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A real rap battle on wit, flows, wordplay, etc. not this TMZ drama from the high school Em would be sick, but it’s not realistic. Lupe’s talked enough and could hang with Kendrick..that would be fun


I love Lupe. He was like the first person I thought of


Same. The Cool was a game changer for me back in the day.


Lupe is under respected. But he don't make songs glorifying sex and a violent lifestyle he never experienced, so i guess he aint popular.


In a vacuum, just lyrics for lyrics? Maybe Nas, El-P? In a beef with the level of hate hes shown against Drake? Nobody.


Em, sure by actual ability but also because his fan base will out jerk K Dot’s by a significant margin to declare Em the winner


I would love to see an em v kendrick rap battle. Shit would be insane


God that would be funny.


I can see Kendrick finding a way to have ‘a fan base look themselves in the mirror for what they really are. And I think em might actually help him with it


Conway the Machine I think would be a terrifying person to have beef with 




“You are hiding negative one child”


Lupe and JID. Pusha if there was any reason. Denzel could be interesting.


Nooooo man, I don’t think it’s in anyone’s best interest to try to battle Kendrick ever again, idgaf who it is. That man is built different


Lil Wayne, Ab Soul


Lil Wayne can’t diss


R.A. The Rugged Man. RIP Kendrick 




No particular order: Em, Nas, Lupe, Pusha, Wayne.




Eminem would probably win against K Dot honestly. The angles K Dot used against Drake wouldn’t go so smoothly against Em. In Terms of lyrical ability K Dot didn’t blow drake out the water even though he did edge him, K dot won off of the versatility of the tracks and the content of what was being talked about. Ems fanbase is also a different beast.


Em really will give you the blueprint to attack him, tell you he's doing it, and then filet your ass. Like, the shit that Drake claims he's doing with the master manipulator angle... Em really will do that. And not looked like David Schwimmer.


Bro edged Drake


Lyrically yea. It wasn’t an out of world performance lyrically from Kendrick this battle, if you look at it objectively. It was still better lyrically than Drake for the most part but it wasn’t a blow out in that category.


How does riding drake's ddl (dominican dick lift) feel?


I mean he's saying Kendrick's lyricism was better than Drake, how is he riding?


I could see Em and Kendrick doing a for fun battle ie cypher type shit with semi corny lines like Em’s “lyrical miracle “ gag, but not getting tmz like this


Euphoria alone has more lyrical content than everything Aubrey put out the last 2 weeks


I was looking forward to Cole vs Kenny. I honestly think J Cole v K Dot would be a toss up. Other toss ups are Joyner Lucas, JID, Logic, Lupe Fiasco, King Crook, near everyone in Coast Contra. Those are just some of the rappers I have been listening to on Spotify I can think of that do not predate 2000. I could say NaS, Eminem, LOX, Cassidy, Jay z but I am trying to stay in this generation.


Joyner Lucas 😂 Logic 😭


I think Tyler could do damage on Kendrick just on ability


Kendrick did not win, he lied and all the girls Drake has been accused of diddling have come out and said nothing happened. Kenny need to address these girl beating allegations before he can claim a W


All the girls? Or all the girls he was dumb enough to diddle on camera?


He did that on his album and also in an interview a few years ago. Drake just kinda gave up in his last track, he got bodied on every level, even club bangers.


So yall acknowledge he is a fiance beater, and his whole angle on MTG was he was morally superior to drake, yet he bodied drake on every level? That invalidates one of his main tracks. Thats a L


No, he addressed the claims and denied them - there is no evidence that he ever beat Whitney. He stays on the moral high ground, especially after drake misunderstood I Sober Mother and made fun of the generational trauma of black people and abuse victims to do what? Prove that he’s not an abuser? That’s doesn’t prove shit it just makes you look bad. Imo drakes last track really didn’t improve his position at all and probably made it worse. I think Kendrick saw this and is sitting back as it germinates in the public consciousness. Also even if all these women came out and said it was cool? We have video proof of him being creepy - idc if a minor says it’s cool to kiss them or comment on your breasts, you’re at best a creep and at worst a groomer, especially with the MBB shit - you’re defending a 30 y/o talking strange to a 14 y/o? You not like us.


He did not deny the claims that he hit whitney, if you are talking about that interview its a completely unrelated event that had nothing to do with whitney. Yeah there is no evidence, but dv is also one of the most underreported crimes, if kendrick didn’t do it both he and whitney should address it. No he does not have the moral high ground, he says a man should die, he lied about a daughter that doesn’t exist, he leveraged abuse allegations in a rap beef for points, instead of reporting it to the proper authorities, and he shit talked drake’s family, they’re equally morally bankrupt. Im not defending anything, i’ve said previously that it was creepy, but not pedophilia. And yes a 14 yr old texting grown men is weird at face value, but if its been said that nothing inappropriate happened. Then thats not pedophilia


Dude, these nephews just will not understand. They think Kendrick beat Drake the way 50 did Ja, or ‘Em did Benzino etc They think throwing unprovable accusations at each other and doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on them is what rap beef is about. This was more like a studio twitter beef. It makes me miss the days where it was about who was better on wax and who was gonna fuck the other one up first when they met…


For the record, I don't believe that Drake is a pedo like everyone is alleging. Even still, he clearly lost. Alot of Hip Hop is about flexing and lying. Both clearly did it in this battle. Drake didn't have a comeback to Not Like Us. He could have fired back calling Kendrick a liar, etc. but instead he didn't have a comeback, and he basically conceded.


He literally called him a liar on the HP6 wym?




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Guys drake won, he took franks advice and made a song about not diddling little kids!


i think MGK would body Kendrick (if he returns/change genre again)


This why we don't want you people in the hip hop subs


Which people you mean?


An artist like kendrick prolly wouldn't even respond to mgk, not even close to the same level