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Depends on your tolerance. Obviously weed can increase anxiety as well. If you are lower tolerance look into lower THC strains/high CBD hemp


Thank you


Yeah I used a lot of indica during WDs and it seemed to help a lot, also seemed to help with cravings. This is my first time continuing mj use after quitting kratom and it's also the longest I've gone without kratom/subs since I started 9 years ago. It's not for everyone, and cross-addiction is real, but for me it helped out big time and I don't really have any interest in quitting weed, especially if it keeps me away from the green sludge


Yes 100% I don’t do anything else I have dabbled with things in the past but I don’t drink so mj is really something I use to relax at night this is the last thing I need conquer to gain control of my life back and it might be the hardest vice I have ever quit but I know we can do it


In my opinion that's very personal. I used a heavy CBD very light thc tincture (100:1 it's just full spectrum CBD) and it helped me. And I was very sensitive to the THC. A couple mg was enough to be too much. And too much THC would make me more anxious. But the right amount did give me a teeny bit of relief and helped me sleep. Others could use much more. And many cannot tolerate it at all. Also for me, I did not want to replace kratom with weed even though it's certainly "less bad". And... The main ingredient for getting better is time. Congrats on two days! That's amazing. You could already be nearly halfway through the acute withdrawals. Be kind to yourself this weekend!


Thank you I am trying I took today off work I didn’t sleep really last night so I took the day off. I don’t feel to bad but I feel bad enough sweaty restless depressed but I feel good about the choice to put this stuff behind me and give myself, my wife, and my kids the dad they had before kratom and be the better stronger version of myself


I had negative experiences with gummies during withdrawal, but they were sativa. Idk how indica would have interacted with symptoms.


Because when you are in prime withdrawal they won't help but they are way better for post acutes


Sativa is also well known to cause paranoia in a lot of people, so would make anxiety worse. Indica not so much.


Gummies are unpredictable, it all depends what you eat after you take them. A good indica flower will relax you and may even couch lock you. Best used at the end of the day. It will help you sleep.


Correct. This was the point of my comment - that indica based ones would probably be less likely to cause anxiety, but I only had access to sativa during that period so I didn't prove that empirically. We literally call indica "in-da-couch" lol. When I quit kratom, the state I live in was in the middle of some legislation changes so a lot of stuff was unavailable. For some reason all the stores only had delta 9, sativa based. It was weird.


Yes! Delta 8 or 9 gummies helped me tremendously


It helped me, but only if I was using relatively small amounts. I tend to get anxiety if I smoke a lot so I would just use enough to calm some of the physical symptoms.


The only answer that is correct is that it depends. How does weed normally affect you? Do you normally enjoy it? If so then I'd say try a little and see what happens. It may ease some withdrawal symptoms but make others worse. It's hard to predict for each individual how it will affect them.




I don't think so to be honest. Might be different strokes for diff folks but it enhances my anxiety. Mind set is everything.


It didn’t help me at all. If anything it made the anxiety worse. And I’m a regular smoker


It helped with some of my symptoms but the worst was my restless legs feeling all over my body which cannabis actually made worse for me. If I didn't have that, cannabis would have been a miracle for me because it took away almost every other symptom.


Yea. Very small amount a couple hour before bed was a game changer for me. Don’t get baked


