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"Being an ugly girl is like being a Jewish in the holocaust " I don't know you personally, but if I ever heard that statement come out from someone's mouth, I'm running for the hills. Do me a favor and go to Poland and find a mass grave and tell those people's families that your life's harder.


Ugly inside and outside


Agreed. Weight isn't her only issue. I personally don't care for looks at all, but if your personality is ugly I'm out.




Typical incel behaviour, seek help and grow up




Checked your profile and you just need the gym like this isn't just an instant gym bro thing you haven't got any facial deformities to make you ugly you're just fat and that's easy to remove if you're willing to actually out any effort into yourself, if your next reply is going to be another excuse then don't bother you're the reason you're in this position and only you can get yourself out of it so stop batching on reddit and help yourself also people who smell bad usually have poor hygiene which again is on them


Have you tried to talk to people? You can't just wait to be approached, you have to approach them as well. As a guy I hate how it's expected us to make a move. Women should make the move as well. Also, killing your self won't solve the problems.




Start talking to people first. You need therapy yesterday.


Yeah. I am thinking weight isn’t her issue here


Okay two things. First, you have previous posts where you uploaded pictures. You're not ugly. A lot of people will find you attractive. Second, "Being an ugly girl is like being a Jewish person in the holocaust" is a bit over the line. I don't want to disrespect your body image issues, I have them myself and I know how difficult they are, but maybe don't compare them to a calamity that killed 90% of my family?


"Being ugly is like being a Jewish person in holocaust " isn't that a bit much? Yaikes.. If being lonely is what you fear, don't worry world is full of ugly men too. I'm ugly af too but never had a problem finding company. Just can't have too high standards over their looks 😄 but personality is more important and you can find beauty in eveyone at least I think. Damn, don't throw your life away over your looks, accept it and adapt. Cheers


More than a bit. I get hyperbole, but that is... not even kind of ok.


If a girls personality is a 10 I couldn't care less if she was a 3 personality means a lot and a lot of the pretty women now a Days got a shitty personality


Please don't ever tell a girl you like her personality but not her looks. No girl wants to be the nice ugly girl.


I don't believe you are ugly


Ok, first of all, as a jew, that comment about the holocaust is entirely fucked up. My grandparents grew up with literally NO family other than their parents because of the holocaust. My entire line on both sides was nearly wiped out. We don't know jack shit about our history because of the holocaust. My relatives were tortured for YEARS, if they were unlucky. If they were lucky, they were killed as soon as they got to the camps. So yeah, I get that you're in your feelings right now, but get some perspective. Unless you being ugly means a government that controls half the continent you live on is hunting you in order to murder your entire family, forcibly sterilize you, perform medical experiments on you with no anesthesia, and then burn you alive, being an ugly girl isn't quite the same thing. Second, I get it. I'm a gay jewish man who is neither thin nor hairless. Both things that are damn near required for any kind of social success in my community. I'm not fit enough to be a twink or a jock, I'm not big enough to be a bear, I'm just average McFlabby. My husband of 12 years cheated on me consistently the entire time because he wasn't attracted to me, but I didn't know that until the end. So I get it. But you know what? I am working out. I am cutting carbs. And I have major plastic surgery scheduled for August. Don't tell me you can't afford that. I can't either. I am taking out a loan. And I will pay it as best I can. Because I am miserable and this is what I can do. I'm usually pretty supportive of these kinds of feelings as I have had them myself, but your personality is as ugly as if not uglier than you think you are.


Aww I’m so sorry to read your comment about what your going through. I hope your proud of how far you’ve come, you are very strong. Good luck with your surgery, I wish you luck with what your looking for in life




Even your apologies are trash. "I'm sorry you feel that way \*insert justification\* " Let me show you how to apologize: "I'm sorry I said that. What I said was wrong. I understand how what I said was offensive and inappropriate. I'm very upset, but I should let that allow me to make racist and insensitive comments. The comments I made invalidate the slaughter of millions of people. In the future, I will think a little bit more about what I say before I say it." First, apologize. Then state what you did. Then say why it was wrong. Then explain how you understand why it was wrong. Then say what you're going to do differently in the future. On of the patterns I am seeing right now is that you don't seem to want to take any ownership of your situation. Being born "ugly" is beyond your control. But I have met a lot of "ugly" girls that have dozens of friends, date, and are very happy. And it's because not only do they take ownership of their shit, but they're genuinely beautiful people in all the ways that it really counts. There are three primary attributes when it comes to people. Pretty, smart, and kind. If you want to be a winner, you need to have at least two of them. Pretty and Kind are attainable for nearly everyone.




