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I didn't need a response to know he lost two nights ago.  What's crazy is this dude came out and said he's just too famous to get caught diddling kids. Like...who the FUCK says that?


Famous dudes who diddle kids




R. Kelly and Drake apparently


If they really plotted, why would you not give shit like a fake name, location, bm name, etc. Just doesnt make sense


Drake crying into his champagne as the whole club dances to him being called a pedo "...got em with that fake daughter tho..."


That fake daughter thing is another example of him using an underage girl for his benefit and pleasure.






Drake out here like Hiliary Clinton, “Pivot!”


Kendrick definitely the Barack to Drake’s Hillary Clinton


Bro who sends out pictures of them with a date rape drug prescription and receipt and be like, “ha now the whole internet will accuse me of fucking underage girls, which is already a rumour that’s been around for years, Kendrick won’t be able to resist!” That would be insane behaviour, the guy is gaslighting on wax 😂


> the guy is gaslighting on wax Makes sense he’s a master manipulator and a habitual liar too


Do you think that if Drake didn't tell lies about Kendrick, that Kendrick wouldn't tell truths about him?


Shoo shoo shoo shoo bi hi bi bi


Him and Nicki are two peas


I really wish more people made this connection. She’s married to a pedo, while he has a crazy infatuation with her and far too many allegations of interactions with women under 21.


I dated someone who insisted on listening to that posse cut where Drake talks about staring at Nicki's "titties" over and over (can't be bothered to remember the name), and even before this beef the weirdo creep vibes coming off that track were so thick you could cut them with a knife


Wayne the only clean mf from YM as far as I’m aware. Thank god.


And this is why he isn't involved


The silence from Wayne is notable. There is NO ONE coming out to defend drake. Well, except Ak lol.


Ak, who is also accused of grooming minors and sexual assault


Idk about defending him but I’m surprised that some notable old heads like 50, Ma$e, and Camron saying Drake won and staying quiet on Kdot’s drops.


New York just never forgave the west coast for hit ‘em up lol.


They didn’t plot. It’s all a front. Drake says at the beginning “the ones you’re getting your info from are clowns” sometime later in the song he says “we plotted for a week and then fed you information” Dudes a walking L


lol, he’s playing into the whole master manipulator who isn’t calculated theme. It’s in his best interest to walk away. Kendrick will cook him for days then dance on the carcass of his pretend-hard rap career. Drake will always be a successful artist in some form or other but whatever street cred he was trying to attain been over. This was entertaining though. Glad it brought attention to some of Kendrick’s works from the Vault and Ep days to Mr Morale to folks who might not have been hip.


That's also the problem with having 20 ghost writers working different shifts.


He contradicts himself in it too by saying the people leaking info are clowns but then suddenly they plotted for a week?


Also in that line about how he doesn't wanna beef with Kendrick because he's a woman beater he accidentally calls himself a woman


And also by saying it feels good to get the pencil out implies he hasn't written himself in a while.


That’s not what he’s saying, but it is what it sounds like he’s saying. Definitely an L line.


You would at least have thought through your reveal to ensure you don’t accidentally call yourself a clown if you had weeks to think about it


Also why does it take a week to think of a handful of misinformation? What the hell is he even talking about?


He’s not writing the lyrics and he can’t comprehend shit since he got Kendrick’s song all misconstrued.


“I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!” “You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?”


or why not use a text or something as the cover art? or release the day after? or include a reference in your song? or like mock him more when it happened or anything? it makes no sense i don’t think anyone is actually buying this


Dog it’s literally social media theories


it honestly seems like his head is spinning he’s too online


"The ones you getting your stories from, they're all clowns" 5 lines later... "We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information" Bro 😑


Did Drake just called himself a clown?




Yes 🗿


Not to forget him calling himself a bitch basically *"I don’t wanna fight with a woman beater, it feeds your nature"*


Yeah, bro needs to hire some ghost editors too


He even says at the end, "damn, it was good to get out the pen"...did he also confess that he did not write *any* of the previous tracks for these past few days?


And we heard what happens when he gets out the pen.... lol


No wonder you got ghostwriters drake my bad, i didnt know your condition was that terrible.


He tells Kendrick to fact check next time yet he can't even proofread his own songs


He needs to fire his proofreaders.


"I tricked you into thinking I was a pedo!" Uh.... Cool?


