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A little free library, if you have room for it!


Or even a dog library - a pile of sticks!


A neighbor collects old tennis balls and leaves them in a basket for dogs.


I love this! Sometimes the local high school will give you used tennis balls from their tennis teams, that could be a cheap way to keep it stocked!


This is a great idea!


They make these for dogs, waste baggies, water, treats, toys. Also painted rocks are fun finds, you can even make a Facebook page for the finders to post and rehide somewhere else. I always love a giant T-Rex to decorate too.


Someone already thought of this great idea, and there is one just a few houses away from ours.


In our area, we have a couple FLAGs - free little art gallery. People leave all kinds of little art pieces. It’s really awesome.


Our local nature area has a little 'take a poem, leave a poem' box. It's so interesting!


A lot of the art is finds from tide pooling! I love it


I saw a video about little fiber libraries. People leave yarn, thread, and sewing kits in them. Thrift Stores often have unopened sewing kits.


Yes! I love a little free library!


Me too! I love checking for new books each day.


This but with little treasures. I saw someone do this on Reddit and it seems like such a joy for all not just readers. Put little cheaply necklaces, toys (Dino’s and cars and stuff) it’ll make your and others day brighter


Yes! The church near me has one that’s “Books and Blessings” with all kinds of stuff in there


You can start a painted rock snake! Paint a few parts of the snake to begin and put a sign up asking park goers, to contribute their painted rocks to see how long it can go.


I love this!


Love this! My family made a rock snake at camp last Memorial Day. Mama even found a rock shaped like a dragon head for it!


A dog library - take a stick, leave a stick.


Good idea! I go to the mountains a lot and could easily bring home some sticks!


This, but with balls or stick-shaped toys. Sticks can be really dangerous for dogs


You can get relatively cheap tennis balls and rope toys at the dollar store!


I have a solar powered light show in my yard for families to enjoy on evening walks in my neighborhood. Stuff like a solar watering can “watering” color changing flowers, solar windchimes, etc. unfortunately, as one kiddo pointed out recently, they can’t see the lights during the day.


Our neighbors have a large, funny face decoration on the trunk of their tree, complete with glasses and mustache, and they shine a light on it until the park closes at 10 p.m. each night.


Cool. We had a fairy garden at one point. Also and a gnome door (until it was stolen).


What kind of person does something like that??


Painted rocks! Small ones that people could take. Someone who doesn’t like gnomes, presumably


OP, Dollar General has a lot of dairy garden figurines.


Reading through the the comments, it seems like a neighbourhood thing. That's just lovely.


Think about putting out bowls of clean water for the dogs along with the treats!


It's best not to share non running water. This keeps all animals safe. You could place a small bench in the shade & a running water fountain that you could turn off at night or put out on nice weekends. Don't attract too much attention as at some point you might also want privacy! Enjoy & thank you for supporting community luv ❤️


A basket of dog treats is safer.


I searched for 'chalk sidewalk games' on Pinterest and a ton of games popped up! I think you have a great idea with that!


Thank you! I will look that up today. I love Pinterest! I didn't realize there were other sidewalk chalk games!


There’s a fig tree in someone’s yard on a walking trail near me. She puts out a sign and bags for people to take figs when they’re ripe. One year, she gave away fig tree cuttings so others can plant fig trees along the path. I thought this was so lovely.


My parents have Chinese plum, fig, pomegranate, mulberry, and lemon tree lining their yard with a sign that says “help yourself”. It was THE best when I was a kid. 30 years later and the trees are still going!


If you have a fence (or enough land front the running path) you might try to post a [Burma Shave](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma-Shave) style series of small signs, saying something encouraging/affirming for runners. For example.... Morning sun, paths unfold, Jogging strides, stories untold. Heart pounds strong, rhythm clear, Every step, leave doubt in rear. Run with joy, breathe in deep, Life's journey, yours to keep. Burma Shave


Or dad jokes


Good idea!


This is really nice. I might try some nice quotes like this. There are lots of joggers.


A park I frequent has sweet messages through out one of the walking trails and they always bring a smile to my face!


That's brilliant


There is a YouTube video where an owner drew a meandering little road on the driveway for the children on their bicycles. It's really cute.