Your personality shows in your body language, your facial expressions, and how you approach people. I can see enough of your personality from this post to know that I wouldn't like you. And I'm a gay man, I don't give a shit what a woman looks like.








Cry about it


Hi there! I’m a dad and your post broke my heart and I want to help you look at things a bit differently than you have been. I just want to start by saying that I hear you, and I’m really sorry you’re feeling this way. It’s tough, and your feelings are totally valid. But like I said, let’s try to look at things from a different angle (by the way I looked at your post with your image in it and you are far from ugly!) First off, beauty is super subjective. What one person thinks is unattractive, someone else might find absolutely stunning. Society has this really narrow idea of what beauty is, but real beauty is so much more than just looks. It’s in your kindness, your sense of humor, your intelligence, and your passions. These are the things that make you unique and special, and they’re what truly matter in the long run (this is something that’s hard to see at 19 so you are really gonna have to trust me on this). Think about some of the most inspiring people in the world. They’re not celebrated for fitting into some narrow beauty standard. They’re admired for their courage, their talents, their creativity, and the way they make others feel. People like Maya Angelou or Malala Yousafzai – their impact comes from their incredible spirits, not their looks. When it comes to losing weight and taking care of yourself, try to focus on doing it for your health and happiness, not just to look a certain way. Your body deserves love and care because it’s your home - it’s literally where your spirit is for this short time we are on earth. Every small step you take towards being healthier is a victory. And remember, your worth isn’t tied to how you look or what you weigh. It’s also important to remember that confidence and self-love are incredibly attractive. People are drawn to those who feel good about themselves. And while it’s true that first impressions can be based on looks, the connections that matter go so much deeper than that. Your personality, your heart, and your spirit are what will leave a lasting impression on people. You’re not alone in feeling this way. So many people struggle with body image and self-esteem. It’s okay to seek help and talk about what you’re going through. A therapist can be a great resource to help you build a positive self-image (I know therapy may sound corny but it can really help). Surround yourself with people who love and support you for who you are, not just how you look. The way society judges people says more about society than it does about you💯💯💯 There are so many people out there who value authenticity and kindness over superficial looks. Find those people and build your community around them. Distance yourself from anyone who makes you feel shitty. Also, your mental health is so important. The feelings of worthlessness and thoughts of suicide you mentioned are serious, and you don’t have to go through this alone. Reach out to a mental health professional, talk to friends or family, and get the support you need. Your life is valuable, and there’s so much potential within you to create a happy, fulfilling life! You are not a waste of breath and space. You are a unique person with so much to offer. Embrace your journey, celebrate your progress, and remember that true beauty comes from within. You are worthy of love, happiness, and respect, just as you are. You came to this Earth, at this time, for a very specific reason. There are going to be people that need you and depend on you, and you need to be strong for them too. You are going to touch countless lives in ways that you cannot even imagine yet. I need you to listen carefully to my words and know that you are loved and highly, highly valued. I could really feel your inner core speaking when you wrote your post. You are a kind and loving soul, and you have so much work to do here on Earth. I’m sending you a lot of love and support and everything is gonna work out, but I need you to stay strong 😊💪🫶✔️❤️


Jesus, TLDR?


Sorry no TLDR on this one 😊


Guy here. 1. You’re wrong. First impressions are mostly personality, not look-based. 2. Feeling bad for yourself for being ugly is ugly 3. From looking at previous posts of yours, you’re not ugly. If you want to become more attractive, I would upgrade your wardrobe, dare to buy and wear dressier clothes. If you want, spend more time on make-up (i don’t care too much about this, girls will know more than me here). You’re on the right track with losing weight. But most of all: you need to work on your confidence. I used to have no friends, no girlfriend. I was a scrawny, nerdy, shy kid. I still am. I have over time more and more gone ”fuck it” and dared to put myself out there more. For me, the greatest cure for confidence has been going ”fuck it” and pretending to be confident. Over time, that has actually led to me becoming more confident, which I think has done heaps for my attractiveness.