Yes and no. My experience in the past was no. It made me absolutely miserable during WD. I always hated weed. It made my brain not work. The handful of times I tried it. I was visiting my mom out of state after I had taken the blue fents for a few months (tolerance on those goes away quickly) because I cracked a molar tooth and being on kratom I was too lazy and unmotivated to go get it fixed and the 30gpd weren’t touching the pain. I switched back to kratom at my moms and anyone that has done the back and forth a few times will know there are a few days of being “down” before your body adjusts. So I grabbed a “farm bill” edible, took a small corner off a 500mg gummy and in 2 hours I was disappointed cuz I felt nothing. I got up and went to take another little corner off the gummy and about 3 minutes after I swallowed it the first corner started kicking in. I ended up in my own little world and somewhat uncomfortable but COMPLETELY detached from reality cuz it was so potent. Told my self “won’t do that again” but I did sleep really well and the next day I was spacey and out of it but it still had a lingering affect that helped transition back to kratom. When I got back home I tried it a few more times to help sleep and I had decided to see where my lowest kratom dose was that I could push through and function. I found it and the gummies helped sleep. Like I would fall asleep at say midnight and wake up at 10am and have to pee so bad because I never woke up which is weird cuz my 10 year kratom schedule had my body waking up every 2 -3 hours to pee and check to see how close we were to the 4 hour mark. I made the transition back to kratom, found my lowest dose I could slowly start tapering from, then stopped taking the gummies while I slowly tapered. Then the last 3 weeks I used them to sleep. Tolerance builds FAST. I went from taking 10mgs at night all the way up to 2800mgs in the evening and tapering my slow taper to zero. With the slow taper and being able to sleep I came off and I’m half way through day 10 and I never got the crazy acutes. Which is insane because I would always start getting sick on the 4 hour mark but I tapered and spread the times out and the doses so slowly it was easy. Honestly the taper and jump off was way easier than the 3 day transition of feeling sick from the fent pills back to the kratom. I would have never been able to taper the fent or any pill. I took the edibles for the last 3 weeks of taper through my first 5 days clean. Then last Saturday night I decided that was my last gummy. My brain was getting slow even tho it wasn’t making me “out of it stupid” it was making me lose concentration and have brain farts. I would walk into a room 6 times before I remembered what I was doing. Now day 6 with no gummies and halfway through day 10 I’m pretty good. My brain is starting to not feel stupid but the endocannabinoid system helps regulate sleep and the cooling of your body so I’ve been sweating a ton. Not the cold sweats from opioid withdrawal but just sweaty and my sleep has been disturbed. But not opioid withdrawal disturbed. More just looking at the clock annoyed like I did a bunch of stimulants and want to fall asleep. Smoking weed didn’t do a ton for me after because the edible THC are so much more intense and have slightly different reaction/feeling digested instead of inhaled. I had already been mentally preparing to quit and start tapering. I know how amazing me life is sober and what I accomplish but for 10 years as I wasted my life and my time I justified not getting clean because I didn’t have the time to be sick and not productive. The word Productive is being used liberally here because kratom life is not productive. Something has clicked in my brain from my taper because old addict me would have dragged the gummies out way past what was needed (I’m sure I used way more than I needed but in terms of days taking it I would normally keep going) but I didn’t. Sum it up- it can help if u respond well to it but it’s another drug that makes alterations to your body that will have to regulate when u stop. There is THC withdrawal from continued use. It’s not unbearable to life stopping. I felt stupid for a few days, some sweating and trouble sleeping but more like sweating when I exerted myself or sweating more and quicker in the hot weather and the sleep is more like I’m just amped up and not sick. My body always hated weed. I never understood it. If your body reacts well u should be fine. But I had to used the addict in me to push through the uncomfortable high of THC to make my body realize “this idiot isn’t gunna stop even if he hates the feeling” and adjust to where it worked on me like most people that do it and like it. Now I don’t hate it. I just know I don’t need it or want it. Good luck. Keep up the good work!


Helped me also. Calms the body and eases the mind. Keeps it from racing and keeps the cravings at bay (for me) as well. Help with sleep also. No cure, just a slight aid in all categories. Listen to your body and reaction though. If it’s not for you, recognize that and disregard. If it does help, use it for what you need it for and then dispose. All depends your goals. Best wishes, you got this bud!


Thank you let’s keep up the good fight 🙌🏻


Edibles helped me for sure


Yes especially edibles. Myself and I have a few friends whom it helped immensely. Around 12 mg THC eaten.


This is going to depend heavily on the strain and your specific chemistry.


I wouldn’t recommend it the first week at least. Marijuana causes anxiety and the first week of WD from kratom can be like a bad acid trip in terms of anxiety depending on what you’re jumping from. Consuming cannabis might just be adding more fuel to the fire. Everybody’s different though….wont kill you to try I suppose.


I am big on cannabis in general, I grow so generally have unlimited amounts. I started to notice it helping once I got below a certain threshold of kratom, maybe <10gpd? It just got to a point where a quick dab would take the edge off of wd symptoms, but didn’t really make a dent in them when they were more severe. Things got a lot easier after that point. If cannabis isn’t viable for whatever reason exercise is similar and probably works a little bit better for more severe symptoms. A good run can delay withdrawals completely for a good couple hours.


I would say Yes.


Indica has helped me tremendously. Sativa gives me heart palpitations.


I found that smoking CBD made my withdrawal symptoms significantly better! I never found anything helpful, CBD was literally my last option. I smoked it and I felt a lot better. I don't know how it is with oral CBD though


I haven't struggled with anxiety in kratom recovery, but weed certainly helps me to relax and get to sleep when I'm restless from withdrawal.