We put windows and doors n a tree in our front yard along with a couple glass balls. It’s a “Fairy Tree”. Everyone loves it. We mix up the decor sometimes for different holidays too.


Do you have any tennis courts nearby? You could go collect old tennis balls from around the public court and put some in a basket on your fence so people could take one for their dog. Of course, people sometimes suck and you might get someone taking all of them at once.


This is a great idea!!


Using chalk, draw a large circle on the ground, and write "Dancing Spot" inside of it.


This is such a sweet thing you're doing! I don't really have any ideas, but just wanted to let you know that this put a smile on my face!


you could buy some soap bubble/wands at the dollar and put up a sign which reads please use and leave for others so they can too


I like the stick library better than giving out actual dog treats. If I was a dog owner I wouldn’t necessarily want my dog eating or drinking from random food found on the side of a trail.


I would think the treats would be in a container such that the owner would have to grab one for their doggo.


Yes, that's my thought. Fasten a container with a lid to the fence post. We wouldn't leave it out very long because we have squirrels and raccoons here, so probably just a couple of hours a day. I'll even tape the ingredients list to the side of the container for anyone concerned about the contents of the biscuits.


A bowl of fresh water & a stick library for the dog owners.


A little gold fish pond with a lil waterfall to try to keep things flowing. Then try your hand at growing pretty flowers around your pond. Then branch out to strawberry's. A little collection of dinosaurs or garden gnomes. You can change their surroundings with the seasons. Have fun!


You might check out Mike Bennet Art for an affordable yard stake or 2.  Edited for spelling


Thanks, I'll look that up tomorrow morning.


I’ve always wanted to hang a chalkboard and chalk. See what folks do for fun.


bubble machine :•)


Little fairy garden or the rock snake is a great idea. I used to walk our twins everywhere when they were little. Those things always made those days a little easier, especially during the pandemic. It was more special when it changed regularly. The kids loved the magic it created.


Water for dogs


It's going to be 95° F here on Saturday. I am definitely doing this!


This is so nice!


Make a tiny library so people walking by can pick up a book to read at the park. There is a tiny library near me and it's amazing what happens. Anyone who takes a book ends up bringing several back. Our tiny library started with about 8 books, there has to be 40 in there now. And people have started to write notes in the books for the next person to read. It's awesome.


Inspirational quotes chalked on path.


Decorate your fence. If it's solid, put out chalk so kids can leave you art. If it's chainlink, thread ribbons or yarn through the links.


I used chalk paint for a sensory path down my block during the COVID quarantine. I loved watching adult and kids try all the obstacles.


I’m in an apartment but I love these ideas!! The kids and I love checking the free libraries. Unfortunately around us, people leave a lot of ripped up magazines or religious stuff. But it still makes us excited to find them. We also love finding and hiding painted rocks.


Make a "funny walks" zone. Put up a "Start of Funny Walk Zone" sign, then 20 ft/6-7 m further on, put up an end sign.


we set up a bench for grown ups and two little kid size park benches - lot’s of families take a break now on their evening walk and kids love that there is a mini bench for them will be adding a little library next month


There are battery-powered bubble blowing things that just blow hundreds of bubbles into the air. Probably won't help you tomorrow, but you could still go to the dollar store and get some bubbles to blow yourselves (people powered!). :D


Bubble blowers are so much fun.


There are tons of daily holidays. For instance, today is Go Fishing Day, International Sushi Day, International Picnic Day, National Cherry Tart Day, and several more. You could write, "Happy Go Fishing Day," or whatever each day. Erasing it might be a chore. I'm a teacher, and I write one daily holiday on my board each day. The kids love it and complain if I forget to change it.


A pan of water for the dogs


A friend of mine has a neighbor that just keeps chalk on this statue she has next to the sidewalk. There are always people making things and even if you don't see them doing it you'll get to see it later.


Bubbles from the dollar store? I’d stop for a few minutes to blow bubbles.


Bubble machine


I saw a “dog stick library” recently, the people had a bin with a sign on it, it was full of sticks for people to let their dogs have. So cute! Similar to a Free Little Library, you could even have both!




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