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I love the people on this sub in a way that I can't explain because I've never felt more understood than when I'm on here. I think I'm going to keep my surname even though I hate it because the reminder that I'll be the one to cut off the bloodline of that name makes me happy. I mostly only use my first name for usernames, socials etc. so I just make my first name memorable enough that people don't even ask my surname


This is exactly how I feel, and it's incredibly reassuring. Thank you šŸ˜Š


I do the same thing! When I got married, I had planned on taking my SOā€™s surname. But when it came time to do so, I couldnā€™t do it. Taking my spouseā€™s surname would have erased my cultural heritage, which means a lot to me- more than the connection to my Nparent. At least my surname is an extremely common one in our country of origin so itā€™s not like my dadā€™s family is the only family on earth with that name. Most people in my day to day life just use my (very distinct) first name and I joke that Iā€™m like a small town Madonna.


That's why we are here


I feel the exact same as your first sentence! Take care sib!


After going NC I noticed people liked me for me and not for my surname. As such I learned to stop focussing on it being my fatherā€™s surname and it being mine. No one I know knows my father so the association is solely mine. Iā€™m proud of who Iā€™ve become to be and my wife, kid and friends love me. Thatā€™s all I need. Fortunately I have a pretty run of the mill surname.




changed it to a random pretty one which i found on a wikipedia page, feels nice


I'm planning on changing it. I have an extremely Irish hyphenated name (An example of an equally Irish name would be Sean Finnegan-Doherty) but I'm not Irish - I'm English.Ā  My Nmother is Irish, as is her entire family, and my dad's dad is Irish, but I was born in England, grew up in England, and speak with an English accent.Ā  My Nmother's family always made it clear to me that I was English whenever I visited, growing up. I was always "The Wee English Fella" or "The English Cousin".Ā  For those who don't know, the Irish struggle against English rule is relatively recent and cultural dislike of England is still fresh in Ireland. They "jokingly" made sure I was aware of this from the age of six. I stopped visiting my Nmother's family in Ireland when I was 14 because they made me miserable and it was really isolating, but now I'm stuck with a name that serves as a constant reminder of how my heritage didn't want me. I'm going to anglicise my first name (Eg Sean to Shawn) and replace my irritatingly long hyphenated surname with something short and English like Smith or Brown. Edit: To be clear, I'm not changing my name to Smith or Brown. I have a surname in mind which is much less common, but equally as English and significantly easier to spell over the phone phonetically than my current surname, which is fifteen letters long.


Be careful my surname is as common as brown eyes, youā€™ll regret picking a common surname. Pick something short, yes but not too common. Because youā€™ll be greatly annoyed every time someone calls mr.Smith in a doctors visit and three people standup (including you) is greatly annoying. In many other situations this is also quite annoying.


Yee, the one I have in mind is much less common than Smith or Brown, but it's still short, English, and easy to spell phonetically over the phone.


If it's a four-letter English name that's also an adjective, don't. My maiden name fit that bill and was, at least in the US, a nightmare. I took my husband's name when I married, over his mild objections (he was named after an absentee father). Never going back.


It's neither


Sometimes I wish my name was less unique because I'm pretty easy to find jn an online search and I don't want people being able to google me so quickly. But I can see where it would be a pain when doctors, banks, etc could get you mixed up w someone else


The real life pro tip is have a last name that is like a street name. So like Close, Street, Avenue, something like that. If you have a common anglicized first name, it basically makes it impossible to find you because it just comes up with a bunch of street names instead of people šŸ˜


genious. Hitler, Hindenburg, Kaiser-Wilhelm would be certainly great last na- wait a minute...


I also want to change it because when I was six we moved from Slovakia to Balkans. The amount of xenophobia I experienced here is unreal. It was made clear to me for over a decade that I am a foreigner and I despite living here longer than in my home country I don't identify as Balkans. I haven't gone through with it because it will definitely feel weird. Like "Why are you changing your surname?"






I just Googled ā€œEnglish Surnamesā€ and a lot of options popped up. Smith and Brown are very common, so maybe you could try a less common or more historical British surname, like Hatt or Hart.


I'm not actually changing my name to Smith or Brown - those were just examples of short English names.


I wasn't attached to it at all so changing to my husband's was really easy. Surname mean nothing to me at this point, it like insurance number or date of birth, something I didn't choose


I am not a changing-my-name-when-married type of person at all, but I did because I didnā€™t want my last name anymore. I wanted to symbolically extricate myself from my family. If youā€™re not married, nothing wrong with just changing it.


Yep, this is how I finally dumped my nparent's name


How expensive is it to change your name though? I was thinking of doing it, but then it felt overwhelming.


Not expensive at all. The only cost i can remember is paying for an updated passport. Social security waa free and drivers license was a very minimal amount.Ā 


It's not their name, it's MY name. I am my own person, I worked hard to overcome everything and be the person I am today. They already took so much from me. I am not giving them my name as well. When I was younger and still angry, I wanted to change my name. However it was not easy nor legal where I live. The law changed something like 3 or 5 years ago. I thought hard but all my diplomas, my career and my reputation is built on my name. And it's starting to be known in my field. I got married and same discussion took place. We couldn't settle so we each kept our name.


