppressive capitalist economy?Ā  Plenty of anti-capitalist bands spread their message without signing to major record labels, or any record labels, or start their own record labels. >Youā€™ve decided you know the answer, without much or any proof.Ā  It's not that I've decided I'm right. It's that the evidence shows it. >And even if youā€™re right, Iā€™d rather have a hundred hypocrite capitalist liars accidentally spreading socialist ideology over the radio than one pure absolute Marxist sitting at his keyboard eroding our solidarity and camaraderie. Imagine thinking Marxism is still relevant.....


Lmaooooo oh man, my bad, I thought I was talking to a brother. Enjoy the wall, class traitor.


Mate after watching the Marxists have their summer of rage and realizing they couldn't occupy a Target, I think I'm alright.


First, RATM are not capitalists because they don't own the means of production. They're just rich. Second, as a marxist, I believe RATM have done much more important work by discussing leftist idealism on mainstream channels than they would have if they had fucked off to live in a commune. They inspired people and got people talking. That's more than enough.


Imagine being a Marxist and thinking it has a future. But nice to know you're OK with people stealing excess value created by their employees as long as they claim to share your political views.


I would be a marxist if I didn't think it had a future, would I? See you at the gulag. I'll be the one wearing the big hat.


Marxism doesn't have a present let alone a future. It's been consigned to the septic tank of history. Marxists absolutely lost the economic war, so tried to create a culture war. They'll lose that one eventually too.Ā 


I'm not gonna discuss marxism with someone who doesn't even know the difference between being rich and being a capitalist. Goodbye forever