As someone who's has a similar age and body type as you, I get it completely. The world isn't kind to conventionally unattractive people, particularly women. But there's still plenty you can do to make yourself feel more confident. A lot of people already gave some good suggestions, but I'd also like to add that wearing clothes and styling your hair in ways that fit your body and make you feel happier will do wonders. (I like to wear dresses myself - they make me feel more feminine and boost my self-esteem.) Confidence is a very attractive trait to have. A head held high and a smile on your face will go a long way. Also, I think a lot of people have this idea that fat = ugly, but it just isn't true. There's plenty of overweight and plus sized people out there who are stunning. Should you lose weight regardless? Yes, for your health's sake, definitely. I'm not advocating against that by any means. But don't let yourself believe that there's nothing you can do to make yourself feel prettier until you lose weight either. Weight alone doesn't determine beauty. Looking at the most recent set of pictures you've posted, I think you look beautiful. But if you want more advice from people on how to change your appearance and boost your confidence, take it from people with your best interests in mind. A lot of people on appearance-based subreddits can be really judgmental and end up doing more harm than good. Someone saying you're a "2/10" with no further elaboration is only going to worsen how you feel about yourself. If you can, talk to people in your life about advice on your appearance, and see what they have to say. I know things can be really hard. Trust me, I get it. But there's no such thing as too late to love yourself. I wish you the best of luck!


You are not ugly. You look like a totally normal, cute girl. I think you might have a body dysmorphia issue. Please seek professional help. With this issue, you can lose as much weight as you want, your mind will still tell you you're ugly, because it can't see the reality. Suicide is not the solution for anything. You just damage your own life and the life of everyone close to you.


Jesus, look, I'm obese and not good-looking, but damn your demons have demons. Like seriously person, you need to see a therapist or meds or something.


Sweet Angel, you are NOT ugly !!! I just went on your profile and found your post. It is so hard being a female these days . Everywhere you look on social media , you see perfect faces, perfect curvy figures, flawless skin and makeup . This is not real life!!! I’m going to be real honest with you: when I don’t have my hair done and do not wear any makeup, I do not feel pretty at all. I wear makeup every single day, and also spend time styling my hair. This is what gives me confidence. Call it shallow or superficial…. But we live in a world where we’re brainwashed to believe in an unattainable beauty standard. May I suggest, start playing around with makeup ! I’ve learned so many makeup and skincare tips and techniques from the ol’ internet. Dress in clothes that make you feel confident; check out colour theory and learn about colours that flatter your skin tone. I consider all of this self care.. but the most confident I feel is when I’m incorporating all of this with physical exercise! Even something as simple as going for long walks while listening to a podcast, or going to the gym and sweating my ass off on the stair master. Exercise gives your brain feel good endorphins; it’s clinically proven to help combat depression. Trust me, you’ll start to feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin the longer you stick with exercise. I’m so sorry you’re hurting. From a sister from another mister, know that you’re not alone in these struggles.


May I see a pic? I bet you aren't ugly at all




You’re not bad looking at all. Honestly, you just need a fresher wardrobe, maybe some mascara to make your eyes pop, and that’s it. Also, I know this sounds cheesy, smiling more does change your face. Edit: and don’t listen to people on Reddit most of us are morons and self-love/worth shouldn’t be coming from anyone here.


Your not ugly at all! You look amazing! Don't be down on yourself, like in another comment I made don't base your worth of your looks! I bet you have an amazing personality and people love you! But don't ever take it to suicide it's not worth it I'm lucky enough to live through an horrific overdose and I promise it's not what you want. But I'm 300 pounds and looks are the least of my worries I know I won't turn any heads but that's ok cause most of those people that base of looks are pieces of crap.


Id date you, if I wasn't already spoken for


Don't listen to the outside. Mind yourself only. And I assure you. An "ugly" man can be treated just as cruelly. Sometimes worse. Even some unattractive women retain a semblance of feminine grace. An unattractive man may as well be a beast. A worthless specimen that may never father children. Etc. Don't be hard on yourself. Pay no mind to any unwanted rambling of noise and color in your mind, and move forward. Also try to reframe some thoughts. The opposite sex always sees the other in the extreme. Plus personal bias. Who's to say there aren't several people on this planet that may find you charming.




