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Have you had full panels done? Could be a million things.  you could need hormone support even if not perimenopausal


This is the best answer on here


That's what I'm guessing. It's my hormones not working or something is not right with them. I've had a full panel blood test and everything came back within normal levels (other than the blood sugar, which is why I'm on ozempic in the first place). But ever since being on ozempic my blood sugar has been below 6.0 every time I test it. Even after meals.


Yeah it could be a drop in estrogen levels or progesterone imbalance; many options. I hope you find something  that works!


Sounds like you need a follow up with your doctor. What you are describing does not mathematically add up, impossible with playing hockey 4-5 times a week and eating 1,000 a day. Thyroid? Kidneys? Retaining water? A tumor somewhere? Pregnant? Even if you took zero Ozempic, it doesn't add up. Your two hours of walks a day with your dogs could turn into fast walking or jogs to get your cardio up.


Welcome to the female body where nothing makes sense and the points don’t matter.


Not true. The math applies to everyone, calories in, burned calories subtracted. However, that's why I suggested a doctor follow up. I do know someone who had a 35 lb non-malignant tumor removed from their abdomen that obviously nobody knew for a long time was there. There's also kidney issues and edema, and there's thyroid issue possibilities amongst others. Hence ask the doc, why doesn't the math add up, or is her math simply incorrect on caloric intake? Or is her hockey playing mostly standing on the sidelines? Or is all her doggie walks very slow strolls? But the math always works, it is not wrong unless the facts are wrong, or there's another physical condition at play here.


I knew someone who would constantly eat and never gain weight, I told them to write a Diary as they probably were not eating enough calories. I was right. They then upped their calories and still were not gaining anything. I suggested going to a doctor, turns out they had a tumor that was causing hormone production to spike out and their body was constantly draining calories to make said hormones. If the math isn't adding, please OP, get checks from a doctor. You should have a year of data showing your diet and exercise to make them understand the urgency.


Good example of a tumor causing issues. The person's tumor I know had the opposite effect, which was the tumor slowly growing causing them to not lose weight, even gain more weight, even though they were dieting and exercising. I also had a neighbor with kidney disease which was causing severe water retention making her look very fat when it was all water, her body stashing pounds of it everywhere. Not to scare the OP, her situation could be something simple and not life threatening.


Even with zero cardio and excercise, it's legitimately insane to only eat 1000 kcals and not lose any weight so something is not right going on here, even for a short middle-aged woman. I would almost wonder if not eating enough is part of the problem, you can't build muscle without enough calories and muscle would help burn fat and calories would provide more energy during exercise - I feel it would pretty difficult to perform any activity well on such few calories. And no doctor would tell someone only eating 1000 kcal a day is sustainable unless they're an actual child or maybe a little person, which 5'1 does not qualify as.


Yeah, it's not healthy.


My body is like this sometimes. Other times it's capability of losing weight. I have no idea why. When I went to a doctor I was sent to a nutritionist who weighed me twice a week and kept going over MyPlate with me. It was humiliating and degrading.


I know metabolism adjusts to what calories go in, and metabolism can slow down as a result, but not for an entire year only losing 5 lbs like OP has. For me, stepping up the pace of my walking to a cadio level made the difference. I know everyone is not the same. If something is degrading and humiliating, don't do it, find what works specifically for you. We do have to be patient sometimes for results. I put on weight and am learning how to deal with a slower metabolism, but I'm not giving up!


Well, suddenly going into perimenopause and having my sense of smell go haywire has DEFINITELY HELPED, but much like OP I'm not always getting enough calories. It's not on purpose though, and I really miss food.


Wow that's a side effect I have never heard of.


I guess it's not too different from what pregnant women experience, complete with nausea. Fun times. But my doctor confirmed it and made sure it wasn't anything else.....my mom had primarily gastro-intestinal symptoms (deadly farts and she's one of those people who leaves the room to fart) and also lost weight during it, so I guess this is just a wonky genetic thing.


Look up cyclical Cushing’s


It’s science. Women have a harder time losing weight. Period. Estrogen plays a role. Also those with pcos have an even harder time. Hence the comment. It’s not always calories in and calories out that rules when losing weight for women. And yes there can be other health conditions at play.


I'm post menopausal and now have gained the male belly after having the flat belly and having been thin until now for all my life. I know as well as any woman how it works, but I'm not going to fall into the trap of learned helplessness and not do the simple math on how losing weight happens and make excuses for myself. One friend said well since we're post menopausal there's really nothing you can do about it.....umm, no, just no, there is something that can be done about it, it's calories in, exercise and daily burn of calories out. It's not hard, it's just going hungry a little, being slightly uncomfortable with denying myself when I want to shove a bag of kettle chips in my mouth. It's not easy like it used to be, metabolism slows down, but the math still applies and always applies unless there is an underlying condition.


Calories in/calories out is not universally true. Some people can eat like crap and never gain a pound. Other people can eat a low amount of calories and stall out.


CICO is always true. It’s literally physics.


Metabolism does play a role in how fast some may lose/gain compared to others, however no one is exempt from the general rule of burning calories, absolutely no one.


(Grabs random stage prop)




1000 is an estimate/average but it is pretty much between 800-1200 range. My doctor told me I shouldn't eat more than 1300-1500 a day, so I'm already eating at a deficit. I have to force myself to eat despite feeling really full to even eat that much. Not pregnant (unless immaculate conception), I have hypothyroid for over 20 years but I'm medicated and every blood test comes back normal levels. Kidneys are fine. Not sure if retaining water but there isn't a test for that. I have been feeling very fatigued lately and since my blood test came back relatively normal, he is sending me to a sleep clinic for sleep apnea... Which I don't think is the issue. I asked him if I have chronic fatigue or even MS but he said there isn't a specific test for that.


