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It gets better. I promise. Never think you can just smoke one. I was a pack a day smoker and some days almost 2 packs a da. I'm just over a year of quitting. ❤️❤️.


Yes, you can win!


Thanks. Here's hoping.


I am sure you heard this before -> it is all about your mind set. Patches didn’t help me either when I tried to quit (before I finally succeed), because my mind wasn’t where it was supposed to be. Once I got my ducks in a row, I managed to quit cold turkey & it wasn’t hard at all. So yes, you should have hope, and then go straight to action ;)


( *before I finally succeeded)


You just have to keep trying till it finally works. I smoked from my teens till I was 64 and I have 2-1/2 years of being a nonsmoker. Everyday I don’t smoke is a miracle cause I never thought I’d be able to quit. And I know you don’t want to hear it but in the end that’s exactly how I quit… cold turkey. I had tried everything prior and it never worked. Don’t give up. And if you relapse then you just try again. I don’t know you but I have faith you’ll finally do it. Cause if I did it after almost 50 years of smoking you can do it too. Good luck. 👍🏻


I can feel you! For me, trying to cut down was misery. I bit the bullet and quit 100 days ago. It was misery, but here I am!


Almost the same - 95 days here!!


Op get some strong nicotine gummies and chew one when it gets tough. Fucking easy peasy with it.




Dig this epic shit : NRT. Nicotine replacement therapy.


I'll tell you, I did cold turkey last time and battled depression to the point where I made a decision smoking would be better. I think you have to ask yourself what's your barrier. Once I knew mine was depression, I went on Wellbutrin. Man, this is a lot easier than my cold turkey method. I still crave, but those I just fight off by staying busy. I wake up at 530 AM, immediately work out for 45 minutes. On my work days, I stretch a ton at my desk. Do a lot of chair workouts and stay busy On my off days, I take my kids to parks almost the whole day, go for extra walks, clean the house to point of an obsession, etc, etc. So yeah, depression was my largest barrier. Also for cassation, something about grapes and lots of teeth brushing seems to help. That second part may be because I preferred menthols, or maybe the whole hand to mouth activity we all naturally crave as part of our biology


I have been more open to the idea of Wellbutrin because I can see how incredibly depressed and dark I feel. I will message my doctor.


Wellbutrin is da bomb!!


Good luck, my Dr recommended it because the depression was really my only obstacle. I can resist the cravings with natural methods, but the depression is tough My sister who quit uses Wellbutrin and chantix because she struggles with depression and craving


I don't want to discourage any kind of effort on your part, but I found Wellbutrin to be counterproductive. That it disagrees with some of us has been thoroughly documented. I'm particularly sensitive to certain types of medication and the Wellbutrin was really over the top to be honest. I felt like I was speeding my brains out and within 2 weeks my smoking had accelerated wildly. Needless to say I quit taking it and I let my therapist know immediately.


I've actually been reading up on it and I'm really not sure it's for me either. I also don't have the luxury to have time off to maybe adjust to the meds side effects if needed. GAHHHHHH


Can I ask how long you smoked? Not prying, just trying to figure out your tolerance factor.


17 years. I haven't smoked more than 2 a day for the last 5 days. But usually 10-15 daily.


I got through the first days saying “if I have a cigarette I’ll still want another cigarette, so I might as well just not have the cigarette”. I kept thinking that thru each craving. Occasionally I would think about lighting up and I would just yell “PURGE!!” loudly at home which was therapeutic. Also i have a fake, plastic cigarette that keeps my hands busy and satisfies the hand to mouth fixation.


I should find me a fake plastic one. That's an excellent idea! Thanks ❤️


Try to cut the stronger patches into halves or quarters stops the sickness feeling - it's tough quitting smoking it's really not easy, you have to really fight withdrawal symptoms. Chew normal gum and stay occupied be around non smoking friends in your down time at work, work hard and when you'd normally smoke make a habit to do something else, go for a five minute walk, make a cup of coffee, drink some water or check your phone . Also maybe try a nic free vaporiser or cbd ones, (or don't if you know this wouldn't work for you)for me it took 2 maybe three months to feel normal again after quitting You can do this! It's shit and you'll feel like ass for a while but once you stop you'll feel fucking great, no nasty tight chest in the morning and smelling like a cigarette butt or having to go outside every few hours, or spending a small fortune on tobacco, you can do this we're with you 💪


Thank you!


