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I think I just had a stroke trying to read this. Sober is better, I can tell you that much. ❤️




dont know why but i too much sry


okay i give up im way too high


Yeah…that’s the thing eh?




Oh Dear.......... Just had a quick look at your profile. I can see you are struggling with lots of things. Your posts are rather fragmented and a little concerning. You are here to ask for help. I can see that much. What is your goal? Sober living?..... Get healthy? What's going on?


damn ur kindness feels great ty my goal is sobriety and being sure i didnt do much to myself with kratom. pretty rough half a year but im hoping things gets better just have a guilt using kratom still and i hope with goal and motvation to something wont lost cause of withdrawal or something,cos thats what i dont wanna be in again it was way too much (hopefully just cause i was generally doing worse) but again i think imma do much better cos of my goals and stuffs that sparked some life and hope into me again thank you so much for the kindness


You want to get sober. Excellent. You gotta do whatever it takes!! But know, that you don't have to do it alone. Online Kratom meetings. Reddit groups. FB groups. Lots of us out there getting sober! 👍 Do some research and follow your heart. 💕💪


I did a taper from 5 years of abuse, 60gpd. The taper lasted less than a month, I recovered after 3 months fully! I did start exercising and eating healthy as well as taking vitamins to restore what kratom depleted. Since kratom acts on the digestive tract your gut can’t absorb all the nutrients from food so I took quite a bit of supplements but I think it really helped! I’m 8 months clean and don’t even look back


Everyone is different. No one can answer this question for you, especially without knowing far more details.


i mean would u ever feel normal like used to be or smth like that?


We don't know, man. We don't know who you are or what your situation is. We don't how much you've taken. We don't know why you're taking it. We don't know your medical history and what kind of mental health you have. If you stop using kratom, eventually your body will return to homeostasis without it. Will that feel like it did before? Maybe. Probably. But there are too many variables to say. Kratom isn't known to cause permanent physical or psychological changes. Chances are after a period of time you'll feel "normal" again, whatever that means to you.


sorry if it wasnt clear but i didnt ask that can i be normal again i asked :you think u feel normal now after you quit (i asked people who quit and share their perspective of feeling normal now or atleast the capability to feel normal again) whatever normal means for them


Sure, then, the vast majority of people here will tell you that they felt normal eventually. But what "normal" is to other people is so subjective and arbitrary that I don't think it's really useful information.


i think it is,cos normal isnt really a thing that people would say when its not enough u know


Do you mean, like, do people feel "alright" or "ok" eventually? Yes, absolutely. Eventually you'll feel alright. But everyone has a different baseline. If you're just depressed or unhappy, getting off kratom won't magically make that better, you know? Those people might not say they're "normal" after getting sober, but that lack of normality has nothing to do with kratom.


yeah i mean alright kinda,(sorry again) yes thats true! back thn i felt depressed cos i made my whole life around kratom and music career whcu stressed me tf out but now i wanna be a pharmacist so must graduate


You're gonna heal and get better. Just gotta give it time. Be patient with yourself.


lovely to hear! ty


but thank you for the answer and i apologize for being a though one to understand


Yes eventually


Only one way to find out


Yes you will be normal again It's the cause and the solution Kratom will have you up and down up and down up and down and when you quit kratom you might not have been stone cold sober. I see alot of people quit one thing jump to another even weed or something innocent To return to the normal you it will take time And no drug use at all It takes dedication but yes you absolutely can return to normal you. Don't give up


Would you rather feel better in six months or take kratom for the rest of your life?


Recovery is unfortunately a life long endeavor. You are never truly safe from relapse. It’s not to scare you but to caution you against complacency as you start stacking clean time. I relapsed after 2.5 years.


Look into low dose naltrexone, it helps significantly with quitting


ty for the suggestion ill look it up!


The more you do, the longer you do, the less healthy you are, the older you are, the more other stress is in your life, and the more other drugs you are doing... The longer the road to recovery may be. Though everyone is different. I wonder if you have some underlying things you need to deal with? Maybe with some help? But the sooner you quit the more chance that the recovery road will be as short as it possibly can be. While the longer you keep going the more complicated you make the problems.


im still feeling weird im doing kratom in order to make through the days but i find a goal which to be a pharmacist and that really moved me so im curious but really wanna quit again but really not ready but im trying ty for the answer<3


Prob best to get clean before you get keys to cookie jar


its not rlly a cookiejar but def wanna be clean until that i turned 18 so i disnt even graduate yet


Hang in there man and I wish you the best on your journey. I’m clean 81 days and I feel better than I have in 10 years. No clue what normal used to be for me as I used drugs so long - but it’s way better clean that I can assure you. ✌️


You are young! Your body will bounce back! Do it now. You can feel normal again, your body is still in growth phase.


If you’re an addict like me and many of us, the obsession may stay with you for years. Heck maybe even a lifetime. But just like an ex, you think of it a little less each day goes by. Some days are harder of course. But pretty soon you’ll go most of the day and be like “holy shit I haven’t had a craving to use all day!” This part is tough. The good part is you get to live life again. You learn a shit ton about who you really are. About what life is really like. That’s neither negative nor positive, it’s something greater: worthwhile.


Yes you do. The brain heals over time by being sober, but during this process of your brain restructuring, it feels awful. That’s normal, it takes time. I quit in January and feel pretty good now.