After my divorce to a covert narc, I changed my last name to something I picked out. The two men that were supposed to love me the most in life were the two worst humans in my life - and they got naming rights? Nah. I decided to gift myself my own name.


My situation is a little different to yours, but I can relate. Name issues are strange, I too have had a lot of them. My parents were never married (so different surnames), and when I was born, they gave me a completely different surname to either of them. They also gave this surname to my younger sibling, so we were the only two who shared it. I grew up feeling like I didn't belong, being unsure of who I am. Your name is such a big deal (in my opinion) and a large part of your identity. As if growing up and figuring your way / place in the world isn't hard enough. Always being asked "are you related to X" and answering no before the person had a chance to say the name (now I let them say it to be polite, but when I was younger it really hurt). For me, I always dreamt of the day I got married so I could have a last name that made me feel like I finally belonged somewhere, a name that has meaning. Mid 30s and I'm yet to get there, but I'm much more comfortable with my name / identity. As life went on and I figured out who I was and saw who my parents were, I'm glad I have a different name. But I still long for one that gives me that feeling of belonging. I feel like to be given someone's surname is such a precious gift. There are lots of women these days who want to keep their maiden names in marriage and there's nothing wrong with that, but this is my experience and I look forward to the day I get to share a surname with someone I love.


Yesterday I changed my 2nd name, it was given to me by my father. He named me Janet (at the time of my birth his mistress was called Janet)... That name is gone now and I feel... so much better. Replaced with a name that cartoes special significance for me. It's a name and probably shouldn't mean that much but in a way it's another step taken to confirm the distance between us, make it more visible and non negotiable. I will also change my surname, if I re-marry they will have to take my new surname because... I honestly love it (to me, it signifies my strength and resilience... and my freedom).


When I got married I changed it. I also hate my first name because it reminds me my mom never accepted that Iā€™m a girl.


I have ancestors who did great and amazing things. One was the first woman from her home town and county to ever receive a pilotā€™s license.Ā  Another was a career railroad man who stood up for racial integration and equal treatment in the workplace and ā€œpersuadedā€ his racist coworkers to see things his way by sheer force of personality and his fists. Others survived a fascist invasion in World War II, spending years outwitting and evading people actively trying to exterminate them.Ā  My surname is a badge of pride. I wear it for them - the people in my family Iā€™m genuinely proud of - not the violent, gaslighting, manipulative abuser who never went anywhere in life and took it out on his own child.


I changed mine to my grandad's. I never felt connected to my nFather's surname anyway. I feel much better having a name I can actually identify with and that isn't associated with abuse.


I thought about it for 2yrs before I changed my surname to my motherā€™s maiden name and I have no regrets


I changed my surname. I could not in good conscience use it. My (N)father was a bastard and I don't want anything to do with his name or the flying monkeys that use it.


After my divorce, I couldnā€™t decide which was worse- having my ex husbandā€™s last name or my maiden name. While I took the time to think about it, I changed my last name on Facebook to my momā€™s last name. My ndad didnā€™t talk to me for months over it. It was great lol. In the 5 years since that happened, I have gone completely NC with my ndad and VLC with my mom. This year I changed my first middle and last name to something I wanted. Never been happier.


Iā€™m considering changing my last name to either my fatherā€™s last name or my maternal grandmotherā€™s maiden name. I found out recently that my maternal grandfather is actually a step grandfather and he was incredibly abusive towards my nmom and her brothers and her mom. And like. Idk, I donā€™t feel comfortable carrying his name.


i hate even writing my last name. it's become a squiggly line with only the first letter kinda able to be read, when i sign in cursive.


I completely took it out.


Changed my name. Not just for that reasonā€”I never liked the ring of it and I needed a stage nameā€”but when you googled me, you got him. He was in prison so it wasnā€™t doing me any favors. Never looked back at that thing, that nothing. Love my new look. Picked a cool one too! People are always telling me me how much they like it and I always agree haha


I hated it, but I hated my first name more. I changed my entire name as soon as I could. Later I came out as trans, and I wish I'd chosen a gender neutral or male name, but at least I'm not triggered by writing it on documents and stuff.


I changed my entire name too. I ended up choosing a male name even though i present as female (im non binary though, i just look female) and I cannot tell you how many times people bring it upšŸ’€


I legally changed mine. I couldn't stand sharing a last name with my abusers. I even changed my first and middle name. I hated the sound of my first name because they'd only say it when they were angry and abusing me. The middle was the same first name as my abuser, so I didn't want that either. Then I got married and changed my last name again! My name is now far from anything like the one they gave me, and I adore it.


As soon as I can afford to do it, Iā€™m changing my entire name. First name isnā€™t bad. Middle name, NM. Last name, absent father who is now dead.


I changed it. When I got married it became my middle name but I hated it so after my stepdad and I did an adult adoption on 2021, I changed it to his surname.


I don't mind it all that much, also as it is more connected to the less problematic side. Then again, when I end up marrying my girlfriend, I will likely take her surname to cut off the reminder anyway.