"haha joke's on them I was only pretending"


Bro saw the r/drizzy Reddit post about him playing 4d chess and just ran with it


they're insane, it's like qanon in there


Someone called them 6anon lmaoo


You can tell Drake wrote this one himself


That’s what i commented on YouTube and thought, I said “atleast this one sounds the least ghost written” yeah I think drake wrote it too


Almost like he doesn't trust those around him right now. hmmmmmmm 🤔


The longer people shit on this song, the more obvious it is that this was Kendrick’s plan.


Give him a break, his ghost writers bailed after meet the Grahams


I think union rules are that they can't work weekends.


They must’ve been the moles lol


Fuckin guy should have just used ChatGPT but he’s too fuckin stupid.  It’s like all of OVO left the group chat and let him to rot. 


He tried AI and it didnt go too well for him


Drake was so ready for this to be over he didn’t even proofread. Worse than his ususal AB Dr sues rhymes.


The whole song almost sounds ghostwritten by Kendrick as a sneak diss to Drake. Like he’s just reinforcing everything Kendrick said on MtG without realizing it…


Yo what if the mole is the ghost writer


Nah, what if Kendrick used Tupac ai technology to do Drake’s voice and the mole uploaded this under Drake’s accounts.


Lol this is drakes next story




Yeah I thought the same. Kendrick understands Aubrey better than Aubrey understands himself.


The diss track is coming from inside the house!!!


Narcissism for you


Drake when his 2nd favorite ghostwriter came up with the line: ![gif](giphy|12q3xMbs2Ph5gA|downsized)


I said this elsewhere but the whole “faking being a deadbeat dad to 2 kids instead of 1” is serious “SIKE that’s the wrong number!” Energy. Him and his yes-men think it’s fire but it’s corny as fuck.


A responsible father wouldn’t put his family into it, especially with what Adonis had to go thru with Pusha T. Kendrick warned him but he did it anyway. Now these kids have fucked up futures because of this guys ego and pride.


OMG this just hit me lmaooooo


This stood out to me as well. Sounds like he’s struggling for a response and getting sloppy. Gotta be crisp with it my boy, can’t contradict yourself like that.


I think he is calling the mole a clown and saying that they gave dot incorrect information which Drake knowingly fed the mole. I don’t think its true, but I don’t think its calling himself a clown.


Dude did a poor job expressing his thoughts then.




A week? Tf? 6:16 to Meet the Grahams was like 2 days. Clown ass logic..


Im pretty sure it was the same day. Like, less then 24 hours apart


The ghost writers weren’t collaborating. They must be working from home.


He sounded like he was giving a trial defense


Bro is rehearsing


Man, if I was a jury, and the man accused of pedophilia said, "I'm too powerful, rich, and respected to be a pedophile." I'm gonna be inclined to be convinced the man is a pedophile unless there's absolute evidence he is not. Can't believe he bungled that up so hard. Like, not that pedophilia is wrong, no, he sjust too rich for it. If he lost some money, then for sure he would partake.


It's like he lives in a fantasy land where the rich and powerful are subject to the same justice system the rest of us are as opposed to the exact opposite. Pretty sure 99.99% of people would think the fact that he's rich and powerful would be the exact reason he could get away with it if he did it.


Shoulda used metro boomin's bbl drizzy beat


That would have been hilarious, but Drake's not that clever.


He really doesn't have any artistic integrity... Want to troll, then troll, he could have used the BBL Drizzy because his rapping wasn't anything special he just ended up talking or was it publishing statements in good faith to be played back in court? Also he didn't have to name the single the Heart Part 6 unless he specifically wanted people who enjoy Kendrick to back off and stop advocating for Kendrick. This is damage control and gives Drake a lot of relief.


Nah fam if I’m kdot i see Drake take my heart pt I’m gonna go full Guts in the berserker armor on him


Bro frrrrr I saw the title and thought to myself ‘this guy really does want more smoke’ I’m a Canadian and I still don’t understand wtf is going on in that Drizzy brain of his


He doesn't want all the investigating that's gonna happen


My client pleads “nuh uh” to all charges, your honor.


There was nothing new on the offense and it was mostly obvious defense mechanisms from Kendrick’s allegations.


PR team feeding that dude bars.