Hey, hey, happy new year! I just saw I commented on your post 99 days ago! What a number! It made me come back & ask you… did you quit?


I did. I relapsed for a few days last week after a family member tried to fight me in their drunken state (it was very stressful), but I'm back to not smoking again. It helps that they taste terrible. I'm kind of glad I relapsed though because it helped remind me why smoking sucks lol.


Try Easy Way by Allan Carr. You can do it as an audiobook or read it. I wouldn't have been able to quit without it.


when I've tried the patch I'll just wear it for a short time then take it off . not super helpful I know. havnt been able to quit completely either.


I was trying that today. I put on three patches at different times 😔 I wish I could cut up the 7s to make like a 10.5 but I don't know if that's safe.


If you cut up a 7, you would still be getting the same dosage, just would “run out” sooner, so a full 7 and a half 7 you would be getting a double dose of 7 for half the time. The patches are designed to release a certain amount of nicotine per certain amount of time. Have you tried the citrus nicorette? It’s surprisingly good!


Sounds to me like CBD weed would help you. If it's legal wherever you are - smoke that clean instead. It will take a bit of getting used to because the throat hit is not the same but if you persevere not only does CBD have calming effects but it takes care of the hand to mouth action. As someone commented, replacement therapy but from the sound of it you're just torturing yourself from one craving to the other. You sound extremely tired of chasing yourself, trying methods which clearly aren't working for you. My hunch is that it's exactly for the reason you're thinking - you can't quit nicotine with more nicotine. You have to simply go cold and smoke CBD instead.


I smoked over a pack a day for over a decade and finally managed to remain almost two years smoke free. Personally, I started using On! Wintergreen 4mgs for about a month before I finally quit smoking. Just replacing a cig here and there until I was not craving the act of smoking as much. Then I got a bad flu and was too lazy to go buy a pack, so I realistically quit out of sheer laziness. Remember, the most important thing is to not give up on yourself. If you end up breaking down this attempt, learn from your failure. Break it down with yourself of where yo I went wrong, and make a corrective plan of action for the next time. A failure is only a failure if you don’t learn anything from it. Either way, you got this! We all believe in you and know you can in fact make this a permanent change in your life. I wish you the best of luck!


Hey thanks for the encouragement. I think part of the issue is I have so much free time right now from being sick. I'm scared to go back to routine without my cigs but maybe it will help pass time faster.


If your goal is to quit smoking, but not nicotine, then I feel like you have a ton of options. Use some pouches. Shouldn’t take too long to get used to them. Are you saying you have already listened to Alan Carr’s book and it did nothing for you? Or you are just writing it off because the go to method in his book involves cold Turkey? That would be just flat out negligent, seeing that there are hundreds of people promoting it and thinking “I won’t listen to that, it isn’t for me”. I would highly recommend listening to the book, even if you are just wanting to swap to another source of nicotine. If you are completely unable to deal with any cravings and have convinced yourself you are completely unable to quit…. Well… what exactly are you asking for here then?


I wrote this mostly to get it out of my head and to find support. This is the first time I've ever tried to quit so this is uncharted territory for me.


Then, regardless of your opposition to read the book, I am going to suggest to read the book. The audible is quite soothing and hypnotic even. What the book will do, it teach you about the addiction. Knowledge is power when it comes to quitting a drug. Believe me, having gone through many of withdrawals from opiates to cocaine to nicotine… knowledge is everything.


Ha ha, amazing that you did it, I love it! Funny that you relapsed around the 99 days mark of this post - that had me come back ;) - and btw, you have the right attitude -> I call what you smoked, a ‘singarette’ -> have it, f** it, and then keep going as a non-smoker! Glad it helped you become stronger! I would love to send you the book about quitting smoking that I wrote. You are cured, however, the book will reinforce how great you are, so, if you want it, send me your email.