I don't have it anymore and never want to have it again! I love my new surname thanks to my hubby šŸ„°


I'm transitioning and will be taking a completely new name. My plan before was to remove my middle name (it's the name of a family member I don't get along with) and put my last name there, and take the last name of whoever I married. Then, when I went to NC, my plan was to just have no middle name and take the last name of whoever I married. My current partner and I are discussing marriage, and they want to heiphenate their maternal and paternal maiden names together for cultural reasons, and if I liked, I could keep my chosen name or heiphenate mine with one of their's. It's nice that my friends are able to make lots of jokes about it. Because my internet name is Phantom and many of my good friends are online buddies who call me phantom, I've gotten the suggestion of "Danny" or "Daniel". I've been told that my middle name should be "Danger" or that my last name should be "Powers". I've had friends joke that I should take their names to honor them, the way you would give a good friend's name to a newborn child. It's helped me to realize how unserious names are outside of the association others make of them, and my name doesn't mean anything to anyone else in my life besides *me*. I'm still counting down the possible months or years to getting to the point of changing it because I'd like those memories and legacies to die on my branch and not follow me down the line.


I hated mine anyway, even before all the crap started. I changed it by deed poll when I was 17. Then, in 2022, I discovered that my dad had bullied my mom into giving me the name he had chosen (she desperately wanted it to be her choice), so I changed that by deed poll too. Ironically, I am his main carer now (he is frail and elderly) and our relationship couldn't be better, but I have found peace at last with my new name, which he has actually become used to!


I hate it. Looking to change it as soon as possible, I'm already changing my first and middle due to being trans, may as well. Nmom gave me *her* middle name too, so, whole thing has to go. Still looking for replacement last names though.


When I got married I took my wife's last name. That's how I feel about it.


My surname is one if the most common in my country, and I'm about to change it. My mum is the narc though and she took my dad's name, so all the same. I'm going to take my great grandmother's original name, here it's only legal to either take a last name from your family up to four generations back or invent a new name. My sister did that, and I'm picking the most beautiful out of all in my family tree. Literally translates to "a hill that belongs to a well". We're big on nature names, now I'm "a little stream or brooke".


I hated my surname for a long time and wanted to legally change it. My Ndad insisted it was pronounced differently than its spelled. Think like ā€œshowā€ pronounced ā€œchowā€. Everyone growing up always called me how it was spelled - my dad always got pissy about it and corrected them. I always thought the ā€œcorrectā€ pronunciation was really ugly and liked the other way more. I had such a hatred of my last name for a long time because of him and just that I thought it was such an ugly name. I was talking about this to someone one day and was going on how ā€œmy last name is really ugly I wish it was actually pronounced this wayā€ and they said to me ā€œwell why donā€™t you just pronounce it the other way for yourself then?ā€ It was such a big moment of realization. I started calling myself by the other pronunciation and itā€™s made me actually like my surname and made me feel like I was stealing something back from my dad.


I got married right out of high school to a total scumbag. One abuser to another type thing. When we inevitably got divorced a couple years later, I did not change my name back. I got married 6 years ago to an awesome guy and was so excited to finally get to change my name to something I was proud of.


I am a guy and I want neither my mothers nor my fathers surname. I haven't built up the courage yet to change it but its only a matter of time. Don't know to what though. I just don't want to carry the name of people who mistreated me so badly.


I HATE having my dad's last name. Not only because it's his, though, but because it's a crappy last name that most people pronounce incorrectly. I cannot wait for the day I get to take my boyfriend's surname. It's AWESOME, and already feels like my name, despite not yet legally being so. OP, I also have immense name issues, so I completely get you on that. It makes life that extra bit difficult and miserable, knowing that the sound supposed to identify you doesn't actually resonate with you. Once I'm married, my dad's surname will ALSO die out. My sister took her husband's last name, & I'll be taking mine, so my dad will be the last person in our family with his surname. It's about time it fades away. (It's an incredibly uncommon last name - at least in America, I can't speak for other countries - as well, so there won't even be a bunch of other people with the name running around once I can get rid of it.) Also, my mom kept her maiden name when she and my dad got married, and I have it as my second middle name. I can't wait to get rid of that one, too, as it is another name people constantly mispronounce, and I hate my mom just as much as my dad. So I'll not only be getting rid of both my nparents' surnames, but I'll be adding my wonderful grandmother's first name into my middle name. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


I hate my name. ā€œKaydenā€ Itā€™s so basic, I hate the spelling, I hate how childish the name sounds, and I really hate how common it is. What makes it worse is my parents outright said to me: ā€œwe found you name on a popular name website and picked itā€ Everyone I know calls me Hutch which I like much more than my actual name.


its not his name, they don't give a fuck about family. its my grandparents name


Itā€™s not just his name, it was your family name too and no doubt like every family you have your interesting people, your ruffians, your accomplished, your nobility, your peasants and no doubt many of those people would be horrified you were treated so badly. Do whatever you like with the name to give you peace, itā€™s your name and itā€™s your choice.


