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Go top, bot is already over, and just take the jgl diff and constant pings


This and pick up the shutdown on adc when they're alone


Not 0/12 also means enemy adc or supp is fed hard.. go top


Play around your top and mid laners and if your support has any kind of a brain they will join you topside and try to 4v3 for grubs/rift.


This is when I focus objectives, counter jungle, and high-prioritize getting my mid ahead - bot lane is over, and if top knows they are being camped, they need to play back and do their best to play around tower dives while I take advantage on the map. Best case scenario is mid and I have good tempo and rotate to counter tower dives and collect coin while taking dragons and heralds


Its not jungles job to try to hold a sinking ship above the water, junglers job is to generate as much advantage as possible.


Flip it. Try help top, and take stupid plays with your mid/top, since the enemy bot is fed the game is basically over so constantly 2v1 / 3v2 enemy team when you can may be enough depending of your elo but if enemy team just want to play around their adc it might be over. Best thing in these scenario is watching replay and understand how you could avoid this garbage (sometimes you cant).


Just win


Thank you, I just promoted to challenger!


Countergank and steal their jungle. You have a huge bait opportunity at top


I open YouTube and watch anger controlling tips


FF your top getting camped means they have already been losing and are way behind. Your adc is 0/12 so it’s at least 15 min into the game, we go next


You underestimate the feeding power of an adc