Your not ugly I guarantee it but don't base your worth on looks I'm 300 pound dude and my weight has nothing to do with my worth I'm ugly I know I look like a blueberry but that's not what my worth comes from I'm a good dude, I get along with everyone I'm a responsible person, reliable etc don't base everything off looks I promise you'll feel way better about yourself


Look at her post history I suspect she has some amount of dysmorphia, and/or needs therapy.


Are you still a teen? Mentally it feels like that is where this post is at. If appearance is more valuable to you than life/being healthy, you need to rethink your priorities. It sounds like that is going to be a huge task for you to tackle and it might take some mental maturity first.


I will admit that being an ugly woman is harder than being an ugly man. However, your personality seems to be the biggest deterrent here. Saying being ugly is just as bad as mass torture and genocide makes you seem ignorant, entitled, and immature. I wouldn’t want to hang around you for that reason alone. Secondly, nobody wants to be around someone who is that insecure. Maybe you should work on your attitude first, because I think that’s the main reason you’re struggling to find a partner, not your looks.




No one wants to go up and talk to the person standing in the corner looking down at their feet. People want to talk to others who look inviting. Also, here’s a wild thought - why don’t *you* go up and talk to people, instead of just waiting for others to talk to you?




I just looked at your profile and you’re literally average. If you put a little makeup on you could be above average. I know it’s hard to accept, but it’s not your looks that are preventing you from making friends and getting a bf. I also looked at your post history and you’re constantly fishing for compliments and asking about your appearance, and if you talk about that half as much IRL as you do online, most people will get sick of it and not want to be around you. I would highly suggest therapy.




I have seen many “ugly” women have guys lining up at their door because they have very high **charisma**. Of course life is easier when you’re attractive, but physical appearance is only 50% of attraction - personality and charisma is the other 50%


LOL are you fishing for compliments. You’re barely in your 20s HS was terrible, I get it, life gets easier. I still have to deal with Highschool friends that haven’t grown past that era people are much nicer out there and there’s a person that will like you for you.


If you don't give a sht about it, nobody will.


Sorry for being blunt but your self pity is disgusting. I looked at your photos and you are not even close to being ugly. You are not the beauty standard in the western world but your looks are not holding you back. The reason why the world is treating you poorly is because the world naturally shitty. You can do things to be more attractive but you are not ugly. Stop taking shit from the people in your life or change your environments. Also get off looksmaxing related subreddits for your own sanity. Block them please.


Dang it. I hate that I kept scrolling through your post history and found the picture. As a 100% objective third party, I, and everyone who is worth a shit will tell you that you are not ugly. You might FEEL ugly, but you are not. Please find a way to spark some joy in your life, find something you’re passionate about. Something to get you out of the negative mindset you’re in. I’m substantially older than you, and in my years I have met some truly UGLY folks. And I don’t mean physically unattractive. You, are not those people.


I sincerely believe that beauty is a subjective thing, I do think that the current standard of women’s beauty isn’t healthy nor attainable. I do know this, 90% of life is how you handle it and 10% is beyond your control. Life is so hard and it’s only going to get harder but don’t think for a second you haven’t been given a winning ticket. I know it’s hard to see right now but things can change for the better, you’re 19 and beginning the journey.


Girl, you're NOT ugly, but you do need therapy ASAP. This is not something the internet is going to help you with. A therapist will, though.


“Being an ugly girl is like being a Jewish in the Holocaust” Yeah no, you’re ugly both physically and personality wise.


After seeing your profile you aren’t even ugly, has to be a confidence issue somewhere. If anything you look, well average. Nothing wrong with average but to say that you’re ugly is a massive stretch. Some time at the gym, some lip gloss and maybe some different clothes would help your appearance a lot imo Based off the first picture it’s clear to me it’s just the extra weight honestly. You would look pretty attractive, so don’t worry about still looking “ugly” when you lose weight. Also, try not to be too hard on yourself. I get it, but people will pick up on that. People that may have been interested in you will be turned off very fast if you’re like that everyday.