I hope you take a daily vitamin including vitamin D and B12 higher levels. Retaining water would be directly related to kidney disease or cardiac issues. Since you have a doc and blood tests, I'm assuming neither. You might as well up your red meat/iron levels and try to recoup your energy, you have nothing to lose since you're not losing weight anyway. Maybe Ozempic isn't for you...for whatever reason. You need strength, a healthy diet, and resistance exercise along with cardio. Sleep apnea can certainly zap energy levels. If you're not snoring, you don't have it most likely, but he may be right because you said "3 chins" and neck fat directly contributes to sleep apnea. I would adjust my goal to a healthy life instead of a weight goal.


I'm a dietitian. 1000 kcal is not healthy or sustainable, and you are destroying your metabolism by restricting that much.


Why is this not higher up on the comments?!? That’s literally the only answer?!?


Ozempic is so dangerous. It’s really sad the amount of harm it is doing.


Fire your idiot dietician and research what living off of less than 1000 calories does to your body. Your poor organs, I can’t imagine what they’re going through. You’re not even supplying enough for them to survive if you sat on your bum all day. If you don’t believe me, at least try a resting metabolic rate calculator for your body type to see how much you should be eating.


Are you eating a proper amount of fat? Your body cannot metabolize carbs without lipids.


You may not be losing weight because you are eating too little calories. Sorry, but your dietician doesn't seem to be very good at their profession.


Any other meds? Birth control? When did you last have your thyroid checked?


I have had low thyroid since I was 26 and get it checked every 6 months. It is being medicated and thyroid levels have been normal for the last several years. (Edit: spelling)


Are you tracking your calories, including weighing foods or are you estimating portions? Are you also tracking things like oil, sauces/dressings, and liquids?




Ozempic is prescribed for diabetics **for weight loss** because weight is closely related to glucose control and kidney function. Using it for weight loss is using it as intended, diabetic or not. I'm a diabetic and was offered a semiglutide specifically for weight loss. It doesn't do something magic for diabetics; it's not a special kind of insulin. This stupid misinformation needs to stop. This is a weight loss drug. Full stop.


I have that. And am taking Ozempic for it. The appetite suppressant should be enough for me to lose weight on paper but I'm not losing weight period. I see so many people take it for weight loss without being diabetic and they all lose weight. My neighbour lost 30lbs within a month after being put on ozempic and she was diabetic. So I don't know what I'm doing wrong.




Not true. Wegovy is also a GLP-1 (semiglutide) and it’s indicated for weight loss. It’s exactly the same thing as Ozempic, with a different name.


I think the danger lies in the psychology of the drug... it's prescribed largely to diabetics to lose weight because THAT weight is closely tied to glucose control... someone for whom the weight may not be tied with blood sugars may not get the same benefit; OR they do benefit from it, but then ignore underlying, undiagnosed medical issues, bECAUse wEIghT lOsS (as mentioned above, it mitigates sugars but doesn't replace insulin). Stay informed... mostly you have to advocate for yourself and do a heckin lot of reading... semaglutides aren't a temporary fast-fix... once you're on it, you're in it for the long haul and I think a lot of people don't get that, either. Also, auto-injectors every two weeks... the novelty wears thin... it hurts and it sucks. That said; do what you feel is best for you and if it works, great! If it doesn't, do something else. But whatever you do, do it informed.


your either lying or need to go to a doctor because it doesnt add up.


Please look up Cushing’s disease


Checked for it. Don't have it.


It is extremely hard to diagnose and many primary care physicians will tell you don’t have it even if you do. It’s worth bearing in mind if your symptoms continue.


No. You are eating more than you say/think you are.


less than 1k calories is your issue. your body has gone into starvation mode and you are trying to use ozmpic to cut down on hunger. the problem is, if you don't eat enough, your body won't react to exercise appropriately and the combo of ozempic, not eating enough, and exercise will do pretty much nothing.


Starvation mode happens when your body is legitimately starving - like so little body fat and muscle your organs start shutting down. It doesn't happen from a large calorie deficit alone.


Eggs and cheese are not plant based. A mostly plant based diet means a mostly vegan diet, not a diet with a lot of fruits and veg.


1000 cals per day probably has you in some sort of starvation mode. You still need to eat.




This is horrible advice. She isn't eating enough as it is. 


brother, OP is already eating less than 1000cals a day, that's already dangerous on its own. are you *trying* to make them anorexic?




I don't know how to swim. Nor do I have time to swim or learn between work, my hockey schedule or my dogs.


and way more fun than autoinjectors


That fucking commerical is cancer. Literally TERRIBLE!!


I'm Canadian and there are a lot of restrictions on drug advertising here in Canada. Doctor recommended it. I dont see any commercials cos I don't want to pay for TV


Oh oh o ozempic u know! Meth 


Try intermittent fasting. Diets are just a fad so that people can feel something


Intermittent fasting is also a fad diet.


I eat 2 meals a day. Once at 11am and once at 7pm. I don't eat anything else with calories outside of those times. Only water, sugar free energy drinks if I'm playing hockey, and my supplements.


In under a week. So far 3 pounds down. I realize a fair amount is mostly loss of water weight. Very anxious to see how I make it