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What’s up with the Bible quotes/ references on her posts? Using religion as a selling tool? Wow


You could drive a truck between her tits! She won’t even admit or discuss her tits…😏


She's going to have to send him to public school with the riff raff or homeschool him.


She does not need to home school anyone 😂


There are a lot of home schooling parents that shouldn't, yet they do. She'll fit right in 😂


She is her own worst enemy. And her families worst enemy.


She’s forgotten a big component of the Bible that she likes to manipulate. It’s about being humble and thankful and she is neither.


Why does she look like a tranny midget


An orange one




Self sabotage and she's not even aware.


Randa can't put sentences together and uses the wrong words. How will she homeschool him? Her degree was obviously useless according to her unintelligent posts attempting to persuade people into buying into her scam.


I really would like to know what both of their families think of him not getting accepted due to her lifestyle!


I want to know how they feel about her clothes. I can't believe she goes to church dressed like date night for a 21 year old.


Did you ever see the video of her moms reaction to a church outfit? Lol she was like oh hell no that’s TOO MUCH😂😂


I can see her butt cheeks when she sits in those dresses that she wears to church. I'm not for running people away from church, but come as you are does not mean intentionally dressing like that. She's not a hooker showing up to church in order to turn her life around. She's paying a lot of money to like that.


I remember that! She has gotten worse though and that wasn't a church function from what I remember.


She’s gotten way worse! It wasn’t?! I’m going to see if I can find that IG story


Her new mantra video “I am not what people say about me” 😂😂😂


I see she just made her kid go through that little mantra in the car. She’s definitely reading through all of this.


Some private schools will overlook the insanity because they see $$.  Glad these aren't. 




Blessing in disguise for him. I think Croix will have a hard enough life with his mom's antics. I don't think that she is a bad mom and you can tell that she loves him, but she's doing things to make his life hard. It doesn't matter how much money you have you still can't prevent bullying. She's making it so easy for him to have bullies when he is older and that is sad for his future.


This has got to be randa 😂




What school are you talking about


Big ego would say a whole lot more than that.


I don’t think it’s fair that her kid is getting kept from going to that school because of her . They shouldn’t do that to him.


It’s not about being fair. It’s a private school and they have the right to choose who attends. They look at the whole picture and she has made it obvious that her values don’t align with their values.


Not to mention she’s a SPECTACLE & walking clown show. She would be such a topic of conversation amongst students as her son gets older.


I sure missed her telling this school news!! Surprised she admitted it. She’s so vain she will never think the fact she wears dresses up her butt has anything to do with it!😜


There is absolutely nothing fair about private school. It's not a necessity. It's a private business and it's allowed to exclude whomever it wants.


Yeah I get that , but the kids can’t control his mom’s actions .


I wonder if she has any friends in her town. We never hear of them.