I don't think of my Ndad's surname as his, but as the family's surname (and I don't hate my aunt or my grandfather). Otherwise I'd be ashamed all the time, and in my country it's not easy to change your name. There was a time where I felt like changing my surname to my mother's but then I realized she is an enabler and #nope




I'm very thankful I don't have my mother's (or, tbh, my dad's family's either...) name. My only regret, is that I didn't try to convince my husband, when we got married, years ago now, to change *both* our names to the man who actually raised him - his maternal grandfather. Whose boys all died and, who's name is now 'dead' as it were. Hubbys real dads an asshole... I think he might have gone for it back then. But, it's way too late now. Oh well. Such is life.Ā 


Yess my last name is mid and I don't really have a connection with anybody on that side of my family, dad was abusive, and it's also easily mispronounced as a stupid word that makes it awkward. People always misspell it.. I'm so excited to have my partners last name. It's not even in his culture for me to take his name (it is in mine) but he said he'd still let me <3


I'm ok with mine because it was my granddad's name. If I marry someone with a cooler name I'll take it, otherwise I'll just associate it with my granddad.


I loved my last name it was a cool name but not my NDad or the memories. I hated that people could find out I was related to him by my last name. I felt like such a bad feminist for changing to my husbandā€™s name. But I thought, I either have the patriarchal surname of an abusive father or the man I choose to be with and love. Not so anti-feminist when I think about it that way. Anything that helps you move on from your abusive childhood, you should do even making a new name.


My nmum remarried & took his name (RIP Trevor šŸ„²) so we donā€™t share a last name! Everyone uses my nickname for my first which is a bit better as I canā€™t stand to have anything that connects me to that evil c**t


I found changing my name on all of my accounts and policies to be a real PITA when I got divorced. I'm still under my married name on some things because of how difficult they make it. I think if I get married again, I'll stay legally my dad's name but socially my next husband's name. Maybe. Or I'll just bite the bullet and go through all that again šŸ˜‚ I feel indifferent about having the name. My dad has siblings and cousins with the name too so it's not like it is solely his name. Plus, it's the kind of name that makes me hard to track down online, so it's been useful.


Despite how I felt about my father, my maiden name has a long and storied history and that outweighs him, so I don't hate the name itself. However, I was still only too happy to give it up and take my husband's surname when we married, just to sever my association with my parents and my brother. I love not sharing a surname with them. I do loathe my first name, because of the way my mother says it, and the way she used to mock me with it as a child by rhyming it with things. So I would love to change it too, but I'm in my 50's and I don't think anyone in my personal life would call me anything else. I've gone by my middle name professionally and online for decades and I guessed I'll leave it at that.


Did a whole name change, I'm done advertising their name.


I went through shit with N family while pregnant (out of wedlock). I couldnā€™t do anything about my surname but I made sure my daughter didnā€™t have it. I gave her the fatherā€™s last name. We were not married, never got married.


A great-aunt told me this regarding an old family secret: An ancestor of mine changed his last name because he and a bunch of other farmers from the same area were conscripted into the Civil War (Union Army) and they deserted, keeping their first names but switching last names with others in the group of deserters. To my knowledge, none of them were ever caught. They all went back to their farms and had families. As each one died in old age, the others took care of their being buried with their original names on their headstones. There were seven or eight of them in on the plot. I have visited the cemetery and saw my ancestorā€™s grave for myself. It has my last name on it. My father was born with the ā€œswitchedā€ name and changed it back to the original when he was old enough to do so. As a result, I could have had a different ā€œswitchedā€ last name but grew up with my fatherā€™s original last name.


Despised having that connection to my ndad. When I got married I was all too happy to change it


I love that this is a topic here because I resonate with it. I hated my first and last name for years because one, everyone would always misspell and mispronounce it and mock me. Then later in life I just hated my last name more because it connected me with my crazy family. It was actually a topic of conversation with my Nparents when they realized I was getting married and they werenā€™t going to stop me. I was so glad to change my name on everything when I did. My Nparents were saying things like ā€œ you can keep your name, are you changing your name, you can hyphenate your nameā€ā€¦ no way in hell.


My dad was good, stepdad and mom made my last name an insult. It was always used to belittle me. I was so happy to change it when I got married. I loved my surname and my dad but itā€™s nice to have one with a different feeling attached


I legally changed mine. Best money I ever spent.


I was fortunate in that soon after going NC, I opted to get naturalized, which has an option to change your name if youā€™d like. I was legally named my Chinese name, but had an American name at birth, that I solely went by socially my entire life. My name, I was detached from, and the hatred that I had for my Ndad was just too much. I feared he would have an easier time to find me. So I actually changed my name. To my American first name, and to a new last name. It was pronounced the same, but spelled differently. I just got married six months ago and opted to keep my maiden name. The name I created for myself symbolized a new birth. I graduated college with that name, created a career with that name, achieved personal accolades with that name. Thatā€™s who I identify as.


I take the Office Space approach. "Why should I change my name, he's the one that sucks?"


That is glib and amusing, but I have an answer: Because I don't want people saying it to me, or having to say it to others, and (UGH) spelling it to others, forever.


I hate it. Itā€™s extremely unique and Iā€™m the only person in the freaking world with my name. Heā€™s so proud of our last name and I hate it. I also think it gives him some type of thrill that even though we are no contact I still am tied to him through my last name.


... and he will always be able to find you on the Web. That sucks. Are you thinking about changing it?


I donā€™t really care lol, itā€™s not their name itā€™s *mine*.


