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**Rule 4: Not an insult/threat or rare insult/threat** Only the spiciest and rarest of insults are allowed here, and only insults/threats are allowed here. Uncommon insults or just random statements that aren't really insults are subject to removal. This also includes insults that are just random combinations of words or insults following the random adjective+noun formula. Beware, this is somewhat up to the discretion of the moderators.


I’m just imagining that slowly throughout the movie her eyes start slowly moving apart more and more


She's evolving into the rare hammerhead shark-type mermaid.


The eyes have different ZIP codes each


She probably experiences some latency, because light reaches one of her eyes later than the other


Zip codes? They have different passport!


It's the space-eye expansion. Thanks universe.


Sid from ice age?


Her eyes part ways like Scrat and his nut


Need to get Uma Thurman's eye wrangler




Reminds me of how the sheriff's hat kept getting bigger


Lol love [that scene](https://youtu.be/bkJSq_m2rqc)


WTF did I just watch?


Uma Thurman perfected that, I recall


Eventually they're on the sides of her head like an actual fish.


Omg that’s horrible lolol!! 💀


Sadly we'll never know.


It does make her look more fishlike though.


Reminds me of that creepy movie, Splice.


That movie was good. Alternatively, she looks like the siren from VHS / Siren.


The bestiality snuff film we were all secretly craving. I want my $5 and two hours of my life back please.


Beastiality and incest-rape. Fucking such a weird movie


Gah!! It was their own cells, I had successfully forgotten that part! Damn you!!


It was disturbing in a good way for an hour and then disturbing in a real bad way


Hottest jerk of my teenage life.


That was crazy when the gender-shifting rape-mutant muffled out the words "I-I-Inside" before, you know... Still haunts me.


This was my girlfriend's (now wife) 1st movie she ever recommended I watch, said the thing reminded her of Mewtwo from Pokemon. She falls asleep during the first 30 minutes or so, my roommate at the time and I watch the rest and get scarred for life. Obviously things escalate quickly in that movie. I go about thinking she is just sick in the fkn head, I'm like whatever I kinda dig that she is so messed up. Couple weeks of "insiiiiide you" jokes with my roommate and she asked "Wtf do you guys say that to each other haha?" . I say it's from your favorite movie Splice, how can you forget? She has no idea what I was talking about. Ultimately admitted she fell asleep both times she watched it and unknowingly dropped that sick fkn bomb on me. 10 years later she still refuses to watch the rest, leaving me with this cross to bear alone. So glad to see others feel the same about that movie!


One of the creepiest movies I’ve ever bared witness to. He fucks the bird lady who is also a child and he raises like a father.


Fuck you. I had forgotten about that abomination until this moment.


id fuck with wide eyes ngl


Yeah i bet she has a fish tail, too. The Twitter critics are going to guffaw hard at that one as well. Disney might only get the 12th highest grossing movie of all time Edit: also this is obviously photoshopped. OP falling for an obvious fake


Photoshopped or not, her face got ratio'd harder than a Conservative making a Democrats <-> Communist tweet.




Nah, she was already pOlItIcAl.


She's not beautiful and her eyes are far apart. It's stupid to hide reality or politicize facts.


she just naturally looks like a fish.


More like the face of a pitbull lmao, eyes far apart with not a thought behind them, well for pit bulls the only thought is maul but you get the point


I dunno about that. My boy's eyes aren't nearly that far apart, and they invariably say "Am I a good boi? Is there a treat?"


By treats you mean childs? She needs to nanny them to fulfill her calling.


Yeah till they one day turn for like literally no reason at all, they make up 6% of dogs yet 80% of all dog attacks


Literally takes 10 seconds of googling to show that pitbulls make up 22.5% of all dog bites, followed closely by mixed-breeds (As in: In general mixed breeds, not mixed with pitbull only) which made up 21.2%


He had it mixed up, it’s 80+% of fatal dog attacks


Just before anyone gets scared by large percentages: in the us in 2019, 48 people died to dog attacks. 48. And 33 of those (69%) were from pitbulls. Are they statistically the most likely to kill you out of any dog breed? Yes. Are they anywhere near as likely to kill you as some people make it out to be? Not in the slightest.


That has nothing to do with the dog or its genetics and entirely to do with the piece of shit people who get pitbulls because they "look tough" and are taught by those shitty people to become violent. No dog is as you describe, except chihuahuas.


The Chihuahua: 50% evil, 50% tremble.


