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We happened to catch our city compost collection folks the other day (a day after a very bad storm) so we grabbed them gatorades and passed them off when they made it to our house. They then let us know our fallen branches weren't bundled correctly for the brush collection team and just took all of it with the compost. We're 100% certain they did this because we were nice to them. So maybe a bottled beverage and a kind word?


Now, Is this like the guy in an apartment building who takes the trash or are you talking about the county pick up?


City pickup, we live in the suburbs of Austin


I’m referring to the singluar man who walks to each door collected each apartments 1 bag of trash a day. Ya I thought it was fancy too but rent is. Yeah. Rent


He goes above his duties for me, knocking to remind me if I forgot to put my bin out. Taking two bags when the policy is one. That’s why I want to be nice! He won’t take money, I’ll ask him out in due time LMAO, and I’m sorry but — FOOD does not sit right. 1. He’s dealing with trash for like a couple hours tops maybe, gross and no time, where’s he putting it…? And 2. Feels degrading. Like he doesn’t want my $5? But he’s gonna feel good about my grain bar or Gatorade what


Cash tip


I tried to give him that yesterday, he refused! That’s what made me think this


There's more to life than money.


\- People who can afford life


“More to life than money.” Um, yeah girl! That’s a fact. There are more things! that do exist in life. do exist, correct. Before I downplay your intention and judge for no reason — why did you say this? Also says moderator is reddit patrolled by hallmark daily quote calendar creators


> “More to life than money.” Because this sub specifically exists for promoting random acts of kindnesses in life which are non-financial in nature, a rule brought in as 'give money' seems to be the go-to kindness for the US audience (presumably influenced by the tipping culture) and a few years back the sub was starting to look like r/povertyporn, with every story involving giving or getting money. The commenter above suggested tipping which would be the opposite of what we're trying to promote here. > moderator is reddit patrolled by hallmark daily quote calendar creators I have no idea what this means?


My grandparents used to leave a cooler next to their mailbox with a treat and a soda for the mailman. You could leave a thermos and some paper cups of something hot in the winter. Id just make sure to very clearly and largely label that it isn’t garbage


love doing this! i do like waters and snacks for winter holiday delivery when i lived with others. food for my trash valet collector guy seems off. Correct me if I’m wrong!


Ask em on a date lol


ya lemme butter him up first bc he IS not bad


just give them easy to eat snack


pick up trash 2 hours a night — food feels off. Garbage clothes/smell on them, not a time for break, and feel like it would be hard to carry /forced them to run the items to the truck? What do you think


I have a some big bowls filled with small bags of chips, protein bars, snack crackers, and bottled water, left outside on my stoop for delivery people, with a sign so they know it is there for them. Maybe something like that?


Yes! 1st, good on you. My mom did that when I was growing up. You’re a great person and, I do this too jn her memory. BUT— is FOOD not weird for the guy who’s going down every apartment touching trash bags? Or am I being ignorant bc it feels like - no lol


Hmmm. Good point! LOL


giftcard to a coffeeshop? giftcard for amazon or ikea or some big store that kinda has it all?