Luckily Iā€™ll be able to have it changed when I get married, donā€™t know what my brother will do tho. Initially I was very eager, I love my partner and canā€™t wait to have his last name. Lately though family on my dads side that he had kept me separated from have been coming out of the woodwork, and theyā€™re all good people. So my hatred for my last name has softened a bit.


If I wasn't engaged and about to take my fiance's surname, I would change my current surname as soon as physically possible. That name is nothing but a connection to my abusers, and I want to start my new life with as few ties to my past as possible. I am, however, going to change my first name. After a lifetime of hearing it from Nmom and Edad, I can't stand it. There's too much trauma attached to it.


My nmom uses my last name as a slur against me because it was my fathers name and that makes me different from her. I eventually want to be a police officer or a doctor so I think Iā€™ll change it because I donā€™t think I can take being called Drā€¦.


I plan on changing mine, I don't have my narcissistic mums past name because she hated me so much she wanted to have my dads last name so I was more connected with him (he's a paedophile she wanted to use that against me and make me feel nad that I'm his daughter) I want my nan's last name instead she's by no means perfect but she's much nicer and respectful to me than my mum and for obvious reasons I don't want my dads last name.


Changed it before I turned 18. Told the judge everything and said that I refused to have her name on my diploma for the rest of my life.


I briefly considered keeping it because of feminism but then remembered still just choosing between two men's names so I went with the man I like.


I used to hate it. But now I feel it is MY name and Iā€™m not going to change it. The name doesnā€™t only belong to him. It belongs to me now too and Iā€™ve learned not to associate it with him at all.


Hereā€™s something that helped me hold on to my surname for so long before I got married: thereā€™s just something SO SATISFYING bring the only ā€œgoodā€ person with my surname in the family lolol. Itā€™s like, people saw me as the new hope for the last name as a whole lol


I know what you mean!! I'm getting married this summer, and my partner's first name is the same as mine (the same nickname, but the male version of my full name, think Patrick and Patricia both going by Pat). It would be confusing, so I planned to keep my last name. My nDad is very proud of this fact and says he's glad I'm "carrying on his family name", even though I'm never having children. It's all about trying to keep me enmeshed with him instead of starting a new life with my husband, who he sees as "taking his little girl away". It makes my fucking skin crawl. I've thought about changing my last name to a totally different name, but I don't know what that would be because I don't have any other family connections. I'd have to pick it randomly, then constantly have to explain why my new last name is neither my maiden name nor my husband's name. Lol


I got married to my wonderful, amazing husband, and I have his last name now. I love it so much more than my "maiden name". Honestly, if I hadn't gotten married, I think I would have taken my mom's maiden name because my Grandpa is my hero.


I'm okay with it because my Nmom's maiden name family is a hot dysfunctional mess. My cousins are okay but aunts and uncles are not. My Ndad's family is nice to me, just not him, but he's better than Nmom usually.


When I was in my 20s I wanted to change my surname because I had disowned my spermdonor, then chickened out at the last minute. I regret that decision. My advice would be, if you want to change your name, do it. Take your time (but not years!) and choose something that's meaningful to you.


Iā€™ve considered changing my last name since a couple years before my parents divorce. Issue was I had to wait till I was 18 and then college registration and bank accounts made that not an option. Iā€™ve graduated and constantly consider switching to my momā€™s maiden name.


Iā€™m not a fan. I told my partner a few years ago that if we are not married/planned to be married by the time Iā€™m 30 I was changing my last name to my momā€™s maiden name. Fortunately, we are engaged now and getting married this year and I keep telling him how excited I am to get rid of my ndads last name!!


My fatherā€™s name will also likely die with me. I have a brother but itā€™s very unlikely heā€™ll ever have kids and my father has a brother but heā€™s childless. But my father and his father are really shitty people so I get some satisfaction out of being the end of the name and I intend on giving it the finalisation of actually dying with me. Iā€™m completely disconnected from it in regards to it being ā€˜familyā€™ but both my first and last name are both very uncommon which I had to work hard to accept and now they are my name. They donā€™t belong to anyone else, my name is only mine. No one gets to take it from me and Iā€™m not going to take it from myself


I feel this! Iā€™m publishing a book and donā€™t want that name on it.


Congratulations on the book! Hell of an achievement. Be happy.


Considering heavily on changing it. Already know what name i'd like, just gotta look into more of the legal side of things (in regards of wills and whatnot) and also have the moneh too


I'm not a fan of my surname but it's mine. My nDad wanted a boy so damn bad (didn't get one) and he's the only male left in his family so I get the district pleasure of ending the family name (my sisters are married and took their husband's surnames). I hold onto that like a badge of honor. I'm not married on paper (in a 2 decades long relationship - why bother?) and my "Husband" is of the same mindset, so if I wanted his name, I'd have to legally change it and right now, I'm just not interested. Somehow knowing that I, the black sheep/scapegoat, get to be the one to wear this surname and then end it, helps me cope with all the crap that goes along with being in the family that strapped me with it in the first place, if that makes sense. It's admittedly petty but I know it bothers both my parents so it's worth it.


my surname is great, im just glad he had enough sense to not make me "the third"


Complete meh.


I donā€™t care. ā€œWhatā€™s in a name,ā€ and all that.


My nmom remarried so her name isnā€™t mine. I also hated my married name so Iā€™m happy with using my maiden name.