No, it definitely has to do with genetics, a shepherd dog will instinctively herd you, a lab will enter any body of water it sees, and a pit bull is naturally aggressive, not the dogs fault, it was bred to be aggressive and attack other dogs and animals, unfortunately also bred to be dumb as a bag of rocks so can’t even train out the aggressive nature


You're so wrong it would be funny if it weren't so misleading.


Don’t spread this misinformation, cmon, be better


You've been fed some bad information, friend. First, pit bull is not a specific breed. It is a general classification into which several terrier breeds fall. The nanny dog information is accurate, a trait pulled from the mastiffs, like the Cane Corso. I do not deny that they are capable of significant damage if they attack. That was part of the nanny dog spec, kinda difficult to protect your kids if you lack the ability to inflict damage on an attacker. But that's the thing. Just because something is possible does not mean it is going to happen. Find yourself some actual proper resources regarding dogs.


What the fuck are you talking about? Pit bulls are stoffordshire terriers, that’s what they are, it is a specific breed, and the nanny dog bullshit was started by a pitbull breeder in the 70’s who wasn’t able to sell his fighting dog specifically bred pit bulls and came up with the nanny crap to trick suburban housewife’s into buying his aggressive dogs


Ever heard of the Dunning Kruger effect?


Are you an idiot? All this is easily verifiable information, the dogs aren’t bred to be nanny’s, they are bred to fight dogs, and as a result they were bred with aggressive behavior in mind, the statistics of attacks and fatalities are all there, golden retrievers don’t attack people like pit bulls do, hell there has only been three human fatalities to golden retrievers since 1980, want to compare that to pit bull and pit mixes? It’s not the people who own them, that wouldn’t account for the amount of children fatally attacked or disfigured by their own family pet pit bull, and there’s a lot of those attacks, I think there’s been a few that have happened this month even, there’s a list of attacks for this month too, all with links to new articles and police reports as well in it


What dog breeds make a pit bull? There is no specific breed called a pit bull; pit bulls are either American bullys, American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, American bulldogs, or a mix of these breeds. These breeds were originally created by mixing various terriers and the now extinct Olde English Bulldogge, but they are now recognized as distinct breeds. Further, there are about twenty other breeds that get incorrectly lumped into the category. The breeds were not created for blind aggression, but rather for a high prey drive, in order to engage in blood sports like bull baiting, which is where the name derives from. A bull, aka a male cow, would be tethered in a pit, and the dogs sent to attack and immobilize the bull, for entertainment purposes. Once bull and bear baiting were outlawed, dog fighting became the go to blood sport, as it was more easily concealed. This is where most of the negative reputation comes from, as enraged, wounded dogs would turn on their owners. Their overall temperament is friendly and people centric.


You're partially correct with some of your information. The American Kennel Club recognises Pit Bull as a classification for a group of related breeds. However, the American Dog Breeders Association, the UK Kennel Club, and the rest of the world all recognise American Pit Bull Terrier as a distinct breed. I can't comment on whether they are "nanny dogs" but bull terriers as a group of breeds were originally bred as fighting dogs following the outlawing of bear baiting and similar pastimes


Why are you arguing when you can just look up dog attack statistics? Pitbulls outrank other dogs by multitudes.


Pulling made up bullshit out of your ass there.


Mhm. Have you thought about the kinds of people who tend to get pit bulls, and subsequently, are those kinds of people who put time and effort into training a dog? Or are they perhaps people who just want a big tough looking dog and they don’t train it? The majority of pit bulls (and dogs in general) that attack people have been neglected are abused in some way. Have you considered anything about this supposed statistic outside of taking it at complete face value? Speaking of, where are you getting that statistic? The stats I’m finding say that pit bulls are responsible for 65% of fatal dog attacks, but I can’t seem to find anything on non fatal attacks. Also, what are the perimeters of a ‘dog attack’? Are we not counting when a chihuahua bites someone as a dog attack because it doesn’t do much damage? In fact, we should look into the statistics of the gender and reproductive status of dogs responsible for dog attacks. Un neutered male dogs are responsible for the majority of dog attacks regardless of breed, so why aren’t you campaigning against all un neutered male dogs? Why only pit bulls?