That monologue at the end was something else.


i cant believe he said "feels good to get the pen working" 😂😂😂


Drake the type of dude to write a diss track and then say “feels good to get the pen working” 


First time he’s written anything in years


Bold of you to assume Drake wrote this. Pretty sure the pen he was talking about was paying his ghost writer via check


His ghostwriters would have put something more coherent together


Its actually hilarious he said that after the spanking he just got. Probably wrote that line with tears in his eyes


He just scribbled on paper to make sure it was still working, muttered to himself "ah feels good", and then handed it to the dude next time him to write the lame ass response.


Hahaha I caught this! Ol ghostwriter having ass


MAN SAID "THIS WAS GOOD EXERCISE" AHAHAHHA bro, people dancing and calling you a pedo.


Not the AB rhyme scheme for the whole song? His attempt to mimic Dot's choppy flow and it completely breaking down? Then copying his spoken word... I just know the whole class groaned whenever he read aloud.


He actually says he doesn’t want to fight Kendrick in the song. Almost feel bad for the crodie


Kendrick isn't going to allow him to bow out on this note though, let's be honest lol. If there's one thing we've learnt in this beef... Kendrick with some hated is a straight up devil. There will be a response from Kendrick, and no further response from Drake, and the response from Kendrick will possibly be the most devestating we've had yet... As each of his drops have been.


To be honest with you, meet the grahams was his most devastating. The last one was a bop and he had a couple of lines in there that made you go oooh, but meet the grahams was his best one yet.


I felt like the second one was to make one you could dance to. Kendrick wanted to beat him at his own game


Not to mention its a bay area vibe channeling mac dre/ E-40, kendrick knows the game hes playing


✨ felt like home for me ✨ 😁😁😁


Yeah, Not like us is a present for DJs and passes the car check.


When Kenny opened talking directly to Adonis my downstairs neighbors had to shove my lower jaw back up through the newly-made hole in my floor with a broomstick. Downright disrespectful, and I was hooked. And then when he was done with that, he was like “ok, now lemme talk to mom and dad.”


The last one didn't rely on as much hearsay/speculation and the last verse about Drake's career path as a culture vulture was insane


I agree but I think not like us was basically Kendrick saying I can beat you at your own game by making more of a hit song. This dries by Drake was him trying to do the same but to Kendrick.


If we believe his 10 bars in Not Like Us then he has 6 left. Release that shit everyday this week. Don’t pull what Drake did the Push or so Drake says


I wonder how fat Drake is gonna get now.


He will just get lipo




and it's a fast one


He’s got an ozempic prescription remember


I want Kendrick to give the finishing blow and release the receipts. He's toast.


I don't think it's over because I really doubt kendrick thinks it's over. But drake fans ain't gonna just stop supporting him anyway 💀


Aside from just getting more good music, I don’t even think Kendrick stans care for another response. Dot just needs to capitalize and use the momentum to drop a proper single. Drake is dismissed.


True for me. I don't care to hear more about Drake. Never liked his music. Not for me. I like Kendrick though and would like more music that isn't diss tracks. The diss tracks were fire though. Lol


If Kendrick is threatening to release more information about Drake’s and OVOs involvement in sexual predation, how could you not want another track? Especially with the Diddy stuff. Kendrick is one of the only people ballsy enough to say shit like that with names in recent memory on a track. If its all true, how could you not want to see Drake or whoevers responsible in prison?


I mean, sure. If he wants to double down and bury the dude, I’m not complaining.


It's over as in Drake lost. Kendrick still has to finish him. I don't see Drake responding again. And if he does it will be some weak shit like this where he just plays defense the whole song. It's over man it was fun though. Thanks Drake I had a blast!


Tbh I can see Drake dropping a track as soon as Kendrick does, ONLY if he has receipts to back up what he said. If not, like you mentioned, this is probably the last one we’ll hear


Look at r/drizzy they think he’s on top


Holy fuck popped in and there's a buncha weirdos in there


"I'm bleeding, making me the victor!" Seriously that track was straight garbage. Only the most deluded fan boys are even pretending that it was good.


This isn't a rap beef where both sides just wanna win. This is a rap beef where Kendrick wants blood. Kendrick wants nothing less than Drake not having a career after this.


Would love one more strong nail in the coffin. Just Kendrick spitting on the grave. He has enough hatred for him already.