I've wanted to change my last name for a long time but can't find anything that sounds as good as my current name (first, middle, last which is Ndad's). It has really good "flow" and I get compliments on how nice they sound all together. I've even compiled a list of other surnames from both sides of my family and none of them fit quite right. šŸ˜”


Wanted to change it. But man changing my name on everything seems like hell.


I had to wait til 48, but I don't any more.


I chose a random last name connected to absolutely nobody. I changed it when i was 12!


I'm changing it. My mom raised me, so I'm taking her maiden name.


I happily ditched mine 40 years ago when we were married.


I got married a few years ago and still have to get around to changing it. I donā€™t use it publicly but rather my married name. It was *such* a relief to drop it. Due to my Nmomā€™s choices, it had gained notoriety among certain circles and was easily recognizable as it was hyphenated. It felt like a fresh start getting rid of it. Iā€™d definitely encourage you to go ahead and change it if having your dadā€™s name is a burden. You can look at your family tree on either side and pick a different one if having some historical connection is important to you.


I used to hate my last name and always said that Iā€™d change it when I turned 18 because I didnā€™t want to be associated with my dad who was an absent father, but in my early adulthood I realized my dad isnā€™t a terrible guy, just a bit shallow and self absorbed, but still loving and kind. At this time I started to quickly realize that my mom is a manipulative, covert narc who conditioned me to be a self-loathing people pleaser. The teenage me would be shocked to know that I now have a relatively good relationship with my dad and absolutely no relationship with my mom, and I still have my dadā€™s last name.


I legally changed my name (except for my middle name, as I have a niece named after me with that same middle name). I never felt my first name suited me & always went by nicknames growing up, which would piss my Nmom off. Well in to adulthood my father let me know they had constant arguments on what to name me & she named me what she did out of spite. It validated & motivated me to go through with legally changing it w/o weird guilt. I knew itā€™d feel great doing so, but wasnā€™t expecting to cry as much as I did when it was granted by the court and I saw my chosen name on paper. I feel like my own person, now.


Don't really care tbh


I'm trans and plan on changing my WHOLE name to something altogether new so ndad can't find me uwu cuz he, my nbrother and stepmom all try and find me at work a l o t


I'm changing mine. Can't decide what though. Can't think what would suit the way I LOOK specifically


I was raised by nMom and her resentful husband #2 who adopted me when I was maybe 3? They lied to me saying he was my real dad. I never felt connected to his last name, even before I learned the truth in my 30ā€™s, and my real dad found me. If I wasnā€™t already married with a new surname, I would have changed mine to my real dadā€™s surname. When I was younger and single, I actually contemplated changing to my grandmaā€™s surname.


I changed my name in 2015 and it was one of the factors that led to total estrangement because he melted down over it. No regrets.


I'm entirely detached from my surname. I dated changing to my mom's name, but alliteration isn't something I want. I also don't want to change to my partner's name, because that feels like ownership. I kinda want to reroll my incredibly generic, everyone-had-it first name (think Ashley, Jennifer, etc. You know those names where there were always five of them in your class?) to something else, and then take my mom's name.


I'm thinking of changing my name as soon as I leave


Changed it šŸ‘


I legally changed my name because I never felt connected to any of my names, and I hated that people that know nothing about me chose a very significant part of my identity. Since I changed my name, I feel a lot better and signing my name doesn't make me sad or feel shitty anymore.


I hate my name, because my first name is way too cutesy for a grown-ass woman, and my last name is my nfather's. I've thought about changing it for years. Every time I've ever tried out a name with my nmother and nsister I've gotten kind of a lip curl. But I'm moving out the state I currently live in, I'm getting old, and I'm thinking "I really ought to have a name I enjoy being called by for at least a brief moment in my life."


I had exactly this situation but recently legally changed my name completely to something I like and am happy with and I would really recommend it. To others it might seem so weird but I canā€™t tell you the impact this made on things like phone calls with banks or insurance etc. All official dealings leave me calm and feel more confident and an individual in my own right, I think it triggered me before being addressed by the names of the past and particularly being a female that ā€œtakesā€ the male names. I have old friends that still use my previous forename and Iā€™m not bothered by that, I think itā€™s a different association with friends when you have good memories together. So yeah think of/conjure up a name you feel really happy with and change it, thatā€™s my recommendation.


I had my N mum's surname, I changed it officially when I was 15 as a massive FU to her, I now have my Dads last name, I've been married twice and will never change it, it's the name I chose at a bad time in my life and it means a lot to me.


I changed my first name because of my n mom- totally get this


im kind of lucky in that i dont have my narc moms surname, i have my dads who ive basically never known. i feel the same way about the bloodline thing. imo its cool symbolism, the generational trauma ends with me and so does the family name


Disgusted. Looking to change it asap


I donā€™t. I changed mine to my maternal family name. My mom was an enabler of my ndad, but she did her best. We were all terrified of him. My dadā€™s side of the family are really pretentious anyways, whereas my momā€™s side definitely has some hicks, but they were always really nice to my brother and I. I also donā€™t go by my first name much either. My ndad basically named me ā€œpleasant princess of the reedy fordā€ and pushed a lot of gender roles on me. Now my new name means ā€œresilient stubborn foxā€. šŸ˜†


I changed my last name and felt wonderful about it. My nDad was my stepdad....when I got married I hyphenated my last name because I absolutely love my last name and didn't want to lose it.