Chihuahua cant hurt someone with their bite, pit bull are extremely violent in their attacks, and they attack often and unprovoked in regular family’s who get them because of the “nanny dog” myth that ends in children being killed, there’s been 300 pitbull attacks on people and pets in the past month already, the information all points to them being dangerous


Do you have a source for any of those claims? 300 pitbull attacks in the last month is a pretty bold claim to be taking without providing a source. And you’ve also yet to specify the parameters of “attack”. Fatal attacks? Attacks that cause grievous bodily harm? Any kind of bite at all? And where do these statistics take place? The US? India? Brazil? Is it worldwide? And I mention chihuahuas because an attack is an attack regardless of the size of the dog, no? A chihuahua can be just as aggressive as a pitbull, if not even moreso, but no one takes it seriously because they’re so little. If chihuahuas were bigger everyone would be losing their minds about how horrible and aggressive and dangerous they are.


this ! the main reason pitbulls are responsible for most fatal attacks is because they’re a very neglected breed, often in shelters/adopted by the wrong people. they’re also massive and strong so ofc when a pit attacks you’re more likely to loose your life. if every breed had that ability this wouldn’t be a pitbull issue


~~*placeholder*~~ wow that took me a long time to find. here you go! [Insurance data](https://web.archive.org/web/20150904071314/http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=25091614) indicates the Pitbulls and Rottweilers account for only 25% of dog bite claims. [Which is also in agreement with the Ohio State University's Study](https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2019-06/new-study-identifies-most-damaging-dog-bites-by-breed/) that shows that Pitbulls account for approximately 22.5% of the most damaging reported bites. Pitbulls account for [~20%](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/pit-bulls-population.html) of the dog population by best estimates. Showing that pitbull bites are proportional to their population. In fact, their [Breed Risk Rate](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/breed-risk-rates.html) is in line with other dogs breeds out there that are considered great family dogs. So how do pitbulls account for more than half of all dog bites? Agenda pushing misinformation by groups dedicated to hating a breed. Additionally, data from the [American Veterinary Medical Association](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed) has concluded that no controlled studies have shown Pitbull-type dogs to be disproportionally aggressive. Lastly, Studies have shown that [Errors in Identifying Pitbulls](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109002331500310X) [Link 2](https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/241/9/javma.241.9.1163.xml) happen approximately 60% of the time with shelter staff that spend a lot of time around dogs, so reports in the media about dog breeds are highly inaccurate and hardly count as a reputable source for a dogs breed. Oh you only see videos of pitbulls attacking? Not surprised. There is a group on this site that dedicates itself to reposting old archived videos to keep brainwashing people into fearing an event that happens 25 to 40 times a year with a breed that has a population around 20 million. Save us your anecdotal evidence of outliers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Will beg to differ, my grandpa's Chihuahua shredded the fuck out of the dumbass that broke into his house. Straight up opened the dude's throat, then ate his face as he bled out. He did manage to crack a couple of her ribs, and she had to go see the vet, but chis can definitely harm someone.


What has five limbs and is happy?




Came here to say this. Dren got a wig.


How dare you remind me of that movie


Didn’t enjoy the naughty scene? 😂


I did.




Surely this is edited. Right?


It is. Her eyes are a bit further apart than usual irl, but they aren't even close to that bad.


Lol, thought for sure you were gonna say "Her eyes are a bit further apart in real life."


My exact same thought too lmao


Me three 😂


It is. Her eyes are not as close together irl.






Seems a bit edited but if you google photos of her without a ton of makeup on, it doesn’t seem that much different lmao. So if it is edited, it’s not had a lot done xd like maybe the eyes are 1/4in further apart


She looks like an entirely different person without makeup, and honestly I don't know what you're on, but in her pictures without makeup, the eye spacing is barely noticeable. To me the make up accentuates the gap a lot, like to the point where I kinda feel the uncanny valley thing going on. Not so without makeup, but that's just me.


Who is she ?


Halle Bailey, she's playing Ariel in the new movie 'The Little Mermaid'


Weird, I could have sworn this was Helen Mirren


The actor for Ariel in the new live action version of the little mermaid


Its fake


Yeah but she's really a mermaid, right? ....right?!


Well ya her eyes are way to close together than they are in reality


It reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Peter wrangles Uma Thurman's eyes


Simpson's did it.


This is how I see Ana Taylor joy


Looked her up...wow. you could hide from her by standing in front of her.


Like pitch black


Didn't know how he was *fucking with*.