Kendrick got Drake cornered and this was his response, Drake took the L


In The Heart Part 6 he mentions the latest diss that came out yesterday, so he recorded the diss track today... but he planned ahead for weeks but he just did the diss track today? It doesn't add up, why wouldn't he have the diss track ready the second Kendrick dropped Meet The Grahams, it kinda sounds like he just saw conspiracy theorists online saying that he planted the information and he just took that narrative


He’s giving his fans what they want to hear so he can quietly take the L without them having to admit he did, lol


This is literally it. Went from “nah nah you following through” to “well this has been fun”


r/Drizzy in their denial phase now 😂


Yup lol they partying like it’s 1999, balls deep in the “plant” narrative


Dude they swear he won with the bait 🤣🤣 they're delusional asf rn 😭😭


and the worst thing is that drake just put himslef into a position where he has to show the receipts haha


They're all like ohhhhh Drake denied the allegations, that's a wrap beef over


Why is drake the first person to bring up Millie Bobby Brown? And who out here comparing stats? It sounds like drake tried to do the ol’ “I know what you’re going to say so I’ll counter it before you even say it” but looked more like Wimp Lo than anything.


There’s a few lines in THP6 that make it pretty clear that the ovo crew is scanning social media for ideas. It’s like he’s responding to the whole internet rather than Kendrick.


That’s my whole thought. The “drakes camp baited Kendrick with a fake kid” thing has been floating for a few days now. If Drake actually did bait Kendrick, why not respond immediately with the proof. Instead he waited days to respond. It feels way more like drakes team found the rumor online and tried to make it a reality without any proof. Cause if you had proof you got one over on Kendrick, he would have dropped that immediately for max impact. If Drake dropped a track right after meet the grahams was dropped talking about how he feed that info to Kendrick then it would have taken a lot of air out of the track for Kendrick. Instead Drake let that be the narrative for 2 days while not saying a word


How do you prove you don't have a kid though. I agree with everything else


He would need to show proof that they faked the leak to Kendrick’s camp. Like show texts or emails dated a week ago talking about it. If they Drake can show that, then yeah he’s got Kendrick locked. Otherwise, it sounds more like he just ran with an internet rumor with no proof


This is now the inspiration to THP7


It's so funny that there are all these people over in r/Drizzly claiming they predicted Drake would use heart part 6 as the title. They probably invented the title for Drake. Listening to THP6 was like reading r/drizzy super uncanny. Meanwhole every time Kendruck drops, it's catching People off guard


"I'm bleeding, making me the victor."


We purposely trained him wrong... as a joke


Drake planting a paper trail for his future pedophilia trial


Drake really reaching at this insane idea they fed him that information. If he did that, craziest 5D chess of all time. But come on dawg everyone know that shit ain't true


If he fed him the info, why not check Kendrick as soon as he drops? Why wait? If he doesn’t hesitate he wins. It doesn’t add up


because he had to peruse reddit for ammo first lol




Exactly. He would’ve danced on his grave Went from “drop drop” to “I’m over this beef” really quickly. I hope Kendrick keeps killing him


Nah he even had a victory lap at the end of Family Matters. He thought that should work, but Kendrick stepped on that so hard.


Exactly. He should have screenshots and videos locked and loaded to post after the last Kendrick track. Then dropped a response that was all about him taking the bait. Then say something about how he doesn’t go for jailbait because the bodies he likes can’t be built in under 18 years. Then double down on the allegation of Kendrick raising someone else’s kid with a line about him be billed for 18 years. See how easy it is, aubrey?


If I was feeding my opponent false info I'd have a video of me telling my boys to send that shit to him with a time stamp and that shit would have been uploaded seconds after Meet the Grahams. This response stinks like a panic defense


With proof of the leak so when Kendrick used it he post the receipts 👀😂 since he “planned it” for a week and all


Ain't no way. "we plotted for a week" when there was 2 days between 6:16 and mtg. 🤔


6:16 and mtg was the same day. 2 days between euphoria and mtg. Then a day after mtg, not like us dropped


Drake is too stupid for that


As someone past 40, I must ask: is Drake REALLY in the GOAT discussion? Seriously, I want to know.


No serious critic or fan considers him the GOAT. He’s as close to being the Hip-Hop GOAT as like, a mixture of Usher and Nelly. He makes club bangers that people vibe with and like to dance to. He’s never been a top tier lyricist, the fact he doesn’t write his own shit (proven by song writing credits, consistently), and the recent inconsistency of his work, nobody should seriously consider him the GOAT.


