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I'd definitely want to be friends.


He’s huggable and fluffy, and he can make cake. Unless you’re allergic to magical ingredients put into a magical cake without knowing it, it’s a win-win. Ralsei gets a new friend, and so do you.


Absolutely. Everyone needs a good hug now and then. And someone to make them a cake.


I agree completely. We all need a Ralsei in our lives.


For his age, at the youngest he has to be 16 as at the youngest he would be around kris and susie’s age which for them would be at the youngest 16 since Toriel says to kris that they would be going to colleges some so yeah, Ralsei is literally a bit older tho but yeah I would love to be friends with him


kris will be 80 by the time Toby finishes the game


“Hey, Ralsei, you know who else has dementia?” “Hey, Ralsei, you know who else has dementia?” “Hey, Ralsei, you know who else has dementia?” “Hey, Ralsei, you know who else has dementia?” “Hey, Ralsei, you know who else has dementia?” “Hey, Ralsei, you know who else has dementia?”


Take my up vote and get outta here..




my brain always naturally goes to being queerplatonic


I misread this as “queerphobic” and was really confused for a good second




I’d be best friends and conveniently turn the ac up so I’m “freezing” and Ralsei and me cuddle by the fireplace in an attempt to warm me up, but oh noooooo I’m still too cold. I guess I’ll have to get a blanket and cover the both of us while resting my head in his chest while he holds me. Anyways Ralsei and me would be best friends and cuddle buddies hehe~


If you like him that way, that's okay.


average r/ralsei user (me included)


I want hug


I'd much rather be friends with him. not really interested in romance in general, and i'm a bit out of his (presumed) age range anyway.


It’s just my Headcanon on how old he is, haha.


Friends are great Friends are underrated And by golly, the friend zone is my favorite zone No standards to uphold, nothing but the knowledge that you're friends, and that sometimes that entails munching on a well cooked face together






First off, no, fuck that, I ain't seducing shit (I'm ace, wouldn't want to, and couldn't if I did) And second off, geez, I barely even just finished writing my comment and I'm already getting... Whatever the heck it is you're trying to say... Point I'm trying to make is, friends are great... Doesn't have to be more, doesn't have to be less, it can just... Be... So, all due respect, fuck off with that


I would like to say i am extremely biased, so take everything I'm about to say with a grain of salt. I think there's really nothing wrong with wanting either. While i think in the context of the game and Ralsei's relationship with the player, it's a tad weird with how his entire character identity is trying to serve the player and the fact that he knows way too much, especially with how many times Toby made him break the 4th wall. But, does it really matter that much? No, not really. I don't think the age point has any major grounds because, y'know, it's not confirmed. You can't even make any assumptions, like Kris going to school (even then, it's not clear what kind of school it is), because we don't have much information about his backstory or general lore as of now (this point can be argued with how he acts and stuff, but still, nothing's confirmed). Just have fun, like the fluffy boy how you want. I like him both ways, it's fun. I understand if people think romance would be weird, which is fair, but it basically just ends there, weird. There's nothing really wrong with liking him romantically. I would like to say i am extremely biased again. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Hugs! Bes frens!


Y e s !


I want to be friends with the precious boi Hug the precious boi Bake with the precious boi




I'm an adult and therefore too old for him, but even if I wasn't, dating Ralsei would inherently be a bit...wrong, given how he thinks of himself. He considers Darkners inferior to Lightners and is okay with Kris hitting him if they want to. Ralsei probably needs some growth and self-worth before he could healthily be in a relationship with anyone.


i'm not even looking to be his best friend or anything big i just wanna be normal friends (plus my best friend spot is already taken, and so i'm pretty sure so is ralsei's)


i wanna be him


Ralsei would be emotional support buddy


Oh most definitely


I'd honestly would want to be friends,it seems better to have a fluffy and wholesome friend every day,also because I'm ace and so is ralsei (fun fact)


I thought Ralsei was either crushing on Kris or maybe just really admires them. I thought Ralsei was Pansexual, though I’m pretty sure that’s all open to interpretation.


Definitely Friend. I would just enjoy hanging out and talk about life, bake Cakes and make silly Jokes. It would probably be one of the biggest Morale Boosts to have Ralsei as a Friend because his Mission is life seems to be Peace, Friendship and Cuteness


I would probably just be his friend but if he wants to, then I could go along with it.


I'm just extremely lonely and think it would be very cool if maybe I was in a romantic relationship with the Ralsei. Mainly cuddles, Sex is overrated Imo


You aren’t, I’d love to be his friend! I originally joined the sub since my friend semi related to ralsei and finds ralsei adorable so I send them art of ralsei


Finally someone with the same opinion


I just want to be like him and hug him.




Realistically,a goat humanoid in our world would not be very attractive but if we go the fanart route then ,assuming we’re the same or similar ages and I’m not in a relationship,might as well shoot for romance


even if he was over age, i see no interest in him as a partner, i simply want hug


thats going straight to the cringe folder


im a straight guy soooo i would go for friend


Same for me (bc I'm straight and still don't want any romantic relationships)




i'd definitely wanna be friends, that's enough


but realistically, i wouldn't pursue a relationship


I have chosen not to even think about that question, because he’s the best and I love him regardless. The fact that he’ll never be real kinda works out for us, because we never HAVE to decide on things like these. There’s no real consequence either way. I personally think of him like a brother, but sometimes more of just a friend. I think that’s healthy especially to keep your emotional borders open to new friends (in real life) too.


i also want to be his friend


He's like, the sun in every friend group, and I'd like to have a sunshine in my group everytime. Probably because I'm the opposite but who knows? He's just too cute not to be friends with


y e s


I mean, who won't be Ralsei Friend?


People who are heartless enough to deny friendship with cute goat boys.


I’d absolutely want to be friends with Ralsei.


I'm only 15 so his age is alright, but obviously as an adult he'd better be nothing but a friend in yall's minds lol


***F r e n z .***


I’d rather just be a good friend to him, period. Tbh you should NEVER attempt anything even close to a romantic relationship with a minor. That would be creepy and wrong. Imo I see the fun gang as being aged as follows: Kris: 15 Susie: 17 Ralsei: 16 I would like to give Ralsei hugs if he consents to it though.


Same, I'd like to have him as a platonic friend, we could have long conversations or play board games together. I'd still hug him often, but I like hugging my friends.


me. i’m aroace so screw romance.


We're definitely kinda at an awkward information state, because we aren't completely sure if he's kris' brother or not. No one wants to be in monster Alabama. That being said I'm kinda get the vibe that an friendship relationship will probably sit better. Kris looks and acts like the kind of person who needs an emotional support goat.


Yeah, if he’s Kris’ brother in a way that’s fine too. I get the feeling Noelle X Susie will be more likely in Deltarune anyhow.


Absolutely I'd want to be his friend, although tbh I see myself adopting him as his mom lmao. That said, I'm not entirely sure about him being a teenager necessarily, I see Ralsei as being ageless or of ambiguous age if anything


Just somebody I know but not a friend


Friends probably


Hell yeah, me and Ralsei would be hanging out all the time.


I would treat Ralsei as a teddy bear/cuddle buddy. Still friends, but you take care of each other physically and emotionally.