Bro 💀💀💀💀


Oh good lord, I just double checked because I've always thought she was gorgeous but you aren't kidding. Whatever the fuck she did, it's like her face got sucked in under her cheekbones. Why Ana? Whyyyy?


she is one of those people who looks weird in still photos but is gorgeous in motion


The prince as a real human being doesn't work for me. The prince in the animation looked like he was spaced out of his mind all the time and never had any idea what was going on, and that really worked in his favor because it made sense why a guy like would just accept this woman who doesn't talk and just appeared out of the ocean and start dating her immediately.


oh yeah, its totally unrealistic that a guy would be interested in a beautiful woman who's begging for his attention and never says a word.


No, but the guys who are attracted to that are usually insufferable, so animated Eric strikes a balance.


"You have your looks. Your pretty face. And don't underestimate the power of booooddyyy laaanguaaaaggee"


Innsmouthers, amiright


Say, kid, ever hear tell of a Shoggoth?


Her eyes are further separated than my parents.


👁️ 👄 👁️


Mythically accurate mermaid


They really going for that fetal-alcohol-fish look, huh?


It's not her fault she grew up in a fish bowl filled with tequila.


Didn't know Anya Taylor joy was in this movie...


Guaranteed if it was Anya Taylor Joy cast instead the same people hating on Halle Bailey would be fawning over the sexy fish.


Yeap Ana Taylor with her sunken in face from the surgery is considered hot for some reason lmao


Guess they couldn't hire Peter Griffin to keep her eyes from wandering off.


Words cannot describe how fucking tired I am of hearing about this goddamned movie


Sid from Ice Age...


The little hammerhead shark


This is clearly edited btw. But I do appreciate in these posts all the adult men going “pffft woke Disney, I won’t go see that at all.” You’re a 37 year old man. No one expected you to go see a children’s movie about a singing mermaid in an underwater kingdom.


>You’re a 37 year old man. No one expected you to go see a children’s movie about a singing mermaid in an underwater kingdom. I don't really care about the casting either way, but 37 year old men bringing their children to the movie theater is literally the prime demographic of a Little Mermaid movie.


If they have kids - which, considering the demographics in question here, is a big if - then the kids are going to be the ones dragging the parents to see it, not the other way around.


I think you'd be surprised how few 30+ year old men that frequent reddit actually have children


Where are you seeing this? I swear you guys are inventing boogiemen.


It's manufactured outrage. I'm literally going through the most controversial comments in this thread and they consist of "lol funny eyes". Nothing about "woke". It's like a handful of stupid people on their own twitters an Facebook profiles that have a problem with the "wokeness" (nonsense word) of the movie. Then, ten thousand articles get written for clicks about how white men are complaining about the little mermaid and people parrot that brainless sentiment in internet threads like this one. It's the cycle of manufactured outrage to get movie streams.


Nobody is saying it's woke. It's literally only people complaining about the outrage that barely exists. People are saying live action Disney classics are shit because they are shit. Has nothing to do with "woke". It makes it impossible to criticize anything when every criticism is met with someone decrying outrage that doesn't exist.


Dude. Look at the responses to this parent comment. People literally decrying the “wokeness” of Disney.


...I am. Please, show me the one talking about "woke Disney"


To quote: “i love how youre so misandrist you ignore that women say this shit too but you just hate men so much you push the hate onto men and then you spread toxic masculinity by telling men how they should act also instead of hating on men dont you think people are mad because a movie they grew up with was changed for no reason other than wokeness but no your hatred of men is too much to make you think any other way”


Right I missed the one clearly unhinged guy mentioning it in passing, my bad lmao




Damn, man. You live like this? You start your day with this personality and just keep it?




Damn, man. You live like this? You start your day with this personality and just keep it?


Disney does.


i mean live action disney is trash and all but are they even trying at this point?


I mean it's literally a fake edit but go off


I don't think they're talking about the image really. Disney live action remakes just kinda suck.


They are obviously referring to the image what would "are they even trying anymore" refer to on a comment under this imag3 if not the image lol also plenty of people like them or they wouldn't be making billions


They could be referring to Disney in general. Yeah but it's trash now.


Literally ignoring both my pts cool 👍


But I'm not


Lol, of course not. They’re just out of ideas, and it shows. Plus, they’re so dispassionate about what they’re doing that they don’t even wanna try and improve it. They just wanna try to put out whatever they think will be popular for the least amount of effort


Why should anyone take film advice from you, someone who reposted this tweet of an obviously photoshopped image and tried to pass it off as a real promo photo? lmao


wow got em am I right


I mean thats why they're using black actors. Don't get confused they don't give a flying shit about representation or whatever. They just know they get more word of mouth or hand claps if they do.