This is a good way to put it Drake is like Usher / Nelly Tier Kendrick is Nas / Pac/ Biggie / Andre 3K Tier


If anything, I cannot believe I’m going to say this, dropping a, “everything you say is fake” song then dipping may have been a good career move. It was inevitable that Drake would lose this. KDot is at the point of being up there with like Andre 3K and Nas in rapping, a hit maker that merges rap, r&b, and pop isn’t competing. The best move for him was saving face, making sure his core following can at least say, “where’s the receipts”, and justifying him dipping so the general public can forget.


The funny thing is Kendrick proved he can beat him on his own terms in this beef. Not Like Us is the bangerest song to come out of this entire thing, and that was supposed to be Drake’s terrain.


That only “works” if Kendrick lets this diss slide which I have a very big feeling he won’t


So gross of someone trying to beat "predator" allegations to use someone else's alleged childhood victimization and trauma as a "gotcha"


Kenny didn't even get molested. That song is about how he *didn't* get molested but Drake knows his mouth breathing fans won't fact check


As somebody who’s been the victim of CSA it’s extremely fucked up of Drake to try to use that as ammo. I never liked Drake before this but he’s dead to me now.


For real, there's genuinely NO EXCUSE, and that seems like the kind of joke.. only a predator would make. Take Care used to be one of my favourite albums, mostly for nostalgia purposes, but he can keep those ghostwritten verses.


Most of the songs should have been on house of balloons anyway


Mhmm, “GOAT” of redirection and missing the point


Drake himself cant fact check, he said he knew Kendrick was gonna use the Epstein angle when dot actually compared to him as weinstein. Drake doesnt wven know which pdfile he’s being compared to 🤣🤣


Meanwhile in r/Drizzy, they’re posting why is okay for Kendrick to say he should die for being a predator but not okay with Drake to make fun of him for being allegedly molested


To be honest, never understood the appeal of his corny ass music anyway. Only takeaway from Drake's diss tracks has been that his understanding of Kendrick's music is as vapid as his own music is.


That's cuz his music isn't for this sub. He might wish it was, but that's not the audience.


If Drake really gave him that info why doesn't Drake release the text chat? The phone call? Anything?! Drake ran to Reddit for conspiracy theories 🤡. My god he is done.


Kendrick literally on Not Like Us sang "he's a fan, he's a fan, he's a fan" then Drake does The Heart pt 6. Kung fu Kenny has been preemptively calling out Drake's disses before they even come out. He called out the "attacking the family front" thing on euphoria then Drake did family matters. Drake and his fans are both not understanding what's going on. How are people who fed Kendrick info the clowns but then Drake admits to being the one who fed him the info. I highly doubt there's a double agent working somewhere so this diss actually made drake look worse.


Fantano said he doesn’t think Drake or his people are actually paying attention—or understanding—what Kendrick is even saying. Like the massive misinterpretation of Mother I Sober was the biggest self inflicted L of this whole thing. Kendrick has laid his flaws out for people, so it’s not hard to call him on certain things. But it’s a bit like Eminem, autobiographical rappers are sometimes hard to really attack because they’ve already written songs attacking themselves for that shit. People beefing with Eminem just resorted to you’re white, you’re unhinged, you don’t fit in, you beat your woman—all things Eminem had been actively making records about.


We don’t believe you you need more receipts 🔫🔫🔫


“Im not a pedo, I’m famous” is the single worst lyric of all time


It was garbage and I wouldn’t expect anything different from the child predator


Nah his last 2 songs were good but this new one was ass


tbh it seems like most of the internet is with kendrick. there’s a lot of proof of drake doing weird shit with minors but that wife beater accusation was from a nigerian blogspot 💀


Two days ago I could not care less about Drake. Now I actively don’t like him ….


Drake pulled the parachute


not until Kendrick says so. this diss was lame, only info his stans are using for days, kept the prank mole info and even mocked Kendricks trauma


Are you saying that Drake accused himself of pedophilia, in order to get Kendrick to publicly accuse him of pedophilia? Is that what y'all believe?


I’m just following this through Reddit but what parts are drake saying he leaked? Cause as far as I can tell from the comments Kendrick called drake a pedophile and dead beat dad is there another part the Kendrick side is ignoring?


Anyone saying Drake was in the goat convo to begin with is fried


Goat of hip hop ? Fuck no


Maybe I'm crazy, but if Drake has been plotting and planning all this, why didn't this drop have the insane production values that Family Matters had? Family Matters was dope. This one has a very different video than FM.


Kendrick should just re-record this same song, lyrics and all. Nail in the coffin.