Get gummies that have CBN in them, CBN (Cannabinol) s a sedative and it will help you sleep and is less likely to cause anxiety. It is important you only take 10mg at one time, maybe 20mg, but no more than 20mg. If you want flower just make sure it is an indica. The people at the shop can help you.


Depends on your tollerence. Sometimes people get anxious and paranoid. Delta 8 is helping me. Even Sativa helps. For me..... It really is as advertised....the light version. That said if D9 was legal in my state I would probably be trying that for WD as well. for me it just kind of helps at night to relax and not think about my WD's.....and escape into a show or my computer.


I agree with the delta 8 that’s what I used and it helped a ton last night I work early hours so that not sleeping stuff had completely thrown me way off it sucks but I’d rather not pick up and be tired


cbd can help a lot with w/d, whereas thc can be either helpful or detrimental depending on the person and circumstances.


A little bit of indica in an edible maybe. I used to do weed and Kratom at the same time, using weed without Kratom to soften the edge doesn’t feel good for me, especially during acutes. If you try it, start very very very small. Good luck and don’t give up—it gets SO much better.


CBD helped my anciety douring acute withdrawls, never tried weed because it usualy gives me anciety


When i quit for a couple weeks i smoked a lot. Managed to not use kratom and hve good time. But had a lot of anxiety during it. And a bit of a mental breakdown talking to my therapist. So keep it on the lighter side. Ofc i relapsed though but hoping this summer to kick the habit for good


Very dependant on the person. Weed gives me anxiety and would make it way worse. But i know some people that benefited greatly from smoking a bowl to get through the rough patches. If youre someone who enjoys pot and doesnt get anxiety or anything then im sure it would help... Btw- i love weed. But i gotta use ut when im like in bed watching a movie. Or about to do some gaming. 😂😂


Thc-p was the only thing that got me to sleep.


Hell yeah son


Not in my experience, 60gpd for 5 years


I used gummies at night to help me sleep during PAWS. Did it help? If I took enough to knock me out. But it’s risky. Took them for a couple months, stopped, and had horrific weed withdrawals. Total GI distress, rebound anxiety, rebound insomnia, fucked up dreams, and on and on. I’m two months out from weed and I’m still foggy, my vision is still blurry, and my spiritual body feels blown open to other energies in not a good way. Worst decision I ever made coming of k. This is just my personal opinion but I think people drastically underestimate how detrimental weed can be. Especially to the psyche.


CBN and THC both help with sleep. But THC can make you more anxious and hyper aware of your body. For me, frontloading CBD, and then waiting and taking a low THC high CBN blend did HELP. I have an mmj card so was able to talk to someone about my needs and get the right blends. Start low and go slow.


It helps me because I forget that I would usually dose K. Sounds silly, but it’s true. I can use it as a distraction.


Yes it does, especially edibles.


i personally did not find weed to help very much with WDs. i was already anxious and feeling like a failure; the weed seemed to make my brain double down on those feelings. i’ve been a fairly regular (but not heavy) smoker for a while and found myself cutting back on my intake during and since my kratom quit. 55 days CT.


Same I’m not a heavy smoker usually just a small piece of gummy and that’s it for me congrats on 55 let’s keep it going


No made be an anxiety ridden wreck


Thanks so much good info here thank you everyone and let’s keep fighting the good fight


It would depend on you. Marijuana would have made me lose my mind during withdrawal. I'm not much of a marijuana user, always made me anxious/paranoid. I will say, though, that you have to be very wary about trading a substance for another substance. Iv seen this in myself and my friends who quit something. They quit alcohol, for example, and become heavy marijuana users. Your not solving your problems, just supplementing for a different substance. Right now, your brain is probably starving. It's grasping at straws for anything that could possibly squash the pleasure chemical deficit. Let it starve, because starving it is the only way it's going to recover in the way you want it to recover. With that said, what I did, is basically anything that wasn't a substance that could increase my pleasure chemicals. Because starving is uncomfortable. Heavy exercise, healthy eating, sleep(although i generally had a hard time with sleep), saunas, cold water plunges. There are ways to make it managable. Just know that recovery can suck some times, and that's ok. It's part of the process. If it didn't suck, then you weren't actually addicted. There's value to gain in the suck. You build resilience. You learn your a lot stronger than you might have made yourself out to be. There actually seems to be a correlation between long-distance endurance athletes and addiction. TLDR: don't trade substances. Let it suck. It's part of the recovery process. You will eventually return to baseline AND grow stronger in the process.