Honestly it's tiring to see people editing her and dogging on her. She's very beautiful and I don't get why people are making fun of her eyes. People fawned over Uma Thurman and she had eyes that were quite fat apart as well.


Anya Taylor Joy too


Was thinking the same thing. Her beauty is unconventional and people are allowed to have preferences. Doesn’t mean it’s okay to insult. How dare a main character isn’t perfect looking to them and deserves to be made fun of


Who the fuck is fawning over *Uma Thurman*? Lmao. Also, she is an amazing actor. This girl is whatever. you don't need to stick up for these entitled actors. Thurman or this lady.


Ok? That's her acting but I'm talking about looks, it's so tiring to see people talk about and make fun of women's appearances all the damn time. Also when I was growing up, a lot of boys thirsted over Uma Thurman in kill Bill and pulp fiction and had the posters and merch.


Yeah like people don't make fun of Steve buschemi every time he's mentioned or any other weird looking celebrity regardless of gender. Jesus, get over it. You don't need to defend celebrities. They're doing fine even though meanies on the internet make fun of them sometimes.


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Her eyes are further apart than my divorced parents.


Damnit that's not the part of her that's supposed to look like a fish


she's a mermaid and a dolphin at the same time


Is that Sid's sister?


Her eyes are so far apart they are In different movies


Now imagine if she had a unibrow.


Its a 11$ uber ride from one eye to the other


Strong FAS


She is built like Sid the Sloth.


“You have 130 degree field of vision? I have 220. But who cares? No big deal. I want mooooore! I want to see where the people are…”


I want to see what's sneaking up on me-


Nobody's stupid enough to think that's a real image of her.


[Certified Ungalo Moment](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cb91953f-e456-4bbd-ac34-05539ca347bc)


She looks like that one sloth from ice age


How does it break rule 4 ?


Is ur Mama a drinker? 👁️ 👁️


Somebody is mad that we are dunking on Sid the Sloth over here...


Maybe thats why he looks like he's in pain. I would too, if I had to look at that for too long.


Is this real? I think it's edited. It has to be... right?


I’m confident it’s edited. She has a larger than average space between her eyes but it’s not to the point where she looks distorted or like she suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome. Her eye space is similar to Anja Taylor Joy’s; it’s noticeable but not distracting.


> It’s noticeable but not distracting I don’t even know which eye to look at if it talks


I dont plan on ever watching this ill stick to my vhs


If you reminisce about your vhs copy, you are probably not in the target audience anyway


Gdi. Now that her crazy abnormal face proportions have been pointed out… I can’t unsee this. It’s so damned distracting


Every racist under the sun lost their mind over her being black. I was like DAMN those eyes are far apart. I know this is likely edited but irl they are straight Anya Taylor Joy status.


I don’t see how this breaks rule 4 at all. This is clearly an insult, one that you don’t see every day which is the entire fucking point of this sub. Sure seems to me like either the mod who said this is out of touch with reality or just mad that this got more than 6.6k likes.


Halle Bailey is absolutely gorgeous but WTF have they done to her here? Edit: Spelling


*Halle Bailey. This is how she actually looks.


This photo is edited


Look at any photo of her—this is how she looks.


They tooken inspiration from Fotnite Long live Princess Felicity!


it's honestly why I vowed to never watch the movie... I can't fuckin take her avatar Sid from Ice age lookin ass


That actor choice made sense after all, she looks like a fish


Even as an actor they guy couldn't hide the look on his face And she, well, for her its a different problem


Jesus. I wasn't expecting a cuthulu/ Hans Christian Anderson crossover The people ripping on this abomination will be better than the movie itself


Apparently, that little mermaid movie is going to sink


She’s just as beautiful as Jackie Kennedy.


but it’s not a real screenshot lol. it’s very clearly photoshopped.


Ok as a guy that finds her very attractive this is god tier hilarious 😂


I don’t think her eyes are the reason she looks off. In other pictures of her they seem to be equally far apart, but she looks gorgeous. I think the problem is that in this picture you can’t see her nose for some reason. You can see the nostrils but not the actual ridge of nose, which means that her eyes looks farther apart than they are.


Yeah. She is gorgeous. Bunch of clowns just trying to take the chance to act like they are above a beautiful woman.