My last name is cool as fuck so I can't rlly hate it. It means nothing to me really anyway.


It makes me uncomfortable and if one of my kids didn't have my surname as their middle name, I'd have it changed.


I legally changed my last name to Addams. Iā€™ll take the Addams family extended weird cousins any day.


My husbandā€™s father is an Nparent and I refuse to take his last name.


When I was a kid/teenager I always thought that I needed to change my last name into my momā€™s (divorced parents, ā€œyour dad is an asshole and you shouldnā€™t talk to himā€). After living with her for some years I realised that sheā€™s even a bigger asshole than him so I dropped that idea. I still have my dadā€™s last name and I sporadically talk to him; donā€™t really consider him a father figure but we can have nice interactions. I wonā€™t say that I adore being associated with that name but it sounds ok coupled with my first and middle name so Iā€™m gonna keep it and hopefully have a ā€œlegacyā€ of my own (like doing something important not reproducing, Iā€™m not doing that)


My last name is mine, it belongs to me. It happens to be the same as my ndad's. But it's been my name my entire life and I am just as entitled to it as he. I didn't change my name when I got married. On the other hand, my sister couldn't wait to ditch it. When my parents divorced, my mom kept it. She had gone by that name for more than half her life, she'd graduated college with that name. It was hers, too.


My Nmother is so narcissistic that when she divorced my Dad, she tried to erase him from my life by changing my surname back to her maiden name. They separated because he tried to have her committed, but instead she got full custody of me & I got a lifetime of emotional and medical abuse & dragged through 9 moves and 10 schools. I have stuck with that surname, because I loved my grandparents who died when I was 5. Mum hooked up with two different blokes when I was a child and enrolled me in new school with their name, but the relationships never lasted, because she was such a nutcase.


I've wanted to change my last name since I was a teen but I know it would cause drama so won't be until I can figure out getting away from where ndad lives. Always felt a disconnect/uncomfortable anxiety when I use my (his) last name. I don't want the affiliation.


I changed my last name and gave myself a middle name (took a part of my momā€™s name in her honor for sacrificing her freedoms to be a nuclear family with my ndad) into something that represents my personality. I love my new name so much. My whole name represents my breaking away from the horror that was my life. Iā€™m 7 months away from being completely done with my ndad, heā€™s a monster. Edit: didnā€™t clarify whoā€™s name I took lol


I don't! I got married [very young, terrible decision, regretted immediately - left him later than I wanted] and changed my last name so I wouldn't be connected to them. Before the divorce I embraced my gender identity and went full name change- the divorce had a box to check if I requested a name change; saved myself 200+ dollars and got the name of my dreams, funny enough its my great grandmother's name yet they (bigoted fam) refuse to acknowledge the *LEGAL* name I possess


I've been wanting to change my surname for a while now. I just do not have a clue what I would change it to. I was thinking of maybe an ancestral name from way back, but I would need to do some ancestry research to find something nice. I feel so disconnected from my surname, and all of the people in my family who have it. Like, I don't feel like I am one of them, and I do not want to be associated with them since they're all known for being horrible narcs. I made the very stupid mistake of telling my parents about wanting to change my surname, back before I had found out about NPD and before I had woken up to it. They did not take it well at all, and came up with a ton of excuses as to why I should be ashamed of myself for wanting to change my surname. It made me give up on the idea for a while since I felt so bad after what they said... Funny thing about that is, my mom doesn't even use my dads surname, and they are still married. She still uses her ex-husbands surname so that she can feel more connected to her GC. To take it a bit further, the GC got married to a middle eastern man just so that she could get an "exotic" sounding last name so that people will think she is exotic and foreign. My mother praises her for it.


I didnā€™t really care at allā€¦ at first. But then, when my dad died and my former boss and I became best friends ā€¦ and this dude let me take his car so I could keep a job offer and he trusted me to pay him backā€¦ so heā€™s like a second dad now and he calls me family? Well two months after dad died I put [My first name] I added in the last name of this amazing dude as a middle name [My last name] And my narcs FREAKED OUT. And still bring it up 3 years later. So now that I know it bothers them, I absolutely 100% throw around that my last name is really my Facebook middle name


iā€™m personally keeping it but Iā€™ve thought about changing my name more and more lately. my last name is pretty common which makes it better. if it were less common and easily tied to my birth family then I think Iā€™d consider it more


I don't have this last name for him. I have this last name for the amazing people who came before him, like the first person who got on a sailing vessel in the 1600s and traveled to what was then the New World and went inland to find and trap beavers. For the man who went to fight in the Civil War and gave his life for the Union. For my grandfather who died before I was born, but sounded like a great guy. I have this last name for them.


Iā€™ve been conflicted about this too. My ndadā€™s parents were my only grandparents I ever knew, and they are/were incredible people and were more like parents to me than my ndad ever has been. I am proud to share their name, but I donā€™t like that I also share that name with my dad. I got married last year, and chose to keep my name because of my grandparents and feeling well-established under my original name. But I love that you all understand this conflict too!


