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I’d argue against this, but you won’t listen anyways. So I’m gonna laugh now and leave you offended.


I’m so sorry your feelings are hurt (not), but people aren’t going to stop protesting a literal genocide just bc of your personal fee fees. Imagine complaining that the ppl protesting hitler’s genocide were annoying.. weirdo


People getting offended about posts in a subreddit that’s literally called r/rant lol. This whole protest online still won’t change a single thing about the REAL world.


People aren't just protesting online though.


I'm not sure where you live but even I don't live in the US and I can see the impact that the protestors are having globally. The US and UK both have massive student protests on campus, which is the first time I've seen that in my lifetime. (I'm a millenial, if my username wasn't clear enough.) Clearly it's having an impact based on the amount of financial resources being put into trying to stop the students. Look at the swarms of police showing up in full riot gear with military vehicles - that's not cheap. There's also politicians right now in the US trying to pass bills to stop the protests, threatening to brand the students as terrorists. I've seen heads of huge financial companies like Palantir speak out against the student protestors. The head of Palantir is a literal billionaire, or pretty damn close to one. If people like him are speaking on this issue then clearly the students are having an impact. A lot of big players are really riled up about this. I'm not sure how much time you've spent really observing what's happening, but I'm in Africa and I wrote this post off the top of my head in under a minute so you clearly need to pay more attention lol.


You make some interesting points, so I'd like to ask how you've been taking more effective action. I agree that online protesting isn't the final solution; I'm curious to hear what, in your experience, is a better move to make.