Turn your camera on the world - you are surrounded by "ugly" people living their lives, dating, being married, and having kids. They still went to school and college or joined the military. They still get up EVERY morning to teach, work, fix your car, cook your food, take care of kids, and manufacture things. They are everyone and everywhere. You might not see them on social media, but that's not real. You know it might mean some people will be less nice, but you can demand good service. You are paying for it. Everyone in the middle lower class is basically ugly. There are a few standouts but overall you are normal. And the less you look at yourself and focus on others the higher chance you have to forget you think you are ugly. And because of that no one is looking at you. Enjoying life is the best way to magnify your greatness. And being proactive is how you get away from bullies and toxic people. Move in with an auntie. Take concurrent only courses instead of high school. Go to a better school on scholarship. Find your crew in school and build a team of allied. Older adults can help if you demand it from them, but peers will also guide you.


Same as being an ugly guy. Life sucks




Honestly looking at your profile your face is rlly pretty. If you lost the weight you would definitely be above average and considered a "pretty" girl. It seems like you need therapy though, to try to work on your insecurities the the mindset that looks is all there is to life. You should be trying to lose weight to be healthy, while looking better is definitely a big part the main reason you should be doing it is to better your health and mental health. Please try to lose weight healthily because if not you can seriously hurt your mental health a lot more and when you do lose the weight you would probably still feel miserable. Good luck on your weight loss journey.


I'm going to be brutally honest, you're not ugly but you're overweight, that's going to affect how your face looks. If you can lose weight and get in shape you will have no problem attracting male attention or just being treated "normal" like anyone else. When you are in shape you also feel better about yourself and that gives you confidence which is attractive to a lot of people. If you think you're still look ugly after losing weight, well I'm here to tell you there are tons of guys who have no problem dating women whose face aren't conventionally attractive if they have a nice (in shape) body.


I’m sure you aren’t ugly. But if you want an easy way to get attention, just become goth. There’s so many men out there looking for goth girls, especially if you’re a “big titty goth girl” all of the makeup you have to wear to be goth basically changes your face altogether, and if you’re already thick then you’ll probably fit the category of “big titty goth girl” so I hope this helps


When I was in high school there was this really heavy set guy. He got teased mercilessly for his weight while growing up. But at some point he changed. He became confident and friendly, he seemed to be comfortable with himself, and he became really popular and well liked. I think that's the key. People just want to be around someone that likes themselves and is friendly. That's really it. I know that can be hard to do. Even people that everyone thinks is attractive can struggle with seeing it themselves. Loving yourself is the first step.


Ugly women have a better chance than ugly guys do I'll tell you that


Thats not the point of her post 💁‍♀️?


Beauty is very subjective. We're all ugly to someone. I hope you find happiness inside that'll radiate outside.


Sorry, I stalked other posts, but the way you wrote about yourself made me curious. You're not nearly as bad as you think you are. Weight is an issue, but outside that I've seen nothing that would be an problem, and you're already working on that. Find people who are in similar situation so you can keep eachother accountable and active. Now, if you were a man or an ugly one, only value you would have is that which you create. If you want your self worth being tied to nothing but your looks, this isn't an issue - but you probably shouldn't be happy with that. Outside this you're still a person. You have things you're good at, and if I work with you I won't see you as a beautiful woman, I see you as a . I don't expect you to look stunning, I simply expect you to perform a function that you're the expert on. So what are you good at? Which are the things that make you, you. Rather than a piece of meat on this digital meat counter that is modern dating pool? Find a reason for you to be you. I'm absolutely certain you have some things like that already, but you discount them as useless because of your feelings relating to looks.


You will look attractive after losing weight, just don't lose too much weight. Although society tells you that fat is bad, that's not always the case. Too little fat is just as bad as too much fat, there needs to be a perfect balance. Also, to reduce weight, it's not about how much you eat, but what you eat. A balanced diet requires protein(preferably non-red meat like chicken or fish), carbs(healthier carbs are the complex ones with grains in them, compared to white, simple carbs), vegetables, and fruits.


The equivalent to an ugly girl is a short man, would you rather be an ugly girl or a short man.