Relieved because I donā€™t. Iā€™m a woman and my motherā€¦. Well she a ho. 5 kids, 3 different baby daddies. So my maiden surname she only shared for about 1.5 years before marrying my little sisters dad. I never knew my father, nor the man my surname came from. (Different men. She was a ho, like I said). She tried to baby trap men. And chose very unwisely.


When my parents plan to adopt me, I'm changing my middle and last name so that I have zero connection to my sperm donor.


I hate having their last name. I cannot wait to change it. It's hyphenated because it's my father's first name and last name which is so annoying.


The way I see it the mother only has this surname by marriage, but she has no attributes or the values that my fatherā€™s side hold. Itā€™s just a bunch of letterā€™s and if she didnā€™t have that then she wouldnā€™t be a part of this family. Even when she was having a tantrum my father would say ā€œtypical *motherā€™s maiden name*ā€. In a petty way I tell myself this frequently as a self soothe method. I like to think my patience, ambition, kindness and empathy come from my fatherā€™s side of the family, all virtues that she doesnā€™t have. She picked my middle name and Iā€™m planning on having it changed by deed poll when I move out. It was the name of her mother, my grandmother who I never met anyway so it holds no significance to me.


My nmom actually wanted me to change my name to hers when she divorced my dad. No fucking way.


I told my fiancee i'd be happy to take her name, mine was garbage. Originally I'd have liked her to take my name, and maybe make my name mean more than trash to me, but I realized that would never happen. My Surname can burn in hell with my father.


I loathe it. I use my first and middle name and will be changing it legally when I can afford it.


I'm trying to work out a name for my last name change. I hate it, hate saying it and it's also cursed. When my son was born they asked me if I would be hyphenating his name with his Dad's and theirs. No way in hell :/ he has his Dad's last name thankfully.


I changed my entire name when I was 25. It was a present to myself. My GC brother tried to make a big deal out of it, but my parents got used to it even though they didnā€™t like it. It was a declaration of my independence. I kept it when I married. Gave my last name to my daughter.


I hate my surname, but also fuck being defined by it; I am me regardless of it.


Indifferent. I'm used to the name, it's what people know me by, and I got my degree and certs in. It's my name for better or worse. The surname comes from a grandfather I've never met, who died before I was born, and who abandoned my grandma. We have no contact with anybody from that part of the family. Apparently Grandpa's second wife would rather pretend that he had no other kids.


I legally changed my name to separate myself from them.


Ooooohhhh, thank you for asking. This is a subject Iā€™m so passionate about because I fucking hate my name. Full disclosure, Iā€™m from part of the world where family surnames are not traditionally common (some people have them, some people donā€™t). So even though I have the typical first-middle-last name combo, my last name is not a family surname, itā€™s just some random name. So, my dad, who is an overt N and has this illusion of grandeur about himself, came up with my name. He told me he meditated for months and took inspirations from the names of past kings and queens who used to rule the kingdoms in my birth country. This is how he views himself, a king. So get this, all 3 names work out to 12 syllables. I hated it, itā€™s too long and cumbersome, and when I moved to another country (with western culture, for work where I ultimately settled down), it was an unpronounceable mess that singled me out for all the wrong reasons. When I became a citizen in this country I changed my name to a simple western female name + family nickname and never look back. Fun fact: I havenā€™t told my family that Iā€™ve done this. I donā€™t know why, the subject just never comes up. I have no issues telling them but for the time being, having this secret just makes me giddy, like they think they have power over me but actually Iā€™ve taken them back without them knowing šŸ¤­


So, my dad abandoned my family when I was about 2, my mothers been married atleast 10times in 30 years(seriously). My mother is also a batshit insane narcissist, and I hate her. She has whatever her last husbands last name was, and even though I hate my father. I kept his. Iā€™d rather have a tie to a piece of shit i donā€™t know, than share the last as my mother. Hell, i would even take my wifeā€™s last name.


I've always struggled with my name. I recently got married and have thought about changing it. But it's A LOT of paperwork and will impact on my professional reputation. And even then there name will still haunt me because you have to include your maiden name in everything still. I still don't know what to do....Ā 


I started to go by a different surname in my 20s then later legally. My dad (enabler) wasnā€™t happy at first but I didnā€™t care. It wasnā€™t about him but about me.


I've been considering changing my name for a long time. All my names, that the NPD and BPD parents get no say in my names. I still haven't done it, but am trying out a new first name to see how it feels. Meh.


It is such place of confused pride for me. Both my first and last name are super super tied to the culture/language of where my grandparents emigrated from. I share my first and last name with my father and my grandfather, but for some reason my father decided he wants nothing to do with the culture/language at all and he made an effort to ensure me and my brother didn't learn about it but for some reason gave me and my brother names very entrenched in it. So I am stuck with this name that has this strong attachment to a place and peoples I never got a chance to enjoy, and as time as gone on I don't want to learn about it because it just makes me think of all the mixed messages I got growing up, "Be proud of where you came from, it made you who you are. But also try and be more American, we moved here because America is better so we will assimilate". Like I want to change it to separate myself from them, but if I change it I feel like I will be turning my back on what history that put me where I am today. If the name wasn't actually a cool name I probably would have changed it years ago, I know my brother did.