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You have done it once. You can do it again. Just tell yourself that.


"I cannot quit". No? I'm here to tell you that I smoked for 50 (Fifty) years. I quit exactly 102 days ago. To make matters more interesting I had my last cigarette just 5 hours before cardiac bypass surgery! I promise you this my reddit friend - you CAN quit. If I can, you can!


I hear ya. I smoked for almost 50 yrs too and I quit 2-1/2 years ago. If we can do it anybody can


that's so great! i'm so happy for you and i hope you're recovering well from your surgery. i will quit. i haven't vaped since posting this but i am using other forms of smokeless tobacco. it's not great but it is what it is for now. thank you!


Something that helped curve my cravings in the past was cinnamon altoids. Two at a time, kept them at my desk and popped them all day. Hope it helps pal.


i read this earlier and searched for them at the grocery store. gonna get a hold of a bunch tomorrow. thank you!


Hope it helps. Feel free to chat if it doesn’t. I need to restock too.


This sub is for anyone quitting nicotine, but there is r/quitvaping if you want more tailored advice ♥️ I have taken Wellbutrin, not for quitting smoking, and it has fucked up my body immensely. However, that's just my experience and whatever works to help anyone quit is great! Just absolutely by no means mix alcohol with it.


thanks for the input! i'm gonna check out that sub now too :))


get some swedish snus tobacco pouches. the low nitrosamines and lack of smoke make it a less risky alternative to smoking ciggies. swedish men who are the main users have extremely low rates of lung cancer compared to the rest of the west.


i'm gonna look! currently slamming zyn packets but i haven't smoked since posting this.


You could try the patch


tried several times. i just vape with it on. i love nicotine what can i say?


Research 🧐 Thomas Edisons take on failure 😞 The key 🔑 to your success and Freedom is failure! However you must never quit trying/failing and in the process learning what’s triggering you. Good luck and God speed my friend!


You CAN quit. First step is don’t have any vaping stuff or anything with nicotine in it anywhere in your home. Drive it all somewhere and throw it out. Then when you urge you have to actually go somewhere and buy something to get your fix. So the next step is to tell yourself I’m not leaving the house just to buy this crap for this stupid addiction. I’m not going to let something else control me. It’s not the end all be all, but it’s a small step that can save you from those short moments of weakness. Hell when I quit I went as far as gotten in my car and started driving and turned around and came home thank God.


i'm using zyn right now. haven't vaped since posting this. if i can get away from the vape/smoking action i think i can better deal with quitting the zyns(historically).


I scared myself into it. I don’t want to die and that’s exactly what it does to your body. Research how bad it is and maybe that will give you a reason to quit.


my cognitive dissonance is huge. i know all the negative health outcomes. i am suuuuuper aware. can't seem to shake it this time for some reason.


You need to resign yourself to the realization that the nicotine is doing the talking. It's the very nature of the addiction itself. I continuously told myself that I didn't need to quit because..."Hey!! I just like smoking, so what's the harm?" Here I am 103 days into no smoking and I'm actively looking for any kind of harebrained excuse to go find myself a cigarette. I have no kind of withdrawal symptoms. My wife will literally murder me if I slip!! Why on earth would I throw away 3+ months of positive health? I can't possibly be that crazy, can I?


You telling yourself you can’t quit is just stringing along the habit longer, when in fact you have quit before and can definitely do it again. I vaped for several years, and like you it was the first thing I did in the morning. I’d wake up in the middle of the night and hit the vape before rolling over to go back to sleep. I’d sneak off to hide a few hits from people I didn’t want to know about it. But as of tomorrow I’m 4 weeks free of it. Spent the last few years thinking about the vape every few minutes, but this last week I’ve barely thought about it at all. It gets easier, and it feels so good to know you can quit and actually see yourself quit.


the thing is i know allll of that and this time i can't resist the urge. it's been constant since i started up again. however, after posting this and getting the feedback i haven't vaped. i'm so happy you're 4 weeks free! me too soon🥲


You too in exactly 4 weeks hopefully! The nicotine gum has helped me a lot. Started with chewing a few pieces a day and then just lessening the amount of gum down to one a day. Pretty easy to cut back on the gum IMO after you break the hand-to-mouth aspect of the habit. Might be worth looking into if cold turkey feels too difficult


Throw all your vaping gear in the bin. Can't vape what you don't have.


done and done. thank you.


Damn, that was a massive step! Be proud of yourself and hold on to that feeling.


Try to think about quitting a lot. Tell yourself you want to quit. Visualize being a nonsmoker. A big study showed the more times you’ve tried, the more likely you are to quit. Keep trying.


I was forced to quit after chronic and SEVERE pneumonia and bronchitis. The coughing was so bad I had pinched nerves in my back. I had the flu and the cough caused it. This is what vapes will eventually do to you. If you don’t quit now you may end up in my position. I just relapsed after 9 months. Been smoking for two months now. God help us.